Sunday, February 8, 2015

Priorities: We All Do What We Want to Do

It's actually funny the excuses I hear! When something fails to happen, there is always a cause and effect. "I didn't make it to work on time because the car didn't star!t", for instance. That one excuse covers the tardiness amply, but some people will go on and on "... and I got up late anyhow. Plus I had to wait on the kids to get out of the bathroom..." ad nauseum! One excuse validates the reason for tardiness and all the others merely place doubt on "what the real reason was"! Generally, "multi-excusers" are inventive, but really not truthful. For them, the more excuses they use is more the reason to believe them, but in all honesty, it places doubt on the "story"!

In practice throughout my career, I always did what I said I would do! I didn't always want to do what I had to do, but because I desired to be dependable, I made a point to follow through with, not only commitments, but casual things. Seldom was I ever late for any appointment. In fact I was normally embarrassed because I arrived so early!

On the whole, people do what they want to do! They make a point of following through if it's something they want to do. Otherwise, the activity is placed on the priority list, but it may be way down. For instance, before I was married I made dates with whoever it was that attracted me. I never ever forgot dates because it was high on my priority list! I wanted to date and that's what I did. I did what I wanted to do!

I have a cliche I use quite often: "People do what they want to do!" Late for an appointment? There is something you placed higher on the priority list. You did what you wanted to do! A change of plans? You did what you wanted to do!" You canceled previously made plans? You did what you wanted to do!

In my family life, I too am guilty of "doing what I wanted to do!" Many times I could have done things with my children, but "I did what I wanted to do!" You see the focus is on "self" when a person does what they want to do! Throughout life there is a  battle between self-gratification and loving others. It takes work to love others and while we're loving others the "self" fails to be satisfied.  Most people satisfy the self and what's left over may or may not be used on others.

I hate going to hospitals and nursing homes! I would much rather go kayaking and hiking. However, sometimes we do things for others. It's difficult, but rewarding, in these rare cases, "to do what I should do!" "Loving others as yourself" which scripture demands, means doing things to show love for others as you do things in loving yourself. God is reconciled with our "self-love", but he expects us to show some of that type of love for others too!

In becoming more empathetic with others there are certain things that we can do!

  • Set priorities - If something is important for you to do, put it a the top of the list, then do it! Don't have a change of plans.
  • Include others in  priorities - All our priorities must not be on ourselves. At least 50% of the things on our list must be to include others.
  • Keep priorities items - Once empathetic priorities are set, keep them. Don't keep moving them down the list so that "you can do things that you want to do!"
  • Do priority items - Once priorities are set, step up to the plate and just do them! All things don't have to be fun or for your own benefit. Do things for others!
  • Be blessed by inclusive priorities - When you do things for others, enjoy the blessing you will get. People are blessed when they do things for others and quit worshiping the "self" for awhile!
  • Be timely -  When a commitment is made, do it when you said that you would.
  • Be decisive - When plans are made, quit continually changing the plans.
  • Be genuine - Never change plans because a better opportunity arises. 
  • Step out of the comfort zone - Do things with and for others which you don't ordinarily do.
  • Don't forget commitments made to others. That signifies a lack of importance to you!
  • Quit doing only what you want to do! Be considerate of others!

All these things listed are what scripture would have us do!
Luke 6:31 "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."
This is The Golden Rule. It's a demonstration of how we are to love. The fairness and genuineness with which we wish to be treated, is how we are to treat others! If you don't like people continually changing plans on you, quit changing plans on them! If you get a "better offer" don't accept it, because you would not want others to do that to you. Quit "doing what you want to do" and start doing things for others!
Luke 6:36 "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful."
This verse follows The Golden Rule. What if God only did things which were selfish of him? He would be a tyrant and not a very good friend, but God is merciful in what he does! He does so much for us even though we fail to deserve anything. We need to follow suit! Us being merciful is one way that we can show love! Perhaps it is spending time with someone not popular, or doing things that are not fun so that others can enjoy life!  Quit doing only "what you want to do!"

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