Friday, December 4, 2015

Spiritual Math

Wrong-doing adds up, but truth is not additive.

Some who are 90% truthful are not honest. They are 10% liars.

Two people who are 90% honest are not 180% honest. They're not even 100% honest!

Lies multiply. Sin adds!

Two people who are 90% honest are only 81% honest because when they come together each must defend their own by furthering the deception. 0.9 x 0.9 = .81 (x100) = 81%.

If a person is alone only "x" amount of lies need to be told to make the self feel secure. That x% appeases their idol, "the self", who is "fooled". That's called rationalizing. Rationalizing is cloaking the truth in excuses. It's the opposite of "justice" which is the revelation of truth.

When two people are together each has doubts about the other. Neither wants their true self revealed because their self-god is prideful. He (or she) desires to acts with integrity, but the "self" is not full of integrity. Some deceit lies within... always! It's the deceit that by definition must be hidden otherwise it's not deceit; it's flagrant lies. The "self" doesn't want any of the other gods to know that their god is deceitful, so each god lies to conceal the deceit that lies within. "2x" lies are forthcoming!

Therefore two 90% honest people who get together are 81% honest because more lies must be told to keep the deceit of each hidden from the other. Lies multiply and sin adds up! "Sin" is the pleasure of their god. One person has iniquity in their life and two people have two iniquities. Two are twice as bad as one, but to cover up that truth deceit is used. Two "selfs" who are each 90% truthful when they multiple by coming together are only 81% truthful.

"Good" is 100% honesty. It's even for those who admit that they have evil within. They do wrong, but are honest about it. Thence, they are 90% "good", but their confession makes them closer to good than without repenting.  Since "only God is good" he's 100% and that's called "righteous". God doesn't even have iniquity which he must confess. He is 100% good as Jesus said.

Since one is not on par with God we all have some percent "not good". Most people conceal the "not good" from everybody else so that they appear 100% good. Everybody knows that only God is 100% good and realize that those who fake 100% good are good liars. In fact their numerous lies to conceal what everyone already knows multiplies. Sin begets sin and sin adds up!

Whereas God is 100% truth and 100% good, each of our gods is much less than that. Because we each are imperfect, the world is in sin. All of us deceitful liars grow in number as sin becomes more acceptable. Billions of liars throughout the world makes this a sinful world. If we look at the "good" in each subject of the population, since it's multiplicative, the good in the world is null since even ,9 to the billionth power is as near zero as can be,

That makes sense since deceit it of the devil and the world is Satan's realm. Nothing in the world can save us because the world is essentially all bad. Therefore, we must turn to things "not of this world" for salvation! That's God. If we again do the math, we're not truly any good at all because we have all sinned. Even one sin is as if we sinned all of them. Therefore, we delude ourselves by even claiming to be 90%!  We fall short of that. God is glory. We don't approach his glory. We fall way short. As a humble person I admit "There is little 'good' in me since only God is "good". I'm not truly any god at all, but my pride builds me up.

An honest person will say "I fall way short!" Perhaps we are at .01 rather than .9. That's way short. Others are also at .01 and if we multiply the two then we have .01 x .01 = .0001  0.01%. We're much worse than we think and when two come together to deceive each other, we're really bad!

Let's give the benefit of the doubt. If one person tells the story what they say may be even 90% truthful. It's the worst lies they conceal so as not to appear to the audience as bad people. Nobody wants another to think bad of them since their god (the self) is a protective god who doesn't want to be toppled in the face of truth (read about Dagon; 1 Samuel 5). Therefore people lie so that their god won't be revealed as a fraud.

One person lies about another person to protect their "self". When confronted, the other person must protect his god too! Let's say that this second person is 90% honest too. He tells mostly truth, but conceals the bad parts which might make it appear that his god is weak!

When both are brought together and each confronted with the untruths of their alibi's, the more honest will confess. That's not human nature, though, and each tells more untruths to protect his (or her god). Rather than having 90% x 2 truth, we have that 81% or less! That's how lies multiply, and that's not what God meant when he said "go forth and multiply"!

I protect my "self" when my inner self is in danger of being exposed. I can protect me from others, but God is another story. In the presence of God, Dagon toppled. When I am in the presence of God my self-protection is revealed. My priest (me) is a false prophet. God knows that this priest protects a false idol because we all idolize ourselves. You have the same mechanism to protect your god because we are all sinners. God topples my 'self'.

God can topple our Dagons. When we fall, we are prostrate to God. That 90% truthful god has fallen. It may as well be only 1% truthful because it's deceit is exposed. It's a pretender god. However, while we're on our knees to the True God, if we're sorrowful and contrite, we do what we have to do! We say "God, my god is a fraud. I'm sorry for the pedestal I have placed it upon. Please accept me in my humanity because I am no god!"  Then God lifts the humbled"self" and says "I accept your living sacrifice. That's all you have to do!" Then as our god, the old creation, returns to the dust, a new creature emerges who no longer worships "the self".

What we now have is 100% - 0% = 100%. That's good math! What that means is that our "0" good is covered by God's 100% good until we are covered 100%. It's the blood spilled by Jesus which makes us 100%, but no "effort" is in the equation. What we do is not added into what God does because that would be erecting our "god of self" again. Our part is 0%. God's is 100%. The difference is a gift to us called "grace".

Satan doesn't like that! He uses modern math, actually the old math reinvented. He says 100% + 0% is not 100%. You must add in something to make it add up. That's "works". "But", you say, "I want to give God 100%:. You can do that. That's how you show love, but it's not in the equation which saves. It's extra credit for a crown in heaven some day!

Satan also says "God's math is wrong!" God doesn't make you 100% "good". You've still got bad in you and he ignores it because, after all, you're not really a "god". You're human. You say "That's true! I just treated myself as a god. My god is capable of doing wrong." Then because Satan tells you that you can still sin and be covered 100%, that you can go ahead and sin.

We listen and do that. However at some time, since sin multiplies, we forget about God being 100% and make him 1% or even 0%. Satan's old math still works too and we have 0% divided by 100% is 0%. God's still there, but he's at the bottom now and out of mind. We give 0% and are lost to infinity. That's called apostasy!

Scripture speaks of  two who are in disagreement and come together in the presence of two more with witnesses:
Matthew 18:16 "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."
This is the process that new math is made traditional!  We take two Christians who are being 90% truthful and put them out for others to evaluate. Knowing that Christian  brothers who are aided by the Holy Spirit aren't easily lied to nor fooled, the intent is to motivate honesty.

Tradition math is 1 x 1 = 1 ! One hundred percent truth from each gives 100% truth. The Holy Ghost has a constant which motivates each Christian to truth. It''s called "guilt". Guilt is added to dishonesty to make one more truthful. The goal is to:

.9 x .9 + 1/G = 1 "G" (guilt) is in the denominator because guilt causes the truth to be more forthcoming!

When two people who have disagreements want to get it resolved, and Christians must seek that, then they go to two other people of integrity to make the math right. "G" exposes what we have concealed (under the divisor) and we two become whole (1). That's unity in Christ and is "good" math.

For the math to work, the witnesses are not to judge. Chances are they are less than 90% truthful themselves. They must understand that no one is a perfect "1" except God. The intent is to reform, not convict!

Truth is God's will and one who seeks truth is made whole! That''s unity with God and that's unity with our brother. Anythings less is the devil's doing and he is constantly throwing random numbers into the equation to disrupt the true answers.

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