Monday, June 2, 2014

Mighty Stacy Has Stuck It Out

I was thinking of the Teen Revival for the youth a Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church near Portland, Tennessee and used "Might Casey at the Bat" for inspiration. Although, Mighty Casey struck out, Mighty Stacy stuck it out!

Things were looking dim for the Portland teens that day:
The evil forces were ahead, but with little time left that day,
And then when Cody sinned first, and Harold did the same,
An eery silence fell upon the Angel who always takes the blame!

A struggling few got up to get out of there. The best
Clung to the hope which springs supernal when humans pass the test;
They thought, “If only Stacy could stand the heat of that -
We'd put up a strong defense with Stacy standing pat.”

But Jenn was tested before Stacy, as was Johnny Tate,
And the former smoked hash, while the latter was a fake;
So upon the hopeful angels the grim reaper spat,
For there seemed but little chance of Stacy standing pat.

But Jenn failed to be swindled, and didn't take the fall,
And Tate, so much despised, surprised the rest and stood really tall;
And when the last test had shifted, and true men saw their nerve;
There was Johnny saved in a second and Gwynn hugging the nerd!

Then from five-thousand angels or more there rose a joyful yell;
It reverberated through the shadows and rattled those in hell;
It astounded those at the fountain and foiled the dirty rat,
For Stacy, faithful Stacy, was standing firm for those who only sat.

There was a glow in Stacy's banter as she stepped on the devil's space;
There was a stride in Stacy's not fearing what she was about to face.
And when, responding to dark angels jeers, her heart was really glad,
All doubt subsided from the crowd, 'twas Stacy standing pat!

Ten thousand angels eyes were with her, as she washed her hands from dirt;
Five thousand tongues professed His name as her eyes beamed alert;
Then while the writhing letcher let another lie thus slip,
Confidence reigned in Stacy's eye, as Jesus provided the extra pep.

And now the threat of death hovering came suddenly from the air,
And Stacy stood by watching in holy confidence there.
Close by the sturdy Christian for whom our Savior bled -
“That's for my sin,” said Stacy. “Good one!” the angel said.

From the stenches of sinful people, there went up a billowed roar,
Like the swearing of spirits who at Jesus the Savior swore;
“Kill him! Kill the imposter! All had shouted as they went about their plans.
And they killed him in spite of Pilat who before had washed his hands.

With a gleam of holy charity humble Stacy stood alone;
Her faith stilling the tumult; her love of God greatly shone;
She motioned to the letcher and once more the epithets flew;
But Stacy still ignored it all and the angel said “Good for you!”

“Fraud” screamed the rebellious angels still so awfully proud!
But one verse from the Book and she the others awed.
They saw her face grow warm and bold, they saw her spirit strain,
And they knew that Stacy would stand up to evil again!

The fear had gone from Stacys' grip, she hated that deserving hate,
She abounds with vibrance as she feels all fear abate;
And now the letcher hopes she falls, and another lie he lets go,
And now the evil is shattered by the faith that only God bestows.

Oh, everywhere in this favored land God's Son is shining bright,
The angels are playing out there, and in heaven hearts are light;
And out there men are laughing, and everywhere God's children shout,
And there is joy in Portland --- for faithful Stacy has stuck it out!

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