Saturday, September 28, 2024


We are all taught to think critically but Christians generally just gloss over the Word of God without fully understanding. That the Bible begins with “Genesis” should be some indication that the beginning had something to do with genetics. In fact, the entire Bible is an accumulation of genetic events! Now proceed with me to critically examine scripture to see how Jesus is God.

Although the distinction that follows is about Sarai and Hagar, the wife and concubine of Abraham, respectively, please focus on “the Angel of the Lord” in this passage: 

The Angel of the Lord found her (Hagar) by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur, and He said…”  (Gen 16:6-7) 

That passage introduces “The Angel of the Lord” to the reader. Is that “angel” an ordinary angel or a special Angel?

The natural thing to do is look for evidence. Sarai had just said, “The Lord judge between me and you in Hagar” in verse five, then The Angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar. Hagar had left camp, and the Lord God soon found her. It was then that Hagar saw The Angel of the Lord. That specific Angel was The Lord God. That is verified with Hagar’s response to the Angel’s promise, “She called the Name of the Lord that spoke unto her, ‘You God sees me.’” in verse fifteen. She called the Angel the Name, “God.”

Hagar identified to whom she was speaking: The Lord God, The Name, The Angel of God.

The Angel appeared unto Hagar. She was not imagining anything.

When God appeared to Jacob many years later, God appeared as a man. Hidden from most is the substance of that “man” (Gen 32:24). More on that in a moment. That “man” was God. Jacob confirmed that when he remarked, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved” (Gen 32:30).

Hagar and Jacob both saw God. God appeared to Jacob as a Man. Hagar saw God as an Angel. In both cases, God revealed His Power. To Hagar He promised to multiply her seed. That was the Dynamic of God.

When He wrestled with Jacob, God withered his thigh and made him “Israel,” the father of the nation. He multiplied Jacob as well. He engendered both their genomes with His own Holy Essence, and as such God lost Virtue in each case. In the Greek, that Virtue is “Dynamis.”

God had come to Hagar in three substances: The Power, The Angel, and The Name. Of course, the Name of God, as He would He called much later, is “Jesus.” Hagar had seen the Power, the Person, and the Holy Ghost of God — “The Holy Trinity.” In the Old Testament, the Dynamis was “The Word of God,” and in the New Testament Greek, “Logos.”

Hence, as John wrote, “The Word was made flesh” (John 1:14). However, The Word pre-existed His flesh (John 1:1-2). Hence, The Word had another substance than human flesh in the scripture (the Old Testament).

Jacon “wrestled’ with that “Man” (Gen 32:24) as is written in the English. It was certainly not a wrestling match but something dynamic happened, ‘abaq in the Hebrew. ‘Abaq means to “float away” as in a vapor (Strong 2006). God endowed Jacob with some unknown substance. That “vapor” was the Holy Spirit of God in the form of a Man, as Jacob saw it.

Now consider what Luke saw at the baptism of Jesus: 

The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him (Jesus), and a Voice came from heaven, which said, “You are My beloved Son; in your I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22) 

Luke saw Jesus, the Spirit of God in bodily shape with the Holy Ghost descending. How? In a vapor (Ghost) whose motion (dynamics) was like a dove. Luke saw the three substances of God together after Jesus was baptized. The Person of Jesus had been baptized in both water and Spirit. His baptism was different, because the Holy Ghost remained only on Him (John 1:33), implying that when John baptized the others, the Holy Ghost did not remain on them.  

Jesus was “assembled” as he was raised from the water. The Spirit of God in bodily shape floated on Him as a vapor with the shape of a man as Jesus received the Holy Ghost.

There is a distinction to be made; only the King James Version of the Bible retains “Ghost” and “Spirit” for the Greek word, “pneuma.” Pneuma is the motion as a vapor.

The Spirit of God is like a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exod 13:22). Hence, Spirit is a vast powerful quantity of Light that appears as darker light in the day and brighter light in the night. [1] The bodily shape of that Supreme Quantity is the Spirit of God in bodily shape – the shape, or image, of a man. In other words, the Holy Ghost of Jesus, if seen in the case of Luke and those with bright eyes at the crucifixion, that Ghost would look like Jesus except  as another substance. Hence, the Holy Ghost is “The Angel of the Lord” which is the Spirit of God in bodily shape.

Essentially God — the “Godhead” — was described by the apostle Paul, “In him (Jesus) dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Col 2:9). The “Godhead” is the Person of God, the Spirit of God, and the Power of God (Yahweh). Those three substances make up God, or the “Godhead.” Jesus is the “cup,” literally the “vessel,” (Mat 26:42) for the Spirit and Power of God.

Therefore, Hagar saw Jesus, not in the flesh, but in the Spirit in the bodily shape of a man. Hence, “The Angel of God” is the Holy Ghost — the Spirit of God in bodily shape… the shape of the Person Jesus.

The Angel of God was the Image of God (Selem in the Hebrew) with which the male and female Adamah were made. Adam was an angel of God and his flesh was the vessel in which the Spirit of God was contained. “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit” (1 Cor 15:45).

Adam’s angel was a soul with motion. He was dynamic because man was mobile. The first Adam could take God to man within himself, and the male did that when he took God to the woman.

God made the male and the female Adamah alike. They both were a “shadow,” or “phantom” of Himself. The female was identical to the male as far as their angel, or soul, was concerned. Jesus verified that when He said, “In the resurrection they (males and females) neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven” (Mat 22:30). Hence, the angel of both females and males are without pudenda. Their only difference is genetic. So, the angels of men are like heavenly angels; they are the Spirit of God in a “container” of some sort that God identified as a “soul” (nepes in the Hebrew). A nepes is a dynamic creature whose substance is not material but vaporous — spirits (ibid). Hence, the soul of a man is the “angel” of the person.

An ”angel” is a mal’ ak in the Hebrew — a messenger whose substance is like a vapor, or phantom.

The Body of Jesus at His baptism was imbued with the Holy Ghost and with Power. The “Godhead” was assembled in the Person of Jesus when the Holy Spirit of God descended onto Him.

Jesus, at the crucifixion, was disassembled; the Holy Ghost and His Power left Him (Mark 15:37). His Body remained on the cross, and His Ghost in bodily shape “floated” to Paradise that day. That “floating” was the “vapor” (wrestling) that Jacob overcame. That vapor was The Angel of God in Power.

Jesus was “raised from the dead” (Acts 3:15). He was not re-erected but “assembled,” the literal meaning of the Greek word translated “raised.”

Jesus, at the Resurrection, was re-assembled. The Angel of God returned to the tomb, to wit: 

Behold, there was a great earthquake: for The Angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. (Mat 28:2). 

The Angel of the Lord was not just another angelic being, but the Holy Ghost Himself. When  Jesus was raised from the dead, The Angel of God, came to the tomb and was re-assembled with the Body of Christ.

With all that evidence, “The Word of God” was “The Angel of God,” or the Holy Ghost. Jesus pre-existed His Body as a Ghost in the shape of a man. That is the “Word” of which John wrote that was made flesh (John 1:14). Not “made” in a physical sense, but in identity, ginomai — genned. The Genome of God was placed in the “vessel,” or Body of Jesus.

The Body of Jesus was indeed the “cup” that held the Genome of God.

I believe that the Image of God, “Selem” in the Hebrew, was the Genome of Yahweh.

For a moment, examine the science; the Genome is the totality of all the chromosomes of a person. Each and every nuclear cell of the body has a chromosome. Now remove the cells themselves, leaving only the chromosomes in the bodily shape of a man. Chromosomes are whitish in color. Imagine now just your chromosomes moving and articulating. You would appear to be just a phantom because chromosomes cannot be seen without staining.

The Genome of God may be the Divine Chromosome of God, or “The Angel of God,” that later genned Jesus, making the Genome of God visible again because the flesh revealed the Genome of God: 

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:1-3)

 Jesus was not another divine Being and He was not made. He was manifested, or revealed, to be God. As such Jesus is the embodiment of The Angel of God that I believe was the divine Genome of Yahweh whose substance was phantom-like as “selem” means. In other words, The Angel of God was the Image of God from the beginning — His Genome whereon God assembled the organism of flesh with God in every cell of that Divine Creature.

The “Cloud” that was the Genome of God was divided and shared with the male Adam who in turn shared it with the female Adam, making them one with each other and one with God. Like God, before sin, they were glorious creatures each with an “angel” that was pure and white until sin stained their chromosomes to reveal the “serpentine-like” nature within them after sin.

Perhaps their nakedness without shame in the Garden was their pure genomes, and that their shame (Gen 3:7) was after sin was that their evil chromosomes were made public. God saw His Genome in them, now soiled with the filth of sin — the cunning nature of the Beast.

One last point: “The Angel of God” was the Spirit, or Image of God, in bodily shape. It is the Image that Jesus received at His baptism. It was not the water that changed Him but the Vapor from another realm that floated upon Him to make him the Godhead.

[1] That cloud and pillar of fire is, An Awesome Quantum God, as described in my latest book. A “Quantum” is  packet of energy, and a cloud of Energy is the Almightiness of God.

picture credit: Open Art

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