Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Killing God- Part 3

The Accomplices 

                Satan wants to kill God because God is Almighty – the Giver of life.  31 Satan cannot do that! He is only the source of death.  When God said, “thou shalt surely die”, 32 He didn’t mean that He is a killer; Satan is the killer! Thus, if God is dead, He knows the killer. Before the mystery begins, it’s not the butler who did it but Satan.  Almighty God can’t be killed! Satan knows that. The death of God is when He becomes frivolous to His creation.

                As God Almighty God is beyond the natural. His “Name” infers His super-naturality. God always was, is, and will be. God, when asked His Name by Moses merely stated “I Am That I Am”.  33 Because He is God, God just Is at any point in time! He Is finite and infinite. God doesn’t need a Name because there is only One True God who exists. 34 Because God is Existence and will never cease to Exist, he can never be destroyed.  Satan can only find a way to undermine God. When God is undermined by most people, Satan will accept that as the death of God.  Undermining God is hatred. Scripture says that hatred is as murder. Satan kills God by creating hatred for Him.  As such, Satan is a type of creator. God Created life, and Satan created hatred. While God is the source of life, Satan is a murderer from the beginning. The tactic used by the murderer is deception. 36

                Satan will use otherwise innocent people to murder God. Since people are easily deceived God’s death will be slow but sure. Satan is patient. He has a few qualities. Among them are knowledge, tenacity, and dedication, not to God but against Him. God allows two types of disturbances in the universe: chaos and righteousness. Everyone is either for God or against Him. 37 Satan’s method, then, is to turn people against God. We know from Adam’s and Eve’s sin that Satan used his wiles to do just that! 38 When God finally “died” the killers “knew not what they do”! 39

                That’s the way sin behaves. Once it is practiced, it becomes automatic and without aforethought. When people sin without remorse, that is death, not for God but the individual. God’s desire is that none should perish. 40 Thus, Satan’s desire is that all shall perish! 40 If we all die (to God) then God is dead in the eyes of Satan. Killing God is mankind sinning even without doing so willfully. There are three types of sins: accidental as with the carrying of the Ark, 41 willful with aforethought – by commission, and by not doing God’s will -  by omission. Satan has these three types of sin in his arsenal, and all are methods of despising God.  These techniques are the law of sin which contrast to the Law of God. Sinning is not performing to God’s will – a means of hating God.

                Hatred is an awful beast! It is dependent. Hatred has degrees, and there is a gradient of hatred. Hatred is incremented from none to infinite. The way people hate is through our own existence: heart, mind, soul, and strength. Because we love God in that manner, 42 that’s the same entities by which we hate. Since hatred for God is how his creation can murder him, murder is done with our hearts, minds, souls, and strengths. Satan knows that his hate alone won’t kill God but hopes that corporate hatred will! “God so loved the world that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.” 43 With that said, those who hate him, by divine justice, deserve to perish. Since none are without sin, as was mentioned before, mankind, all inclusive, deserves death. Because our will is to do what is right in our own hearts – against God’s will, then mankind hates God for His strictness. Our own motive for killing God, then, is so that we can do our own will! As the serpent rightly stated, mankind would be “as gods” at least in our own minds. 44 Then we are warned by God not to be that way! He explicitly says, “thou shall have no other gods besides me.” 45 In defiance, what does mankind do? Have other gods besides God. Because of our desire to do our own will, which god do we choose? That’s an easy one. We are “as gods” in our own eyes! Because men love themselves so much, the perception of godhood is attained. Not godhood itself but that perception – “as gods”.

                Why do people want God dead? To be “as gods”. He stands in the way by insisting that men do His will. So that we understand His will, and are without excuse, God’s will is written on stone to be everlasting, and reveals the knowledge of sin. 46 W. Edwards Deming asked “How would they know”, in reference to not performing to correct standards. 47 To do right things rightness must be defined. God did that and wrote it on stone so that mankind would never forget! Many will say that those Laws are outdated and replaced by the law of love – the new law of God. The Greatest Commandment and the one like unto it are the summary of the Ten Commandments.  One through four are ways to demonstrate love for God, and five through ten are ways to demonstrate love for our fellow man. Not doing as commanded is how mankind kills God!

                Specifically, God is crucified by having other gods before Him. We kill God by adoring ourselves instead of Him. That’s easy to do! Mankind was designed to hate with ease but love with difficulty. Love is indeed hard work!  Lifting up those stone tablets is bearing our cross. It’s not easy but is possible and reasonable. That is mankind’s sacrifice for living! 49 By lifting that weight mankind bears a cross for God. Ironically, by self-sacrfice, we acknowledge God’s grace! By being lively, mankind keeps God “alive”. 50

                By obedience, God is revered. Reverence for Him is what he expects! The utmost reverence is loving Him with heartily. Irreverence is killing God; not that He will actually die but that His Spirit will no longer dwell in His creatures. At birth, all mankind belongs to Satan. When men are born-again, God adopts them.  51 That is the moment in time when men are emancipated from Satan and become sons of God. Rather than killing God, those born-again, serve Him. That one act transforms men from killers to servants! The new people have changed hearts. They no longer want to kill God but exist with Him forever! 52 Before people are transformed, they are part of the “lynch mob” such as the Jews were when God was convicted for being God! 53

                Killing God is attempted murder for God cannot be killed! When people sin, they are accomplices to murder. Who attempts to kill God?  All mankind. Just as Eve and Adam blamed the serpent and Eve, respectively, mankind blamed the Jews. 54 All men and women are part of the murder plot to kill God.  Because of pleasure, wealth, and false wisdom which appeases ourselves, selfish motives kill God. Not that He will ever die but God cries for his creatures. 55 For those of us who agonize over those we love, we understand God’s emotions. God agonizes for us! When God experienced death, His agony was for us! Coming in the flesh to empathize with us, because of God’s suffering, Christians empathize with Him.

31 Holy Bible; Job 33:4
32 ibid; Gen 2:17
33 ibid; Exod 3:14
34 ibid; Deut 4:35
35 ibid; 1 John 3:15
36 ibid; John 8:44
37 ibid; Mat 12:30
38 ibid; Gen 3:4
39 ibid; Luke 22:34
40 ibid; John 3:16
41 ibid; 2 Sam 6:1-7
42 ibid; Luke 10:27
43 ibid; John 3:16
44 ibid; Gen 3:5
45 ibid; Exod 20:3
46 ibid; Rom 3:19-20
47 W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog; “The Intellectual Foundation for Modern Improvement”; Donald M. Berwick; April 25, 2016
48 Holy Bible; Mat 22:36-40
49 ibid; Rom 12:1
50 ibid; 1 Pet 2:5
51 ibid; Gal 4:5
52 ibid; 2 Cor 5:27
53 ibid; Mat 26:63-66
54 ibid; Gen 3
55 ibid; John 11:35

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