Friday, May 20, 2016

Ego and EGO

I always thought that Freud invented the word 'ego" as the nomenclature for the person's construct which is the "realistic" aspect lf a person. In Latin ego  means "I".  On the other hand the id is Latin for "it", the inborn personality trait which contains the basic needs. The "superego" is Freud's term for the moral referee between the id and the ego. The three constructs make up the psyche which theologians refer to as the "soul".

In truth, I don't care much for Sigmund Freud nor any other therapist because their fields are founded on secular reasoning and/or eastern philosophical thought. As such, most of their theories are at odds with Christianity. As far as I'm concerned, dabbling in psychotherapy is as disgusting to God as astrology, divination, numerology or philosophy because they are all anathema to God. I'll take my chances with truth and the comforting words of the Holy Spirit before the words of mere men!

However, this treatise is not about psychology at all, but the soul! You can call it the psyche all you want, but it's still the soul. Psychology is the "study of the soul". Philosophers for the most part have no credentials for soul study because as atheists, or at least secularlists, they don't credit God with giving mankind the soul. (i.e, they know nothing of which they teach!).

Now for the point to be made!

When I was moving Terri boxed up about 150 boxes or so. She then spoke on the telephone for about an hour while I was carrying the boxes to a central location. When she got off the telephone she asked me "Where is that box?" There were 150 boxes which fitted that description. They were all "that" box because "that" wasn't descriptive enough to discern which specific box she desired.

Now, let's examine the time Jesus walked on water during the turbulent storm. The apostles thought he was a spirit. The apostles were then afraid! You would think that Jesus would say "It's Jesus, don't fear!" He didn't say "that"!  The following is what happened next:
Matthew 14:27 "But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid."
Jesus failed to identify himself... or did he? His response was like Terri's statement. As she said "that box" , Jesus said "It is I!"  "I" is not descriptive enough. It could be anybody. Sure they could recognize his voice, but perhaps in the storm, that would be most difficult. It seems to me that he in a manner did say "It's is Jesus!" Why do I say that? Jesus IS God! Where am I going with this?
Exodus 3:13 "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you."
When Moses asked God his name, God just as well have said "I don't have a name because I have always been!" God doesn't need a name because there is only One True God! No distinction needs to be made. Because he was there before the beginning and will be forever, God just "Is"! As such he described himself as "I AM". That's not his name. That's his identity!

Of course we call him Jehovah because the tetragrammaton for "I AM THAT I AM" is JHWH or JHVH pronounced as "Yaweh" or "Jehovah".  Those are what he is called in our limited vocabulary!

Neither was "Jesus" the name of our Savior. Joseph "called him Jesus". (Matthew 1:25). He was also "called the Christ" and "called Emmanuel" (God with us). Why? Because Jesus was "the Word" who was with God in the beginning! (John 1:2). Like God, Jesus is without name. Why? Because he just IS and as such, he is God and is also the flesh aspect of God and is also "I AM"!

If we look at the Greek Matthew 14:27 where Jesus says "it is I" to identify himself, the word used is ego. As such, Jesus was specifically identifying himself! "Ego" means "I AM".  With that said, the apostles knew that he IS God for later they said "Of a truth thou art the Son of God!"  When Jesus said "Ego", he identified himself as God and the apostles then had true faith that Jesus IS God!

Now back to psychology for a moment. Freud recognized that each person has an "ego". It gets jealous, is possessive, is protective and is vain! Each person has a sub-conscious "I am" because everyone seeks to be "as gods" (Genesis 3:5). Indeed, the ego is all about "I"; all about "self".

Any man who was in the storm could rightfully say "I am a self-appointed god!" That would be his "i am" with small letters because he is NOT God! in Greek anyone could say "ego".

Because others are not God even one who called himself "ego" would still not be recognized as Jesus because, as Peter proved, the "other 'I ams'' can't walk on water!

Jesus said he is "I AM" and he proved it by walking on water. Peter could have said he too is "I am", but he certainly was not because he could not walk on water (for long anyway) because his faith was weak! Jesus had the "faith of God"
Romans 3:3 "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"
Jesus didn't have "faith in God" he walked on water because he had the "faith of God". It is unfailing faith because it's perfect faith. He could walk on water because he had no doubt at all because the man CALLED Jesus IS God! He is the great "I AM"!

Words means things! Jesus is EGO (I AM), so put your ego (I am) aside and let him be God! Being a Christian is all about sacrificing the ego for the EGO!  Make yourself that living sacrifice.

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