Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Well, it is an election year. Will democracy survive or will it not? Nobody asks if our republic will survive?

In a few words a “democracy” is majority rule, and a “republic” is representative government so that the minority is not neglected. The United States is a republic.

Obviously, the fear of so many of us is that the minority will be forgotten and there will be a one-party government in the manner of the Confederate States of America. Theirs was that the few Republicans that were there had no voice in anything. The South voted for the Democrat of their choice and Republicans were required to do as they said.

The Confederacy was a democracy ruled by Democrats wherein the voice of the minority was suppressed. The Democrats could not even get along. The vice-president, Alexander Stephens was useless to the president, Jefferson Davis. The Democrats, although they thought they served the same purpose were not even in accord even with one another. That even extended to the war among their generals with both each other and their president.

The South struggled with the North because southern Democrats struggled with each other. Not to be outdone, even the Democrats of the North struggled with each other and with the Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. Democrat Supreme General, George B. McClellan, was a thorn in the side of President Lincoln because he failed to follow the leadership of the Lincoln. Soon, he would run for president himself!

To be truthful, things were not rosy among the Republicans, but for the most part, they remained united, not to save democracy (The Confederacy), but to save the republic (The Union).

If people were good, democracies would be good, but mankind is infected with iniquity — original sin. Democracies without God are doomed to failure, and to be honest, so are republics. The former is basically a plutocracy that is ruled by the wealthiest. They work by buying the votes of the less wealthy. Generally, they no longer provide whisky and favors for votes; it is more subtil; they promise rewards for the votes. The wealthy do not mind giving crumbs to the poor to gain or retain power; especially when it is the common man’s money that they will use to pay the foolish commoners.

Again, democracy is defined as majority rule. Is it really? The powerful rich always rule. They somehow get the less educated to support their goals by use of the press and other media. It is sad, but voters still do not understand that it is them who pay for the “free things” that were promised to get powerful or popular people, elected!

The Bible says something about democracy: “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud 17:6). That is a “democracy.” It is a government without one king, but a government wherein everyone is “king.”

The crazies ruled their own domain as well as the sane ones. There was chaos in those days because people were not in accordance with either God nor each other. Everybody wanted things their way.

The economy was like Burger King’s wherein each can have it their way. However, even Burger King® provides a choice. A good restaurant does not force its way on you, nor another, your way on me. A pure democracy is chaotic and insane because there is no compromise; the one with the greatest numbers have it their way!

The problem with democracies is that people have different principles, called “ideologies” in political speech. One citizen might want regulations for his own safety and for his family, and the next independence from the government entirely. You cannot have it both ways, so people resort to “politics” to have it their way.

Politics, according to Webster is, “the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government.”

What was the first sin? A cunning act to win control over the government of the Garden wherein God was LORD, Adam had dominion, and the other animals were under his dominance. The original “government” was a theocracy, not by some evil presence, but a Good God, and in that theocracy all things were “very good” (Gen 1:31).

The Law in that domain was one: The Supreme God has all authority and that was conveyed with one Law — never to trespass onto the Estate of God by taking things that are forbidden; things that do not belong to you. (Not even taxation but charity.)

We are taught to believe that democracies are good, and even Republicans have sought to create democracies wherein chaos rules. The outcome in so many cases is revolution, chaos, and dictatorships. That is because people still want to do what is right in their own eyes.

The only case in history wherein everyone was of one accord was in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost: “When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (Gen 2:1). Why so? It was because all the men there followed Jesus (Acts 1:21). Jesus was their “Rabbi” — their “Master.”

The Church was founded that day. The Church is a theocracy with Jesus as its head. It is not by majority rule as the Council of Jerusalem proved, but by wise examination of the Will of God (Acts 15). If the tenets of God are followed, then accordance ensues.

James was the leader of the council, but he bowed to the council of Paul who provided the wisdom, not the tacit law, of God. There was not a political revolution about who would be greatest, nor even cunning. Paul just revealed to them what Jesus above had show him about the rule of Law. It was Jesus that truly ruled, and each in a sense, took a knee to Jesus.

They followed wise council, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thes 5:21-2). Paul used that process, and so should we.

The Church is still extant after nearly 2000 years because of that advice. The Council of Jerusalem was the first political act of the newly formed Church. The Council proved, or tested, the misunderstandings and held onto what is good. As such, much of the Law had been misunderstood, so they held onto what was understood by them all. There were no abstentions nor hard feelings. The majority did not rule, but the rule of God persuaded them all to agree on the things of God. The first Church was not denominational; they all agreed because they all considered all things and retained what was good.

It could have been the end of the Church. The Church could have been divided into two or more factions. Because the majority did not rule, but that Paul inspired by God, persuaded them to do the Will of God, not by commands, but to please God.

If the majority had won that day, the minority would have walked out and formed their own version of the Church.

To be honest, the Church has done that ever since. Because Catholicism did not adhere to the scripture, Protestants walked out. Whether you are a Catholic or a Protestant is an ecclesiastical decision; it is the politics of the branches of the Church. The Church was split in the 1500s because of majority rule. The rule of the majority — the Catholics — created dissension and the minority left. Since that time, even the Protestants protest one another. The Church organization is presently in chaos. That is where democracy takes even Christians.

Democracies are the rule of the majority without regard to hanging onto what is good. It is what is best for the most. Marxism (communism, progressivism, and the like) is democratic by design: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (Karl Marx). The needy at that time were the majority, and the plutocracy was the minority. They each were to be of one accord, but not out of charity but by dictate. That one glorious idea has caused so much consternation and division today that about everyone hates each other. His idea of democracy, even a republic, if you think about it, was good, but in practice it was chaotic.

Why has Marxism always failed? Because God has not part in Marxist governments; the leaders become the autocrats — the one’s with absolute power. Stalins and Hitlers became the “gods” just like Micah who became the king in his own eyes and his son the priest (Jud 17:5).

Democracies are well-intentioned, but in practice, the wealthy elite are the benefactors. Democracies are the “survival of the fittest” and eventually, the most powerful will emerge as dictators that seek their will be done. (To Hell with those who think otherwise.)

The Democrat Party were the Marxists even before Marx. How so? The plantation system was communistic, to wit: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” The plantation economy was set up communistic; those with ability were the workers: the field hands that picked cotton, the stable boy, the kitchen help who were like family, and the black overseer who really managed the plantation. They were the ones with ability.

Who were those with needs? The gentlemen and ladies of the plantation and their children. The slaves took care of them from the cradle to the grave. What they did not “need” for their extravagance they shared unequally with those who worked. The “needy” were the Democrats who struggled to maintain their clever system. They still maintain their plantations, now big cities, so succinctly that the blacks still think they are free even as they are beholden to the Democrat Party. [1]

Just like reconstruction wherein Democrats made their “Uncle Tom’s” afraid of Republicans and freedom, and now Biden has said, “‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” He knows that black people seem to want Democrats to protect them from Republicans. In fact, Biden fears Trump because he might finally, really set the blacks free from Democrats.

I have attacked democracies fairly. However, republics are subject to misuse as well.

Marxism has shades of republicanism as well.

Marxism in practice is communistic wherein a bureaucracy operates everything for the good of the community.

Both the House and the Senate are republican by design. We vote for them to run the “plantation” because we the people have different goals. The Constitution meant well by creating a republic, but because of tenure, the republic is by now mostly just part of the bureaucracy.

Recent events show that the President does not run things nor does Congress. The Congress has become a mass of elite bureaucrats that suck the life from our nation as they make themselves wealthy at our expense. Benjamin Franklin saw that coming when he called our system of government, “a republic, if we can keep it.”

The republic is now threatened by both parties because of discord. The statesmen are continually undermined by “progressive” Democrats and “never Trumpers.”  

So, to whom can the people turn? A populist: “a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people” (Merriam-Webster 2023). People look to Trump, not because he is a Republican, or even because he is not a Democrat, but because he is for the common people. Trump sees us as virtuous common people and his policies are constructive to improve the people.

On the other hand, Democrats see the people (voters) as stupid (Jonathan Gruber), “a basket of deplorables” (Hillary Clinton), and MAGAs “threats to democracy” (Joe Biden). Not to be outdone Kamala Harris sees us as merely ways Democrats harvest voters.

I asked Googled® a question, “What derogatory name did Kamala call MAGA supporters?” All that Google returned were hundreds, if not thousands, of what derogatory name Trump called Harris! That, naïve people, is communist, even Nazi, propaganda and both are Marxism in practice. Democracy has not only been threatened but implemented and silly voters even fail to understand that what must never happen again is happening again!

Both Harris and weird Walz has called Republicans “weird.” That certainly is a vote getter (sic)! The Democrats are the “party of hatred”!

Any media search reveals almost nothing about mean-spirited things Democrats say, but twists all things that Trump says.

Pravda was the communistic media. Our media, for the most part, is now communist Pravda-like. Because the media says it so repeatedly, should make astute people willing to, “Test all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Most of what you read and hear, expect it to be evil.

Test all those rantings of media personalities. Are they mean-spirited and hateful? Are they truthful or merely cunning? Trust God, not the “Prince of the power of the air,” Satan. The media so cunningly twists things that even brilliant people are deceived.

Why would you want a herd of name-calling beasts to run our National Plantation? Based on their record of the Trail of Tears, slavery, Jim Crow, and now anti-Semitism, why would you want the biggest threat to democracy ever (Democrats) in control of our republic? They have always been on the wrong side of history, so why do you think now would be any different?

Think people! We all want good things but a few of us will be required to pay for the desires and whims of about every weird group that holds out their hands to demand a share.

I will be mean about one group, like Russian operetta, Galina Veshnevskaya called Marxist thought an “insane ideology.” [2]

Do I expect many to change their viewpoints? No. You have been fed the Pavlovian treat so many times, that even if you don’t receive a treat, you will still ring the Democrat “bell.”

"Pavlov Dog Experiment;" YouTube




[1] For more on that refer to my book, A Day on the Democrat Plantation.

[2] For more on that see my book, Galina, An American Story.

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