Friday, July 25, 2014

Politics: Dr. Tim Hulsey - Lying and those in Power

I’m naive enough to think that the elected leaders of our country don’t look the American People in the eye and tell you things they know to be false. I know politicians torture the truth, but to actually kill it still surprises and angers me.

Lying to American citizens should be an impeachable offense. What could be a worse breach of your duty? You could argue that many politicians would be affected, and I couldn’t argue much. That doesn’t alter the fact that lying is not a good attribute for people charged with making decisions for us.

I view of “Word on the street has it that Mitt Romney hasn’t paid taxes for ten years” to “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it” to “Benghazi happened because of an internet video” to “[The IRS targeting] was done by rogue agents in Cincinnati” to “There’s not a smidgen of corruption [in the IRS]” to “I didn’t know until I read it in the news” to “I don’t listen to the news, because I already know what they’re reporting” to “Lois Lerner’s emails were lost” to “We didn’t allow guns to go to Mexican drug cartels” to “all those tragic problems caused by Obamacare are lies,” etc., etc., etc., all elected and career federal employees feel they have a “License to Lie!”

Bush was wrong about WMD in Sadaam Hussein’s Iraq along with most prominent Democrats, but they were just mistaken. There is a moral difference between mistakes and lies.

Impeachment was meant to take care of malfeasance in office. Congressmen and Congresswomen need to man up!

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