Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Truth Shall Set You Free!

I was talking to a fine Christian man today. We were of course discussing the Bible. He is a Missionary Baptist and gave a great testimony of his salvation. In addition to his belief in Christ he not only believed that it was important in being a Baptist, but that Baptist succession was also important. (Such belief is called “Landmarkism”).
I pointed out that there was no scripture on which to base his claim and that history does not bear out Baptist succession (from John the Baptist to the present). His response was that he believed based on faith and that no one can change his mind. I reminded the gentleman that Catholics make the same claim for Catholicism (Papal Succession from St. Peter) and that we not only criticize them for that, but it also has no scriptural significance!
My position is that I seek “truth” and I told him that. He responded “That is truth!”. When I reminded him that he had no scripture nor tradition which supports his claim that “It is no more than wishful thinking! (“Trail of Blood” which is Landmarkism's source of information implies that a Baptist is any people who were not Christians. That's far from what Baptists claim to be). Upon seeing tension arising I relinquished my pride and let it lie. We then had a very productive conversation.
John (ESV) 4:23 “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Jesus is the Truth and we find that in scripture. He expects us to be truthful in our worship. Truth and the Spirit abide together. What is truth? Truth is conforming to the facts. It's what's real... not fiction. It's not wishful thinking! I have no use for beliefs which are not based on one of two things: 1) What scripture says about the subject or 2) What is based on physical evidence. Neither scripture nor the evidence supports Baptist succession. Why do people think it's so important? Pride and more pride!
It seems that even Christians are prideful. What salvation is all about is relinquishing our pride and humbling ourselves. Our beliefs in things outside Christ cannot get us to heaven. It's wishful thinking and prideful that we just don't accept what Jesus says at face value! Jesus said “I am the Way!” Likewise, where Jesus remains silent, due to pride we put words in his mouth. “Have it your way!” as the jingle goes. We need to have it “Christ's way”! What is His way? Truth. “Truth shall set you free!”

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