Wednesday, February 26, 2020


  As usual this morning, I was considering scripture as I was writing my latest book about socialism. My book is a comparison of Russian socialism to the American variety using Galina Veshnevskaya’s book as a reference. I am writing of what she experienced comparing it to what America may be about to experience, and even now, we are in its early stages. Now read the words of Jesus:

So the people asked him, saying, “What shall we do then?”
He answered and said to them, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.”
Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?”
And he said to them, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.”
Likewise, the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?” So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.” (Luke 3:10-14; NKJV)

 It is as if Jesus knew that socialism was a coming dogma. Perhaps he saw socialism in the Roman Republic turned oligarchy. Examine what he says, taking charity first: “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” That appears to be the same as the socialist slogan, “From those with ability; to those with need.” Jesus did say to give a basic need (for warmth) from those with two tunics to those without even one tunic.  Utopian socialism was based on that premise. It is called, “charity” and is voluntary. Jesus did not command giving but taught that charity is a fruit of those who love.

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old, having been the wife of one man…
 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed. (1 Pet 5:8-9,16; KJV)

  The qualification for relief is for widows in excess of sixty-years old who have been faithful to only one man. If another man steps in, then relief shall not be given. However, giving is premised on the giver providing for his own first. The breadwinners must provide for his own household before giving charity. Provision is sustenance; it is not after buying wine, new chariots, jewelry, and tattoos!  Those things are “wants.” Jesus spoke of having two cloaks and giving one. The second cloak is given to the one who does not have that basic need met. Wanting another cloak was not sufficient grounds for charitable works.

  I think back a few years: A young couple were struggling with medical bills. For Christmas she merely asked for relief of her medical bills which were tremendous. She suggested $25 or $30. That is a pittance for the average American. While I was considering giving them much more than that, she posted a picture of her and her husband’s new tattoos. Tattoos are their business but paying for their tattoos is not mine! Rather than giving anything, in dismay, I retained my charitable gift which I would give to another person truly needy. Essentially, the young lady was asking others to pay for her wants. That is unscriptural. They should provide for their own, and especially for their children before themselves.
  Growing up, our family had the basics - mostly from God’s garden. Sometimes we tired of beans and tomatoes and wanted ice cream. That was not a need, and we realized that. However, when Dad took us to the DQ, I noticed that he only ate the basic ice cream cone, whereas us young ones could have a sundae. Dad provided for his family first before himself. In my job, I worked for my family’s needs and God generously provided for our wants! According to my model – Dad – my children came first! Dad’s model was Jesus Christ.

  If a woman is able (under sixty) then she must provide for her own family. It is assumed that adult children provide for themselves. The charitable “umbrella” was not all inclusive; it was for those truly in need. For those who were sick, Jesus helped them. He did not provide blanket assistance but made eternal “health” available to all who wanted it. I believe eternal life is a must! Jesus provided for those who “must be born again” (John 3:7). The point is that the disciples depended on Jesus for medical and spiritual care. They went without doctors of the physique and certainly without psychologists! Jesus could have eliminated poverty, but he said, “For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always” (Mat 26:11). Jesus was no socialist. He did not come for social justice but divine justice. Those who love him will have eternal health care. For those who do not love him; that’s a shame, for they could have it if they wanted it.
  Christians should, therefore, help elderly widows and their infant children, and perhaps elderly parents who live in the household, but not just anyone who moves in. The number of those with two cloaks are not plentiful enough to provide a cloak for everyone with needs which they could meet themselves, nor with wants. Jesus endorsed charitable giving for those who love him. He put qualifications on to whom to give: to those without a coat, from those with two coats. He never asked that those with no coat give to others with no coat, nor to leave themselves with only a sweater. Jesus defined charity in Luke 3:10-11. Then, he defined how socialism works, and advised the tax collectors to, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.”
  Tax collectors were to collect for the needs of the state – for the military and government. They abused that by over-taxing those with little income but who were working. If they did not work, they were made to work. How? By others not giving to them. People will work for their needs if they must! The tax collectors taxed those with the ability beyond their means. They over-taxed to provide for their and their family’s own wants. That’s what socialism does! Furthermore, if those with ability refused to pay the outlandish taxes, soldiers enforced that injustice. That’s how Utopian socialism turns out to be communism. Jesus saw it coming; he knew Marx before he was ever born!
  Even Utopian socialism is wrong. Throughout scripture, the Jews were destroyed because they did things on their own. Even kings were unnecessary since God was already THE King! They did it their way, and socialists attempt to create a Utopian paradise without God as King.
  The soldiers asked, “What shall we do?” Jesus replied, be fair to people, and added, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.” Socialism is unfair in two respects: (1) It is not charitable, and (2) people do not manage their wages; the government does. Socialists don’t depend on God for fairness, but “Big Brother” – the Devil.
  Socialism, unlike Christianity, is based on discontent. The soldiers, as an example for everyone who was taxed, were to be satisfied with their wages. They should not want others to supplement what they earn but manage their money to supply their own needs as well as their families. Dissatisfaction comes from not having their wants met. Socialism deceives well; it changes needs into wants without even grimacing. Free medical care for all is their first want.  Most people have money for frivolous things, then demand that others who are more frugal pay for their luxuries. Free health care for everyone is not a basic need but a want. If it was a need, then people would budget for that instead of vacations, eating out, or the aforementioned tattoos.
  Added to the list of needs (sic) on the socialist menu is free abortions for all, paid for by those who manage their money well. They expect those with ability, and by the way motivation, to pay to kill their offspring! Imagine the insanity of that! Mr. hardworking taxpayer must pay for the poor ladies’ pleasuring, and add to that, the insult of having to pay for rich ladies’ pleasuring since free medical (sic) care is for all!
  Then Jesus told the soldiers not to intimidate anyone. Socialism turns into full-fledged communism because most people who cherish freedom resent the legalized theft of socialism. It turns out that Utopian socialism is a fantasy since their god does not provide an endless supply of wants like a genie would do. Jesus knew that soldiers would step in and intimidate those with ability to pay for those without the incentive to provide for their own wants. Socialism is foolish people voluntarily allowing the government to take from them and give to others, for a great commission of course, without being good stewards of the tribute they pay.
  “Tribute” is what oligarchies charge those they intimidate to confiscate their land and possessions, gradually of course. Hence, socialism is the pathway, not to a Utopian “paradise,” but to Hell on Earth. The Great Commission is not wasted gain, but to tell others that to die is gain! Free people would rather die than lose their freedom, and that’s why socialist governments confiscate guns. They can intimidate with impunity when there are no wespons! For me and my house, we want to remain free of that devilish ideology… the one Galina Veshnevskaya called, “Our insane ideology.”

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