Thursday, January 2, 2014

Be Pithy. Turn to Proverbs.

Bill O'Reilly is always asking writers to him to be "pithy" That means the writer is to make brief meaningful precise statements which are to the point. King Solomon, speaking for the Lord, was "pithy" in his writings. That's why his wisdom is called Proverbs. They are pithy statements which express biblical truths. Today we'll look at a few "pithy" statements of wisdom". God was pithy in his advice!

Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

Solomon's intent was to persuade. His desire is for you to "turn", meaning to make a change! His argument for change is "reproof". Solomon looked at man through wisdom from the Lord, judged their lifestyle and rebuked (criticized) them. Those who turned had God's spirit poured unto them. God gave them discernment in understanding his words.

24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

Man has failed to respond to God. They have rejected his wisdom.

25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

God gave man his expectations. Ante-deluvians failed to listen to God and they were destroyed. Man was at his worst in those days. God baptized the earth with the flood and all things began anew. It didn't take long for man to fall right back into sinful ways. Ever since, man has  failed to turn to God. Why? God sought to change them, but they "would have none of my reproof" according to God. He judged man, man came up short, God taught change and they would have none of it!

"I won't change for anybody!" is a common prideful statement made by many today. That's why marriages fail. That's why children disobey and that's why employees fail to be promoted or get fired. "Change" can be a good thing! Change toward "rightness" is desirable. And if we truly desire to know what's "right" we seek God's wisdom. That's where Solomon comes in. He had God-given wisdom.

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

God has a sense of humor, but it's righteous. He's gracious enough to give us every chance in the world, but yet we don't listen to his reproof. When we suffer the consequences of our "unrighteousness" he will laugh. It's likely that his laugh will be humorless, but he laughs because of our foolishness. When we say "Please God! Bail me out!" He'll respond with derision "Pleeeeeaaase God! Hellllllllp meeeee out!"  That's mocking. That's what God will do when those who fail to listen need his help!

Most people live as the devil, but when catastrophe hits, they call on God. They have no faith nor love for God, but they want help out of this calamity. God will mock them! He says he will.

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

Here's the situation. Someday, sometime, someplace; you'll fear, your life will face destruction and you'll get stressed out. That's when you'll need God! He's always ready to help, but it's on his terms. People seem to get sincere about God, but it's when they need something. God may honor a person who's truly "turned", but most only turn for the time. When the catastrophe is over; it's "IIIII'm  baaaaacccckkkkkk!" (Look at 9/11. People got religious for a short while until the calamity was over!)

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

People need to change right now! Everyone is in need of change because we all sin! Saying that "I'll never change for anybody!" is utter foolishness! "Anybody" eliminates God. But then, when depression comes, we suddenly need God. Unlike the genie who grants every wish (or even three), God is not a genie. He's there for you all the time, but it's got to be done "His way!", not  Burger King's "Have it your way!". That's what we're used to, but that's not God's will! When you call God, he won't answer! God's not stupid, he's not a genie and he's not to be subject to irreverence.

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

God is the source of all knowledge. Science takes a backseat to God as does philosophy and psychology. Those "religions" would have little to study without God's creation! Why does the Christian compromise sound doctrine with hyperbole? Since God is "knowledge" and some place God in tertiary submission to science and sociology, they have demonstrated their utter lack of fear of the Lord and who he is!  I believe in the creation because God claimed to be the author. According to evolutionists, who is the author of the universe? Chance" Their God is "Chance" and his court "Randomness", "Guessing" and "Speculation".

30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

"Don't judge me!" is most often said of those sinning. It's the most quoted (actually misquoted) verse in the Bible. Those saying that are using the mild defintion of "judge". Such sinners are saying "Don't have an opinion of me!" How in the world can we rebuke a sinner without having an opinion of their life? (However, we're not to "condemn" the sinner which is the harsh definition of "judge")

31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

God says that people will suffer the consequences of their "ways". Yes, they may have fun for awhile, but that time is finite and limited. Someday, maybe tomorrow, there may be suffering associated with bad living. Regardless, eternity in hell (unless repentance) is the ultimate consequence.

32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

Without God the simple-minded shall be killed. The wealth of the foolish shall destroy them. What seems wise to the common man and to philanthropists will be their folly. Simplicity nor complexity when not in fear of God, results in destruction.

33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

As usual God offers "Plan B"!  His plan has a possibility of a positive outcome. Those who listen to him (and change) will be safe (from his wrath). There shall be no reason to fear what's evil (in the guise of good) because of God-given discernment.

Fearing God is a "loving reverence for him". Evil is what should be feared because we're tricked into self-destruction, but we have no need to fear if we abide with God!  "Changing" from a life of sin to a righteous life is the reverence and love of God that he seeks. Foolishness is taking the gate to destruction because it's wider and more people pass through. Wisdom is squeezing throught that narrow gate not taken by so many because it is not a pleasurable gate.

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