Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Political Correctness and Truth

We've really got to watch what we say! Not only have some truths become illegal through “hate speech” legislation, but liberal society (socialists) through the media determine what is fitting and proper to say. If a public figure says what's “politically incorrect” the propaganda machine kicks in and America responds with ostracization of the person. This activity has become a predictable action-reaction pair, and we allow it to happen!
“Political Correctness” is an attempt by liberal society to correct the mistakes of history as pertains to race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. In common English “we are to suppress truth to make others feel good because some say that they have been exploited”. This is one aspect of the liberal dogma of “social justice”, the socialist doctrine of redistribution of the wealth.
In Canada “Section Fifteen of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” make it illegal to discriminate based on a host of deviate sexual practices, including homosexuality. Discrimination even extends to criticism of the homosexual lifestyle and more rabidly, to churches who teach that the biblical sin of sodomy is wrong! (Jerry Falwell actually had to preach two sermons: one for the U.S. and one for Canadian audiences, to prevent breaking of Canadian law). In the United States we are following close behind Canada and will soon see our freedom of speech erode!
2 Timothy (KJV) 3:15 “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Scripture is God's inspired Word transliterated to us by his chosen apostles. It is truth revealed. Knowing scripture increases wisdom. It provides the path to salvation, eternal life. Scripture is preached to correct errors in our lives (sin) and tells us how to be righteous. Complete knowledge of scripture is necessary to save souls!
Why would we as Christians care whether the homosexual, transsexual, bi-sexual, or a zoophile (bestiality) be corrected in their error? It's not to condemn them as individuals, but to negate their sinful behavior. We want the sinner in heaven because we love them for their souls. We separate the person from the act! All mankind has sinned and we've all let God down. Before we can repent we must know that we're in rebellion to God! As Christians our “Great Commission” is that we must tell the world of Jesus and his righteousness. We must proselytize and even that is considered “politically incorrect”! Catholics condemn other Christians, Jews do as well and most virally, do the Moslems. Although, our greatest call is to show others Truth, for that we're most condemned!
In Abrams vs. the United States in 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes made the minority argument that a free society must be committed to the search for truth. Although, this opinion aided in the propagation of Bolshevism (Communists who held the majority) in the United States it is a correct opinion unless free speech leads to sedition (rebellion).
Yes, we tolerate those who would like to see America fall! We tolerate that because we love our own freedom to express our opinion. Often truth is at odds with what's politically correct. Jesus was the most politically incorrect figure who you'll find in history. God is Truth. Jesus is God. Jesus is Truthful. Our savior would be the first to be politically incorrect by today's standards! He called Pharisees “snakes”. God said that homsexuals are “an abomination”. How uncool!
John (KJV) 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Yes. Truth shall make you free. We all know the entanglements, hurt, persecution and death associated with lies. However, truth is good. You may suffer consequences for speaking Truth because Christians will be and are persecuted for Truth, but at least you'll be righteous and obedient. Your soul will be free! God honors Truth because he says He is Truth (throughout the Bible).
In the end truth will become lies. Aldous Huxley defined a society (socialist by the way) where “newspeak” is the norm. Newspeak is contradictory language used to manipulate and mislead (lie through deceit). The first word which comes to mind is “gay”. It is newspeak! “Gay” means happiness and cheerfulness. The definition has been changed to imply that homosexuality is normal and happy. We know from personal observation the isolation, self-destruction and unhappiness of those in the sin of homosexuality. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) in it's DSM III removed homosexuality from the list of abnormal behaviors and added you (the Christian), as abnormal and coined the word “homophobes” to inaccurately describe your position. Whereas, the APA says you have a “fear of same sex behavior” in actuality there's no fear involved! It's disgust. A disgust that the world would spit in the face of God by rejecting Truth! I've coined a new word for our malady “homodisgustia”. Yes, I have that opinion and it's not a disease and it's not abnormal.
I can express this opinion right now, but our days are numbered! Political Correctness has even infected Christians. It's the cancer which causes men's souls to be lost, all because we don't want people to feel bad because they're sinners!
Huxley's word “doublespeak” is is ambiguous language meant to mislead... gibberish! We call that “spin” now. Rather than people admitting their silly positions are extreme, they use political and moral spin to justify their beliefs. In the previously mentioned example the APA did that with their gibberish on fear! The pro-abortion movement does it all the time by using terms as “Pro-abortion” or “women's rights” when their intent is the destruction of innocent human life... the vilest form of child abuse! Those who favor life are called “anti-rights” and “ant-abortion”, both ambiguous words in their war of propaganda!
Romans (KJV) 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.
Look at this verse: God's truth turned into lies. That's our socialist secular movement of today. The ideology without a God or worse yet, with a ambiguous “doublespeak” God. The great whore of Revelation. The modern church are instigators of lies and worship the creature (mankind). Modern churches have made God a liar and express the notion that lies guarantee freedom. God has a special place for those of the “Laodicean Church”, the secular church... it's destruction and suffering in the Lake of Fire.
Seek God's Truth in all things. Politics and church cannot be separated. While we don't believe in A Holy Roman Empire type of relationship where the church rules the king, we want a government where the rulers follow the King! Churches can stay out of the way! God reigns in the heart of wise men!

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