Saturday, June 22, 2024


 About the quantum state of marriage:

“Marriage” is just a mechanical coupling. I had all but forgotten marriage, but it was meant to be a quantum-like entanglement; so herein is a chapter about what should be holy matrimony. 

As a Corvette engineer, I often escorted aficionados on a tour of the plant. The car was built in two parts: the body and the chassis. When the two met in the process; it was at the “marriage station.”

There, not to be crude, the towveyor that carried the chassis “humped” upward on a lift and there the body and chassis became one. At the end of the line, the operator would print a “birth certificate” for any visitor that came by. They were coupled mechanically in the marriage, but only when their electronic harnesses were both attached to the central controller were they one “spiritually.”

They shared the same “exciteton” so to speak.  That very well explains, not marriage, but “holy matrimony.’ Not only are the two parts of the Corvette one mechanically, but they think alike and are entangled with each other unless the car crashes and perishes. 

Holy matrimony is the same way. However, it is God that is the “Exciteon.”

The problem in this age is that there are many marriages and few cases of holy matrimony. Soon after coupling, if the two do not think alike, by sharing the same “Exciteon,” they crash and die. Now consider the marriage of the first man to the first woman: 

God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it (Gen 1:27-28)… The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs and closed-up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called ‘Woman,’ because she was taken out of Man. (Gen 2:21-23)

 An entire book could be written right here!

First off, God was One Being, not half a one; He was “Lord God.” That is important because it appears that the woman declared Lucifer her “lord” (Gen 4:1) after her and the “Serpent-figure” “crashed.”

You read into that what you may, but Cain is of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12) and the newborn child was not an adam but an ‘is in the Hebrew. He was an “extant” (Strong, 2006) being — another kind of existence that was alien to Adam.

But for now, consider the Dynamics of God.

“God created (bara’) man (adam).”

The Image of God was two: Yehova Elohim — the self-Existent of deities (angels), whereas Lucifer was a self-proclaimed “deity,” but existed only because of God. From that it comes God, before the Creation, was the sole “Object” of Existence, and that “Object” was the Light of God. The Image of God was Selem — a “Shadow,” or “Phantom” Being. Remembering that shadows are not darkness, but light of higher frequencies, the “Shadow” of God was His unseen Dynamics.

God, in the beginning, appeared only as A Dynamic. Just as the quantum coin appears as a cloud, so does God in the beginning, and only when He rested, was His Phantom revealed.

With that said, Adam and Eve had the Dynamic of God that was split apparently when God divided Himself from His “Cloud” to make the phantom images of the man and the woman. That they were both “Adam’s” of different genders is a classic case of Young’s Two Slit Experiment.

Next, “God blessed (barak) them.”

Barak is a verb. God took a knee to them, likely not literally, but shared His Dynamic with the two. God is Glorious, and by blessing them, they were glorious as well. They were both entangled with God, and then the man was split from the Image of God to make two men of different genders, again in the classic case of quantum slits. Because they were both of God, then the two were entangled with God and were glorious like God.

They were like each other… “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh,” but were of opposite spins; “She shall be called ‘Woman,’ because she was taken out of Man.”

Woman in the Hebrew is ‘Issa (wife of mortal man ‘Is.)

That the Man and Woman were as one made them married. They were “one flesh” as Paul wrote millennia later: 

We are members of His (Christ’s) body, of His flesh, and of His bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. (Ephes 5:30-31)

 Paul thought differently than the translators. “Flesh” therein is sarx in the Greek, meaning that it is not the skin but the flesh beneath the skin.

Now return to Genesis again, “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them” (Gen 3:21).

Remembering that before sin, they were naked and not ashamed (Gen 2:25). Their “phantom,” I believe, was them with their chromosomes showing as every cell of the body has luminescent chromosomes which seemed to appear to be phantoms. With their chromosomes stained because of sin, which is now genetic, there appeared in the woman perhaps bacterial mitochondrial DNA which she, now dominant, passed along to the male man.

When God clothed the two, the nakedness that He covered may have been their new mitochondrial chromosomes. Hence, our human skin may very well be that covering and indeed it is much different than the other anthropoids.

Perhaps Paul meant that with holy matrimony the male and the female become one genetically, and indeed when they mate, the offspring is like both of them with even the mother passing along her inglorious X-chromosome. [1]

Mere coupling is marriage. It produces no product of conception, and if it did, in biblical times that was not just a marriage of convenience, but consummation wherein two became one under the blessing of God. He takes a divine “knee” to those who marry under His Dynamic.

Why do marriages fail? Because they are not holy matrimony!

Why did the “marriage” of Adam to his wife not fail? Because God blessed them with beautiful but corruptible flesh which covered their inward ugliness.

Indeed, human beings are brutish and are hard to distinguish from gorillas which look much alike inwardly (genetically).

Hanno the navigator in 500 AD or so, even failed to distinguish gorillas from men when he went to western Africa.  

Like Hanno, modern geneticists still confuse humans with gorillas.

Just what are the distinguishing characteristics? Intelligence like God and an invisible, but real soul, that just because it cannot be seen does not mean that it does not exist. The human soul preceded the glorious flesh, and then after sin, it appears that this beautiful skin was added by the grace of God to cover the disgusting inglorious beasts within!

Man was intended to have dominion over the other animals (Gen 1:26) because they were glorious like God and entangled with Him.

Sin disentangled man with God and entangled mankind with Lucifer. We are now creatures that have the features of the other beasts. (No wonder we must be “born again” — engendered from God above.) 

On a personal note, I, as do many, find the human body disgusting if I think about what is inside. So does God! We are inglorious and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23) because of sin. Something happened to Adam’s kind that really changed us all. Our biological functions reveal genetic devolution, and our actions are spiritual depravity. 

 “Adam called his wife's name ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20). After sin, Eve had dominion over the man, and not him, but she made for Adam a new creature (Cain; Gen 4;1). She had become the “god.”

We are not really “mankind,” but “Eve’s inglorious kind,” and that should humble us. We think of ourselves as glorious, but unless we are glorified by God by rebirth, then we remain inglorious and would be alien to God in Paradise.

If anyone is not a Christian, then he or she remain aliens, according to scripture: 

At that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world. (Ephes 2;12)

 The Israelites, after the diaspora, were married to foreign wives. God told them to divorce them to be entangled with Himself.

Abraham had survived the fire of Ur and had been blessed with glorious incorruptible flesh, according to the Book of Jasher. Abram had become entangled with God and God regenned him, and he in turn passed along new seed (DNA) that when stopped in time were Israelites.

When stopped in time again, according to Paul, those not entangled with God (the Christ) became alien beings. If you are not entangled with God, then to Him you are aliens and children of the Devil. Because of the sin of Eve, you are born entangled with the Devil; and that is something that you cannot fix by yourselves!

Unholy marriage was when the Israelites intermarried with pagan Kuthites from the northern kingdom of what was once Israel. They became strangers to the promise and that could only be corrected by ending their entanglement with the daughters of the Devil (pagan Kuthite women).

Their marriages were required to be only to those that were entangled with God and of the seed of Abraham. They pushed that limitation to the extent that Isaac had to find a relative to marry to avoid marrying a Canaanite.

The Hebrews had to keep their bloodlines clean, and to do so, meant marrying only those under the Covenant of Abraham.

Now, because of the Covenant of Grace, we can marry anyone that is yoked to Jesus, to wit: 

Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? (2 Cor 6:14)

 That “yoke” is heterozygeo in the Greek; according to Levitical Law, the union of beasts of different kinds (Lev 19:19). Beasts in that passage was an ox and an ass.

What Paul meant was a Christian to a non-Christian, a being in Christ compared to a being not entangled with Christ.

It should be obvious that the M.O. of God was quantum physics even in spiritual matters. It should also be obvious that Satan uses the same M.O. because that alien creature knows that it works, understands that all he needs to do is put up a stumbling stone (1 Pet 2:8), and the Dynamics of God is disrupted. The Devil is good at setting up “Lucifer’s Double Slit Experiment” to test the Christian and see if when it is all finished; is it a glorious man or beast that remains standing?

Holy Matrimony is about abandoned and replaced by civil marriage. Now that the concept of holiness is long gone, marriage under civil law will soon end with everybody doing what they want to do with whomever: man, transman, fluid man, or any other; even Android man; with whom they want to couple.

picture credit: :Midget Man and Giantess;" Flickr

[1] In my book, On the Origin of Man and the Universe (2019), I made the case that YY-chromosomal DNA is divine.

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