Wednesday, October 4, 2017


My letter-to-the-edit of Bowling Green Daily News this morning about "progressivism".

Re: Ernie Ezell's "progressivism"

Ernie Ezell brags that he is a “progressive”. That is the last thing a Christian man would ever brag about. Progressive was selected by the fringe elements to present themselves as positive. They have ruined the Democrat Party since this Marxist faction united with them in 1968.
Progressives are in opposition to institutions. Of course, the foremost detriment to society for them is religiosity – specifically Christianity. Progressivism is every man doing what is right in his own eyes (Judges 17:6), but why it always fails is because each person’s “right” varies depending on who their god is. Unfortunately, progressives use their own standards of right and wrong.  Because Christianity has tough standards – to love one another, progressivism fails when that conflict in moral standards differ.
Marxism sounds Utopian in theory, but in practice, it must always resort to the autocracy from which it rebels. Socialism's destiny will always be communism because mankind cherishes freedom, and doesn’t want to give it up! Christians love freedom from evil but when people do what is right in their own eyes, evil abounds.
“Isms” always sound good, seem to abound in brotherly love, but in practice they are deceptive. Progressivism is an opposition “irreligion” with antipathy toward orthodox Christianity.  Mr. Ezell may not be in that stage yet in his own version of “right”, but we see it coming in the streets right now. Those forcing their version of “right” on America claim to disdain hatred, but they have that stench all over them!
Mr. Ezell, there are few progressives in the south. You need to join the fringe elements to the far west and northeast – far away from the Bible belt, but better yet become one of us!

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