Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hate is not of Ignorance

Anytime a "Politically Correct" person mentions "hate" of a person, the reason is because of "ignorance".  I have a problem with that because it's not true! Many intelligent people are hateful and intelligence has no correlation at all with hate! In fact some of the most intelligent people are hateful, if not to inferiors, but most often to Christians, conservatives and southerners.

"Ignorance" is when a person is unaware, uneducated or ill-informed. While getting to know a person of a different social status may be beneficial to relations, it can also be detrimental, depending on many influences. Let's make a discernment between "intolerance" and "hate". 

"Hate"  is when a person is hostile to another for a reason or for no reason. Anyone, regardless of intelligence, therefore, can hate! An idiot can hate or a genius can. In fact, anecdotally, it's obvious that someone of low intelligence, hence more ignorant, is more innocent in their thoughts and are less hateful.

"Intolerance" is when one dislikes participation with someone different whether it be racial, ethnic, cultural, political or religious. Intolerant people, just as anyone else, may be hateful or may be loving. They're just out of their comfort zone with those who are different. True, some of that discomfort may be because of prejudice, but that's not necessarily true. It may be because of valid reasons! As an example. I can't tolerate those who're liberal in belief. It just runs so diametrically opposed to my life, I just don't want to be around it!  I don't hate liberals; I just think they're on the wrong track as far as liberty and Christianity.

I mentioned prejudice. Most people equate that with hate as well. Prejudice can be hate, but it doesn't have to be. Prejudice is by definition an "irrational predisposition to judge one prematurely", but we all know that in today's enlightened age, that you're prejudice if you differ with a person or group for any reason. Yes, you can be prejudice without hating!  I find the Islamic religion to be a cancer on the world. Do I hate Muslims. No, I love them so much that I want them to accept Jesus as savior so they will be with me in heaven. In effect, I'm intolerant, but not hateful, of their religion!  Guess who else is intolerant of Islam? God himself!

Referring to Jesus Luke says  Acts 4:12   "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Salvation means saved from the eternal wrath of God... Hell. If one does not accept Jesus as savior, that person is going to hell. Is that intolerant? Very much so!  Is that hate? Emphatically "no" because:

John 3:16 (KJV) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
God loves the Muslim. He "so loved the world" and that includes us all! He loved the Muslim (and us) so much that he sacrificed his only son. Why? So that we "should not perish". He doesn't want the Muslim whom he loves, nor me, whom he loves, to go to hell!  Does God send Muslims to hell because he "hates" them? No. He loves them so much that they're given a great opportunity! "Whosoever believeth in him" shall "have everlasting life"!  You see, God is intolerant of sin, but loving of the sinner! That's grace, but now the "PC Police" call it intolerant! They expect our "hateful" God to grant everyone eternal life whether they believe in and love him or not!
Now for a moment of truth!  I hate certain cultures. I find the social activity appalling within some groups of people. I dislike the music, the blame, the slang, the food and much more in people of some different cultures. It's not because of skin color or intelligence. I just don't feel comfortable because I enjoy a different culture. I see no reason to change because I'm content as I am. I'm traditional and that's what I like. Some would call that prejudice. It certainly is, but it's not hate. In fact I normally go out of my way to show love and concern to those of different cultures!
I'm not a proponent of diversity as you can see. I was taught that America is the melting pot. On the Statue of Liberty it says (by Emma Lazurus):
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
This poem in my early life was offered as a token of acceptance; the world was invited to meld with America, the "melting pot"!
To melt into America means that you become and American. You're no longer an Asian, a German, an African nor an Italian. We are all to be united as Americans. In unity there is strength. In diversity of culture there is weakness!  (And that;s my opinion!)
We are to love God and love everyone!  That doesn't mean that we have to tolerate whatever society comes up with because this world is temporarily Satan's domain. In the Lazurus poem no mention is made of bringing foreign gods or foreign religious practices, specifically yoga, Buddhism and the like. We are a Christian nation and we invite all immigrants to become Christians, but not by force, but by telling them about Jesus, but proselytizing is intolerant according to the PC Police.
Yes, love our neighbor. Love our enemies! However, that has nothing to do with tolerance because Jesus demands obedience. Tolerance damns. Obedience saves!

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