Thursday, July 12, 2018

Child's Play

     Remember how it works? We were all kids. On one occasion at least, my daughter, Heather, when she was young, had a grievance against her brother Jason who was two years older. She could not get Jason herself so she rigged it! She spend several minutes "dry rubbing" her arm until it was bright red. After the redness was perfect, Heather screamed and cried as she ran into the room screaming, "Jason hit me! Jason hit me!"
     I summoned Jason, and asked, "Did you hit Heather?" He said he had done no such thing. I reminded Jason that the evidence said otherwise and proceeded to spank Jason. Jason was irate, but I noticed satisfaction on Heather's face. Years later, when she had matured, Heather told me that she faked it. Surely she felt guilty after all those years. Jason had already been punished, though, and that cannot be undone!
     I did something similar myself. I ran into the house and tattled to Dad: "Carroll is playing with matches!" I was three years younger than Carroll. That's how I could settle scores since I was weaker. Dad asked me to tell Carroll to come into the house. I ran outside and confronted Carroll with a degree of satisfaction. I could hardly stand the excitement: Carroll was going to get in trouble!
     Carroll went inside as directed. Dad asked, "Carroll, were you playing with matches?" He responded, "Yes, but Larry was too."
     Dad asked me, "Is that right, Larry?" I replied, "I'm not saying anymore."
     Those two incidences are how children handle things. It's sort of a guilt transference. Children take the focus off their own guilt by transferring the transgression to another. Adam did that to Eve. Eve was deceived but Adam transgressed with full knowledge that he was doing wrong. When God confronted Adam, he blamed Eve. Not being foolish, God disciplined everyone involved in the transgression: the serpent, Adam, and Eve. Adam's ruse was childish, and it failed with God.
     In the two incidences above, Heather succeeded with her ruse but I didn't fool Dad with mine. Like Carroll, I was also guilty. Because both of us did wrong did not make the wrongs right! We both were disciplined by Dad because he saw through the scam!

     Right now the nation is being scammed. The Russian meddling accusation is a huge childish ruse. The Democrats used their falsified Steele documents to point the finger at Trump. That document was damning. It was a scam to convince the judges that there was reason to believe that crimes were committed between Trump's campaign and the Russians. The greatest wrong was the Democrats attempt to falsify documents to overthrow a democratically instituted political election. That was a huge crime!  That act is called sedition because it sought to disrupt an established and honored process. The childish Democrats, when about to get caught with their hands in the political cookie jar, pulled a "Heather", They rubbed their own symbolic arms red, and cried to the public: look what Trump did!
     When the Republicans pointed out the ruse, the Democrats merely cried, "but the Trump campaign did wrong too!" Congress now is divided: the Republicans are seeking to reveal truth but the Democrats are rationalizing their party's actions: "Our people meant no harm; they were innocent bystanders who Trump is trying to frame! Then they cried, "Wah, wah, wah!" They are the Adams who were caught red handed but they continue to blame Eves. In other words, the Democrats are childish; not only with their accusations, but rationalizations: "We didn't do anything; the Republicans did!"
     Just as parents fed up with the ruse's of their children, reasonable people are fed up with Democrats childish games. If you are caught up in their ruse, then maybe your own gullibility needs corrected. Shallow-minded people just accept how they want things to be!
   How about me? I'm a Republican. However, when Nixon was caught, I wanted justice served. Justice is more important than getting what I want. I'm not childish and selfish. Therefore, Nixon got what he deserved and I was okay with that. That's how civilized adult people do things! The same people that ostracized Nixon are now attempting to vindicate Hillary and the Democrat Party. Nixon did wrong, but not the travesty which the Democrats recently did! Their actions were endeavors to overthrow the Constitutional system. May justice be done!

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