Sunday, August 23, 2015

Life is too Short to Spend Outside Harmony

There are two commands made by God: 1) That mankind live in harmony and 2) that God is the One who harmonizes, and as such, we're to love the conductor (Luke 10:27 paraphrased). Psalms are God's lyrics to melodies he wants to hear!

In  none of God's compositions do we ever find encouragement to hate, nor have discord, antipathy, unforgiveness,  dissension, jealousy, blame, grudges, unfairness, ostracization ,  nor condemnation of fellow Christians, nor even sinners. We are to treat others as we entreat them to do us likewise. "Life is too short to spend outside harmony"!
Ephesians 4:26 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath..."
Yes, sometimes people get angry! God recognizes that. Getting angry is not necessarily sinful, but dwelling in anger obviously is. When we're angry with another person, the anger is to be resolved before dusk! There are no "ifs" about it:

  • If the other person apologizes.
  • If the other person changes.
  • If  I get what I want.
  • Etc. 

We are to let our anger wane as the moon waxes! That's a demonstration of our love for others. Except for lying politicians, I attempt to make things right with everyone before I go to sleep each day. I especially would never want to go to sleep without making amends with my spouse! We all get lax with that, but it's God's desire for us; that anger doesn't rule in our lives!

"Retribution"  is the "off key" in the song where we're to harmonize. As we're to sing joyously, the wrathful alto gets even. The owl screeches a lone melody as sirens endeavor to harmonize.  The owl gets even for the "Ow!" it feels!  "Because I'm miserable, I'll make you miserable too!" is the song she sings. One can also substitute the words "guilty", "awful", "mean-spirited", "cantankerous", "resentful" and many others where "miserable" comes first in the quote!

Of all the things Christians must do, to be in God's will, is to be in unity. That's where many who are diverse in nature, come together for the will of God. Unity is the way Christians harmonize. However, just because we sing songs together doesn't mean the clarion plays boldly and with truth!   One sour note in a choir can demean the whole. One disparaging person in a church can sour the congregation. The same holds true for all institutions. Even families must sing the same tune and be in synchronization! An off-beat from the drummer can spoil the orchestra!

Life is too short to make ballads of despair. Life is too short to sing off-key. Life is too short to hold anger! Life is short anyhow and what life we have is lived more fully with joy. Wrath brings down the person with anger and stresses the one to whom it's directed. A person's goal in life should not be to get even or make life stressful for another person.  Let's just all get along! That's what I told Grumpy! That's what I tell myself. That's what God wants me to do!

We're all together in this life so let us all be in it TOGETHER! That's what God wills!

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