Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Trying" is Failing

People "try" to do all sorts of things. Just today a child told me that his daddy was "trying to quit smoking". Others tell me that they are "trying to quit cursing" or "trying to quit drugs" or "trying to control my temper"!

Guess, what? The entire Bible (KJV) uses the word "try" only nineteen times. In all nineteen cases the word is used in place of the verb "test", which is one definition. However, when one is "trying" to quit smoking, etc. the context is "to make an attempt".  "Attempt" appears zero times in the Bible (KJV).

"Quit" is used several times in the Bible (KJV) and is used in the context of "to cease".  "Stop" or "stopped" is used twenty-six times all in the context of "to cease". Now for the word itself: "cease". The Bible (KJV) uses that term one-hundred-nine times! Cease has one meaning! It means "to stop"!

What point am I making? "Trying" is accomplishing nothing. "Doing" means something tangible! Today I tried to be funny. I tried to quit snoring. I tried to eat with my mouth closed. I tried to run a four-minute mile. I tried to drive the speed limit. Here is what I accomplished. Nada. Nothing!  I'm still not funny, I still snore, I still eat with my mouth open, I failed to run fast, I failed to observe the speed limit. By "trying" we are failing! We suceed by "doing". "Ceasing" is "doing" something!

I didn't "try" to shut off the television at suppertime; I actually did shut off the television at suppertime!  Are you getting the point? "Trying" is a casual attempt. "Doing" is suceeding! We should get no credit for trying, but much for accomplishing. In elementary school "grades" are given as "Tries real hard"!  What does that say? It says that your child is busy, but not suceeding. Your child is failing! In hgh school and college a person never receives a grade for "tries real hard"! The grade will be somehing equivalent to A, B, C, D or F.  Each of these show some degree of success except for "F" which is failure.

If the young child had said "Daddy quit smoking! instead of "Daddy is tring to quit smoking!" the former shows it as ceased, the latter shows it still continues. We should not be rewarded for the attempt, but for the accomplishment!  I "tried" to quit smoking for years and years. I was a loser to cigarettes. Why would you compliment me for "trying".  However, in 1984 I quit "trying" and actually quit/ceased/stopped. I deserve credit for acutally doing something! To whom do I owe the accomplishment!

1 John 5:4 (KJV) " For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."
This means that if you're born again (A Christian) "your world" has just been defeated!  The world is "the flesh" and is the realm of Satan. Evil has been overcome! You now can stop sinning! How? By faith!  If we have the faith of a small seed we can move trees or mountains. Changing our behavior should be little challenge with Christ as our ally... no our King!
Success then comes down to our faith!  "Trying" shows that we have little faith. "Doing" shows we exercise our faith and act. Stopping/ceasing smoking is an act. Faith will allow you to accomplish the act of cessation whether it be cigarettes, biting the nails, pot, laziness, hate or any other "habit" or sin. I'm not saying all habits are sinful, but God can help you in all things providing you have faith!
After I "tried" to quit smoking, I actually quit. It took a commitment! It was a point in time that I weighed my choices and chose the road less traveled. I chose to quit smoking.  I'd like to say that lightning struck me and a voice from God said "Larry, quit smoking!".  I can, however, say that when my son, whom I love, rationalized his own drug use to my cigarette smoking, I made a choice: I can either let him use me as a crutch for his own behavior or I could set a positive example. I made the choice to quit right then and there and never looked back! God removed all desire for cigarettes from me immediately! He needs little time to help me, but helped me in my need! God helped me because I had shown commitment. I started doing instead of trying! He made doing easy for me.
People will always parrot "You have to quit for yourself!"  I "tried" that and "try" means no accomplishment.  I quit for someone I love more than myself... I quit for my son!  I took the focus off me and put it on another!  That's the sort of love that Jesus spoke about... loving others as I love myself!  Not only did my son get a father who no longer smoked, but the younger children than had a father who did not smoke!
How to quit "trying" and start "doing"?  Read Scipture, pray and have faith that God will help you if you "cease". As long as your still "doing" no commitment has been made, but by quitting, commitment has been made and God helps those who help themselves.
Do you now understand why "trying" is coming up short?

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