Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Company We Keep

This may sound terse, but I like to choose with whom I keep company!   Simple.  Why?

We all prefer people with like interests, with compatible beliefs and those with whom we can share affection. We're supposed to love everyone, but face it, some are easier to love than others.  Company is not about what we prefer... it's about what we should do and must do!

1 Cor 5:11 "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat".

Let's look at what this says to the Christian.  First off, the instruction is regarding a Christian's relationship with another Christian. It doesn't apply to the unsaved.

What relationship are we to have with an unsaved person?  That's simple! Even Jesus ate and drank with sinners (as well as devoted Christians). Why did Jesus eat and drink with pagans? To love and teach them about God. Getting to the point, if you are associating with practicing sinners you must be leading them to salvation by witness, testimony and example. Boozing and cursing with sinners is not what Jesus did, and that's not what you should do!  If you are befriending sinners it must be to fulfill the "Great Commission", which is to lead others to Christ.

We all know that there are "babes in Christ" and sanctified Christians.  The babes still practice sin as a routine. Sanctified Christians know Scripture and practice self-control.  We are to mentor the "babes in Christ" for their own spiritual growth, but if growth is not seen in the individual, then we cease the association. Likewise, those once faithful Christians who backslide and are unremorseful must also be avoided.

Paul specifically points out sinful behaviors for which we are to shun fellow Christians. We are to shun fornicators. Fornication is sex between unmarried partners. A Christian should never "hang out" with people who are living out-of-wedlock or who are promiscuous.

We are to shun Christians who are covetous... people who have strong desires to want what others have... materialistic Christians who have the priorities on wealth and possessions and not Christ. These are the same people who will lust after another sexually. These are to be shunned!

We are to shun idolaters. Idols are anything which tend to take magnification off God and put it on something else. Idols may even be money, status, recreation, interests and promiscuousness.  We are to shun Christians who do not place God first in their lives!

We are to shun railers. Railers are those who are bitter, negative, harsh, abusive and are critical of others. Railers are not what Christians are called to be. When one is harsh to another Christian, it is not an example of love. It's hateful and spiteful!

Christians are to shun drunkards. Although anyone may justify a "glass of wine for dinner" from a selfish desire, it's just a short reach to drunkeness. One will never be a drunkard who does not drink alcohol. One will never be an addict who doesn't use drugs!  How many truly limit their alcohol intake all the time to a glass of wine. I would bet the majority of people even occasionally over inbibe, even get intoxicated! Christians are to shun those brothers (and sisters) who get inebriated. We can understand a heathen being a drunkard, for the heathen has no hope. For Christians our hope is Jesus and we need to face him with sobriety!

We are to shun extortioners... those who manipulate people for personal gain.  Even throwing a temper and showing anger when not getting one's own way is extortion!  We are to use balanced scales with people and extortion is un-Christlike. I've even seen Christians who hurt others around them because they don't get their own way!  That's extortion.

All these sins are not independent of the other. When a person sins, it's not in just one category. Sin is all interrelated and compounded. If one fornicates, sex becomes an idol. Alcohol is used to reduce guilt and rationalize behaviors.   An adulterer will easily be harsh to their spouse and belittle and curse at their mate. They must get their own way... or else.

The same applies to any sin. God is not placed first in the lives of the immature Christian.  They know truth, but are in rebellion. Christians must do as Paul says and shun those fornicators, those railers, etc.

What happens to you if you don't listen to the inspired words of Paul? You are influenced by those with whom you associate. Paul isn't saying "Avoid sinning brothers because they're evil". He's saying "Avoid sinning brothers so you won't fall into the devil's trap!" If you want to remain undefiled stay away from those who defile. We are to flee from sin!

God gives us direction so we can gain wisdom. The wise listen to a just God. Follow your own will and you'll jeopardize your own communion with God. Follow it too long and God will become of no consequence in your life!

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