Friday, April 4, 2014

Sanctity of Life (Parental Discretion Advised)

Yes, this thought today is rated "PG". There is one reference on a taboo s subject, but overall this thought should in fact be "Pleasing to God"!  First off, let's deal with the "off-color" aspect of today's thought.

In an attempt to show how precious life is to God, it's necessary to show how precious potential life is as well. That's life which is capable of, but not yet in existence. One of my favorite statements is that "Before my conception, I was just a gleam on my father's eye!", meaning that he was excited by the deed he was about to do!  Sexual desire is a gift of God!  We're told to go multiply in several places in scripture. The thought of multiplication of the species is based on the binomial numbering system. On day one two people unite and at least one offspring results if all the conditions are right. Those conditions are whatever God's will happens to be. (Remember that nothing happens without God causing or allowing it to happen. He's omnipotent!)

The same happens with another couple. At least another offspring of the opposite sex is created. The offspring of each unites and has a child. Now it's possible to see that we started with four souls, now we have six! If one looks back at their pedigree I am the first, then I have two parents, they each have two. Hence, the sequence from a single individual is 2+4 or 6 ancestors in two generations. If we go one more generation we have 2+4+8 or 14, hence the sequence is the Sum of 2,4,8,16,32,64,128... N Squared). Adding each we have the population from one individual growing as follows Generation "G" 1=2, G2=6. G3=14, G4=30, G5=2+6+14+30+32=62, G6=62+64=128, G7=126+128=254, etc. That's the number of people after seven generations from which one person is descended! That's multiplying exponentially. God did that to populate the earth.

Therefore sexual activity is important in God's plan from the beginning to populate the earth. His plan for sex is to procreate in a monogamous holy ordained relationship. "Fornication" is engaging in sex outside a holy relationship usually with the intent of pleasure. It's fornication that's disgusting to God. When two people married to another engages in sexual pleasure it's called adultery. God's plan was not for fornication nor adultery! Now for the distasteful part (on the part of polite society):
1 Thessalonians 4:3 (ESV) "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5 not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God..."
Although the KJV renders "sexual immorality" as "fornication".  This is because the Greek word is ambiguous and dynamic. The Oxford Dictionary simply says "the forsaking of God for idols". This definition includes the worship of foreign Gods as well as self-idolization. Many believe "fornication" covers everything from worship of self, other Gods as well as any type of sexual promiscuity. Masturbation, or self-gratification is included. As a matter of fact the sin of masturbation is alluded to in Gen 38:8-10. Now my point: Destroying your own seed is wrong in the eyes of the Lord. In other words, potential life, or life that could be, is sacred to God. However, if one disagrees about the sinfulness of self-pleasure, keep in mind that sex is for procreation although God allowed it to be pleasurable so as to propagate the desire to multiply!
Numbers 15:39 "And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after."
The intent here is not to determine if self-pleasure is sinful, but whether potential life is sacred to God! Our "pleasure" is to please the Lord. We're not to do whatever our heart desires.  Cleanliness is important to God! Why?
Isaiah 1:16 "Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil..."
Doing whatever is unclean makes a person not presentable to the Lord. Uncleanness is associated with an impure heart and before we approach God to make love offerings, we must first clean ourselves and our hearts. Even the love offering of Holy Communion, we should be both physically clean and spiritually clean in that our sins which have already been pardoned must be confessed. We're not to take The Lord's Supper unworthily!
Deuteronomy 22:10 NIV) If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. 11 But as evening approaches he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp.
Even involuntary emissions which happen at night makes a person ceremonially unclean. The man is to remove himself from other people, wash and not return for a period of time. I would think the same ceremonial uncleanness applies to intentional emissions and the condition of the heart in that it's to seek self-pleasure!

As for women, potential life inside them are as sacred as for men!
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee...", referring to Jeremiah, but applicable to all!
This verse is astounding if you think on it awhile!  Women, according to the medical field, are born with all their eggs they will ever have at their own birth. All their eggs are in two baskets, so to speak. The ovaries contain all the millions of follicles which mature into eggs only a few (about 400) of which make it to the fallopian tube for impregnation.

Think about that!  If God formed  a girl in the womb of her mother, he gave her life at the same time as all her children!  In other words, not only did God know the girl within her mother's womb, but her potential children as well. All those egg follicles had an identity and one was to become the grandchild of the pregnant woman! When an unborn baby is terminated not only is the offspring lost, but so is the potential life existing in the girl baby! Hence, life is precious and sacred before it emerges from the womb!

As for Jeremiah, he was sanctified in the womb!  Sanctification means "to be set apart". Set apart for what? A holy life!  Jeremiah, the unborn babe, was destined to be an inspired prophet from before his birth. Jeremiah was destined from birth. That was God's will! If he had been aborted, God's will would have been aborted!

Mother Theresa was asked if God is so loving why hasn't he sent someone to cure cancer. Her reply, "God did. He was aborted!"  Life is so sacred, even before the official trip down the two-inch canal, that God sanctifies before birth.

Tertullian said it well and early (208 A.D.):
"How then is a living being conceived? Is the substance of both body and soul formed together at the same time, or does one of them precede the other? We  do indeed maintain that both are conceived, formed and perfected at the same time, as also they are born together; nor is their any moment intervening in their conception, which would give a prior place to either. Consider the first events in the light of the last. If death is defined as nothing other than the separation of body and soul, then life, the opposite of death,should be defined as nothing else but the union of body and soul. If the separation occurs by means of death at one and the same time to both substances, then the pattern of union must likewise give assurance that, in reference to life, it occurs simultaneously to both substances. We acknowledge, therefore, that life begins with conception, because we contend that the soul begins at conception. Life begins when the soul begins."
What was said 1806 years ago agrees with the systems theory of Arnold Giselle. He contends that all systems complement each other and are commenced at conception. Each grow at the same rate so as to support each other, and when the baby is born, the baby is endowed with all complete complementary systems. Personality, being of the mind or brain, is there and active at birth! Just look at your newborn. Each baby is different in action and emotion. Newborn babies are born with unique personalities. That personality didn't develop after being exposed outside the amniotic fluid to the air; it formed from conception to birth!

Likewise, the soul was formed at conception. It too was there at birth and wasn't a virus caught when exposed to air!  Reality agrees with what we see. The personality is there at birth. Reality agrees with God's inspired word: he sanctifies in the womb! People don't become human as they struggle through the birth canal; they are human at the onset, and to be human, set apart from the animals, is to have a soul!

Although, we are Christians and truth of God takes precedence over theories of man, it's fair to look at what's real too. Any fool can see that a baby is born in humanity and that humanity defines person-hood and it's wrong to kill people! Anyone knows, and pro-abortionists admit, the pre-born baby is more than fetal tissue, but is a human being in development! Now for a little empathy:
Luke 1:41 "And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: 42 And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb."
Firstly, John the Baptist, the unborn baby. leaped with joy in his mother's womb at his encounter with the unborn Jesus. Babies "leap" with joy; fetal tissue does not. What occurred there was communication between the soul of Jesus and the soul of John. John was affected by the Spirit of the unborn Jesus!  Not only that, but Jesus was blessed in the womb just as Jeremiah was sanctified before he was born!

We've all heard the expression "WWJD? (What would Jesus do?). If Jesus had been killed in the womb, what would Jesus have done (WWJHD)? Nothing! If he'd died by the hands of an unwed mother, Jesus would never have died for us! Jesus would never have been resurrected if he'd never had a chance to be born.

We do know now that Jesus was born, he died and was resurrected. Because of this the Son of Man and Son of God wasn't aborted, we have hope in eternal life. An aborted Jesus is a loss of hope. However, since we know the humanity of the unborn, they too, in their innocence, will be resurrected!  We may kill the body, but we can't kill the spirit. Aborted babies are in the presence of the Lord. Their little souls are now "knowing" adults in perfect health who may be aware of the sins of the parents!

An aborted Jesus would magnify Satan. An aborted "you", would have been the delight of Satan. Likewise, the baby, when killed in the womb, is also the victory of Satan. Don't listen to deception. Listen to and heed truth! Have a heart. Love the unborn! Respect the sanctity of life.

Back to the generations calculated above. If any one of the thousands, maybe millions, of your ancestors had been aborted you would not be here!  Likewise, if a baby sired or conceived by you is aborted, there are millions of potential lives never to exist. Those potential lives have the right to know their potential life! They have a right to be... a right to life!

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