Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Mankind, specifically Abraham’s kind, was the problem; Jesus, the Messiah would be the solution. What did God reveal to Isaiah about that? “You will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint” (Isa 1:5).

The Jews would become more and more revolting to God. They were not only revolting in their morality, or lack thereof, but would continually revolt against the Lord God. They would become more and more decadent to the point of depravity. Judah’s problem were the Jews!

The future emperor and general, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, is given credit for the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of Judah during THE revolt — The Wars of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus.  The tetrarchy of Judea was the legacy of the ancient Judah. The revolt which God revealed to Isaiah would begin in 4 B.C with the death of Herod the Great and the rejection of his son, Archelaus, by the Jews. The revolt would not end until Judea was destroyed and the Temple of God along with it. Finally, Jerusalem was destroyed in 132 A.D. and Judea disappeared to history as the area was renamed “Syria Palestina.”

The problem was not the Romans; it was the Jews just as God showed Isiaah. They were all sick in the head and they would go faint, becoming weaker and weaker.

The Hebrew word translated head is literally, “shaken.” Their sickness of the “head” was their minds. They became more and more confused as time went on!

They would become “faint” because of their prideful thoughts. How faint and for what reason? “The day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low” (Isa 2:12). The so called “Lion, Judah,” would be reduced to weakness, but still proud and aloof.

The Book of Jasher reveals Judah, the son of Israel, to be a “lion’ with strength enough to by himself destroy the enemy’s armies. They still thought of Judah as invincible, but that nation and peoples would be destroyed from within.

Technically, according to Josephus, the Romans with Titus in the lead did not destroy the Temple of God; the Jews themselves did that while Titus was endeavoring to save the House of God. The Jewish zealots, the Jewish band of thieves, and the Jewish sicarii destroyed the Temple; then the city of Jerusalem, and the nation of Judea followed.  Those Jewish malefactors are of the same ilk as Barabbas who escaped punishment as the innocent Messiah died.

Jerusalem and Judea began the death process in 4 B.C. and in the process of time — 136 years — Judea was dead, not to be resurrected until 1948 when the nation of Israel emerged from its ashes, and Palestine ceased to exist.

Israel, in a sense, is Judah resurrected to be the “Lion of Judah” once more. As God revealed to John, “Weep not: behold, the ‘Lion’ of the tribe of Judah, the ‘Root of David,” has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Rev 5:5). The “Lion of Judah,” was Jesus all along, not the man, Judah. It will be Jesus whose wrath will be loosed.

That too was prophesied by Jacob (Israel), “Judah is a lion's whelp (puppy): from the prey, my Son, you are gone up: He stooped down, He couched as a lion, and as an ‘old lion;’ who shall rouse Him up?” (Gen 49:9). God is the “Old Lion” and Jesus the “Old Lion’s Whelp.” Judah, the nation, would not depend on Judah but on Jesus.

Consider the main points of today’s commentary: (1) The Jews were sick in the head and their weakness was because of their spiritual malaise, (2) Judah (Judea) would cause their own nation to be weakened, and (3) only Jesus could fix their sickness and restore them to what they were before. In Isaiah’s vision, Jesus was the Messiah who would deliver the Jews from their weakness, all the while they still wait on another descendent of King David.

Jews are not stupid; their intelligence quotients (IQ’s) are said to be on the average, 116. Their “sickness” is still spiritual.

To this day, they remain ignorant of who the Messiah really is! Prophecy points to Jesus as the Savior of the Jews, yet the Jews remain too proud and aloof from the rest of us. They are no longer God’s “chosen” and “peculiar” people (Deut 14:2); Christians are (1 Pet 2:9). However, they still act the part all the while depending on the most so-called “Christian” nation in the world.

They are weak but we are strong; they are weak, but God is strong. God gives them strength because, He said, that “a small remnant” would be saved (Isa 1:9). That pertained to the Jews then and in the end when 144,000 Hebrews shall be saved when Jerusalem will be made anew, John saw that; it,  “had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel” (Rev 21:12).

That “wall” was mentioned by God to Isaiah; God showed him that futuristic wall: God was speaking of the end-of-days to Isaiah, showing Isaiah the identical image that John would see centuries later: 

Upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, and upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures, and the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. (Isa 2:15-17)

 Lesson learned, or should have been, by the Jews — God’s chosen and peculiar people. Another lesson that Christians should have learned — also God’s chosen and peculiar people!

The lesson that should have been learned is that Judah would be destroyed by their sickness of the head.

Judah was soon destroyed by Babylon, the nation that God planned to discipline Judah.

Judea was destroyed again when God, who planned Rome, allowed them to be blamed for the destruction of Judea. In both cases, it was the Jews with the sickness of the head that destroyed. Babylon and Rome were merely “instruments” that God used for the Jews to cause themselves to perish!

God did not punish them in either case; they inflicted their punishments on themselves because of their audacity to be so proud and arrogant. The destruction of Judah and Jerusalem were inside jobs. In the first case, Babylon was the punisher for their rebellion from God.

When Judea and Jerusalem went the second time, “Mystery Babylon” destroyed them, about the Jewish Revolt it is written: 

The Jewish defenders were split into factions. Simon Bar Giora and John of Giscala, the two prominent Zealot leaders, placed all blame for the failure of the revolt on the shoulders of the moderate leadership. John of Gischala's group murdered another faction leader, Eleazar ben Simon, whose men were entrenched in the forecourts of the Temple. The Zealots resolved to prevent the city from falling into Roman hands by all means necessary, including the murder of political opponents and anyone standing in their way. (Wikipedia 2023)

 Josephus wrote that the zealots began to destroy their own city while Titus saved all that he could of it. A few walls and lesser buildings are still extant.

Those three groups were the same type of malefactors that were on the crosses alongside Jesus: Dismus, Gestus, and Barabbas were their names.

Barabbas was released and served more time in the “prison” of the world ruled by the Romans; Gestus was crucified and imprisoned in Hell ruled by Satan, and Dismus was made free and released from his “prison” — the flesh — to be escorted to freedom in Paradise that very day. Jesus made him free!

Just as Judah was always destroyed from within, so was Rome and the world will be as well.

Rome was revived by Vespasian Caesar and his two sons, Titus and Domitian. However, the destruction of Rome was by the spiritual laxity of the Romans themselves.

Nero, although he set fire to Rome, Rome survived. Then came the Germans who history credits for the fall of Rome. Again, Rome was destroyed from within as its citizens partied as Rome fell. All governments made by man fall, not because of their enemies, but because of themselves.

In the end, Satan does not win the nations. He, as the Antichrist, is not to be blamed, but those who take the mark are the ones that causes the world government to fall.

Cosmopolitans — the people of the world — will cause their world to fall, not Lucifer (see Isa 14;11-14). Lucifer gets the credit, but it is us who overcomes the world in a wicked sense. The fall of the world will be like the fall of it in the days of Noah, the days of Judea, and the end of days. We humans are the “beasts” that will cause the world to die out.

Right his moment, the United States may be breathing its last breath. It is not so much Biden that is causing our Constitution to weaken. It is the people whose heads are sick. Biden is not really doing anything; something or somebodies, behind the scenes are his puppeteers. Those beings are the citizens of the United States that take in aliens just as in the days of Noah (Gen 6:4).

The Christians in this nation are overwhelmed by alien Muslims. They have already established an invisible empire within our nation. They are the evil ones that shall have our women to destroy our Christian peculiarity and convert by miscegenation Christians to non-Christian paganism. You failed to see America rotting from within the educational, industrial, and even the religious systems; and you have failed to address that it is us destroying us!

Now you see it on university campuses and on the streets, while still failing to understand that it is us who are destroying us!

How sick in the head can humans be? God indicates that humans are so sick in the head that only He can make us whole again. Calvary was the “shield” for our confused thoughts. Calvary is the “cranium” in the Greek, not because it looks like a skull, but because it has the power to shield those whose minds are sick, so sick that they would rather die than confess their pride and arrogance.

Just as I thought GMC was too big an industry to fail, many think that about the United States. GMC failed and no longer exists. The United States can fail, and it will be because of us;  not Biden, not George Soros, and not Barack Obama. When you vote for people who support the most awful and lewd things, it is you who are destroying our nation, and you that will cause the world to die. You are the “climate change” that will destroy the world someday, long before the carbon-based fuel does.

The economy of the Jews was changing. Before, God and been their God. Judah was destroyed because each of them became the gods of Judea!

We criticize Hindi’s because of their thousands of gods; that is laughable to us, but Christianity has even become a religion wherein each person is their own god. That should be obvious by now as even Christians accept the same things the Jews did so many thousands of years ago.

What remained of Israel had a problem, to wit: 

Therefore, you have forsaken your people, the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers. (Isa 2:6)

 Immigration weakened the Israelites. After the war, the Babylonians replaced the lost population of Israel with Kuthites from Babylon. Thereafter they were no longer Jews but Samaritans, an unclean people. Israel became the mysterious Babylon people because easterners intermarried with Jews and made them less Jewish; they were no longer chosen and peculiar people!

Apparently, Palestinians pleased themselves with the children of strangers. Pedophilia, as in the days of Noah, consumed the Palestinians. It is not widely known but Muhammad himself married a pre-pubescent girl. He was a pedophile, as he would be called in these days.

Is it merely coincidental that pedophilia and the underage exploitation of girls (end even young boys) is at an all-time high? It is the same sickness of the head that God revealed to Isaiah.

Mankind has become worse than the beasts now in the “Age of Aquarius” — the Luciferin Age. Rectums — garbage disposals — have become erotica as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah that God showed Isaiah what that was all about (Isa 1:9).

Adam was made glorious in the Image of God; now mankind has degenerated that we come far short of the glory of God! The Jews in the days of the kings were almost as degenerate as the people are today. We are no longer “children of God,” but bastard children of our spiritual father — the Devil…. Unless Jesus has got into you via His Holy Ghost.

Mankind has degenerated by themselves and devolved in a manner like spiritual “entropy” which is irreversibility in human processes. How could the Jews be fixed? How can we be fixed?

Jesus could fix them… and us; “O house of Jacob, come you, and let us walk in the Light of the Lord” (Isa 2:5).

The Jews sought to build back better when they accepted the half-Arabian Herod, as if he was Jewish. He had no claim to the Judean throne because he was not a true Jew. 

In the end, only Jesus can build back better, as John saw in the Revelation. All attempts by mankind to build back better is because of pride and aloofness; strangely characteristics of the man who many consider to be the fake president as the Jews accepted the "fake Alexander" as their king!

 (Note: fake Alexander claimed to be the long dead son of Herod the Great. Only Caesar recognized him as a fraud all the while he was king in the minds of the Jews... those who were sick in the head.)

Sunday, April 28, 2024


Hidden within the visions of the prophets is much more than meets the eye. Oftentimes prophets use immediate history to foreshadow end of time events. When Isaiah speaks of things to come that he saw in visions, those things are often antitypical, or both alike but somewhat different than things to come even later.

At the end of time, some city shall have become “the harlot, Babylon” as John saw it: 

The woman (The “great whore” that John saw) was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, “Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.” And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. (Rev 17:4-6)

 That “woman” is the city in which the kings of the earth have committed fornication (Rev 17:2). Many ascribe that city to be Rome because Rome indeed flowed with the blood of martyrs. John would be shown “the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns” (Rev 17:7; explaining Rev. 17:3).

The “beast” in that description is a therion in the Greek. Of course, the “Beast” depicts the Antichrist.  Note that Antichrist is not the opposite of Christ, necessarily, but a type of Christ. The Beast would be somewhat like the Christ, Jesus.

Simon the Sorcerer, from history, turned out to be the near perfect image of the Antichrist, forming the Gnostic religion. He could even levitate and before long, Simon Magus proclaimed himself the “Christ.” He had a spirit in him, and about this Simon, Luke wrote: 

There was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the great power of God.” And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers” (Acts 8:9-11)

 The question is Where is that city? It is the city of Samaria (Acts 8:5). Samaria indeed was the city of numerous kings each having war after war. The city of Samaria was a type of Jerusalem. It had its own form of government and religion. The rulers there were prone to adapt their religion to whomever controlled the city, according to Flavius Josephus. Their religion was what it needed to be to survive the world. Samaria was “progressive” in the sense that it was not religiously dogmatic like Jerusalem.

In the passage above, the exclamation is, “How is the faithful city became an harlot!” Samaria was not the mysterious harlot, Babylon, but was a type of Babylon, even being populated and ruled by people from Babylon, Samaria — the land of the Cuthim — Kutha. According to Wikipedia (using various records including Josephus), Kutha has great significance for Samaria:

According to the Tanakh, Cuthah was one of the five Syrian and Mesopotamian cities from which Sargon II, King of Assyria, brought settlers to take the places of the exiled Israelites (2 Kings 17:24–30). II Kings relates that these settlers were attacked by lions, and interpreting this to mean that their worship was not acceptable to the deity of the land, they asked Sargon to send an Israelite priest, exiled in Assyria, to teach them, which he did. The result was a mixture of religions and peoples, the latter being known as "Cuthim" in Hebrew and as "Samaritans" to the Greeks.

Indeed, Samaria and its great city of Samaria was a typical harlot, having its own mixed race of people and religious worship. They even had their own holy mountain (Gerizim) and their own temple in the manner of Judea and Jerusalem. Indeed, Samaria was a faux copy of Jerusalem; it was the anti-holy city; holy in a sense like Judaism, but unholy in that their religion was greatly influenced by the gods of the Cuthim from Babylon.

I am going somewhere with this! I believe “Mystery Babylon,” the “great whore” that John saw, was not just one city but any typical city or religious economy, thus a “mystery.”

By the time of early Christianity, Gnosticism was created as the religion of Simon worship — Simonians. About the origin and development of the Simonians, Wikipedia says: 

According to John D. Turner, the Simonians originated as a local Hebrew cult in the first century CE, which centered on a Samaritan holy man. This early cult was syncretistic, but not Gnostic. In the second century, under influence of Christianity, Simon was transformed into a Gnostic saviour. The influence of Greek philosophy resulted in a Gnostic "monistic theogony."


According to Aldo Magris, Samaritan baptist sects were an offshoot of John the Baptist. One offshoot was in turn headed by Dositheus, Simon Magus, and Menander. It was in this milieu that the idea emerged that the world was created by ignorant angels. Their baptismal ritual removed the consequences of sin, and led to a regeneration by which natural death, which was caused by these angels, was overcome. The Samaritan leaders were viewed as "the embodiment of God's power, spirit, or wisdom, and as the redeemer and revealer of 'true knowledge.’”

 The Simonians were much like Christians but not quite like them. John the Baptist was more there “savior” than Jesus, and Simon even claimed to be the Savior. They had a type of Christianity, an “antitype,” and knowledge was their “mystery” that saved them.

Recently, I have tried to reply to the Churches of Christ, at least those with very strong dogma. The small county churches, at least, fit the Gnostic sect of Simon very well in that the ritual of baptism defines efficacy.

Simon misunderstood the flow of Virtue of the Holy Spirit, “Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done” (Acts 8:13).

Simon thought that the water was efficacious. Gnosticism was based upon misunderstanding the power of the water. That the water could save was the mystery on which Gnosticism was founded! That same mystery is alive and well today. The Churches of Christ even endeavor to worship in the manner of the early Church. However, their rituals match the false church of Simon more so than the Church of Christ. The modern Church of Christ was founded in Samaria with Simon as its head, and the religion of Simon is the “great whore.”

As such, any cult within Christianity is antitypical of the “great whore.” The worst of the worst of the cults is the Muslim religion whose anti-baptism is “wudu” — “washing the face, then the arms, then wiping the head, then washing or wiping the feet, and doing these in order without any big breaks between them” (Wikipedia). It is their manner of ritual purification like Campbellite baptism, but a ritual unlike Campbellism which they claim is the real purification. [1]

Now consider the key verse: God remarked about Jerusalem, “How is the faithful city become an harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers” (Isa 8:21). Jerusalem had become like the city of Samaria, the prototypical antithesis of so many great cities, including Rome. However, it is not specifically about Jerusalem, but Judah as well. Samaria was not only the city but the land.

Lands that typify Simon’s Gnosticism are the various mysterious “harlots.” Gnosticism is as much “Christianity” only without the Christ.

For the Muslims, there is no Christ but a phantom alone. For the modern-era Churches of Christ, the water has more influence than the Holy Ghost of Jesus. The water seems to take the place of Christ… the Virtue is not from Christ but the water. They misunderstand the Baptism of John as much as Simon Magus did in the Book of Acts.

Gnosticism is anti-Christianity; it is a type of Christianity with many of the same rituals, but not with the same meaning. There is no official doctrine of Gnosticism, but essentially it is any misappropriation of rituals for efficacy in lieu of the Spirit of God.

Where was the “Antichurch”? It was in the city of Samaria. Where was the foundation of the Church? In Jerusalem? Where was the historical Christian Church? In the seven churches of Asia? Where is the false church? On the seven hills of Rome? Where is the Antichristian church? Built upon the seven pillars of Islam. Where is the end of time apocalyptic church? Syncretism — an admixture of all the major religions: paganism, humanism, Judaism, Islam, Vedism (eastern religions), universalism, and even Christianity — seven of the major religious thoughts.

“Mystery Babylon” is the composite, eclectic false church that even includes Positive Christianity and the cults.

Samaria is the antitype, Jerusalem is the fact, and Rome may be the type.  Wherever the head of the false church may end up is the “Harlot Babylon.” It will be some mysterious great city tolerant of all religions except those with the real crucified Christ.

Simon did die and was buried at the crossing of two rivers. The confluence of the waters did not make him Christ, nor did his thoughts that he was part of the original Church. That any church is real because it is like the early Church should be questioned; Which early church; Simon’s, who claimed to be the Christ, or the real Christ’s?

That simple small off-message church that you attend may be part of the “great harlot.” That Universalist Church where some attend is as well. Popism is harlotry as much as Positive Christianity. Most certainly humanism, the very religion with men as “gods” and “Christs” is one of the worst.

So is Islam whose “Christ” (Isa) is nothing more than a “ghostly figure” and at best, Jesus was a fraud, claiming to be the Messiah, all the while He was merely just another prophet.

The “harlot” is any ideology that misrepresents Christ or the Church as something that they are not.

Many even read the Bible, not seeking the Truth, but formulating a religion that suit themselves.

Christianity throughout the world has become a religion wherein Jesus condones any heretical thing that its disciples choose. As such, sinners that claim to be Christians are the “harlots,” and their invisible universal church may very well be the “Great Harlot.” The True Church is the One that Jesus made, and the harlot church is the one that people created.

The "harlot church" is any group of people that misrepresents the real Christ. By this time, most people, many Christians included, misrepresent Christ and Christianity. 





[1] Campbellism describes the tenets of the Churches of Christ.

Saturday, April 27, 2024


As I lay half awake and half asleep, I wondered; If mankind are the offspring of Adam and are Adam’s kind, what would the offspring of Eve be called?

After considering many options, I settled on Eve’s kind as “Evil.”

After sin, it is written, “Adam called his wife's name ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20).

Adam had named all the kinds before sin, “The Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof” (Gen 2:19).

After sin, the woman changed. She went from ‘Issa (woman) to Haua (Eve). Her kind had changed, and Adam named her new kind, remembering that individual names were not used but the names of the kinds, or “families” of creatures in taxonomy. Eve was a new species in the family of man.

Before sin, who gave life? Of course, God breathed life unto Adam and Adam shared his life with Eve. God gave life to man and woman was of man. (They were the “Adams Family.”)

God was the giver of life, but after sin, Eve was the giver of life, at least physically. Now consider some English words from the Hebrew: 

  • Eve = ḥaua = life giver, possibly “serpent” causatively from hava — show (Serpent because it sounds like the Aramaic word)
  • Evil = ra’ = bad, wicked, injured and from the root ra’a — broken
  • Woman = ‘issa
  • Wife = ‘issa = , irregular plural nashiym, similar to ‘is = man = extant

 Adam recognized that the ‘Issa was no longer just a “woman” (the female gender of man) but an ‘Issa (a wife-man). Hence, the origin from Old English, “Wiman,” now “woman.”

Sin showed Adam a new kind, one that would give life. True to her name, Eve, not God, created the next being: “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, ‘I have gotten a man from the Lord’” (Gen 4:1). (She had created the being, not God!)

That sounds innocent enough until much later when the apostle John wrote this: 

This is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous (1 John 3:11-12)

 If John was the “Revelator,” and it seems he was, he was revealed the beginning as well as the ending. He knew that Jesus was the ‘Word” from the beginning (John 1:1-4) and knew as much about the beginning as the ending!

John knew the genesis of our kind. It was Eve, not Adam, who is the genesis of all the living. “Adam knew (yada)” his wife, not carnally, but he saw her. He named her “Eve” because her name means ‘show.’ Eve must have put on quite a show for Adam because he watched her conceive. She did evil in the sight of both him and God.

So, when “Adam knew Eve, his wife” he watched her engage in copulation — carnal knowledge. While he watched, “she conceived (hara), or “contrived;” perhaps she conceived and contrived at the same time!

“She bare Cain.” She brought Qayin forth from her womb from her side — the vagina — not Adam’s side or even his rib. Cain was not of man (Adam), but Eve (‘Issa). If Adam had fathered Cain, then Cain would have been an Adam. Eve brought forth an ‘Is (pronounced eesh).

Qayin means “possession” and comes from the root noun of the same spelling, meaning “spear.” Qayin was born to take away life that God had made, so his target was Abel.

It is supposed that Abel was the supernatural son of God. Paul told the Jews that Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice (than Cain) as a witness to his righteousness (Heb 11:4).  Abel (Hebel) means “breath.” Hidden in his name was that God brought forth Abel, not by carnal knowledge and Adam copulating, but by Himself breathing life unto the woman. Abel, as such, would have been a foreshadowing of Jesus if the woman had not sinned; hence the importance of the virgin, Mary, who had no knowledge of the flesh from any man.

Abel and Cain were of different kinds. Cain was a gatherer (Gen 4:3) and Abel a hunter (Gen 4:2). Hunters and gatherers are still used to define men in the process of time as in Gen 4:1.

The point God made was that Cain and Abel were of different lineage — paternally Cain from the Wicked One and Abel from God. As such “mankind” was immediately killed off by the son of the Devil, and we only think of ourselves as man… However, we are hybrids of an alien being from another realm (not planets as some think) and woman from this world.

Our lineage is one of “symbiosis” and we are ‘symbiotic” — “living in or being a close physical association between two or more dissimilar organisms” (Merriam-Webster 2023). God and Lucifer — the “Serpent” are the two very similar organisms that live in close association. Hence “Eve” — “the wife” was the mother of symbiotic creatures. Cain, had the genetics of both God from the woman and from the adversarial angel, Lucifer. No wonder some translate “Eve” as “Serpent”! She had the Serpent in her and brought forth Cain who was the “possession,” not of the “Lord God,” as the usual description of Yahweh, but just her “lord” (Gen 4:1). Her new “lord” was of course, not Yahweh, but Lucifer who contended for Godship (Isa 14:13-14).

Genesis is about the beginnings of life. No longer are we the Image of God (Selem in the Hebrew), but the image (nahas) of the devil, Lucifer. We call ourselves “mankind” but that is deception!

Why is humility so important in scripture? We are to recognize that our genesis is not quite what we think! We come short of the Glory of God (Rom 3:23). We have devolved from once glorious creatures like God to inglorious decadent, depraved creatures like “our father, the Devil” (John 8:44), not that the Devil sired us, but that his genetics remains in all of us today; and that is implied by the nomenclature, “original sin.”

So, I have wondered what we should be called rather than “mankind” or “human beings.”

The word “human” comes from the Latin word, “homo,” meaning man-beings.

Beings in general are anthropoid existences. Man, in the Greek, is anthropolos. We are the only upright walking creatures without tails to balance us. Eve brought forth not a “man” but an ‘Is — an extant being — another non-man existence. (We are not “upright man” as we think but stooped creatures, in a sense; not physically but morally.)

So, what should we be called? “Kenites” might do because Cain’s offspring were called that. Indeed, we are of Cain because all come short of the glory of God like Cain who was of the Wicked One.

However, we are sons of God as well, since Seth was the “Second Adam,” given that the true Son of God was killed by Cain.

Therefore, when the sons of God married the daughters of men (Gen 6:4), the beings thereafter were all evil since those “sons of God” were Seth’s progeny and the “daughters of men” were thought to be “sons of Adam.”

However, the creatures that the women brought forth were not men (Adama) but “Gibor” — powerful tyrants. Their new natures were tyrannical like Cain’s. So, even we are more like the spear-chucking Cain than humble, righteous Abel. We are certainly not “sons of God” nor even “daughters of Adam,” but tyrannical “children” of demonic beings. That should humble you, but engage with a righteous person for a period in time, and just watch the demons reveal themselves in them with their anger and arrogance!

So, should we call ourselves “Giborites” or “Kenites” rather than human beings? That would be fitting, but there is a moral relationship between “Eve” and “evil” that seems obvious. Of course, those two words are not directly connected in any way from either the English, nor the Hebrew. However, they are connected in performance. Eve did bad things; she did evil. So, I believe that “Evilites” or “Evites,” as the family of the mother of all the living would be appropriate.

However, we already have a genetic name for those from Eve. Sin ruled over Eve and because she is our genetic mother, sin rules over us (Gen 4:7). The name that our kind is born with is “Sinner;” that is our kind; that is Eve’s kind!

Eve came short of the glorious Image of God and Cain was conceived in sin. Cain was Eve showing Adam her sin. No wonder her name is “Show me!”  Because Eve is our genetic “mother,” and the Devil, our genetic “father” then we are all “sinners” indeed. Our nature is to do evil rather than good. It is easy to do what is not right. It is easy to do what comes naturally. Our nature is to do “the lusts of your father” the Devil (John 8:44) because it is in our genes to do so. Indeed, not to sin, is to do the unnatural, but divine, things.

For those things to be natural, we must die within ourselves and be born again (John 3:7). That is to be engendered from God to be made whole, or full of the glory of God in the same manner as Adam and Jesus — the “Last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45). The Last Adam, in that verse, is the “quickening Spirit” that makes the dead alive again.

“The dead?” Yes, sinners are dead… they are dead to God and to can be made alive again by an infusion — a propitiation — of the blood of Jesus (Rom 3:25). That is not an injection of the Savior’s blood at all, but Him from above just breathing life via His Holy Spirit into our souls.

It is a “living soul” that God breathed into Adam, not into his flesh, but in the same manner as Jesus breathes life the souls of sinners at His last breath when He gave up the Ghost, or Spirit, for us.

In summary, the living dead are called “sinners,” and those who choose life are called “Christians.”








Friday, April 26, 2024


The solution to the problem is very straightforward. First God defined the problem to Isaiah; the Jews were the problem. God had given them favor because of their lineage. They were the seed of Abraham. Because of the faith of Abraham, the Jews were God’s chosen and peculiar people since they once had been holy (Deut 14:2).

The faith of Abraham was not just a one-time event when he had the willingness to sacrifice his only remaining son, but when Abraham survived the fire of Ur because he believed in the invisible God. To find that, the reader will need to turn to the Book of Jasher.

The handmade gods of Terah neither spoke nor moved but Terah gave them credit for creating all things. Because they were useless idols, Abram turned from them and to the invisible God. As such, “In the evening of that day in that house, Abram was clothed with the spirit of God” (Jasher 11:31). As it turned out the “clothing of God” was said to be the garment with which God had clothed Adam (Gen 3:17).

We find out in the New Testament from Paul that we are to “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephes 6:16). The faith of Abraham was his “shield.” Even the name, Abraham, means ‘Shield.” Hence the faith of Abraham can be our shield because we too (Christians) are chosen and peculiar people (1 Pet 2:9).

As for the fiery darts of the wicked, God did that for Abram. King Nimrod delivered Abram from prison for denying his gods, and a miracle happened: 

When Terah had spoken this to the king concerning Haran his son, the king ordered Haran to be seized with Abram.  And they brought them both, Abram and Haran his brother, to cast them into the fire; and all the inhabitants of the land and the king's servants and princes and all the women and little ones were there, standing that day over them. And the king's servants took Abram and his brother, and they stripped them of all their clothes excepting their lower garments which were upon them. And they bound their hands and feet with linen cords, and the servants of the king lifted them up and cast them both into the furnace. And the Lord loved Abram and he had compassion over him, and the Lord came down and delivered Abram from the fire and he was not burned. But all the cords with which they bound him were burned, while Abram remained and walked about in the fire…. And Abram walked in the midst of the fire three days and three nights, and all the servants of the king saw him walking in the fire, and they came and told the king, saying, Behold we have seen Abram walking about in the midst of the fire, and even the lower garments which are upon him are not burned, but the cord with which he was bound is burned. (Jasher 12:20-25, 27)

 Nimrod beaconed Abram to come out of the fire, and out he came. 

And the king said to Abram, “How is it that you were not burned in the fire?” And Abram said to the king, “The God of heaven and earth in whom I trust and who has all in his power, He delivered me from the fire into which you did cast me.” (Jasher 12:34-35)

 When scripture says that Abram came out of Ur, Ur means “fire;” that inferred that Abram literally did not perish in the fiery furnace, thus escaping the “fiery darts of the wicked” (Nimrod) since before then, God had put onto him the Garment of Adam. That “Garment” was the Holy Ghost because of the faith of Abraham.

Abraham had become a new creature because he was literally in Christ, the Messiah (2 Cor 5:17).

With that said, Abram was another glorious “Adam.” He was another chance and God’s Covenant with Abraham was an extension of His Covenants with Adam and Noah. Covenants that are forgotten are the Sethian and Semitic Covenants, and especially the Japhetite Covenant.

Seth replaced righteous Abel and he was blessed; then after Seth and Japheth covered their father’s nakedness, they were blessed: “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant” (Gen 9:27).  

Therein lies two Covenants that are all but forgotten. The Covenant of Grace is and extension of the Covenants that God made with Shem and Japheth. Japheth is the progenitor of most of Europe’s population as well as the Balkans.

You and I are opportune to wear the “Garment of God” because Japheth did not dishonor but honored his father, Noah.

Shem played a great role in the beliefs of Abram. Shem may be the first “Hebrew,” bringing the bones of Adam across the waters in the Presence of Melchizedek.

Although Abram crossed the water of the Jordan, Shem crossed the waters of the Great Flood. The word, “Hebrew” is merely “crossing over” without regard to what. Noah and his family were all “Hebrews” in a sense, but Abram was the first noted for that.

When the wise ones saw Abram at fifty years old, they said, “Our sovereign lord (Nimrod), surely this is the man whom we know to have been the child at whose birth the great star swallowed the four stars” (Jasher 12:9). God selected Abram for his role in the eternal plan for mankind. Was Abram faithful because he was picked, or was he picked because God foreknew his faithfulness? God is omniscient and knew the Way that Abram would travel.

The wise men were referring to the miraculous birth of Abraham: 

 It was in the night that Abram was born, that all the servants of Terah, and all the wise men of Nimrod, and his conjurors came and ate and drank in the house of Terah, and they rejoiced with him on that night. And when all the wise men and conjurors went out from the house of Terah, they lifted up their eyes toward heaven that night to look at the stars, and they saw, and behold one very large star came from the east and ran in the heavens, and he swallowed up the four stars from the four sides of the heavens. (Jasher 8:1-2) 

Is that a coincidence? There was a similar, albeit not an exact event, when Jesus was born in 6 B.C.: 

Mathews studied planetary alignments that occurred in his target time frame of 8-4 B.C. There was a very special alignment on April 17, 6 B.C. At that time, the sun, moon, Jupiter, Saturn and the vernal equinox were all aligned in the Aries constellation, while Venus aligned in nearby Pisces, and Mercury and Mars were on the other side in Taurus. (O’Shaughnessy 2024)

 God uses stellar events for His Divine Clock.

Of course, stars were not literally swallowed up by a “great star,” but planets were once considered stars and the Sun the “Great Star.” Something that was not ordinary when Abram was born. Something like that happened recently, “During totality (total eclipse) on August 21, 2017 – although it will be close to midday – you’ll easily be able to see 4 planets with the unaided eye near the eclipsed sun!” (Irazarry 2017). That is a very rare and special event that may be the repetition of the event signally the birth of Abraham.

The age of Abraham was the Age of the Ram, the Christian era is the Age of Pisces, and the Luciferin era dawning in 2017 is roughly the Age of Aquarius. We are now living in that age, and it has become obvious. God uses the stars to signal the ages, and the eclipse of 6 B.C. signaled the coming of the Savior.

Abraham was the “savior” of the Hebrews at that time, and he became king in another realm wherein Lazarus rested in the “bosom of Abraham” (Luke 16). Abraham was a placeholder until the coming of Jesus.

In the Book of Isaiah chapter one, the Hebrews had degenerated so much that the Abrahamic Covernant was all but null and void, except for a few — “a remnant” (Isa 1:9). God had a plan for the remnant, and He spelled it out, “If you be willing and obedient…” (Isa 1:9): 

“Come now, and let us reason together,” said the Lord: “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isa 1:18)

 Reason with Him, God asked of them. They were to use their heads, for as God said before, “The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint” (Isa 1:5). They were to come to their senses and get their thoughts in order.

So far, few Jews have done that! If they were to consider the prophets, they would know that the Messiah has come. All the things that Jesus did were prophesied by Isaiah and the other prophets without a mistake.

The outcome of reasoning is that all their sins would be purified. Sin is genetic from the concept of “original sin.” God was implying that they would be “born again,” the miraculous change from Jesus (John 3:7).

Sin is in the blood, and in fact, every nuclear cell of the body. Each one of us have the genetics of the Devil within as he is referred to as our “father” (John 8:44).  God was telling Abraham that only He could take the demonic genes from the Hebrews. He would launder their DNA, or as “born again” means, engender them from above (Strong 2006).

The problem with the Jews (Hebrews) is that they have not reasoned with God. He made them a promise through the Covenant with Abraham, and they failed to understand that it has come to pass.

Jesus, though our sins are as scarlet, though they be red as crimson; has made them white as snow and as protective as tightly woven wool, the latter the very “Garment of God” to ward off the fiery darts of the wicked. God preserves those who are willing to observe and do His Divine Will. He preserves sinners until the time they are saved.

Preservation has a condition; that they willingly obey God. The Jews had rebelled (Isa 1:2); after they had been chosen, and by that time, they had defected, or as it is written in the Greek, “apostasia.”

All the while they rebelled and did whatever they wanted to do, they thought themselves as God’s chosen, but God revealed to Isaiah that the Jews were all but forsaken; not because of Him but because they had rebelled!

The same exists in the world today for God’s other favored people — Christians. All the while naïve people think they are as good as in Paradise already; that they are saved, they continue to live in rebellion. It is true that Christians are indeed preserved in safety, but they must be willing to obey.

The Commandments are not mandates per se, but things that God’s people, Jews or Christians, choose to do. They are essentially a list of things you do not do to honor God, and to honor Him. Honoring is not work, but merely cognition. It is to reason with God. How is that? If you honor God, then you should be willing to obey.

Since the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, this is the most rebellious age ever. The Age of Water in Noah’s time was tame compared to this Aquarian Age!

Some astronomers do say that the Noahic flood was the dawning of a previous Age of Aquarius. Without a doubt, something catastrophic and of great gravity was happening when that great amount of water was sucked out of the crevasses of the earth. There may have been some great alignment that will come again in the exact timing of God.

We should not fear astrology; we must fear ourselves. It is us that determines the signs of the times, not the times that determine us! God does all things in the world (Greek; Kosmos) for us, even move the stars around like a giant clock that warns us of much needed change.


Thursday, April 25, 2024


The people of Israel had become unclean inside and out. Their flesh had “putrefied” in a spiritual sense, “From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment” (Isa 1:6). The people were lepers in the eyes of God. Their flesh was rotting, not in reality, but symbolically.

In modern times, people have rotted from head to toe. Like the dead man Lazarus that Jesus resurrected, the people of Judah and Jerusalem stank. People nowadays stink as well because mankind is still decaying. Glorious Adam-kind, because of sin, had rotted by the time of Isaiah and they continue to rot. Their decay was not biological but spiritual. The body, just a vessel for their souls, was cracked and the righteous Spirit had seeped out just as any fluid might do. That is just a “shadow” of what it has become today!

So many people now identify what they are not. Men couple with men as if they are women, and women couple with women as if they are men. Same-sex marriage is now legal here and many places around the globe. Mankind has decayed since God reproduced man in the Image of Himself; now so many are nothing more than images of the Wicked One.

Mankind is so decadent and rotten that they are not even men and women any longer. They imagine themselves transexuals, homosexuals, gender fluidic, gender neutral, and all sorts of LBGT+.

In this age, mankind is putrefied from toe to head as well; even more so, because the rot comes all the way from the mind.

Like the people of Isaiah’s Judah, “the whole head is sick” (Isa 1:5). The oncology of their decadence was their minds, and the “cancers” were revealed in their fleshes. They did anything they could imagine, and still do, and as such their fleshes became cancerous, morally speaking. The people then were consumed with their imagination and their vessels became as decadent as their imaginations.

Our genesis was from the Image of God, but now it is whatever the minds of sinners can imagine. Adam was a made a ‘Shadow” of God, but now his kind are the enlightened ones of Lucifer.

Now is as in the days of Noah when, “God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen 6:5). It was very much the same in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. It is very much the same in the days of Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

From the creation of the world, people have degenerated; Paul wrote to the Romans, “(they) became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Rom 1:21).

What is vain about imagining things. Imaginations are lusts. People get pleasure, like Pavlov’s dog, not necessarily by real things, but whatever it is that they imagine.

Fornication, for instance, is literally “porno” (pornea in the Greek.) Porno is like the bell ringing in the ears of Pavlov’s dog; it solicits juices even when no meat is forthcoming. Fornication is one example of vain imaginations; imagining that you are whatever your mind tells you is the ultimate vanity.  

Isaiah was so right saying that they “were sick in the head.” The minds of mankind have been dying since the beginning of time, and all the while, people think they are the most wise and intelligent generation ever.

This generation are “sheep.” We see it very often.

In a banana republic in the movie, “Bananas,” the new dictator demanded that people were to wear their underwear over their outerwear, and they did just that!

During the pandemic, the mandator said to wear masks and without question people even used socks as masks. Then they mandated that you wear two masks, and voila, many wore two masks! Next, they mandated that you take a vaccine that was not a vaccine and the “sheep” stood in line to get their imaginary vaccinations.

Extremists do that to control naïve people. The young people, mostly women, have the malady of Eve. Some wicked people say, “Jews are for genocide of the Palestinians,” and despite the opposite — the truth — they chant in unison whatever slogan they are told to chant.

People have become “sheep” from head to toe. However, they are not sheep, but young wolves in sheep’s clothing, meaning that they are shepherded by the wolves as gullible sheep would be.

Wherever Isaiah looked, God showed him decadence. Wherever we look, there is decadence.

To aid in their vain imaginations, drugs are taken to control the mind. While the “sheep” think they are enlightened, darkness prevails. Drugs, including marijuana and alcohol, induce vain imaginations, allowing people to believe what they are not. You are unsafe unless God is in charge of your minds, but all the while drug-induced ‘sheep” follow the “wolves” to their deaths.

Many are dying from drugs and such, and the world merely watches them die. They are dying in pursuit of vain imaginations, to wit: “And the lusts of their father, the Devil, they will do” (John 8:44).

The “sickness” is not really of the flesh but of the head, just as Isiaah informed the decadent Jews. The sickness — issues of the blood… genetic sin — is in the head. People instinctively, like the beasts, do whatever they want to do.

All Satan does is display flesh and people lust. Then lust — vain imaginations — lead to outright sin: James wrote, “When lust has conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death” (Jas 1:15). That was what Isaiah was thinking when God told him that the Jews had a “sickness in the head.” He was speaking of lust.

Every effect has a cause. The effect is death, and the cause is lust. We are like beasts, even the tame dog. Men “salivate” from their most unholy flesh, even if it is circumcised. It was never the flesh that was the root cause, but the mind. People must exercise self-control to prevent being controlled. As the ‘Prince of the Power of the Air,” Satan controls us through our minds. He never tosses us a bone to chew on, but only imaginary encounters with fresh meat. We may get a hag all the while a beautiful siren is in the mind! (Lust can be warded off by ignoring the outward beauty to look at the “beasts” within.)

Our fleshes are still rotting despite the words of Isaiah. It is because our minds are decadent. To save our souls, our minds must be protected.

Abraham’s name means “Shield.” His seed were to have shielded minds, but Abraham’s genetics as a “shield” was not efficacious; a better new improved shield was required.

The blood of Jesus was the genetic shield and God provided Calvary — “The Cranium” — to shield our minds. Calvary was the last “shield” that God would provide. None of the other Covenants would do; the Covenant of Grace finished the work of God to keep us safe from the thoughts of our minds.

Our minds are our enemies, but they can be our friends. It is basically with whom we keep company.

Right now, I am thinking the Thoughts of God. The Word is my shield! It is me, “taking the shield of faith, wherewith you (I) shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephes 6:16).

Try it; it works. Use faith. The study of scripture — the Word — strengthens faith, and once faith is increased, the mind is safe from thoughts of pleasure… and content with the promise of better things.

Many have wondered how Satan got into the Garden. Maybe he wasn’t right there in the Garden but outside the entryway (Gen 3:24). As “Prince of the Power of the Air,” his words may have gotten into the mind of Eve through her thoughts. Then Eve relayed her thoughts to Adam in words and his mind wandered.

No wonder Cain ended up in the “Land of Nod” — a non-existent imaginary place that he wandered to.

Eve needed not to touch the Tree nor the Knowledge from it (Gen 3:3). The so-called Serpent just emanated its thoughts to Eve from some distance outside the Garden. That remains the M.O. of Satan to this day! The Serpent got into her flesh through her mind.









Wednesday, April 24, 2024


The man stood patiently in the concourse where American Airlines Flight 731 was taxiing down the taxiway. The man looked at his watch and thought to himself, It is on time.

Thoughts are not usually in quotation marks, but italics because they are not words that were said. Most communication is by cognition, in our thoughts. If thoughts are expressed in words, time is slowed to almost a halt. Everyone knows the duration of time when some blabbermouth speaks at an assembly because one hour seems as if it is a day or more!

The average speaking rate is 140-180 words per minute. A listener can comprehend as much, maybe more — around 400 words per minute (Romig 2015).

In my book, The Skull of Adam, much of the speech was in thought-speech. I believe that it was the original language of the heaven and the cosmos. Much of what I wrote in angelic conversations was in italics to designate both the savings of time and that they did not speak in words but thoughts.

As John wrote, Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1-14). The Word is written in Holy Scripture. People read at an average rate of 200-250 words per minute (Nowak 2018). Therefore, the Word of God in written form — scripture — is mainly for two reasons: (1) a written Will until the end of time, and (2) so that all generations are opportune to think about God NOW!

Now for my point: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was built in 2021 and has been sending back pictures of the cosmos since that time. It is equipped with infrared cameras to see things that the human eye cannot see. Not only that, but since it photographs from space, there is no interference because space is a vacuum except for the heavenly bodies.

The telescope is much larger than the Hubble Telescope on Earth, so it is closer to the objects and the objects seem even closer because of the giant lens. The pictures reverse time in a manner. Because JWST brings things closer to the cameras, the object is seen before it is now at the present. If telescopes were even larger, as they race nearly as fast as the speed of light from the telescope, the image would be even closer than JWST. The larger the telescope the clearer the objects are seen, and they are seen before the present time. Therefore, time is not for space, but for us.

I watched a video on Youtube® on April 18, 2024, called “Time Does Not Exist.” [1] It mentioned comments by the astrophysicist Michio Kaku, who be the way, believes not in a personal God, but an intelligent Creator and to be honest, that is the first step to Christianity; you must believe in God to believe that Jesus is God!

I was astounded, not because time does not exist, in his opinion, but that I wrote in my book, The Skull of Adam, in 2017 that time does not exist; and that time was made for man. (Herrin 2017). In other words time is a construct for humans and since all things are made by God, God made the construct.

Six days ago, I posted on Facebook® the thesis of Dr. Kaku using my own words (Time is explained in a conversation between the angles Praise and Gabriel): 

Time is a human construct is now the theory. The past, present, and future are all existence now, according to new theories. Time is illusion for us. Therefore, when God said “I Am That I Am” that has great significance. He is the beginning and the ending, NOW. Science is finally understanding God without knowing it. God could create all things now — in an instant — without spending any time.

I AM means “now”… the present. He is now the beginning and the ending. Time is meaningless.

I AM means God is constant — the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He does not vary, being always dependable. (Herrin; April 18, 2024)


Kaku unwittingly agreed with God, but I marveled because God gave me those thoughts long before the James Webb telescope was ever launched into space. God talked to me the Word in thoughts, and I read the Mind of God, in a sense.

But you need proof, do you not? The following are excerpts pertaining to time from chapter one from my book which was published in 2017, four years before the JWST was ever launched. (I recommend that you watch the Youtube video and compare; you will see that my thesis from the Word of God is the same thesis from the mouth of Dr. Kaku. Remember that the italics are the thoughts of angels in my novel and that quotations are added for clarity and for my thoughts now about what I wrote then.) From my book comes the following esoteric conversations: 

Praise went on to say, I came to learn from you, Gabriel. Quickly now tell me how this part of the creation all came about in the beginning. Gabriel laughed heartily, wondering why Praise was so impatient.

Teach me quickly!

Praise was always in a hurry, although there would always be time for Praise!

 (The time for praise would be when humans are created to praise God, after time begins. Soon you will understand when time began. Time is a measure of patience for mankind. Patience, according to Matthew, is for endurance to the end.) Continuing now with my novel: 

In the beginning, it was all about Adam-kind! All that God did to this point was for Adam, and all that He will ever do will be for Adam’s sake.

 (The great “Construct” — the Creation — was for Adam’s kind… us. Time, therefore, was constructed for us. That certainly agrees with Kaku’s thesis that time is a construct. The beginning was not the beginning of God for He is omnipresent. It was for our beginning. Time was the construct of the first rank in preparation for the creation of mankind. The beginning, from the literal meaning in the Hebrew, was not time but first things first.) 

Gabriel thought more quickly now to placate Praise. He went on: There is something that will be called time, little saraf! Personal guardian angels were created for a time when there will be time.

 (I wrote, hopefully inspired so, that angels were created before time in preparation for when there would be time. When were angels created? The second rank — when the heavens were made before time. The material world — the Garden — was “eastward of Eden,” eastward meaning before time since the sun rises in the east. When I wrote that in my book, Gabriel in the beginning was speaking of time as a future event. Time would be much later than their NOW.) 

Time will be for the convenience for Adam-kind (Said Gabriel).

 (Time would be, I wrote, for mankind. It was God’s plan in the beginning.) 

When the world is created, God’s plan is to have light shine forth from a sun to divide the night from the day. When God does create time, it is inconsequential to Him.

 (Therein I wrote that time was created, meaning that it was constructed. I repeated my thesis several times to ensure that the readers understand time.) 

When God thinks to us that “one day will be as a thousand years,” it is rhetorical. What God means is that time to Him is not divided. “Forever” incremented to the smallest scale is still “forever”!

 (Time is a constant and it goes from beginning to the ending. Radioactive dating is based on linearity, meaning that it is predictable both forward and backwards. Any point on that straight line is the present, or NOW, at any time. Dr. Kaku refers to time as the “Now.” Not by coincidence, God essentially named Himself, “NOW” and hence God is not divided.) 

When the second heaven is created, those in the first heaven will utter, “It took trillions of years for the creation and then deny it was even created!” God did in this instant the work that men will think took eons because everything they will know will be time- dependent. God will create it all in the twinkling of his divine Eye, and just as man will be made fully developed in an instant, so will the cosmos be!

 (One instant, I was revealed, is as a thousand years. According to Dr. Kaku, the constellations only appear to be of different ages, but some were created before the “Big Bang.” Could it be that they were all created at the same? Now before time? Kaku implied with his thesis that “Time Does Not Exist! I wrote that God created it all simultaneously, “In the twinkling of the eye” and the new theory is just that.) 

Time is always the present, Choice said. Now is always the right time! I’ve been to the future and know the meaning of time. I understand why man needs it. At first. while in the Garden, the lights are dim under the canopy because of mist. There is no need there for the instrument of time since it never was able to take its toll. Because the sun, which soon shall be made, shall provide life, but too much time under the “timepiece” shall cause death.

 (The meaning of time, according to the fictional angel, “Choice,” is for man. God had put some type of shield — a firmament (dome) — over the Garden, apparently to shield his creatures from the destructive wavelengths and frequencies of the Sun. After time began, Abraham, whose name means “Shield” was shielded from the light and heat of Nimrod’s fiery furnace. [2] Take it to mean that the Sun was shielded from those in the Garden, so for them, time would be of no essence if it even existed.) 

The sun is good, but it can also destroy. Its days are numbered, not by decay, but by God’s will.

 (Not knowing then about JWST, I wrote that the days of the Sun are numbered. Black holes, according to science, swallow up stars and such. If our Sun is ever swallowed by the black hole in our galaxy, time indeed would end as we measure it. In fact, that is precisely what happens in the end before eternity begins. The big “Clock” that God made for mankind to exist will suddenly stop and no longer will time be measured. It will always be “midnight” for some and “God’s Day” for the rest.) Continuing with my book: 

Someday it will be that this giant timepiece shall no longer be used, but God’s own rays, his Shekinah, shall provide light to all of those who were obedient when under the sun!

 (“Shekinah” is the Light of God. Before the Sun was made during the fourth eon, there was God. Again, I write that God was Present before the ‘Clock” was even made. God is eternal and the Light of God never goes out. God is always Now even for all generations.) 

I’ve been to that garden, in the world and in the future. I have already experienced what is to come because for me yesterday is now and tomorrow is too! For God and me, the present is the only time needed. The night will be divided by the day for man’s use. Time for them is of the essence. Tomorrow is just a wish that never truly comes. Even as the sun rises for another day, tomorrow is transformed into the present, and the past is left behind.

 (In short, when I wrote, “the present is the only time needed,” is the same thesis as Dr. Kaku’s. I wrote that long before Kaku, or anyone else even thought about it. From where did my thoughts come? The only resource that I had to obtain that future knowledge was from God. I did not make it up; the cosmos has always been revealed to me as the Estate of God that He wills to mankind in His Time.) 

Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow hasn’t arrived. What time will it be for mankind? The answer is always “now.”


(That “the time is always now” is the exact premise of Dr. Kaku. However, I wrote that years before the thought ever entered the mind of Kaku or any of his colleagues.  It is a direct thought from God to me. He shined that Thought into my mind’s eye. If not, who did?)


Although the time is always the present, it is fleeting. It travels fast from then to next, quickly skipping over this instant. Mankind’s life is not really measured by the Sun because even when it’s covered and all is dark, the heartbeat of the creature always measures it! God designed into every creature a durable pump that He will call the heart. It’s not only a timepiece but a measure of happiness, discontent, faith, doubt, obedience, and disobedience. It’s ticking responds to each of those!

 (The real clock is the heart of man. When it stops ticking, the time is “now” forever. He enters eternity — the “eighth day” of which I wrote in my book as well. The eighth day is eternity and the time therein is always NOW.) 

Some measures make time in harmony with God’s own heart. Right measures make it tick in joy to God, while wrong measures emit sluggishness, apathy, and stress. A heart in unison with God’s purpose is a durable heart! God intended it to last forever to feed the flesh in the pure air of the Garden. I will be nearby when Adam sins. It’s difficult to speak of the past when the past is in the future, so let me speak of the future as if it is the present because someday it will be!

 (God made man with a spiritual heart that should have ticked forever, clicking off the seconds, minutes, and days. “Unison” is the heart ticking in accord with the will of God. Sin started the biological “clock;” more on that coming.) 

…You see, God is not bound by time, but humankind is! When their clock beats the first time, they are protected in the mother’s womb. That is the beginning of life! Death is when the clock ceases to beat as the mind tells it to stop forever, never to beat again.

 (Again, I wrote that time is not for God but humans. There was no time before mankind disrupted harmony. Death is gain for mankind as Paul wrote because when the heartbeat stops, time does as well, going from seconds to infinite in the twinkling of the eye.) 

In the beginning, mankind’s beginning, the heartbeat is forever, but after sin sneaks in under the hedge of God into the Garden, time is measured by the heartbeat.

 (Sin, I wrote, caused time to begin, and with sin gone, time will end. Without sin in the beginning, there was no time because being in the Presence and Image of God, time was of no utility.) 

Adam and Eve at that time go from immortality to mortality. (The time of original sin).  I see right now that Adam is making an attempt to live forever. He asks that his skull be preserved in death so that he will be there when life is restored to mankind!

 (The restoration of eternity in heaven opposed to the world means preservation at death when time no longer as utility.) 

Adam is to wait while generations tick off heartbeats. In God’s realm, that time is one heartbeat away. He shall come quickly to deliver immortality again, and He shall come quickly again to rule the world, which Satan will first do.

 (In the Book of Adam and Eve, God says that 5-1/2 days are as 5500 years. That is rhetoric. He as well said that salvation is nearer than when he first believed; Rom 13:11). 

Choice finished his explanation of time. He was there now experiencing what Adam was experiencing. He was there watching Seth saving Adam’s skull! Gabriel understood. It took Choice only an instant to mentally speak these things to Gabriel because time had not yet come! 

(The quotes have now ended).

The angels were created before time and so were we! “He (God) has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love” (Ephes 1:4). Just who did God choose before the foundation of the world? Was it the angels? Was it any of the animals? It was upright man and woman that God chose before the foundation of the world, and long before the metric of time began.

I said that I would explain the beginning of time in more detail. The Creation, according to science, was before time. What seemed to be time, as the JWST may prove, is that time is dependent on from where and how it is looked upon. Distance creates the illusion of time when coupled with movement. As stars move away with the speed of light, the image that is captured is just a “shadow” of the original body.

In fact, existence and time can be explained by Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.” In that allegory, chained men faced only a cave wall while behind them real things were revealed by light as shadows. As such, the shadows were “fragments” of the real things. The darkness of the universe is parallel to the Allegory. The fast-moving light emanating from the moving stars are just shadows — illusions — of either things to come or things that are past!

When we see those things from here, they are stopped long enough for us to see that the “shadows” of the real things in space are objects on the celestial curtain. We look at illusions all the time and know that they are real things. We never see stars, but only light emanating, even from long-dead stars. In other words, life is an illusion that we take as true. For some, God is an illusion that man created for us. Paul wrote the following about that: 

The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world (before time began) are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead. (Rom 1:20)

 James Webb telescope did not show us any thing. It reveals to mankind invisible things, even blackholes wherein there is light but light that can never escape for us to see! The JWST does not even show us things at all, but only the light emanating from things that may be long past and no longer even exist. We see things now that are gone forever; either died out or hurled into a hole that overcomes what we call “time.”

Just as we understand the unseen objects of the cosmos by the light that they emitted long ago, it is evidence that they were once there and may still be! The same goes for God.

In the beginning, God emitted Light reflected off some object. John saw that “Object” in his time, and it was the flesh of God that John saw (John 1:1-14). Jesus was always there, but remained unseen, although the Jews saw the Light of God and never understood the Object that the Light made was only a Shadow of Things to come.

Now, we see the “Shadow” of God as Jesus. As Plato would have it; Jesus was the Object and the Holy Ghost the ‘Shadow” that the Jews should have seen if they had looked directly at God. Even for the Muslims, Jesus was an illusion — a Phantom being. They saw the Holy Ghost of Jesus but thought the God of Christians was just a man.

That the Image of God was literally a “Shadow” (Selem), validates the Phantom appearance of the Holy Ghost. As such, made in the Image of God, Adam’s soul — the Shadow of God — was revealed by his physical outward image.

Is it merely coincidental that what we see as heavenly bodies are only shadows of real things that light reveals and so is mankind?

Now for original sin or “original time.” It is not Greenwich Village Time at all, but that time began when sin originated.

Before sin, Adam and the woman were “naked” but not in the sense that we think now. Their souls were bare before God. With that said, their flesh may have been transparent, and God saw only the purity of their souls within. They were not ashamed because they were pure.

Something genetic happened with sin; Adam and the woman were then ashamed of their flesh. Adam named the new kind “Eve” because she was thereafter alien to God, having a new image (nahas — cunningness). Her flesh was changed, going from godly to organic.

Organisms have entrails and such. The Book of Adam and Eve reveals that after sin, the two thereafter had digestive tracts and perhaps other organs… hearts for instance. Their hearts began to tick off time, and as many know, organisms are carbon-based creatures.

Carbon perishes. Even carbon fiber bicycles soon perish given time enough in light enough. The same goes for humans.

Therefore, my premise, that time began with original sin, and the age of the world (anno mundi) is not the age of the world (as in the cosmos) but the age of mankind.

Hence, God did construct time, not for Himself, but for His creatures, and it began with mankind becoming alien to God.

I do not mean to exaggerate my importance in the eternal scheme of things, but only consider myself blessed enough to understand the truth about God.

Within scripture lies ancient descriptions that God showed some people about the truth. Enoch saw things firsthand and others in visions. God reveals to me things in thoughts.

Sometimes I wish that He did not, but I have often known things before they were common knowledge. This was one of them, but there have been other things of which I had prior knowledge even before science.

Another one of them was that there is an undersurface reservoir of water many times over the amount needed to flood the world. Science discovered that within the last few years, but I wrote in my “Daily Thoughts” years before it was known to others!

Science is of God and the Bible is archaic science. That they agree should be expected. The JWST validates what Enoch saw so long ago and what God revealed to Moses about the Quantum Light of God.

[1] https://youtu.be/0HjUOs-46os?si=WyrT5yysPM6vctJl

[2] The Book of Jasher.