Friday, May 17, 2024


 The “Big Bang Theory” was thought to be the beginning. It is called the “God Particle.” Think of it as one small particle that comes apart with vast energy in waveform. I now direct you to my book, Adoil Come Down: Arkhas Came Undone, which in turn is a commentary on the book, The Secrets of Enoch.

The thought was that Light was coming apart in the Big Bang. The problem with that is it was not a Big Wave but a Big Particle. The Big Bang revealed itself; it came apart. It seemed to fit Enoch’s viewpoint that Adoil was a Particle of Light that came undone to become a wave of Light; Light capitalized because God is “Light.”

Thanks to the James Watt Space Telescope (JWST), according to Michio Kaku, that Big “God Eye” peered into space and found constellations that the evidence showed, were older than the Big Bang (The Higgs Boson).

A Cosmic Bang would be very much like the electron shooter in the Young Experiment (See Figure 4).

However, there is another version of the Young Experiment that demonstrates the split with a cloud of light rather than a electron particle from a gun (see Figure 1).

The Big Bang would be more like the electron particle. That Big Gun would fire one small particle with enough energy that it came undone to a wave. A wave is basically the motion of a particle. It is a reverse of quantum mechanics wherein waves reveal themselves as particles.

In other words, the “cloud” of Light is more representative of the creation of the cosmos. Either might work in theology because God is “Light,” not just a Divine Particle or a Divine Wave, but it depends on when God comes to rest that He reveals Himself. (That will be explained shortly in the chapter on the “Godhead.”)

In the beginning God would have been like a wave; He would be dynamic — in motion. However, when He came to rest, God would be like an individual of some Substance in the shape of a man,

As such, God would have been more like a moving cloud — a dynamic wave. The electron gun does not represent God as closely as a “wave gun.”

If God is One, and He IS, “One God created us” (Mal 2:10), then One Entity set off the creation. That One entity is One Being. The kind is not expressed there.

However, God’s Being is “Existence” — “I AM,” not you nor any other being; they “Are Not.”

What is the “Substance” of God, then? “The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night” (Exod 13:21). God is pillar that appears as either a cloud or a fire. Neither of the “Pillars” are Divine Particles (before Jesus) but clouds of either Light or Fire, both of which Light of different temperatures.

Therefore, the One God in the beginning was a cloud moving across and throughout space. Remember that there is no such thing as empty space because even a vacuum contains light. The Light of God was the Divine Substance from which all things came.

With that explanation, a “Cloud Gun” is more descriptive than either an electron gun or a photon gun — a “gun” that a laser approximates.

With either a cloud of light or an electron gun, the result was a pattern on the screen. Whether it is a with the certainty of one particle or the uncertainty of a cloud is insignificant because after it stops what it was before makes no scientific difference.

However, the formation of the patterns on the screen are much different. The cloud experiment takes a short-cut by avoiding time. Shooting one particle at a time to form the pattern is indeed time consuming. On the other hand, shooting one cloud makes the pattern almost instantly. Not only does the screen stop particle waves, but it is beyond the concept of time as well.

What if the whole universe (what appears on the “screen” of the cosmos) [1] came from a Cloud of Divine Light rather that a boson particle. If Michio Kaku is right in his observations from the JWST, then time does not exist in the creation!

Those multiple billions of years just dissipate into a vapor! James, the brother of Jesus, knew about quantum time: “For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away” (Jas 4:14). The lifetimes of both the people and the cosmos both are like a vapor that vanishes. That is how the Quantum God performed His great processes.

From the “eyes” of the JWST, time disappeared. It is not longer the extant theory of evolution. Evolution vanished because of the objective “eyes” of JWST, and so did the time construct.

Now, in quantum theory, time is the construct of man. It is by man and for man. God did things beyond time.

The Big Bang Particle no longer exists. It was there for an instance, now it is gone, leaving the only explanation that God appeared then as either a cloud of Light or a flame of Fire, depending on when He stops. After Jesus ascended, God appeared again as both a “mighty wind” and a “tongue of fire” (Acts 2:2-3) just as He did during the exodus from Egypt.

Kaku stopped evolution when he stopped the concept of time. Evolution died in 2023. May it now reside in Hell! I can hear the silence of the Big Bang as I write.

I thought Enoch saw the Big Bang. [2] I was wrong! Now review what God revealed to Enoch:

I commanded in the very lowest parts, that visible things should come down from invisible, and Adoil came down very great, and I beheld him, and lo! he had a belly of great light. And I said to him: “Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of thee.” And he came undone, and a great light came out. And I was in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light, there came forth a great age, and showed all creation, which I had thought to create. And I saw that it was good. (Secrets 25:1-4)

God called Adoil a “great belly of light.” Adoil was a huge cloud, not that God is a Cloud, but that the Power (Dynamis) of God is great, even Almighty!

There was no God particle; there was an “Adoil” a great Cloud of Light. God is “God,” but His motion and power is the Adoil. “He came undone” — “visible things come down from the invisible.”

That describes the Young experiment of Figure 1, does it not?

Then God revealed to Enoch, Archas:

I summoned the very lowest a second time, and said: 'Let Archas come forth hard,' and he came forth hard from the invisible. And Archas came forth, hard, heavy, and very red. And I said: “Be opened, Archas, and let there be born from thee,” and he came undone, an age came forth, very great and very dark, bearing the creation of all lower things, and I saw that it was good and said to him: “Go thou down below, and make thyself firm, and be for a foundation for the lower things…” (Secrets 26:1-4)

Archas may very well have been the process of creation. Archas seems to be the “Slits” in the barrier that separates the Cloud into particles, and it was done, not in time, but one age, or a Aeon — without time.

The Big Bang was a particle becoming undone into a wave. It was more like an electron shooter using the certainty principle.

Adoil was a cloud. Archas was its undoing, converting clouds of Light into hard particles whose uniformity and Intelligent Design are displayed on the “screen” of the cosmos; whose “great belly” JWST went into to reveal the creation!

The Big Bang with the advent of JWST exploded again into a vapor and afterward time and days are gone with it!

Albert Einstein got its dimension right “space” but failed to get “time” right in his new space-time dimension. That new dimension did not fit the cosmos itself very well, but does so, individual bodies, or masses.

Just like Einstein, Isaiah saw the cosmos as a curtain that unrolled, sort of like an old-fashioned blind, or a screen on which images are projected. God did that!

Einstein unwittingly added a little “God” to Newtonian Physics — bodies in space are held in place by a gravitational net of sorts; a net that time bends around to avoid. However, is it time that is really bent, or just Light waves? That they move with the speed of Light is for many to envision. Rather than bend time, thus shortening its path, is light just distorted from a path to a bent wave?

A straight light ray goes from its source to a receiver, from point A to point B; B some sort of screen that reveals its photons.

What if light are waves like a cloud… like God? If light waves are curved like waves, then point A and point B are closer. What if the wave is more like a cloud and each photon internally dynamic?  Then each photon in the great belly of the cloud is close to any other. Point A and B are together, even entangled. That is my thinking, but does it make sense?

"Fire by Night;" credit: Bible Guide for the Golden Age

[1] Isaiah saw that, not me: “He (God) that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in…” (Isa 40:22). Isaiah saw cosmic motion on the creation. God revealed to Him all the cosmic objects on what appears to be a curtain — a screen.

[2] In my book, Adoil Come Down, Arkhas Came Undone.

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