Thursday, September 26, 2024


To be honest, I am not smart enough to understand God’s parables that He revealed to Ezekiel, so again I was tempted to gloss over my study. However, once confronted with scripture (Ezekiel 24), God revealed to me in thought what the “Jewish Stew” in the time of Nebuchadnezzar would consist of.

In the Book of Ezekiel, God continually calls Ezekiel “son of man.” The exact Hebrew expression is “ben Adam.” Often it is unclear whether God was speaking specifically to Ezekiel, but all of mankind, whether it be then or in the future. God may have been speaking to modern man as well as those in that day, or maybe even just Ezekiel.

However, the parable seems to be for all of mankind — specifically only Adam’s kind. Well, what other kind of man is there? ‘Is (pronounced eesh) were Cain’s and the Devil’s kind.

Was God dividing the kinds again? Perhaps. Scripture is much about dividing the kinds from the kinds; “According to your ways, and according to your doings, shall they judge you, said the Lord God.” (Ezek 24:14).

Who are the “they”? They are the “bloody city” (Ezek 24:9) under the direction of the king of Babylon. That event was about Nebuchadnezzar laying siege to Jerusalem. It would come true. However, it applied both those of that time and surely in the end of time during the apocalypse.

Because Jerusalem was so wicked in those days, they Jews would be “eaten” in a sense which God described quite well as a “human stew,” — “Adam Stew” — bones and all: 

Gather the pieces thereof into it, even every good piece, the thigh, and the shoulder; fill it with the choice bones. Take the choice of the flock, and burn also the bones under it, and make it boil well, and let them seethe the bones of it therein. (Ezek 24:5) 

Who would cook the Jews? Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Who would light the fire? The Lord would do it (Ezek 24:14). Why? What was so wrong with God’s chosen and peculiar people that He had saved from peril so many times? Speaking of the city of Jerusalem and her people, God explained to Ezekiel their wrong: 

She has wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire. In your filthiness is lewdness (Ezek 24:12-13). 

The remnant of the Hebrews — the Jews — once God’s chosen and peculiar people (Deut 14:2) would perish as if in Hell. The boiling pot with flaming fire was just a parable of things to come. The Babylonians, as far as it is known, never made “Jewish Stew.” Perhaps, God was revealing to Ezekiel the recipe for “Luciferin Stew” for whosoever does not believe (trust) in Him (John 3:16)

I believe the parable was more about the Antichrist and judgment than it was about the destruction of Jerusalem, albeit it may be about both. Albeit they knew the demonic Nebuchadnezzar, but ancient Jews were not familiar with the Antichrist. Nebuchadnezzar might very well represent the Antichrist. Indeed, he does, or should I say that Nebuchadnezzar was the Antichrist!

Christians think of one “Antichrist” in the end; “The Antichrist.” However, John wrote, “As you have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. (1 John 2:18).

The topic was last times. There would not be many at the same time, but one after another. I submit that Herod the Great was the Antichrist because he was against Christ and a type of Christ as king of the Jews who tried to kill Christ.

I submit that Judas, after the death of Herod, was the Antichrist because he too was against Christ, even dying on a “tree” like Christ. He too endeavored to kill Christ, but he was as cowardly as Nero. Some Muslims believe that Judas was the Christ. That makes Judas the Antichrist in his turn.

Simon Magus was the Antichrist in those days in his turn because he claimed to be Christ as well as he created the anti-Christian religion of Gnosticism.

My point is what John said was true that there are many Antichrists and all those people had Satan in them, just as with Judas (Luke 22:3).

Satan has one among many characteristics that God does not; he is not omnipresent (Job 1:6). He can only be one place at any given time. That there is many Antichrists at the same time is not theologically sound doctrine.

Who in the Old Testament had Satan, Lucifer, in him? The Serpent was some occult image with Satan in him.

Since Abel was the Christ-type (righteous Abel, Mat 23:35), and Cain murdered him, Cain was the Antichrist as the son, or gens, of the Serpent (1 John 3:12).

During the time before the flood, Genun, the son of blind Lamech, had Satan enter him and he did many evil works. Genun was the Antichrist that caused the flood of Noah’s day.

There were many consecutive Antichrists in the Old Testament, and one of them was Nebuchadnezzar who had Satan in him. (Nimrod, the “great hunter” of God was another in his time.)

However, Satan is just a tool to test mankind — Adam’s kind. God does not test Lucifer’s kind because there is nothing to test. They are his kind, “Is, that God does not test. Why should he? They belong to Satan, not to God. When God spoke to Adam he was referring, not to ‘Is but to Adamah. He was speaking about sons of God of which Adam was the first. He was speaking to those engendered by God whether before Christ or after Christ who is God!

The Jews of that day required judgment because they had gone astray. They had followed Satan after God had saved them from Pharoah (another Antichrist). God was about to make His people, “Satan Stew,” not because He relished it, but that they required sanitation by fire and heat. That “Jewish Stew” was a type of Hell and God would use Nebuchadnezzar as the Antichrist to punish His people.

That is how God will use some Antichrist in the end to punish some in Hell as a few are rewarded in Paradise. That does not seem fair, but once sons of Adam, not always sons of Adam. “Elected” as God’s people, they selected Satan as their master. As their “master,” it was the Antichrist’s, Nebuchadnezzar’s, role to punish them. Being Antichrist is a busy and bloody job. Nebuchadnezzar was the butcher who would cut up the Jews to make “Jewish Stew.”

Nebuchadnezzar was the king of kings as an emperor, and he made himself lord of lords when he had a statue of himself to be worshipped. He was a pompous leader who God humbled, bringing Nebuchadnezzar down on all fours to eat grass like a beast (oxen; Dan 4:33).

How did that make Nebuchadnezzar the Antichrist? Well, the nature of Lucifer was described by Isaiah, to wit: 

How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how aet you cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Yet you shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isa 14:12-14) 

God will do that with Lucifer (Satan) in the end (to the fiery pit), and he did it with Satan in Judas when he fell to the ground, burst, and Satan came out. (Acts 1:18).

God also did that with Nebuchadnezzar who surely had Satan in him, but in the end, he was also brought to his knees just as scripture says about the Beast, “on your belly you shall go” (Gen 3:14). Not crawl on his belly but die diminished. Satan in Judas went that way, and so did Satan in Simon the sorcerer, according to history.

Some say that Nero was an Antichrist because he persecuted Christians and burned Rome. He was diminished just like Nebuchadnezzar, and he too killed himself. Nero after sinning by aborting his own child and killing his wife, married a boy who he castrated to make him a different kind — a trans-kind. That was more than God could stand. There is not one sin that Nero failed to sin, even claiming himself to be God.

Unlike Jesus who went to His death bravely and peacefully, Nero was so cowardly that he could not suicide himself, having a servant circumcise him from the world! That was the end of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty forever. Nero Caesar was diminished by God in the manner of Nebuchadnezzar and again, Satan did the dirty work.

Another Antichrist arose in the late 1920’s and by 1941, Jews were punished just because they were Jews. That time, Herr Hitler was the emperor king who would play God and die in the pit of his bunker. Hitler was one of the many Antichrists which God was warning Ezekiel that would come.

Who knows who the Antichrist is now, but there are not many, but one at a time! There is somebody out there right now who is great and whose destiny is diminishment by God. It is somebody that is endeavoring to diminish God, replace Him, and change the world with a great reset. The time is at hand this moment with the Great Reset and the dawning of the Luciferin Era (Aquarius).

In Ezekiel’s time, who was in danger of perishing, even in the Jewish Stew that Nebuchadnezzar would prepare? God’s chosen and elect people. In a sense, the stew was to “feed” the Antichrist, Nebuchadnezzar. Will there be a “Christian Stew” in the end? 

(The elect, Christians) Casting all your care upon him; for He cares for you. .Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Pet 5:7-8) 

In the days of Nebuchadnezzar, God’s chosen people thought that they would never perish, they were non-vigilant, and while they “slept,” God was preparing a “stew” of His people. He chose the Antichrist, Nebuchadnezzar, as the “chef” to make the stew to which God would even light the fire under them by judgment to his standards, not the king’s!

Why should Christians, the elect, be vigilant about the coming Devil — the final Antichrist — unless their safety was in jeopardy? Just as the Jews of God’s parable were the ingredients for Nebuchadnezzar’s “stew,” even to this day Christians could be the ingredients for the Antichrist’s last meal. (Note that the Lord’s Last Supper was not eaten by Him but by Judas who alone sopped the body of Christ in the blood of Christ.) Judas ate “Christ’s Stew” unworthily.

Why was Nebuchadnezzar able to consume Jerusalem so easily? Because they were not vigilant. They failed to understand that they would end up as “soup” in the pot of Nebuchadnezzar. God could save all of them from the alien “Devil” just in time, but He did not. It was God who even planned Nebuchadnezzar’s “menu” of His choice people. Do not be surprised if when you discover that you are not already saved, as you have been told, but preserved for God’s purposes.  There is a difference!

God was not speaking just to Ezekiel or sinners (Is’s) but Adamah, sons of righteous Adam (i.e., elected Jews then and Christian now.)

Adam’s kind is again in jeopardy just as God’s people were in ancient times. We should have learned the lesson of the Jews, but all the while Christians are still non-vigilant. It is not Satan’s people that the Devil delights to consume but God’s people. Beware the wiles of the Devil!





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