Thursday, February 8, 2018


Persuasion is a method of influencing the attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and such of other person or persons. It is assumed that there is a difference in those aspects between the speaker and the listener. I hesitate to use "speaker" and "listener" because one may be persuaded by reading, watching, thinking, and other means. Somehow thoughts come to us from seemingly nowhere, and we continually evaluate them on the basis of credibility, reasonableness, and or perceptions. Much of the time perceptions are feelings. That is how God calls people to seek truth.

In fact, people place feelings more highly than truth or reason. People hang onto to safety oftentimes because of emotional reasons. For instance, Democrats may be hard to convince otherwise because their family has always been Democrats. For the Republicans, it may be for the same reason. There is sentimental value in being like one's parents, and a sort of reverence. The same holds true on other topics as well.

Methodists may always remain Methodists because their parents and grandparents were. There is a sort of allegiance to the values of the parents without regard to self-evaluation. People are hard to convince because of their heritage. Not to pick on Methodists but any belief system has the same type of following.

People languish in their own milieu without examining why they are where they are. A person may be afraid of the dark because they were as a child. Although, reality is credible, they may even hang onto the idea that there are monsters under the bed. The type of monster may change but the monster is still there! The monster under the bed may change with time but people still fear the monster. My own monster was a vicious beast. Although, I realized as I matured, that there was no beast under my bed, I kept my hands aboveboard just in case there was something else down there. I still don't sleep with my hands hanging down, even though I know the truth - that there are no monsters under my bed. I have become comfortable with my own faulty thinking. It's a safe place to be.

Our comfort zone is emotional. The space around us - our personal space, is ours to use as we wish. Not only do we not want physical monsters in our private space but neither do we monstrous ideas. Our beliefs are our own and no one has the right to infringe on them, we think. That type of thinking is being stuck in the mud. Some people don't want to be confused by the facts, and feel discomfited when their false reality is shaken. Persuasion is not only done by logic but making people comfortable with change.

In Christianity, "the Great Commission" is the job assignment of all believers:
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you...
That is a huge responsibility - to "teach all nations"! And look at what to teach them: the mystery of God and his divinity, and to do the things this invisible God has commanded. That creates fear in the believer for people will think we're crazy and intolerant. To talk of such profound and personal things, Christians are accompanied by God. Just as Moses spoke, and God worked, our mission is to speak. What are we to do? Persuade others to have the same faith that we have.

Secularism has made our mission more difficult. We can't teach all nations about God because we might just denigrate their god when we do, even if it is their self-worship. Society has taken the position that we are to allow others to keep their limited beliefs, behaviors, and such. They have made persuasion intolerant and even hateful. Persuasion is now called "proselytizing" - convincing others to abandon whatever they are or think, and accept a different position.  We are to let people keep their false perceptions so they won't fear the monsters under their beds - new ideas.

If we teach others about Jehovah, we may offend those who worship Allah. They may erroneously believe that Allah and Jehovah are the same God, and if we try to teach them otherwise, it is offensive. The truth hurts! If we are embedded in false beliefs, it hurts to be taught otherwise. It is painful to leave our comfort zone, and enter an uncomfortable zone. Society would have people continue in falsehood rather than allow others to teach them truth. This is taken to the extent that loved ones would rather have sinners to have eternal death than challenge their false perceptions. In these days, as in biblical times. homosexuality was an abomination to God. However, when Christians teach that, as mere messengers, society is offended.

In order to be persuasive, the presenter and information must be credible. For a drunken carouser to present the gospel would be counterproductive because the hearer would dismiss the drunk as unreliable. The catch phrase is that we must walk the walk. Telling others "the Way" would be futile unless we ourselves are walking the Way.

The presenter must have credibility, and so must the ideology. In Christianity, the ideology which we are to teach is the "gospel", about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since people can't see God, we must manifest Him. There are two ways: (1) by how we live, and (2) about what scripture says. Scripture is credible but we must be as well. To persuade others to accept a new idea, we must challenge their thinking. That is using logical arguments to have them understand truth. It must be truth which we teach; otherwise it is dishonest and unethical. 

Scripture relates that God used two devices to persuade:
1 Cor 1:22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom.
Either method is convincing. The Jews were persuaded by miracles, and by the fire with the Holy Spirit descending. Those are "signs", and appeal to both logic and emotion. However, it is wise if Jews know that the Holy Ghost is Jesus's Spiritual manifestation. That is the entire truth!

Many Gentiles are "Jewish" in thought; they require emotion to be convinced. If they "feel" different with their enlightenment, then the experience was efficacious. If there was no emotional change, then doubt ensues. The Jewish-type must have their comfort zone shaken to make persuasion real!

The Gentile-type needs wisdom. This type of person must be persuaded by logic.
Acts 18:4 And he (Paul) reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. 
Note that Paul's method was appealing to their wisdom to persuade. He didn't use miracles as Jesus did, but presented the case of Jesus, and logic to persuade. Modern ministers and teachers can pray for healing but the age of miracles is past. Preachers should present the case for Jesus then allow the listeners to be convinced. The case presented with logic is stronger than emotional appeal. Feelings reside for a short time but if a person is thoroughly convinced, that becomes their new comfort zone. I am so persuaded that Jesus will save me that it would be futile to try to "unconvince" me! I am quite comfortable being a disciple of Christ, although I was not always that way.
Acts 26:28 Then (King) Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
Paul used logic to try to persuade Agrippa. Wisdom is of God and it is what allows us to consider and accept Him. We must DO something to be born again.  We open our minds to truth, and let God persuade. Since our wisdom is from God, it is still by the grace of God that we have faith, but people are required to exercise their  judgment. Agrippa was saying, I'm almost to the point where I have changed my judgment of what is truth.

Pesuasion is not a game. "Almost persuaded" is far away from convinced! Conversion is being fully persuaded without regard to feelings, albeit feelings of elation and joy may be the outcome of conversion. When we are fully persuaded, that is rebirth. Fully persuaded people have different dispositions. They are moved from apathy and doubt to steadfast faith. If faith is for a short time, it is not faith at all but emotions.

Many churches use music and such to create an emotional environment. Some may accept Jesus because others do. When one person steps forward because another one did, it may be because of emotion. To be born-again, one must be fully convinced - persuaded that the best Way is to follow Jesus Christ. Just as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on its pole, those who trusted God looked up to the snake, and were made safe from the poisonous vipers on the ground. The Israelites who raised their eyes to the bronze serpent were persuaded that God does save!

If people are fully persuaded, life is much easier. Doubt is in those not fully persuaded. They either sin because they are not fully persuaded to walk the Way of Jesus, or else that there is no or little punishment for sin. They either doubt God or His Will, and are not fully persuaded! God is patient. It may take time to be fully persuaded. Although, rebirth is the instant that one is enlightened, it may take considerable time to be persuaded of that Light. Being born-again is the instant in time that a person comes to realize, since he is not really a god, he has no power to safe himself but Jesus can and will!

You see, merely believing in Jesus is not fully persuaded. Even the demons believe (Jas 2:10). They are even persuaded that Jesus is God! However, they are not convinced enough that they trust Jesus. Christians are those who are not only convinced to believe but also to trust God for salvation.

Persuasive arguments for me were that I wanted to live forever. Since I desire that, and can't do it on my own, I turned to Jesus who says that He can! Since, I can't trust me, I had to be persuaded to trust Jesus. Scripture got me there. It is the source of my faith! Prophecy coming true is one thing that persuaded me since the Old Testament is indeed all about Jesus. History helps as well. Jesus was a real person. There is evidence in secular writings of that.

Jesus was resurrected and still lives. That is credible because his tomb was empty and hundreds or more saw him alive after he died. Many also saw him die but alive afterward. Reliable witnesses left depositions to that effect, and were killed because they refused to change their stories. Since they were so convinced so as to die for Jesus's sake, so am I! That is convincing evidence and fully persuades me.

Christianity is not inherited. Because our parents were convinced is not enough. Since God is a personal God, everyone must be persuaded to experience rebirth.

Neither are people Christians because this is a Christian nation, or is said to be anyhow. One wonders, where are all these Christians? because there are few who teach by example!

We cannot depend on ourselves for eternal life. Neither can we depend on our parents, siblings, or the government, on whom we depend so much. We are in this alone, and the only other place we can turn for salvation is Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) and "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Let that soak in. If you are persuaded that is true and convinced of it, that is conversion - changing from the old person with old beliefs into a new person with new beliefs, and might I add, new attitudes! 

The evidence of conversion is a change in attitude. Life as all about you changes into life all about Jesus. What are those persuaded to do? Love God and others. Fully persuaded people are to love. 

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