Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Unity in the Household

When a couple was planning marriage, it was during a presidential election year. For a Christian the choice was clear: a righteous Christian man vs. a known philanderer who promised more abortion and the condoning of homosexuality. On top of that candidate “A” was a capitalist who served the country in the armed forces and candidate “B” was a socialist who was a draft evader (mid 1968 Military Billet to provide more time before serving, thus avoiding Vietnam Conflict). (Note: It turned out that candidate “B” was accused of raping his own political supporter, but the statute of limitations had expired).
For a marriage to work a family must have unity; being in one accord. When God joins a man and woman they become one. They are to have the same beliefs and interests and are to support each other in all endeavors. Likewise God assigned the man to be the leader in the relationship. He's not only the religious leader, but God's appointed provider.
Matthew (KJV) 24:45 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? “
You can see here that the leader of the household is a wise and faithful servant of God. He is to look to scripture in all aspects of living. The husband is that leader and it's a monumental responsibility. He must be knowledgeable in what God wants and wise as to it's application. Experience is required to be a good leader and since we aren't born experienced, it's the man's responsibility to obtain that knowledge to make wise decisions. Much is learned from the failures and successes of history. “There is nothing new under the sun!”
Not only is the husband the leader of the household, but he is the provider. First, let's look at who are members of the household: family members, servants and friends who live together under one authority (or roof in modern times). The head of the house is the provider and is responsible for his charges.
Let's look at a hypothetical situation which could easily occur. My own Dad “took in” various relatives and welcomed them to his household. Although those folks contributed some, Dad still provided living space, utilities and much of their food. He had two rules which were to be followed: No alcohol or drunkenness and no cursing or bad language. All but one “household” member honored Dad and followed the rules. However, let's say that Dad made his living selling gasolene at the Citgo (Old Cities Service). Uncle “Joe” who Dad houses and supports decides to buy his gasolene at the Marathon. It is his right to do so, but he dishonors Dad by not supporting Dad as the head of the household. He is eating Dad's food, sleeping in Dad's house and enjoying Dad's light and heat, but then he goes to a competitor to purchase gas and actually “bites the hand that feeds him”!
Now let's revisit the 1996 election. The head of the household picks a candidate who is the best example of Christianity and one who he deems is best for the economy. The husband worries about economic policy so he votes for candidate “A”. Should the wife vote likewise? In a secular world the woman is to be independent and vote her mind. In a Christian household the woman honors her husband and his role as provider and vote in unity with her husband. If any other members of the household are adults, they should all vote as a unit. This is God's way! You don't vote disharmoniusly! It's a sin and is unbiblical. The husband, wife, parents, children, servants, and friends in the household should be of like mind and under the leadership of the head of the household. If they rebel against his authority they should remove themselves from the household and provide for themselves!
Yes, I expect my own wife and children to vote what's best not only for my freedom in serving God, but what benefits my household financially. When I obey God as leader of the household, He will provide so that I can be philanthropic of my own accord, not because of force and lack of freedom!
Likewise, I expect members of my household to search for the living God as soon as they're accountable. Any believers in my household must seek Biblical truth and follow God!
Joshua (NIV) 24:15b “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
The entire household must be in spiritual unity. Although the head of house may love the person in rebellion, a harmonious home must be one in unity. No liberal Christians who don't follow God's scripture, no headstrong young ones who already “know it all” and no members who refuse to listen to and/or apply scripture to their daily lives. It's so important for a household to think, believe and work in harmony. The reason:
Mark (KJV) 3:25 “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
My home (and yours) won't endure if we're divided. We are to support each other and especially the head of the home. God honors those who recognize authority. God honors those who are meek. God honors those who honor the household and its leadership.

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