Thursday, June 6, 2024


Like science, theology has direction as well. They are much alike but of a different spin. All things must be examined in perspective; Paul wrote, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor 5:18).

Science is the temporal and theology the things that are eternal. Any sane person would prefer the latter rather than the former. The different “spins” are time-oriented; the former is that time is a construct of man and the latter that time does not exist is a Construct of the Being that we call, “God.” God made things eternal, but man made them temporal.

The perfect economy of Paradise was meant to be eternal, but with sin, outside Paradise was temporal. Let’s say that Eden is the world. As such, Adam and Eve, because of sin, would have been cast out into the material world — the cosmos — from the eternal non-material world of the Garden.

That the Garden was eastward of Eden, I remind the reader, was before time existed. That was the archaic way of explaining eternity.

Mankind was made glorious in the image of God and timeless. According to the Books of Adam and Eve (pseudepigrapha), neither of the two adamah had digestive tracts before time when in the Garden. Digestive and reproductive systems make mankind more like the other animals; it seems that mankind was created organic but not animalistic. Compare that to mankind at this moment; have they evolved or devolved? The premise of the Bible is that mankind is depraved. King David admitted to his depravity; he said that he was shaped in iniquity (Psalm 51:5).

In the beginning, before time, man was the Image of God. Sin disrupted man’s entanglement with God and man became entangled with the Wicked One. Cain was the archetype of all mankind. Unknown is what Cain looked like, but the best guess is that he looked like the male Adam but was of a different substance within. You cannot judge a human being any more by its cover than a book be judged by that same metric.

Theologically, brutishness is within. We all may look human, but peel away the skin, and we look like a skinned animal. The most profound difference is that mankind has a soul. It is in the shape of a man but of a glorious substance, and of the same Divine Substance of God. Scripture calls that quantumlike state “the glory of God.” The human soul cannot be seen but is revealed by its dynamic — whether our actions are like God or like the Devil. Our actions are very quantumlike and to whom we are entangled is revealed by who we mimic.

After sin, all of Eve’s kind — the mother of all living — “come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). We may look evolved but that is not so; inwardly over the centuries, time has taken its toll. Coming short of the glory of God is devolution. Man looks the Tekton but inwardly we are Neanderthal.

Dr. Al-Kkalali used the example of video games for evidence of evolution. We think of evolution as “animal improvement” but it is not, as you can see: 

Evolution: descent with modification from preexisting species: cumulative inherited change in a population of organisms through time leading to the appearance of new forms: the process by which new species or populations of living things develop from preexisting forms through successive generations. (Merriam-Webster, 2024)

 Evolution is a descent. The once pure genes of mankind, according to science, devolved, not toward improvement but a gradual change in genetics over time. That viewpoint agrees with scripture. If original man’s genetics were God’s, then over time, we are what we are, and that certainly is not gods. Indeed, Adam’s kind has evolved, but the direction of evolution is debatable, as is everything.

In the same pseudepigrapha, Eve wanted to be like they were before they were cast out of the Garden. Not only were they cast out of a place; they were cast into time itself. They were moved from an economy where time does not exist to one where it does. Adam lived 930 years and since both were entangled, then both the two would have died at the same time. (Do not forget that the male and the female were identical, cloned if you want to think of it that way, but of opposing genders in a very quantum way.)

They evolved, because of sin, and perhaps at the same rate. They became retrograde if you consider glorious more preferred than inglorious bastard children of the Devil. They were “children” in the sense that they adapted to the image (nahas) of Lucifer whether it be a serpent or a worm.

In Al-Khalali’s video, it was demonstrated that the stick figures of anthropoidal bots in video games, at first clumsy (much like President Biden), they learned from their adversaries. They soon became much like their opponents who were highly skilled. As such they became very functional and as mighty as their adversaries. (People have become more like the “Adversary” (Satan) as they entangle more and more with him.)

Al-Khalali expressed that they had “evolved” after showing that evolution is quantum theory. Certainly, they had learned by entangling and became like the anthropoid with whom they wrestled. They became more skilled but at the same time, more beastly.

On the flip side, Jacob entangled with God and became more like God.

The programmers of the video game just programmed the dynamics of the stick figures. However, they were as amazed as anyone that their performance improved. The clumsy anthropoidal bots became as dexterous as their opponents. They had learned from interaction. Somehow, although the programmers could not understand, the bots evolved.

They crossed the quantum horizon in a quantum leap, but nobody knows how. Their quantum state had indeed changed, and the videos showed that their dynamics had vastly improved. The made-up world of the video game changed awkward stick figures to dynamos. Is that good or evil? They had improved in performance but what about their motives. They became skilled killers, so is that improvement or degradation?

If early man was indeed Neanderthal-looking, that may be misleading. (My own opinion is that Neanderthals were not men at all but beasts that looked much like mankind and were more gorillas than people.)

So, let’s assume that the first man looked primitive, but remembering that inwardly, he was the image of God, he would have had a beautiful mind.

Who built the pyramids, for instance? Some big brute man with a beautiful mind. Who could do that nowadays? Few people, only with heavy equipment and modern technology. The science is that there were giants in those days just as scripture says (Gen 6:4), but those giants were extremely clever technicians.

Those pyramids were not built for the glory of God but to glorify kings and such. According to “Biblical Chronology,” the pyramids may have been built before the flood. My theory is that they were the giants of Bible fame. (No wonder the outer shells of the pyramids have eroded!)

The evidence reveals that mankind has improved biologically, but spiritually they have become more depraved. We can see the exponential increase in depravity in this era all the while man has become healthier and more inventive. But now, invention is not so much toward improvement but destruction. Take for instance atomic bombs and biogenetics.

Would Sennacherib, who destroyed “Eden” as he advanced toward Judah, have used atomic weaponry. Perhaps so, but likely not. The worst “bomb” of the ancient world was only Greek fire. That would come much later.

We certainly look humane, but most of the animal kingdom cherish their offspring. Even the vilest women and men of ancient times seemed to have treasured their seed, but now the unborn are merely “inconveniences.” Humble yourself; humans are depraved and degenerated just as scripture implies, and as such, in need of regeneration.

Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, ‘Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God’” (John 3:3).

Nicodemus did not understand that, but “born again” is literally “engendered from above.” The implication is that the Genome of God in mankind has degenerated, or devolved, and that the DNA of us all requires “people improvement,” not by science, but by the Breath of God to rebreathe life unto us to be reglorified.

The whole premise of the Bible is that mankind has evolved. The Genesis of the Bible is all about evolution. As time goes on, the beastly new kinds created even more vicious and mean-spirited kinds. Like the quantum-like stick figures in the video game, we learn to be vicious from whom we (mankind) entangle to the point that mankind is now brutish in nature.

Mankind reveals himself in a quantum way; whether we are righteous or demonic is revealed by our actions. The more glorious a person is the more they behave humanely. The less glorious; they behave more inhumanely.

Who would have ever thought that humans could commit genocide as they did in Nazi Germany? Well, by entangling with the “Devil” Eve “genocided” the race of Adam.

When the sons of God entangled with the daughters of men, mankind devolved to the extent that God “genocided” all but a remnant of mankind for “beast improvement.”

The point within this commentary is that evolution has direction. It is any change in the genetics of organisms. Mankind also evolved, not from apes, but from glorious loving creatures to “apes.” By the admission of anthropologists, they rightfully classify human beings as a third branch of gorillas. We were not always that way, but as the Bible implies, we miss the mark.

As it turned out because Cain was of the Wicked One, “The Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him” (Gen 4:15). Why would God do that? Cain had devolved to a lower level — a “vagabond” (Gen 4:12); literally a “nod” — a wanderer (Strong, 2006). He became a free-range beast, so it would be open season for anyone that he encountered.

His nature and appearance had changed, and God tagged him somehow. He had become Neanderthal-looking. The best guess is that the mark of Cain was genetic — giantism (Gen 6:4).

We think of giants as huge people beyond the normative. Cain may have suffered giantism because of the genetics of Nephilim in him, but he literally became tyrannical. His mark may have been his size because inwardly, Cain was a tyrant in the manner of the Wicked One.

The Books of Adam and Eve reveal that blind Lamech killed his own source of his genome. That points to Cain as a giant.

Genun (in that same source) invented many things before the flood which things were used for evil. Genun evolved, but he made evil things. He was a “tekton’” in a scientific sense but a brute within.

Could it have been the sons of Cain (and Genun) who built the pyramids of Egypt and it be the “land of Nod” (Gen 4:16)?

Many have wondered about the location of Nod, but the consensus is that it outside of Paradise and from the Presence of God. Egypt fits that very well and at one time Egypt was the epitome of civilization but now it has devolved into a third world nation. That too is evolution.

By the time of the flood, the genetics of mankind had changed so immensely that the people of the world were all depraved except Noah who found grace (Gen 6:8).

The Book of Jasher describes the baby Noah at birth. He had been marked as well. He was fair and luminescent from the womb. God had glorified him for a purpose. God made him at a higher quantum state. The Genome of God has improved him.

Mankind, just as quantum theory proposes, evolved; whether for the better or the worse is in the eye of the Beholder. God beheld the old creatures as depraved and washed them from the face of the Earth.

Evolution is both scientific and biblical truth and mankind will eventually be totally depraved again.

The video bots learned from their world, not from their creators. In a similar fashion, mankind has learned the actions of the world, despite their Inventor.


                                                  Glorious to Depraved (Spiritually)

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