Thursday, October 27, 2011

Politics is Warfare ...Spiritual Warfare

Choosing Sides in the Spiritual War
Ephesians (KJV) 6:12”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
As you can see Christians are at War! The war is not with those with a physical body, but with the spiritual world. We are in a battle with Daemons. They are spiritual beings (devils) who have a deep-seated hatred for God and who seek to undermine God's authority. Although they recognize Jesus as the son of God, they are fallen angels who are allied with Satan in their celestial rebellion. They have a degree of power over man.
James (KJV) 2:19 “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”
As you can see here, Daemons have a greater belief in God than most people do! Those you see in rebellion and confusion have little concept of the power of God and are on the losing side for which they fight the revolution. Mankind “just doesn't get it! There is a spiritual war and unless they submit to the eventual winner of the Revolution, they are eternally lost! The winner will be and is Jesus Christ. Satan will be defeated and destroyed forever!
Revelation (KJV)16:13 “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth (5738) (5625) unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. “
What's happening in current events? Nothing unusual. The Daemons are out there deceiving, even the elect (Christians), working good works and even miracles. Daemons are even allied with the kings of the earth, what we know today as Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ayatollahs, Pope's and even still a few kings. Yes, our political leaders are instruments of devils. They likely are not knowing of such, but are tools of deception because of their unbelief and lack of discernment.
Daemon Lie #1: America was founded on the principle of the separation of church and state. On the contrary, you will find in the U.S. Constitution and many of the writings of the Founding Fathers that the United States was founded by those seeking the wisdom of God and divine truth.
Daemon Lie #2: Our founding fathers were not Christians. The Constitution was written by those in opposition to God and were tools of evil. The founding fathers were imperfect Christians and the Daemons sought to destroy a document which provides justice. Group prayer and profound belief in God allowed our founders to develop a great, but imperfect plan for America's prosperity. Capitalism is the ingredient to our freedom and prosperity.
Daemon Lie #3: We must not elect candidates who have a personal belief in Christ because they don't believe in science and will promote their own denomination. Wrong. Christian men and women make exceptional leaders, seeking guidance from God. If America is righteous on “social issues” then America will prosper. That's the covenant God made with Abraham. The flip-side of that is if we don't obey God on “social issues” then we will NOT prosper. We'll have depression. (This also applies to your personal prosperity).
Daemon Lie #4: Christians can and must separate their belief from their vote. Wrong again. God says to seek his will in ALL things. Those who put aside their religious beliefs to vote for an evil party or candidate are in rebellion to God's Word. They know better than God! Many Christians “rationalize” their own stupid, no evil, beliefs because something or someone with evil ideas has influenced them, often at an early gullible age. (I know for a fact that a teacher of politics in my own children's school tried to indoctrinate them with socialistic [Marxist] political beliefs).
Daemon Lie #5: The end-of-time government will just happen one day. Our current politicians have nothing to do with the apocalypse. This is the greatest lie! Our current political system is building the framework for the anti-Christ. Evil will prevail until Christ's return! What is that system? Biblical scripture actually describes a socialist 3-1/2 year reign followed by another reign of terror describing world communism. It's called a New World Order by most. What party/politicians propagate a New World Order? The same ones who speak of social justice, "rights" to do wrong and political slavery through loss of freedom. These early pawns of the Daemon are called anti-Christs. (I submit that our current government is led by an anti-Christ who is setting up a government in preparation for THE anti-Christ, and they realize not what they do). Allegiance will be toward the government and away from God. On which will you rely?
1 Samuel (ESV) 30:13 “And David said to him, "To whom do you belong? “
When you vote you're choosing sides! You don't know that, but we do know from scripture that Daemons' power is by deception and even those belonging to Christ will be deceived. It's fairly easy now to tell on which side you should be. How do your evangelical Christian brothers vote? How do your known Christian leaders support. Who will your righteous pastor vote for. We're told from scripture:
Matthew (KJV) 12:30 “He that is not with me is against me...”
If you don't choose side's wisely you'll be on the losing side and you'll be there because you're foolish! You will accept lies as truth! Let's look at a contemporary issue: Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone.
What does scripture say about that? Homosexuality is an abomination to God. By accepting those who support it, you are in rebellion to God. Likewise, by your “tolerance” for the behavior, you as a Christian are damning the homosexual to Hell. There are three people effected: You, your brother and God! Furthermore, look at AIDs.  Homosexual behavior is the greatest spread of the AIDS virus, killing the homosexual and the innocent alike! Aberrant behavior is self-destructive and without concern for others. It's selfish!
Homosexual marriage destroys families. One man/one woman was God's plan and anything less cheats children of a normal family. As with Rome before us, the acceptance of lasciviousness will be our ruin. With the decay of God's law (morals) goes the decay of us all!
There are some things which you can do to fight this war:
Firstly, you must recognize that this is a fight for your soul and the souls of your brothers.
Secondly, you can examine all issues and compare it to God's Word.
Thirdly, you can read history and see that “there is nothing new under the sun”. Man has tried all types of evil before and we don't learn by our mistakes. For instance, I know what socialism will do to us because I've read about it before! Nazis and Communists are “socialists”. They are Godless, cruel and destructive. What did both have in common? They looked like utopia at first! Many were deceived, even the elect.
Fourthly, before you vote, check the platform of the National Party. Would you have been a Nazi if you knew that they stood for death? Will you be a Democrat if they are for abortion (death)?
Fifthly, is the leader a born-again Christian? If not, does he or she at least stand up for Godly beliefs?
Sixthly. If you aren't an educated voter, stay home. It's unfair to steal a vote from someone who has studied the issues. (Studying the issues is reading what the candidate says about issues, not what the spin doctors say they said). Look at the voting record. Look at where they attend church if thy do. What does their church stand for? Look at who the other supporters are. It seems a contradiction to me that Christians will vote for a party or candidate who is supported by every communist and socialist organization in existence, by extremists of all stripes, by special interest groups who propose ungodly social changes, and by decadent entertainers and other evil-doers. Ask yourself, can this man or woman be a born-again Christian? Many Christians hated George Bush although he was a born-again Christian. We need to support those who are on our side in this spiritual war. He had a slump, but Christians have slumps. We need to be patient. We should expect that if most other evangelical Christians vote a certain way, you should consider “maybe they're right”.
Seventhly, Pray for guidance from God. He would never lead you to vote for the enemy in this spiritual war. You must be open to his guidance and not just vote a certain way because your family did. Prayer changes things, not deceptive politicians who promise who knows what kind of change”.
Eighthly, Do not put trust in the government. Your trust must be in the Lord and that he will deal with the politicians and programs. God will never deceive you nor leave or forsake you. He'll steer you right if your humble.
Ninethly, choose to war with those of like faith. If you're going to war with entertainers, leftist groups, instigators of revolution, and Progressive media, you're on the wrong side. My team goes with God. I shall too! (Yes, I'm vehemently anti-Democrat because I believe they're allied with Daemons. I also am against those in the Republican Party who are at odds with God's law. Right now, the Republican Party best represents the positions of Christianity. In the event the GOP goes astray, I will be as against them as I am currently against the undemocratic Democrat Party, Until that time I'll go with my born-again Christian team).

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