Monday, December 19, 2016

Self-Evaluation at Christmastime

Read this survey in advance of Christmas and improve your performance, or do it afterward and realize that you fall short of the "reason for the season":

  1. Did you question yourself "If I am not a born-again Christian, why would I celebrate his birth?
  2. If you don't worship Christ (per 1 above) do you desire to?
  3. If the answer to 2 is yes, did you ask Jesus to save you?
  4. Did you testify to others that Jesus is your way to eternal life? (If so, then you can legitimately celebrate Jesus' birthday).
  5. Did you repent of previous sins to prepare to praise him?
  6. Did you magnify his name and acknowledge his majesty?
  7. Did you thank God for sending Jesus to save the world?
  8. Did you reflect on that Jesus was born to die in your place?
  9. Did you eat your meal in remembrance of him?
  10. Did you pray to (talk with) Jesus? Did you listen for his guidance?
  11. Were your gifts given in the spirit of charity (or was it mere obligation or ritual)?
  12. Did you expect to receive or were you just happy to be able to give?
  13. Did you show love to God?
  14. Did you show love to others? Your enemies too?
  15. Were you just still for a time and contemplate on Jesus?
  16. Did you spend time reading God's word that day?
  17. Did you make any changes as a present to Jesus? (self-sacrifice in sacrifice to God).
  18. Was your attitude Christ-like in emulation of him?
  19. Did you pray for those who do not have what you have on this day? Did you help any others who NEED help during this season?
  20. Will you endeavor to do these things next year?

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