Saturday, August 9, 2014

Politics: Let's Start the Revolution!

In colonial days some called George Washington "Your Excellency". However, those who risked their lives chose to call him Mr. President.

The Declaration of Independence says "...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."

The the First Amendment was added to the Constitution "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

The Constitution says "all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"
Now we have those in power who disregard what many risked their property, family and lives to achieve!

Joe Biden says paying taxes, even inequitable taxes is "patriotic". Did he not know that the reason the Revolution was fought was because of unfair taxation?

And we have Obama. His administration has become a regime, or if you like the term better, "a monarchy" wherein the leader has the power advantage. "His Excellency" Obama needs only a pen and a phone, or as King George did, he needed only a lien and a throne!

Also, with his pen Obama has prohibited free exercise of religion, but has established, through the courts, an anti-religion where government infringes upon the exercise of Christianity.

Another roadblock to democracy is it's namesake; the Democrat Party... the "thought police". While the world crumbles around us they are more concerned about hurting the feelings of the enemy than protecting us! Any ideas we have which they disagree with is labeled "hate speech". Even what God has ordained, such as traditional marriage, our President deems hateful!

Now is the time to exercise our freedom: "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.". Let's abolish what we have. I have an idea! Let's use the Constitution of the United States of America  and see what happens! Perhaps "His Excellency" and his House of Lords (The Senate) will submit in disgrace. Start the Revolution in November. Throw the Democrats out of the Senate! That will place His Excellency under house arrest until the 2016 elections.

A major step in the Revolution will be to end the terms of Congressmen who fail to control judges and the appointment of Constitutional judges. A statesman would never vote to confirm a wild-eyed Tory (A liberal in this case)!

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