Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why Obama is Against Israel

I won't go into detail, but with current events, it's obvious that Barack Hussein Obama is no friend of Israel. Tantamount among his dislikes is Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu.  They don't get along and there are many reasons why. Herein, will be examined a few reasons for dissension between those who should be allies.

First off, Israel is our closest ally in the middle east. Their very existence is owed our presence. Every president since the foundation of Israel in 1948 has had strong ties with whatever prime minister of Israel who was in power at the time, regardless of their political party.

Israel is a nation, more so, an island nation, in a sea of discontent. It's no bigger than one of our smallest states, Delaware, but has tropical beaches to snow capped mountains. It has high points and the lowest "sea" in the world.  But what Israel, formerly considered to be Palestine, has the most of, is religious significance for Jew, Christian and Moslem's. Over the centuries it has been ruled by sea tribes, the Jews, world empires, slaves who became generals, and Islamic caliphates, as well as Great Britain in modern times.

An Islamic Caliphate is an empire ruled by Sharia Law.  Some of the early caliphates were the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, etc. The latest one being the Ottoman Caliphate also called the Ottoman Empire. It lasted from around 1500 to 1924.  The current nation of Turkey, a western ally, was formed from the last of the Ottoman Empire.  During WWI the Ottomon Empire had allied itself with Germany and of Kaisar Wilhelm, the last caliphate was broken up by the Treat y of Versaille.

Under Queen Victoria Great Britain's Empire, it was said "never have the sun set on it" for it had colonized all over the world. There was a race for empire building among those countries in power prior to 1900 and Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and many other countries ruled "third world" countries as colonies. Usually, a governor from the the mother countries ruled each of the local enclaves. For instance, South Africa had pockets ruled by both Holland and England. 

This race for territory and resources was called "colonialism".  After WWI Great Britain controlled not only India, but much of what had been the Islamic Ottoman Empire (i.e,, the Middle East). Most of the countries in the region now in existence were created under the influence of Great Britain.  Prime Minister Churchill was an early stalwart of  Israel Statehood.  However, the first step in getting there was the formation of Palestine in the territory now claimed by Israel.

Let's stop for a moment and examine who the Palestinians are! The word "Palestine" is transliterated from the Hebrew word,  Philistia, Most people would remember that war has always existed between the Philistines and Jews. However, not much is known about the Philistines other that they were "sea peoples" maybe from around Crete before they found a home on the same land God had already promised to the seed of  Abraham.

If one examines the territory given to Israel by God it extended from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River and became David's empire. It included Syria, Jordan and much of Iraq. This land all still belongs to Israel as a divine gift from God. It belongs not at all to the "sea peoples" who were mere squatters until the rightful owners took possession.

Use of the word "Palestine" throughout history has not referred to nations, but areas on the map; settlements. However, when Palestine was formed a diverse people, even those descended from intermarried Jews, became "Palestinians". We know from scripture that Galatia (northern Israel) were a lower class mixed race of people. They were considered unclean by most of the Jewish people in apostolic times. Hence, Palestine, as a nation, has been in existence only from 1924 to 1948 (when Israel was carved out of part of what had been Palestine). 

The people who inhabited Palestine were no more Philistines than any other person in the area. Palestine (or  Philistia) in modern times is a man-made phenomena which has brought grief and war to those who live there ever since. 

Many of the newly formed middle eastern countries became under the political control and administration of Great Britain, as many African countries had been for years. 

WWII had a drastic effect on the middle east although those countries were not allied with either the allies nor axis powers, but were mostly under the influence of Great Britain. However, because of The Third Reich's so-called Jewish problem, many Arab (Islamic) leaders were sympathetic to the cause. Hitler met with them many times and even Egypt  became a great battleground for control by both sides. 

After WWII Israel was restored a nation in 1948!  After the war there was antipathy and even war between  the British and Jewish groups. As a people nobody wanted the Jews. Anti-semitism was not only a German institution,, but world wide, even in England! The British who had control of Palestine after the WWI under "Mandatory Palestine" agreed to pull out and the United Nations carved out a portion of Mandatory Palestine for the Jewish homeland. Hence, Jews came home and had their independence for the time in thousands of years, fulfilling Bible prophecy, but still has yet to receive all their divine inheritance.

Over time Great Britain lost most of the colonies it had all over the world, including the Middle East. New countries developed with new leaders. Most of the middle eastern countries became monarchies. Dictators kept Islam under control and many of them were westernized. As a result Moslems hate colonizers, the west and Jews! 

There were groups all over the world who were "anti-colonials".  Their movement is called anti-imperialism. 
 "Anti-imperialism includes opposition to wars of conquest, especially wars meant to conquer and colonise countries whose territories do not border the imperial power, and wars meant to subjugate peoples of different cultures; the term also comprises political opposition to the territorial expansion of a country beyond its established borders." ( Imperialism: The Story and Significance of a Political Word, 1840–1960 (2010), by Richard Koebner and Helmut Schmidt.)
Note that these people are against wars where gain is a motive, and against the subjugation of indigenous peoples. Anti-imperialism looks much like the humanitarian or "social justice" movement, and just as those radicals fight hard now, they did then! The strong desire to create a "level-playing field" for all peoples coincides well with Marxism, which during this time, was a powerful world factor and still is.  Marxists believe that imperialism is the last stage of capitalism from which socialism gains its power. Hence, there are strong ties between anti-colonialism and communism with the leaders of the anti-imperialists usually being revolutionary communists. (Che Guevera was a notable communist anti-imperialism leader in the 1960s and has become a hero to social activists and progressives).

If one examines  President Obama's life, he is the son and a grandson of ant-colonialists. I won't go into the many books and articles about Obama's lineage, but according to Dinesh  D’Souza’s 2010 book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, Barack Obama, Sr. was a Kenyan economist who was strongly anti-imperialistic. (Former colony Kenya claims "Junior" as their native son).

Baraka Hussein Obama, when he "converted" from Islam to Anglicism changed his name to Barack. (Wikipedia). His actions show that his heart lies close to his early upbringing from both a religious and geo-political perspective. His actions show that he is biased toward Islam and against Judaism, and Christianity it seems, and toward revolution away from monarchical and capitalistic systems both here and in the third world.

I've built up to this point: All the evidence points toward Obama having an agenda against Judaism, against capitalism, and because of it's support for Israel, against evangelical Christianity. His policies and feigned confusion of world events is intentional in my belief, and is the use of his power to subvert capitalism and its religious institutions. Likewise, I believe that because of his anti-imperialism heritage, he is a communist at heart, his policies are socialism, and democracy in truth is chilling to his heart.

No doubt, that not only does Obama, as he expresses, wants a two country solution in Palestine, but his ultimate goal is restoration of the former Palestine to its Islamic peoples. His goal, then, is the destruction of Israel, and his policies all point that way!

Why do I care? The War of Armegeddon is the outcome of ungodly confused policies, and I believe that Marxist Communism is the apocalyptic government which fights right there. Obama won't be their leader. He comes too soon! However, he sets the stage for the world leader who is to come and endeavor to place himself on the throne of God. 

I'm sure that Obama does not know his purpose. He is probably totally unaware that his objectives match  the objectives of evil. He's a mere tool in the war being raged by principalities. Satan picked a young man to place in a powerful position to implement his plan. Obama is the devil's anti-David. He is making it happen and his methods are not righteous! However, he seems to be a man after Satan''s own heart!

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