Monday, February 17, 2014

Evil Comes in Pretty Packages

Who's the most popular woman on earth? If you answered Oprah Winfrey, you guessed it right. I have seldom watched her, but have read excerpts from her books and mostly just pay attention. I'm using her as an example because of her influence with housewives who watch her with eager eyes. With her power she helped George Soros bury Hillary Clinton's 2008 political ambitions and is co-responsible for Barack Hussein Obama's emergence as our president. She's a powerful lady!

Matthew 7:15  “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Firstly, before I lynch Oprah, let me explain "New Age".  The Columbia Enclyclopedia says "Adherents of the New Age movement believe that a spiritual era is dawning in which individuals and society will be transformed. The movement encompasses a wide range of ideas, including personal spiritual growth and self-realization, holistic medicine (including the use of crystals for healing), reincarnation, astrology, and the mystical energies said to be induced by pyramids."

The "New Age" is the "Age of Aquariu"s identified from astrology. Earth passing into this new astrological age brings in a new religion or spirituality. The new religion is a composite of eastern pagan religions, Yoga, holistic health, Druidism, spiritualism, Swedenborgism, theosophy, gnosticism, humanism, the human potential movement and heretical Judaism and Christianity. The new religion has their own "New Age Christ". He's just as one of the many other world religious personages such as Buddha. Confuscious, Zoroaster, Mohammed and the many gods of pantheism.

We are presently in the Age of Aquarius and the "New World Religion" is here! It's the religion of about everybody, excepting evangelical Christians. What's ironic is that the "New Age" is the same "Old Age" religion. Eastern religions such as those who teach Karma and "good" works have been around since the days of the biblical Nimrod. Nearly all pagan religions: Assyrian, Babylonian, Iranian, Vesta, Hinduism, and all the Greek, Egyptian and Roman gods and goddesses all originated with Nimrod.

Genesis 10:8 "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth."

Nimrod is responsible for building all the major cities in the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires. He is credited by Flavius Josephus (History of the Jews)and in the Hebrew Talmud as the builder of the Tower of Babylon which was for astrological and pagan worship. Numerous pagan gods and goddesses were deified by him and as empires moved west, the gods of Babylon were given new names and became the well-knowm Greek and Latin gods and goddesses. Some have tentatively traced the Druidic religion back to Nimrod as well. The "New Age Movement" is the restoration of this "Old Age" pagan hierarchy of gods and goddesses.

New Agers consult "ascended masters" and channel the dead for wisdom and prophecy. Many New Agers claim that the advent of the New Age Christ came with the Age of Aquarius and has been here since the 1990s.  (These spiritual beings often impersonate well-know personalities).

Now back to Oprah. Any alert discerning person is aware of the self-awareness and positive affirmation principles Oprah propagates. It sounds beautiful! It's a positive outlook on life. She may even throw in Christ's name on occasion. However, few know that Oprah is a New Ager! Don't take my word for it. Snopes ( has verified her New Age teaching material (Marianne Williamson's for one), and her own books bloviate conspicuously on New Age thought.

Oprah teaches evil with beautiful words. No, it doesn't appear to be evil. That's why it's called "false prophets", in this case Oprah, is included in the statement  "a wolf in sheep's clothing". Just a little Jesus is mixed with the New Age religion to make it palatable. That's why YOU, Christian women, have been so gullible!

The entire world will someday be in harmony in religious thought. Peace and social justice will reign. All the judgmentmentalness of  God and his Son Jesus, will be removed from religious worship. Everyone will do what is pleasing to their own eyes, just as in the times before God instituted judges to the people. Likewise in previous times man had the same problem:

Numbers 15:39 "that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring..."

In short, the "New Age Religion" is anything else,  but biblical Christianity, with a "little Jesus" thrown in to deceive!  That's why we must be discerning:

Luke 12:56 "Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? 57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?"

The time now is the Age of Aquarius. The New Age Religion is here! However, you Christians can't judge what's right!  I advise for you to not listen to Oprah and her ilk, because those who listen are subject to deception. However, if you do listen test her words against God's! The words of Oprah are not in congruence with God's Word and is against God! Anyone who is not for God is against him and is an antichrist!

Luke 11:23 "He that is not with me is against me..."

I know your thoughts: "I can listen to her because she's interesting and I won't be misled!" Isn't that what you were thinking? There's a war going on and you are the pawn. You're weak against those that are powerful. While you guard yourself with little thoughts of God, Oprah and the New Agers have "ascended masters" to advise and they are there to mislead as well!

Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Oprah sits on a high throne. She is honored even more than Obama. He's there because of her influence! We don't war against Oprah, but against those forces of darkness, those principalities who are using her to provide the glide path for Christians and the gullible to enter the New Age! Against the forces of darkness you're in danger. Just as Eve was deceived by smooth talk and deception, you may suffer the same fate! How do you avoid danger?

James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

If you don't want to be a drunkard, don't drink. If you don't want to be a murderer control your anger. If you don't want to be beguiled, flee from it! There is no reason in the world that a Christian should listen to Oprah! She's a charlatan. She advises without credentials. She remolds through positive suggestion. Her techniques are nefarious and her qualifications non-existent! Her degree from Tennessee State is in speech and the performing arts! How would that be credentials for psychological, spiritual and living advise. It's the blind leading the blind!

But yes, she does persuade! What's behind her? How does she lead so easily? In my opinion it is by the forces of darkness.

New Agers have an almost trance-like effect on leaders. Theodore Roosevelt listened to the advise of ascended masters. Nancy Reagan followed her horoscope. The henchmen of Adolph Hitler followed the teaching of theosophist Helena Blatvatsky, a prominant New Ager.  (Oprah is much as a modern Madam Blatvatsky!) The Third Reich, the Nazi Government, attempted to usher in the New World Order. It's time had not come! Now it has. We are in the Age of Aquarius. Buyer beware. Don't mistake evil for beauty!


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