Saturday, May 28, 2022


Today, I reveal a part of the chapter "The Greater Good" from the manuscript of the current book that I am writing. I suppose, it will be titled "On the Origin and Survival of the Genes" or a similar title.

  Gate-RNA is CRISPR-Cas9. It was financed by Bill Gates and others in 2015 for 120,000,000 and somehow, the Chinese now have the same technology to create “super soldiers” to engage the West in war. This is not fiction; it is in the mainstream media many places. Perhaps some of the laboratories that created COVID, can also create super soldiers.

  Just what are “super soldiers”? They can wage war and fight to win at all costs. During the Blitzkrieg in Nazi Germany, scientists there created super-soldiers to bring about a swift victory against the allies. Although Nazi scientists were great in eugenics, they were not super eugenicists!

  Eugenics is endowing human beings with superior characteristics by manipulating genetics. That is the role of the Holy Ghost, is it not? Genes are of God, and as such are good. Manipulating genes for the benefit of mankind should be a good thing, but always what benefits some men harms many.

  Eugenics is the hallmark of Marxism. Although Karl Marx wrote, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” it sounds good but in practice it is so very evil!

  There are two ways to achieve equity: (1) Improve the conditions for the oppressed, or (2) eliminate undesirables. Nazism is based on eliminating the undesirables that “someone” perceives as not oppressed, but parasitical sub-humans whose lives do not matter. Marxism is based on survival of the fittest, and Nazis had methods to measure fitness — they measured physical characteristics. That race is based on color is one of the Marxist “Big Lies” that is so absurd a contention that it must be true!

  Nazis measured physical characteristics and compared them with a reference. Those who identified as Jews, although white by visible standards, were Jewish according to facial features. All Jews had to provide their genealogies back two generations to have a Ahnenpas (ancestor pass).

  As a sidenote, the recent mandate endeavored to require a similar pass with technological applications such as the “Excelsior Pass” in New York to prove that the genes within the holder are safe to engage in commerce. Jews, during the Third Reich, were required to carry their papers to prove their genetic identity as well.

  Nazis, thank you God, did not have super scientists like their super soldiers. Then was the first practical use of eugenics but it was flawed. Real Jews could sneak through because they too are white, and the measurement error and false pedigrees could confound the Nazis.

  Biogenetics changed all that; the government can no longer be fooled because genealogy can be traced back to ten generations to the person’s genetic “Adam,” as geneticists call that individual.

 Biogenetics is “Nazism made easy”! Who would ever expect real doctors to condemn people to die based on their genetic identification? Certainly not the Nazis for it was for the “greater good’! It was for Karl Marx that Germans would kill their own people, not only those genetically deficient but also mentally and physically handicapped.

  You see, “those with ability” is subjective. They were only those who would perform rightly for Nazism. The handicapped could not and the Jews would not, so they had to die for the greater good of genetic Germans that eugenicists identified as the Aryan race. (Believe the scientists?)

 Millions of people were killed by National Socialism because of their genetics. The content of their flesh was either non-Aryan or not Aryan enough. Arianism was the made-up standard because Aryans are an obsolete race of people to which Germans compared themselves without proof that Germans were ever from that race, not to mention that they too are mutations from their own standard.

  In like manner, the extremely high standard set by the U.S. CDC using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, at first, was too sensitive and the positive/negative levels reset. Early on, false results often occurred, and science failed for the greater good again. Rather than for good, healthy people were incarcerated and the economy collapsed because America does not have super-scientists who can fail.

  But God never fails. He is good all the time, yet people perceived God as deficient. For some reason His natural immunity was not as effective as science redirecting the DNA of anyone who would “eat” of their unpalatable fruit. Thank you, God, for just the message to the DNA, and for now have delayed the wide gate to destruction with gate-RNA.

  So, all things can be used for good or evil. Take leeches for instance. As late as the 19th century, they were used for good, according to science at that time. They would suck the bad blood from the sick, or so they thought, and make them well. Leeches killed people in the name of “good.” Evil came about because people trusted the science, and not God, to take care of them by natural healing. The intent was good but the results bad.

 Now, in the 21st century, leeches are often used to remove excess blood in the flesh due to abnormalities. They are used for local procedures. God uses “spiritual surgery” by making the sick whole again. In whom do you trust; one whose Word is perfect and efficacious, or those whose knowledge is not omniscient?

  The point therein is that all things are good but can be used for malevolent purposes, either through ignorance or intentionally. The German people allowed euthanasia and eugenics because of ignorance but those who ruled knew exactly what they were doing… much the same as Eve’s encounter with a super-serpent in the beginning!

  Super soldiers may look the same, just as the German soldiers during the Blitzkreig but their tenacity, perseverance, and apathy for their own lives overcame the allies. The socialist nation had science invent crystal methadone. Their super soldiers were drug induced “zombies” who were already as dead and who cared not whether they lived or died. Today, the government has the same attitude about crystal meth, fentanol, and most drug users. They are expendable for the “greater good.” The government does not care about those oppressed by chemicals because they become lesser people. Those who live in tent cities are not threat to those who govern, so they must remain as they are — as no threat or even allies with their “captors.” Tent cities are a perfect example of the Stockholm Syndrome wherein the oppressed ally themselves with their oppressors. The same goes for city dwellers in general who for generations, still vote for their oppressors!

 For those who now govern, drug-users are nothing more than “parasites” who will end up killing themselves. For those harder to “exterminate,” now San Francisco has safe houses (once hotels) and other facilities were “do good” benefactors provide marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco… at least, although it has been speculated that hard drugs also may be supplied by private charitable donations (Link 2020).

  In that media article, “fact checkers” only deny one thing — who pays for the actual drugs and alcohol, although drugs and alcohol are provided in those facilities; that they did not deny!

  For the greater good do-gooders provide drugs and alcohol. Marijuana causes psychosis and psychotics do kill people as is soon discovered daily when whoever is on their drug of choice kills people.

 And even now, there are deniers that cigarettes and alcohol are okay even as they perish the hearts and lungs of so many! Sometimes the greater good keeps people enslaved in dependence, Those Nazi super soldiers were “Mister Wonderfuls” at first, then they became derelicts and the legalized meth factories were shut down because super-soldiery had failed them. However, on the way, even Der Fuehrer, it is said, became a derelict meth addict until he destroyed himself.

  Now, science has come a long way, baby. Biogenetics is so much more precise and effective than crystal methadone and such. They still shoot you up but with a different ingredient. Meth sent messed up messages to the super soldiers and they became defunct soldiers. To correct that, science now sends messages to the people’s DNA, using messenger-RNA. Their brains may have gotten confused with meth, but to do the experiment again, confused people all over the world submitted themselves to a global experiment in the eugenics of the neo-Nazi brand of soclalism

  Socialism is an experiment in making mankind over again in the image that Marx created. It has failed each and every time but people still eat their spoiled “fruit,” thinking it is good for them.

  Just as the “Serpent” told Eve, Eat… you will not die, and it will be good for you, so goes the mantra of the false vaccines. Many CDC supplied professionals — doctors and nurses — are seen regularly in television commercials with the same message. If you trust the government, you may be part Indian because their demise was trusting the U.S. government!

What are the “Fiery Darts of the Adversary” Spoken of by Nephi? | Book of  Mormon Central