Wednesday, January 7, 2015

On Democracy

Democracy can be whatever a nation makes it! In the United States a democracy is tantamount to a godly state. It's not! Heaven will not even be close to a democracy. In fact it will be a pure monarchy with a strong just King, and all his subjects will be perfectly happy! Trying to replicate what heaven will be is the goal of all "isms" which all endeavor to establish; Utopia here on earth. That is not to be!

There are three kinds of democracy: direct, representative or hybrids. A "direct democracy" gives every person equal say in all aspects of governing. For any entity larger than a fraternity house, direct democracies are impractical. If you disagree, imagine every American voting on every issue. Democracy would lead to anarchy!

A "representative democracy"  there are two basic types: presidential and parliamentary. One favorable aspect of a parliamentary democracy is that they don't have to wait four years to throw the scoundrels out! The United Kingdom has a parliamentary government with a titular monarch. America's system was copied from theirs, but Americans didn't want a king, although many proposed that George Washington be one. Presidential democracies are supposed to be controlled by checks and balances through the multiple branches of government. In the U.S. this is the presidential, legislative and judicial. Our "democracy" is successful because our founders made it a republic, but republics can't help being somewhat democratic.The quest for democracy will be the failure of our republic!

The "hybrid democracies" have elements of both, but it's easier for citizens to call for referendums. The Swiss Confederation is a notable example. Over half the states of the U.S. are hybrids. Office holders can be recalled in many of those states and people can vote directly on initiatives. However, as we've seen in the U.S., the federal judicial system oversteps their authority most often and squash the will of the people. The federal government, part of a sham democracy, fails to allow the individual states to be democracies, yet the federal government tries to spread democracy throughout the world!

The Greek City-States are the first known government entity which had a democracy and theirs, being small, were direct democracies. Everyone had an equal voice. There was little protection for those in the minority. This type of democracy was instituted by Cleisthenes.

Why do people favor democracies? 1) Eligible citizens get to participate equally since it  is alleged to have fair elections. 2) Citizens get to actively participate. They can run for office, 3) There is alleged protection for human rights (don't ask pre-born babies about that!).  And 4) Laws allegedly apply to ALL citizens equally (neglecting America where some are more than equal!).

Actually the United States fails the criteria on all counts! Elections are often unfair and the government pursues making some more participatory than others. Citizens can actively  run for office as long as the media "adopts" them and those in power finance them. Human rights in America is in danger of being lost. Mob rule is the persuasion which can lynch the reputation of about anybody! Political Correctness has replaced human rights and is farcical and an attempt to make Democrats more powerful by appealing to selfish instincts! State and Federal charges have made laws unequal. If the government fails to agree with the results of a fair trial, all they do is apply federal charges. This is "double jeopardy" and is far from democratic, yet we want democracy for the world!

We are a "Republic", or at least we were until this century. I'm not sure what we are now, but it's far from what we were! Our representatives are suppose to protect those numerically inferior as they represent the majority. They are to be the "fairness factor" between the citizens and an oligarchy. Most end up representing the powerful and that includes them! That is one of the weaknesses of a representative form of government, especially since most can't be recalled!

Democracy depends on people having short memories and apathy! That's why citizens at one time were the elite! The elite were those educated enough to intelligently vote, but oftentimes they voted what was best for them. The abuse of that system is why some countries, such as ours, now allow base people to have equal voting rights to those who know what they are doing. That's why we're is such sorry shape! Dumb people in effect demand stupid laws and our system fosters that. Ben Franklin thought that our republic wouldn't last long. He feared the people would get in the way. With modern changes we are no longer a republic, but a corrupt variant of which there are many! That's why I said at the start "a democracy, whatever that means!"

Modern democracies are a result of The Enlightenment. That's the period where tradition, religion and civility was discarded for science and social justice. It's an irreligious system which takes credit away from God and gives it to chance. It's a paradigm  which steals from the motivated and gives to those who are less so! True, there need to be more social justice, but today with entitlements the Estates General: clergy, commoner and nobility, has been replaced by The Estates Greedy: dependents on government, those who pay the bill and those in government who play God with our lives. Let's call them non-payers, payers and demigods!

Why write this? We should understand that democracy can't work for all nations. Some peoples require total control or there becomes anarchy! Arab nations will never be democracies. It's not in the cards! Only Sadam Husseins and Muammar Gaddafis can control people with this mindset, otherwise mayhem and death will ensue for non-Muslims.

Neither should Christians want the majority to rule! Although we enjoy some freedoms because of democratic principles, our freedom comes from God. What the government allows us to do is not true freedom! It's a facade which is the soma to pacify us in our servitude to the government God! So that the world can have a chunk of cheese we are given a little Parmesan to shake on our so-called rights!

As Christians we aren't to be undemocratic in thought, but neither are we to put faith in the system. It's good to be patriotic! I am for most of the original Constitution, but things have changed! We have an oligarchy. We are controlled by the demigods in Washington and in the Supreme Court of the United States. My faith lies not in them, but in my future government. I anxiously await the rule of my King and until then he's on my throne!

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