Monday, May 6, 2024


When I compared quantum theory with Divine Truth, I noted much coherence between the two. Where they differ is another story.

Christians seem afraid of science. However, God is the author and begetter of all things. The science is the Way that God did, and still does, all things. Science is not the enemy of God but the method that He used in creating all things.

That science is misunderstood is the problem. All the while identifying how God did things, most scientists deny that God did them. They fail to see the “science” in the Garden for the trees that block their view, in a manner of speaking.

Science is of God, but God is not the science. The discontinuity is misunderstanding.

I believe that I understand God, and that the science, albeit unwittingly, supports the works of God.

Now for the topic at hand… God entangling Abram in a very mysterious way and him remaining entangled to this day.

There is much ado about Judaism and just who are the Jews. What are they? Some other kind of being that for some they are friendly and to others, vicious? Jews are people too! In fact, they may be genetically more humane than humanists. Allow me to demonstrate the meaning of this.

He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom 2:28:29) 

The shades of color of the skin, according to Paul, did not determine what someone is. He was speaking to the Romans who were different shades of skin coloring. Accordingly, outward appearance does not define the person.

Dr. Martin King nailed the meaning of the content of Paul’s words, when he said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Paul was saying much the same thing.

Jews, stereotypically, are swarthy; not black, not white, but a brown tone. In addition to complexion, their physical attributes are generally slighter of physique and their facial features measurable. They are indeed somewhat different in the outward characteristics of their bodies. Their flesh is what made them Adam’s kind, but their inner characteristics are what made them the Image of God as well.

People pay much money to change their outward appearances, but changing the inward appearances comes free.

The flesh cannot be cut-off, at least not all the way from the body! Doctors nowadays can do quite well with plastic surgery, but psychiatrists not so well with the psyche — the inward persons.

God did quite well with both the outward image of man and the inward Image of God in man. It may be that contemporary man looks much like Adam outwardly, but inwardly the stereotypical man is not humane, but more feral like the beasts.

Dr. King was not so concerned with the features of the flesh but the character of his children. To be honest, that is what concerns God as well.

Christianity ought to change the viewpoint of those who are indeed Christians. To be honest, at one time I considered blacks an anomaly because they were outside my box in Coatesville, Indiana, where only one family of Negroes lived. Now, as a Christian, I ignore the color of black skin for it is neither bad nor good, but the content of their character. We all have “darkness” within unless God Lights us up inwardly. We are all shaped in inequity, according to King David (Psalm 51:5). In a sense, God is color blind but not spiritually blind.

Character is thought of as persona, but that is only in play-acting drama. The real character of a person lies within.

“Persona” is something that an actor projects in a play.

“Character,” on the other hand, is the real person that God sees inside the flesh. Character is what distinguishes one person from another. Character is thought of as genuineness and uprightness — honesty, kindness, and such. Paul wrote that the character of Christians ought to be, “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal 5:22-23). Those attributes cannot be seen outwardly, but shine forth from the inner person who has character.

God chose Jews long ago as His people because the progenitor of the Hebrews (Abram) showed his inward character outwardly.

Abram was from Ur but that has a double meaning. He was from Ur, a city of Shinar, but he was made a Hebrew (meaning “across”) by God, not because he crossed the Euphrates or the Jordan, but because he crossed the fire unscathed, to wit: 

  Abram walked in the midst of the fire three days and three nights, and all the servants of the king saw him walking in the fire, and they came and told the king, saying, Behold we have seen Abram walking about in the midst of the fire, and even the lower garments which are upon him are not burned, but the cord with which he was bound is burned.

  The king (Nimrod) rose to go and see it, and he saw Abram walking to and fro in the midst of the fire, and he saw Haran's body burned, and the king wondered greatly. And the king ordered Abram to be taken out from the fire; and his servants approached to take him out and they could not, for the fire was round about and the flame ascending toward them from the furnace.

  And the king's servants fled from it, and the king rebuked them, saying, “Make haste and bring Abram out of the fire that you shall not die.”

  And the servants of the king again approached to bring Abram out, and the flames came upon them and burned their faces so that eight of them died. And when the king saw that his servants could not approach the fire lest they should be burned, the king called to Abram, “O servant of the God who is in heaven, go forth from amidst the fire and come hither before me;” and Abram hearkened to the voice of the king, and he went forth from the fire and came and stood before the king.

  And when Abram came out the king and all his servants saw Abram coming before the king, with his lower garments upon him, for they were not burned, but the cord with which he was bound was burned. And the king said to Abram, “How is it that thou wast not burned in the fire?”

  And Abram said to the king, “The God of heaven and Earth in whom I trust and who has all in his power, He delivered me from the fire into which thou didst cast me.” (Jasher 12:27-35)

 God made Abram a new person that was then called “Abraham” because he had withstood the fire resulting from his great faith in God which he would demonstrate many times afterward. Abram’s perishable flesh, like his brother, Haran’s, should have gone up in flames like Haran’s. He was of the same genetics as Haran, so, he and Haran were “entangled,” having the same father and mother, they were entangled genetically.

In quantum physics entanglement is mysterious. Regardless how far apart in both time and distance, entanglement means that the particles, whatever they are, have many of the same characteristics. As such, just as Haran perished in the flames of the furnace, Abram did not, but should have!

 God, from above, for that is where they were seeking Him, engendered Abram and made him incorruptible, so that He would not perish. His flesh, once the same as Haran’s, was changed in an instant, and Abram became the new person, “Abraham.” God had solved the quantum mystery; He had detangled the entanglement with Haran and the common genes of Terah, and Abraham then had the genes common to God. He was the same in outward appearance, but inwardly, he became a new person. Somehow God had imbued Abram with His own Image (Selem); and a “phantom” of God was imbued within the person Abraham.

Rather than Abraham entangled with the gens of Terah, after his show of faith, Abram, now Abraham, was entangled with God. That means that without regard to distance, time, or even place; Abraham was characteristic of God.

God was in Paradise in heaven and Abraham in the “paradise” of Israel, then Canaan land — the land of milk and honey. Despite their distance, Abraham and God were forever paired. The last “place” that Abraham is identified was in Paradise in heaven with Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham (Luke 16:22-23). There, over a millenium later, Abraham was still entangled with God and at his death, the beggar, Lazarus, was entangled with Abraham — in the safety of Abraham’s bosom. That was because Abraham, even after all this time, remained entangled with God! Wherever Abraham is, he is still entangled with God.

The Hebrews were God’s people. Abraham was the first “Hebrew,” and all his gens are Hebrew to this day. However, Israel (Jacob) was the only genes of Abraham that remained entangled with God to the time of Jesus.

How is that known? Jacob wrestled with God and his inward character was altered by God just as his outward flesh (the thigh of Jacob changed as well).

God may have not physically “wrestled” with Jacob (Gen 32:24) but did ‘abaq (Hebrew) with him; He “bedusted” Jacob.

If you remember, Adam was dusted into an image (Gen 2:7). Likewise, God pounded Jacob into Israel. He bedusted him into His own Image. In other words, God and Jacob did not wrestle per se but entangled in the sense of their character. Jacob remained Jacob outwardly, but the inner man became Israel. If that is true, then the nation of Israel today remains entangled with God. Symbolically, and even spiritually, Jesus is the remnant that is Israel. Israel and God remain entangled through the genetics and Spirit of God in Jesus.

The Hebrew people who crossed the Red Sea, led by Moses, were still entangled with God. Because they followed God’s messenger, they were following God. The same goes for the Angel of God — the Holy Ghost of Jesus; those who follow Him are entangled with God without regard to location, time, or distance.

God said about the Hebrews, “You are an holy people unto the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all the nations that are upon the Earth” (Deut 14:2). Of course, God chose them when Abraham and God covenanted; He would be their God and they would be His people (Exod 6:7).

God reminded them that they were entangled with Him as Mosaic Hebrews, the remnant of which are the Jews of Israel.

When they were chosen, a “peculiarity” (segulla) came with it. They were “shut up” — their new character was closed and sealed shut. They would always be entangled with God from then until doomsday.

Why should Christians support Israel? Both are forever entangled with God. That is the Word of God and that is the Quantum Theory; they both agree!

Two particles of any type can entangle. The Jews are one group of “particles” with the characteristics of God lying dormant in their genes; even far away from God as they are. They remain God’s people — the case is closed!

Then came Gentiles who became entangled with Jesus… Jesus who is also God because the spin, or dynamics, of the Godhead are entangled as One. The Virtue (Dynamis) of Jesus is the Dynamis of Yahweh. Jesus identified as God in the flesh and then that was verified, “Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Tim 3:16).

The mystery of God seems to coincide with the spookiness of quantum entanglement!

Jesus was the manifestation of God — God revealing Himself to mankind. When they saw Jesus, from any angle, He was then and remains God to this day. God is not two distinct Persons or even three, it is that Yahweh and the Word were entangled as One in the beginning before time began, and still are regardless of time.

Referring to the early Christians it is written, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous Light” (1 Pet 2:9).

That is Quantum Theory! God is Light, is He not? He is the invisible Power that Exists in a spooky way. Like the Hebrews were coupled and the case closed, so are Christians; not that they have all the characteristics of God, but that they are coupled forever unless some unknown “Thing” intervenes and disentangles the person from God.

The “Serpent” of old did just that, and as such, Eve’s kind must be entangled again. That is what Jesus called, “born again” — engendered by God above — genetically entangled forever unless the Devil intervenes again.

If God is “Light,” and He is, then Christians are called out of the darkness of that Light. Because Christians are of the same essence as God then once they see the Light of God, entanglement is forever without regard to time, distance, or location.

That seems to support the concept of eternal security, but quanta exhibit mysterious, even spooky, behavior. Nobody knows for sure how entanglement is obtained. Were Christians entangled with God in the beginning, or is God still communicating with His chosen kind from afar? That quantum mystery remains unanswered in both science and theology.

Does the Will of God still speak to His chosen kind from afar (in heaven) or were Christians pre-selected in the beginning before time? Calvin chose the latter but the preponderance of the  scientific evidence is that “fate” (randomness) still speaks in loud volumes from One God to other Images of God.

As spooky as that sounds, that may be the case, except for one thing; that the so-called “random” input is from a Dynamic Divine Intelligence that plans for us as the situation changes. In a sense, the “God Particle” continually tests to see if our character is still in harmony, whether still entangled with His own or another that has mastered him.

Is once entangled always entangled? That remains unknown in Quantum Theory and remains unknown in theology.

Science ignores that paradox and just goes with it as if it does not matter in the eternal scheme of things. So, should we! However, they play it safe and test all things for significance and truth. So should Christians.

There are degrees of freedom in Quantum Theory because of probability and uncertainty. Likewise, Christians are to remain sober and vigilant (1 Pet 5:8) in case they understand the mystery of God wrongly. It is always better to remain skeptical because just as a new thought is always on the horizon of black holes, the same applies to the unknown darkness that we do not understand about the evil one and its interference.










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