Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Who Is the Harlot?

     The key to the end-of-times in understanding just who or what Babylon is! She is the "harlot" of revelation:
Rev 17:5 nd upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.     
     "Harlots", in scripture, are "other gods in God's face" (Exod 20:3) since the Hebrew word paniym which is translated "besides", literally means "face". The only "god" that fits that description is Allah, which is "God" in Arabic. Vishnu, Brahma, and even Zeus don't claim to be the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible but Allah does! Allah fits the description of "other god in God's face" since Islam claims the Hebrew God. 
      Why is Allah NOT Jehovah? The title fits: GOD which by definition is the Creator. Islam believes that Allah created the earth in six days. The original religion, in their doctrine, is Islam (the word itself means "submission".) Allah is claimed to be the Creator but that does not make him the One True God. Many gods claim that distinction.
     What makes Jehovah different than Allah? In Hebrew, God is both El and Elohiym - singular and plural. Allah is not! Jehovah came in the flesh, manifesting His "personality" of Jesus. Allah is without personality and was created by men. Isa (Jesus in Islam) was a mere prophet who never died on the cross. Hence, Isa is a false Christ, or the Antichrist! What's more, since Isa did not die, he never returned as Isa's "ghost". Jesus ascended into Heaven and immediately his Ghost descended (Acts 1 & 2):
John 7:39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
     That the Holy Ghost is specifically the Spirit which experienced death is validated by Luke's admonition:
Acts 1:1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:
     Jesus has a Holy Ghost. Isa does not! Allah has one aspect: they claim that Allah is Creator. Since Allah did not really create not did he die for mankind, Allah is not God! He is an imposter of God and is essentially the very "god" in God's face. That means he is made to "look" like God, who we can't see, and people are confused because Allah cannot be identified as NOT Jehovah. Jehovah manifested Himself so that mankind could see His face. Jehovah's face is Jesus! Isa is not the face of God but the face of the Antichrist. God in the flesh is also called Emmanuel - God with us - is with us. Allah is nowhere to be found! Isa is dead and gone, and an imposter will come to wreak vengeance on "infidel" Christians and Jews. Thus, Allah is not Jehovah God, and Isa is not Jesus! They are the gods which seem to be targeted with the First Commandment because they claim to be Jehovah God.
     Therefore, Islam is the Harlot of Revelation, and Babylon represents the Kingdom of Islam or the Kingdom of Allah. It seems that the city of Babylon is Allah's Garden (The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - one of the seventh wonders of the ancient world.), and that the empire of Babylon is the Kingdom of Islam. If  the Umayyad Caliphate of Islam is examined, it fairly well, except for Italy itself, was the empire of Babylon. Apocalyptic Babylon seems to be a modern-day Islamic Caliphate encompassing the world which, by the way, is the ultimate goal of Islam.
     Scripture indicates that the city of Babylon will never be inhabited again (Isa 13). There must be a New City of Babylon. It seems that Jerusalem has been selected as that city!  Why would it be? Jesus ascended to Heaven there and Mohammad as well. However, Jesus ascended after he died and resurrected. Mohammad ascended alive. Jesus returned in the form of the Holy Ghost. Mohammad returned as a mere man. Jesus was not a prophet but the Christ, and Mohammad was not the Christ, but a false prophet who mimicked what Jesus really did! Isa is likely the Antichrist, and a descendent of Mohammad, the false prophet.
     Mohammad ascended at the very place Abraham offered the substitutional sacrfice of his only son - on the rock of Ornan's threshing floor where Solomon's Temple was built to be God's house. A shrine to Mohammad is at that very place today and is called the Dome of the Rock; that rock is where God threshed the grain from the chaff. Islam will be threshed there, and very conveniently, an abyss is below it. That abyss is where the chaff was sent to destruction, and it will be there where Islam is threshed and sent to the bottomless pit, which that abyss is claimed to be!
     The Dome of the Rock is the exact place the Holy of Holies once was. If the reader remembers, unless the high priest was pure, he would die within. Impure Islam will someday die there, but it won't be dragged out by a cord; it will fall into the bottomless pit with Satan - their Allah! I would question: Did Mohammad truly ascend or did he descend into the bottomless pit? Perhaps the beast descended and came back as a representative of the Prince of the Air, identified in Scripture as Satan.
     Mohammad, if he did ascend to Heaven, did come back. Was it by choice or decree? Did he descend to the earth or did he fall, perhaps when he was cast down? Perhaps Mohammad experienced the same fate which his father the Devil - Allah - will experience: Isaiah said this about Satan:

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I  will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 16 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
     By the example of Mohammad, this prophecy seems to replicate what Mohammad claimed to have done. It wasn't Allah who "fell from heaven" and will be cast down because Allah is not real. His role was enacted by Mohammad. Mohammad is the face of Allah! It is Allah who exalts his throne above God's, and Allah's "word" is the voice of Mohammad who put Allah's - Satan's words -  in print in the Quran. It is Allah who "will be like the most high".
     Islam tries to make a whorehouse out of Jerusalem and for it to be a substitution for the city of Babylon. The harlot of Babylon was Allah, with whom former Jews and Christians fornicated under his disguise as God! They fornicated in God's very "face" in the City of God and in the Temple of God! They fornicated with Allah in the Church - Ornan's threshing floor which became the Temple of God! Now it is the temple of the harlot.
     Isaiah saw Islam! He referred to it: "the burden of Babylon" (Isa 13:1). The burden of Babylon is Islam and it's government is Sharia Law. 

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