Thursday, June 22, 2017

Born This Way

Christians are accused of being hateful because we believe what God says. However, confused society pick and choose how hateful we are! Rather than using God's standards, each uses what is right in their own eyes, and unfortunately, with the unsaved, there is little which is wrong from their viewpoints. Perhaps the most wrong in the eyes of the world are Christians!

God is all about love. He even loves us when we're in disobedience for God so loved the world. The world is not the sphere which accepts these billions of parasites onto its skin, but the people everywhere without regard to identity. The EEO has set up the following employment guidelines:
"[Company Name] provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics."
In terms of God, this can be said:
 "Jesus died for all who trust Him for the hope of salvation (HOS) without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics."
I started to strike out "religion" because it first occurred to me that God does care what religion you are! However, God is religiously fair as well. Those of other religions are loved by God as well! God loves everyone even when we err!

The most important of these protections are genetics.  It's how people are born, and they can't influence their birth conditions. I'm sure that sexual orientation is included under the broadness of genetics even thought there is no scientifically conclusive, or even acceptable evidence, that indeed homosexuals are born this way! In fact, scientific studies by design never can by definition prove any hypotheses - they merely fail to disprove the null of them.

Psychologists are by nature biased. All their training is humanistic in nature. They need to have their beliefs validated. Hence, with any study, there is a desired outcome. I learned well in my career how to influence the data to agree with what I wanted the outcome to be. Psychologists are masters of biasness, not only sub-consciously, but often times with intent. Their religion, for that's what psychology is (the study of the soul), demands that their unknown god be appeased. Sinful behaviors appease the unknown god.

(Note: In my graduate studies in family counseling it occurred to me one day that what I was studying was just another religion. When I exclaimed that to Dr. Fong at WKU in class, she replied, "Are you just now figuring that out!" as if I was dim-witted or something.)

Pagan religions had what is called "sacred prostitution" -  female and male.
1 Kings 14:24 (ESV) "...and there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the nations that the LORD drove out before the people of Israel."
Most versions use the word "Sodomites" which were specifically males who had sexual relations with other males. Of course, cults are those pagan religions. Indeed, psychology has adopted homosexuality as their sacred cult prostitution.

The Diagnostic and Statistic Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association listed homosexuality as a paraphilia in DSM-II back in the 1970s. The DSM manual is a book of abnormalities. Paraphilia is defined as "a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities" (Google definition). Thus, homosexuality was considered abnormal and even dangerous! Paraphilia includes mental disorders - "obsessions with unusual sexual practices, as pedophilia, sadomasochism, or exhibitionism." (

DSM-VII changed the classification to a sexual orientation disturbance. In that view, it's not the act of same-sex attraction that is wrong, but the rejection one feels because of societal attitudes. With DSM-VII, homosexuality became normalcy and normalcy became the abnormality! At that time homophobia blamed society for the affliction of homosexuals. That change was Orwellian doublethink and newspeak at its finest - 1984 had gradually came about!

What caused the change? Let's ask Wikipedia:
As described by Ronald Bayer, a psychiatrist and gay rights activist, specific protests by gay rights activists against the APA began in 1970, when the organization held its convention in San Francisco. The activists disrupted the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, gay rights activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled: "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."
Psychiatrists were intimidated, and changed their diagnosis! Society became the sick people and sick people became the normal! The threat of being symbolically lynched by the mob changed minds. Now psychiatrists who were converted with the symbolic blade of the sword, just as Muslims are, changed their religion. Truth was not the aim, but deception. Satan smiled! His work on that front was finished. Now society is forced to watch abnormal people accepted as normal in all forms of the media. Satan not only smiles, but he is ushering in the end of days!
Matthew 24:37 "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
Even the psychiatrists believed that homosexuality was a behavior until herd mentality intimidated them! Now, the media is driven by dollars. The U.S. Census has shown that same-sex couples are more educated and higher income than heterosexual couples. Money speaks, and the sponsors are after that money. If Christians want a return to sanity, we must put our money where or beliefs are! It was reported on FOXNEWS that Republicans watch the sit-com Modern Family more than any other program. Since the base of the Republican Party is evangelical Christians, Christians are watching what should be anathema to them! Where are principles? Standing outside the ark laughing at Noah!

Born this way? God calls homosexuality an abomination throughout scripture. That means "disgusting". God didn't create mankind disgusting... they chose that with their own free will! What we were all born with is original sin. That is the predisposition to pleasure oneself in unrighteous ways. Unfortunately, all types of sexual pleasures are how mankind is all pre-dispositioned. In shame, Adam and Eve covered their genitals because for some reason, that was their downfall. Somehow the tree of pleasure offered some type of sexual offense in God's viewpoint.

Sexual sin grew until all the earth was involved in sexual sins. That was rampant lasciviousness and homosexuality in the days of Noah. God washed the earth clean of abominations, and gave mankind a fresh start - all onboard the ark were heterosexuals. With time, the earth became dirty again. It started with a little wine, and immediately Ham saw his father naked. The implication there was that Ham looked back to the desires of the flesh in the ante-deluvian world, and lusted after a mlke - his own father. It is likely that lust returned full force because his descendants were punished.

Then, whole cities were soon destroyed - Sodom and Gomorrah, the former which became the name for male homosexuality. God was gracious that time. He didn't destroy the whole world but only two cities. In the end of days, it shall be the whole earth destroyed by fire!

In summary, sinners are born to sin, but chose their mode of sin. Just as those who lust after women must do, those who lust after men must do the same - self-control. Neither can control their thoughts, but they certainly can their behaviors, just as thieves, murderers, and liars must control theirs!

Obedience is refusing to act on temptation, either by deed or thought. To control our behaviors, our thoughts must be controlled. Lust is the thought and transgression is the deed. It's hard to not sin, but it is possible. Each sin is pre-meditated until it's rationalized as acceptable, or performed as a lifestyle.  That's where God comes in! He is the Comforter. We are not alone. God in Spirit is always with us, and God is stronger than Satan or any of his cohorts!

Obedience is theologically a work.  Rather than obedience being a sacrament (saving), it is a outcome of salvation. We are to obey God because we love Him. When we love God the Abrahamic Covenant promises success. It wasn't just for the patriarchs but an everlasting covenant. If mankind obeys God, we will be blessed. Psychiatrists say that homosexuals cannot be restored to heterosexuality. God says they can! There has even been a law proposed, and I believe passed, which prohibits counselors from treating homosexuals back to heterosexuality. Even the law says it can't be done, but God says it can!

What are we to think of homosexuals? As lost people who God loves. Christians don't hate homosexuals but we do hate anyone going to hell! Ultimate love is even when being persecuted, that Christians desire that all shall be saved. There is nothing more that I want, and is God's will, that homosexuals be rewarded with heaven. However, there is one condition for that - the homosexual, just as the rest of us, must sacrifice our fleshly desires at the altar. We must change as we're born-again. God does accept us as we are, but then his expectation is that we obey Him. If we are not willing to obey, it shows a lack of love of the One we claim to follow!

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