Sunday, May 17, 2015

Revisiting the Past

The Washington Post reported today in an article by Sarah Kaplan that scientists manipulated proteins in chickens to create it's alleged forerunner, a chickensaurus, which they believe to be a dinosaur from which chickens evolved. This dinosaur, rather than having a beak, had a snout of bone and pretty much looked, from the artist's concept, as a deformed chicken. It looked that way because that's what it was! Jack Horner, a paleontologist, said "Technically, you are going to have s messed-up chicken. It's not a dinosaur. It's never going to be a dinosaur. It's just going to be a really awful monstrosity."

The dream of scientists everywhere has always been to create what "was" to validate their claim for how it all started. So far, and forever it will be, there will be no return to dinosaurs because, except for their descendants. they are gone! This experiment was not the first!

Auroch cows existed in earlier times and were nearly as big as elephants. They stood over 6.5 feet at the shoulder and weighed about 2200 pounds. They were ferocious beasts and Augustus Caesar admired them for their brute strength. The Nazis wanted these beasts for hunting and Herman Goering set out to recreate these ancient animals. As a result really big cows still exist in eastern Germany forests, but they are not  Auroch cows. They are deformed domestic cows. Reverting back to the past has proved to be impossible!

Jurassic Park was a movie where dinosaurs were recreated using DNA from ancient, according to them, bones. That scenario makes for a good movie, but scientists have finally admitted: DNA has a half-life of only 521 years meaning that ancient bone fragments would contain only dead DNA.

The Nazi experimentation with Auroch cows only scratched the surface of their experimentation. It was their desire to design a superior human race on the model of the Aryan people, an ancient "noble" race which is the meaning of the Sanskrit word for "Aryan".  It was the desire of devoted Nazis to recreate a superior race from modern peoples by reverting back to what they believed they once were. To improve the future, they were revisiting the past!

Aryans were legend. It may be that there were peoples from the Indus River Valley who were great warriors, but there is no evidence of a super race of people. Not only did Nazi's want to revert back to what was past, but even to what likely never existed!

I'm not a proponent of syncretism, the marriage of different religions. In this case it's where Christians accept archaeology as compatible with scripture, and when there are discrepancies "science" wins out. I don't believe that fossils are billions of years old. I contend that if God is powerful enough to create a universe, he's powerful enough to create a mature earth!

God didn't create a fertilized egg and watch it grow into Adam. He created a mature Adam. God is not limited to what we understand and scientific principles are his rules to break. Furthermore God isn't constrained by time! His creation can be done in an instant, but appear to be over eons of time. That's why he's God and science can neither prove nor disprove him! Therefore, it takes as much faith to NOT believe in God as it does to believe in him!

The entire study of genetics and archaeology is to create a new truth; one that denies the power of God and hands it to a pretender called "Chance". God is personal. Chance is mathematics. For me and my household, we'll place our hope in a personal God. Chance offers no hope!

By revisiting the past and denying it's truth, science endeavors to change the future!  Let me give an example.  Simcha Jacobovici , a Canadian film-maker found the Talpiot Tomb and claimed it was the tomb of Jesus and that Jesus' ossuary with his remains were still entombed there alongside his family. Scripture teaches that the tomb of Jesus was found empty and that Jesus ascended into heaven after he was resurrected. If Jesus still lies in the Talpiot Tomb, then scripture is all a lie. Simcha, being Jewish, has a bias. He BELIEVES that Christ is in the tomb because his version of Christ has yet to be born in his belief system!  By revisiting the past Simcha is endeavoring to undermine Jesus!

If Jesus, whose name was as common as "Joe" is today, indeed lies in that tomb, then the hope of all Christians is gone. Christianity, rather than offering the greatest reward, would be no more than long dead mythologies. That's what non-Christians want so that they won't be wrong! That's pride at work. Disproving the existence of a divine Jesus is the Holy Grail of heresy! The evidence is to be found by revisiting the past.

What science tries to do by DNA, archaeology and atomic experiment; is what the Babylonians did by looking toward the skies! They were scattered and their language confused by desiring to know what God knows. They looked to the sky in attempt to be as gods.

By looking at the sky they were revisiting the past. Since light takes time to travel, the "proof" that God is fiction must lie in the past and that knowledge is to be revealed by looking at light from long ago! By looking into the skies the future is not revealed, but the past is revisited. They hope to find that life did exist out there in the cosmos some time ago and that if they can convince people that it did, then God is disproved. If God was to be "disproved" and scientific experiment can't do that by definition, then prideful mankind would be the master of his own destiny! That's exactly what man has desired all along because with mastering his own destiny comes freedom to pleasure without the constraint of fear of punishment!

It's freedom man seeks by revisiting the past. However, it's the same "freedom" that the Hebrew people enjoyed under Pharaoh. They could have all the pleasures offered by the Egyptians to a race that were slaves.  The Jews were acclimated to servitude because they were taken care of by their masters. They didn't really want independence because along with independence comes possible failure and anxiety. People still give up their freedom so that they don't have to face the future with it's unknowns. It's just so much easier for everyone to cope when they just revisit the past in an attempt to dispel the future!

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