Sunday, February 5, 2012

Natural Law

As human beings there exists “natural laws” from time immemorial credited to man as God-given laws. Later philosophers applied natural laws independent of God and even later natural law was distorted to merely include the need for self-preservation. The concept of God-given “natural law” is affirmed in our “Declaration of Independence” and our “U.S. Constitution”. The most famous example is from our “Declaration” is "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Natural Law gives us unalienable (not to be taken away) Rights (capitalized as is the Creator meaning that those rights are from the Creator). Some, but not all of those rights are the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to create our own life independent of the government. Although the “Declaration” as law is ambiguous, the Supreme Court has most often ruled that it is an “organic document” and used it to uphold rulings. Without the “Declaration” our “Constitution” would be non-existent. Therefore, all rational people understand that the rights proposed in the “Declaration” are legal and natural rights! Reasonable people understand that our Rights (Natural Law) were founded upon the precept that there is One True GOD, that of the Judeo-Christian religions. From whom is that law derived? GOD! The first five books of the Bible is called “The Law”. Exodus gives us many examples of natural law.
God's Natural Law can be found mostly in Exodus 20-25. (Look for these rights as you read):
  • Recognize the GOD of the Jews as the basis for all law.
  • Set aside a plan for work and rest so the people are not abused (fair work standards).
  • Established the family as the ruling authority of individuals within it.
  • Prohibits the confiscation of another's property.
  • Protects the marriage institution.
  • Prohibits false testimony.
  • Commanded community and individual respect for each other.
  • Sets up fair practices for service (work standards).
  • Institutionalizes the marriage between a man and a woman.
  • Sets up judgment standards between premeditated and emotional crimes.
  • Standardizes fair punishments (no unusual punishments).
  • Sets up responsibility for property owners liability for damages.
  • Sets up standards for the treatment of animals.
  • Sets up fair penalties for theft.
  • Establish judgments for trespassing.
  • Establishes programs of restitution.
  • Prohibits infidelity and sets up obligations to meet the circumstances. (It would nice if modern man was held accountable for sexual transgressions such as marrying the woman and child support).
  • Prohibits the introduction of foreign gods (Islam wasn't even considered as a rational belief in the west).
  • Establishes fair treatment for strangers and aliens (first immigration policy).
  • Prohibits the infliction of harm to the innocent and sets standards of punishment.
  • Creates binding contracts.
  • Establishes standards of morality in apparel (a dress code for civility).
  • Punishes those who abuse woman.
  • Dictates the punishment for abortion. (This supports the “Constitutional” inalienable Right to Life!)
  • Establishes laws of inheritance.
  • Establishes truthful testimony (“So help me God”).
  • Prevents mob rule.
  • Protects the rights of the poor.
  • Provides a means of support for the poor.
  • Allows freedom to celebrate hard work (freedom).
  • Provides for military protection.
  • Prohibits treaties with pagan nations.
  • Sets boundaries for countries.
  • Allows (dictates) worship.
  • Sets up a method for taxation.
  • Commands respect of authority and leaders. Prohibits the cursing of God.
  • Establishes impartiality in judgments.
  • Established a binding document for keeping the law.
Yes, “Natural Law” supersedes “Constitutional Law” because our “Declaration” places it at a higher level. Just as slavery was wrong in Natural Law, it was legal in Constitutional Law. The “Declaration” establishes the right to abolish such governments which abuse Natural Law. With the advent of legalized abortion, euthanasia, cloning, same-sex marriage, loss of freedom and the like we are legally responsible to check our government. I would not call for revolution (although it's justified), but encourage true Christians to band together to support candidates who hold Natural Law in eminence. An immoral government will fall under it's own abuse. History shows that time and again! What caused the fall of great civilizations? Prostitution of Natural Law!

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