Sunday, February 7, 2016

Islamaphobia or Wisdom?

There is so much division regarding immigration at this moment in time! There are Christians who are vehement on both sides of the issue. I particularly love Mexicans. Everyone who I have ever met has been loving people! However, there are extremely valid reasons for enforcing laws. With that said, this commentary will leave the southern border for others to argue. Of course of utmost concern is crime entering there as well as a clear avenue for terrorists from Islam to join us for a dangerous liaison in our territory!

Now let's look at the real problem. The media is always careful to say it's "Islamic Terrorism" which is the enemy. Christians are to love them. That's a given:
Matthew 5:43 "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you..."
There is no argument; we are commanded to love Muslims. It's hard, but sometimes God demands hard things. Of course we can't control emotions, so we show them love by doing these things: 1) not killing them, 2) not having wrong sexual relations with them, 3) not taking what is theirs, 4) not lying to them, 5) and not desiring what is theirs. These are the applicable commandments which is within our ability to do!

Most people have the perspective that they don't want to kill innocent Muslims. They have no desire to commit adultery with them, they have no desire to have what is theirs without paying for it, and they are honest with them! Those are the applicable commandments that we have which demonstrate love for others. We can add to those that people are to bless them, do good things for them and pray for them (Matthew 5:44).

For myself as a Christian here is what good I would do for them: "Lord, turn the hearts of Muslims away from Mohammed and toward Jesus. Forgive them their many sins. Hear my prayer, Lord, I want no one to suffer in hell. Turn your Holy Spirit on them to make changed hearts. Let them love others as themselves." Likewise, when I meet a Muslim, I do befriend them. That's the Christian thing to do! One of my best friends was a Muslim. He moved away. He had the misled idea that we both worshiped Jesus in different ways. I made an unsuccessful attempt to dissuade him. I love him as a friend!

Now we'll get pragmatic!
Luke 9:5 "And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them."
For those who refuse to heed the gospel of Jesus Christ we are to shun them! That's tough love, but to condone their rebellion is to validate their unbelief. When we give up on presenting the gospel, it's those people who have chosen damnation over eternal life. They bear the burden they carry and Christians are not to blame. Once that occurs, here is what scripture says:
 Romans 1:28a "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind..."
Titus 1:16 "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."
Not because they are Semites, but because they are orthodox Muslims they are in danger, if not entirely, of being reprobate. Islam is a cancer which rots the mind to the extreme that religious insanity exists. Theologians profess that Muslims are the most difficult religious group to proselytize and real life supports that premise!

Orthodoxy is the faith which has general acceptance. Islamic terrorists are orthodox for two reasons: 1) They are doing what their faith expresses as right in the Q'uran, and 2) the majority of Muslims fail to condemn their actions and hence, are accepting of much of what is done in the name of Allah. In fact Islamic terrorists are doing no more than emulating their prophet Mohammed! They are doing no more than following Sharia Law! (Compare that to God's Law which teaches only love and not even retribution! "Love thy enemy" for instance.)

God is pragmatic. In effect, he says "Don't waste your time on those with whom there is little chance. Go to more fertile fields." (Read Acts Chapter 16 where God turned the apostles from the pagans of the east to go west).

It's not hate to be pragmatic. We are to help those who help themselves. Islamic terrorists are doing nothing to change their fanaticism and destiny, and neither are their Islamic cheerleaders who urge them on!

There are no statistics on the conversion rate of Muslims to Christianity. That's because it almost never happens. Reports of conversion in Germany by refugees is thought to be a ruse to obtain free things and acceptance. There is one big reason Muslims don't covert: it''s Sharia Law! In certain schools of jurisprudence apostasy from Islam requires the death penalty! (John L. Esposito; 2004; The Oxford dictionary of Islam. Oxford University Press. p. 22). In short many who willing may be afraid to convert!

Therefore, let me say that immigration could be a good thing if we were dealing with civilized people; those who listen to reason and make reasonable changes. In America in years past we were  the melting pot; those of other nationalities and faiths could assimilate. However the "pride in diversity" nonsense is a chasm preventing the propagation of the gospel to pagan people. Progressives consider it insensitive to endeavor to change people, especially to Christianity!

 In this modern age, it would be difficult for a pagan to look at the lifestyles of so-called Christians and think "I want to be like them!" That's because the western world seems to be devils to Muslims. They equate Christianity with hedonism, drunkenness, disrespect, immodesty etc. We seem to be exactly what their religion is against!

It's unlikely that Muslims will convert in large numbers to Christianity. Rather than us western Christians attempting to convert those who are non-convertible (those in the east Acts Chapter 16), perhaps we are to be better missionaries in the west! (See my commentary: God Had His Reasons for why Christianity went west). Disobedient people, even those called "Christians" right here need conversion before we're prepared to save the world! Therein lies the problem.

If Muslims come to the United States in massive numbers, true the harvest would be plentiful, if there were more harvesters. Few who call themselves Christians can convert others to what they themselves are truly not! Even in the United States there aren't many on the path to heaven because the gate is strait (Matthew 7:13); being too rigid for those who "just want to have fun"! We're just not equipped to convert Muslims in mass numbers, many of whom are reprobate. The proper method is to go there. Christians who love Muslims should want to see them saved, but the mission field is there. Terrorists may be reprobate, but those who claim to be "peaceful Muslims", if they truly are peace minded, are the harvest.

It's obvious, although statistics are not available, that when Muslims come to the United States, it's those who call themselves Christians who are converted to Islam! "The Great Commission" is reversed! They are the one's who go to the nations as Jesus instructed us to do:
Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..."
They are doing this right now better than we are! There is one problem: it's not the God of Holy Trinity which they teach. It's the false god Allah who is a problem, not a solution! Allah and God are not the same! Repeat... Allah and God are not the same. The words transliterate the same, but they are not of the same nature. Islamic Allah has one aspect and is false. The Christian's God is multifaceted and true. He's Father, Son and Holy Spirit! That's not the God of Islam!

If Muslims are allowed to migrate here, it's us who will be converted! Therein lies the problem. The goal of Islam is a worldwide caliphate with Sharia Law. To  be honest, the goal of Christianity is worldwide Christianity. However, in Sharia Law, there is to be a religious and a  civil government combined. Their desire is for a theocratic dictatorship! Freedom will no longer exist in a caliphate, just as it doesn't now in Islamic countries. Islam and democracy are incompatible because Sharia Law is contrary to freedom!

Freedom is a hallmark of Judeo-Christianity. God does not force anyone to come to him. It's always a personal choice. Islam's method of persuasion to convert is the threat of being highly taxed or death.

Immigration is part of the Islamic plan for their own style of "The Great Commission". Unfaithful Christians are not prepared to handle massive numbers of Muslims. We know the outcome from Holy Scripture and from the Q'uran: the end-of-time global government and religion matches Islam (see Revelation, Daniel, the gospels, etc.)  There is a war being waged. (Ephesians 6:12). It is spiritual warfare and for awhile, it's dark forces which win. By allowing massive immigration we are abetting our spiritual enemies!

It's not only Muslims we fear, but Islam. They proselytize effectively. It's by coercion!  Threats and taxes are traditional, but now they use progressive policing: political correctness is their modern weapon of mass destruction and the gunneries are manned by progressives. The danger is that Sharia Law shielded by humanism is to destroy Christendom.

God never wanted his people to co-exist with people of other religions. Why? It's spiritual suicide. God's people have enough trouble resisting temptation than to stand in the midst of it! Always,,, always throughout the course of history, the lives of God's people were contaminated by false gods because of co-mingling with pagan peoples! It's not that they abandoned God, but that they had another god besides him. Allah is that Islamic "other god".

Obama's spokesman was right! They passed Obamacare because of the stupidity of the American people; and it did pass. Americans accept Islam out of ignorance! Even our leaders say "Islam is a a peaceful religion!" in spite of the fork which plunges us in the face right now. All anyone needs to do is read a history of Islam and Mohammad printed before 9/11 and it's violence is written about. Mohammed was a violent sand pirate who attacked anyone in his way and made forced conversions. That's history! Compare him to Jesus. Which would you rather serve? You can't serve both!

The best argument to a Muslim is that the only reason they are Islamic is because their ancestors were forced to be! It was either convert, be taxed to death or die! Only a crazy person would want to be what they are forced to be, but it seems that we live in an insane world; demonic insanity that is!

It's not only violence which is used to convince Americans that "Islam is a peaceful religion." Case in point: In Bowling Green there is a new mosque. The Imam there has invited people to their worship service. Little old ladies from one progressive church were invited and went. Because they believed a lie that "Islam is a peaceful religion!", they went. It is through ignorance that they entered unholy doors to hear the spirit of Satan deceive them. By even entering into temptation, they were irreverent to God and put their very souls in jeopardy. Some of them believed the lie!

Those Christians (sic) who present Allah as "the same God as ours" are those who accept the heresy of Universalism. Because of the claim of all being "one God" they are fooled by Unitarian-Universalism. This evil new age cult is not a Christian Church. It's a den of harlots. The Jesus even a few in that denomination claim, is a Jesus who doesn't even obey his own words!

Universalism is a progressive cancer. It claims that everybody is going to heaven because all gods are the same. That's wicked men thinking easy ways to go to heaven without believing in Jesus; the only Way to see the Father!

For deception, it's clear, that Mohammad threw in a little Jesus to make Allah more palatable. However, the Jesus of Islam is the Antichrist of Christianity. He's not even God, but a mere prophet who failed to save anyone! In fact the Islamic Jesus never even died on the cross! That's their belief at any rate. Universalism is a weapon of mass destruction strapped to the belt of most all progressives as they unite with the makers of the weapon! They are fools who will die because of their own timidity. They will die because they are not bold in the Lord to stand up for what God taught: love for only the One True God!

I have implied that there is a marriage between progressives and Islam. Indeed there is! Progressives are Marxists. They may deny it, but that's who they are. Socialism is an easy chariot ride to the front where demons duel with the righteous. Indeed, socialism is Godless! It's not that they can't use religion to further their cause, but that in the end, it's government who will be god! Even Islam is a tool of socialism so that in the end, those with an iron fist can eliminate all religion. Muslims as such are just as stupid as the westerners who accommodate them!

I recently saw a post where a church was pictured in China. The obvious intent was to weaken the argument that Marxism is against Christianity. Any astute person knows two things: 1) There are genuine, but covert Christian churches in Communist China, and 2) there are government sanctioned and controlled Christian Churches in China. The former are persecuted by the communists and the latter are controlled by them. It has to be the Marxist version of Christianity which they preach. They can't hear truth because truth is anti-Marxist!

Some people accept sin because they know nice sinners. It's true that some sinners are even nicer than some Christians. However, because a sinner is nice, doesn't make the sin right! Likewise, there are many nice people in China. However, that doesn't make Marxism nice! Furthermore, there are many nice Muslims; that doesn't make Islam nice!

If the reader is progressive, he's no more than a humanist at best, a universalist even, and a tool of the devil at worst! There are many nice progressives. Humanists and universalists go to our Christian Churches. That's part of the end-of-time experience! They are forerunners of this type of church:
Revelation 3:16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." (God referring to those end-of-time churches who are progressive and are those of which the Church at Laodicia are symbolic).
Those ladies from that mainline church: they may be part of that lukewarm church. Those other naive good-intentioned Christians who fail to understand the inherent danger in Islam;  they may be part of that lukewarm church! For those Christian progressives: you are part of that church. For those who support Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton: you are part of that end-of-time church!

What needs to be done? Read the Book of Jeremiah. Read what he warned of before Judah was destroyed by it's own co-mingling with pagan people! You need to change! You need to read, believe and do the Word of God. You can't fight the war alone. You WILL BE the collateral damage because the principalities at large are stronger than you! You must wear God's armor to live:
Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
Never hate the person for God doesn't hate Arabs. We are to hate sin, because God hates sin. Islam is a damning sin. Those who accept it will be reprobate if they are not careful! The strongest armor of God is his "sword" which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17), not Allah!

It's wise to fear what can destroy you. If you are don't have Islamaphobia the sooner you get it the wiser you are! It's for your own safety and it's taking a stand for Jesus!

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