Monday, August 11, 2014

Political: Dr. Tim Hulsey The Government "Tail" Wags the "Dog" (Us)

The Constitution is the foundation of our nation, ostensibly letting the majority rule in a republic with the Bill of rights added to protect the minority. By today’s standards, both are short, straightforward, understandable documents.

Unfortunately, we currently have a massive case of “the tail wagging the dog” in this country.

We have an Executive Branch that is trying to turn the country 180ยบ into a socialist’s dream. That small group of people, from the president to the career bureaucrat, is trying to oppress the majority with the powers granted to them by We the People. Using our own rules against us is a typical socialist tactic. The tail wags the dog.

The Executive Branch enforces laws it likes, ignores those it doesn’t (even though passed by our elected representatives and presidentially signed), and unilaterally modifies those it promoted to avoid political consequences. The tail wags the dog.

Community traditions supported by the majority are upended because even a single individual is “offended” by them. Holiday (derived from “holy day”) displays that portray the meaning of the season to most are removed because of a few atheists who complain. 

Atheists are so insecure in their belief that they have to destroy everyone else’s expression of faith. The tail wags the dog.

The Founders tried to craft the Constitution specifically to prevent the potential despotism of a central government. Tripartite division of powers was meant to “check” one branch usurping authority not granted to it- to prevent the tail wagging the dog!

The American People, the dog in this analogy, were meant to control the tail end in DC, a small contingent of people who were not meant to push their ideology on the citizens of this country.

Now that they have, How do we reverse it and regain control?

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