Wednesday, August 30, 2023


It is all about what we think!

Theologians give much homage to the Holy Trinity, especially Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but neglect the Mind of God. The Body of God is material substance, or Jesus, and the Spirit of God the non-material substance of God, but what is His Mind?

The Mind of God always existed and was there before the foundation of anything, according to “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1). The “beginning” is literally rank one from the Hebrew, or the first order of things. Following rank comes order; the English version calls the order ‘days.’

In that there was no order before, but afterwards there was, order means that there was a Supreme Intelligence that resulted in order since for all effects there must be a cause.

Science dismisses the physics by saying that the Big Bang was a ‘discontinuity;’ that it disobeyed the orders. Whose orders? are not said because science investigates things that are sensed either by man or instruments. The problem with science is that it neglects God even though ‘god’ is in the ‘god equation’ — E=mc2 — noting that Energy taken from the speed of light squared is the cause and ‘mass’ the effect.

Essentially, evolutionary science is ‘alchemy,’ something from nothing, or an effect without a cause. Early scientists scoffed at that idea.

Because there was nothing at first, then there was order, means something organized things, but before there were order, there must have been things to order.

Rank one was time (the beginning as the starting point), heaven (space), and earth (matter). At the start, God created space and then added atomic components that became matter. Since this commentary is not about creation, but Mind, for the moment, the creation processes will not be discussed. The point is that there was a scientific process in the creation, or generation, of things. Time measured processes then as it does now. Even such common processes as cooking a meal involves time and is itself a process.

English translators called time, ‘days.’ It is written, “And in process of time it came to pass…” yada, yada, yada. (Gen 4:3). The root word for Hebrew ‘process’ is ‘to cut asunder.’ Asunder what? Time and ‘hotness’ (Strong 2006). Hence, a process, in the Lexicon of God, is just like any thermodynamic process. The point herein is that God made the science, and scientists endeavor to reveal the processes without crediting God.

Einstein is still the synonym for brilliance. He finally realized the truth; that there is no effect without a cause. He was wise enough to give credit to God but only for the cause. He never gave God the credit for either the effect nor the affect! Michao Kaku, the most renowned astrophysicist today, made the same deduction because for all things there must be a cause. Different religions call the ‘Cause’ by different names, but the “Cause” named ‘Itself’ a very significant name, ‘Ya Preserves’ which is the meaning of the Name, ‘Jesus.’

So not only does the True God Create, He preserves as well. Preserving is a technique for maintaining processes.

For instance, maintaining a car extends its life. Genesis 1-2 is about creating all things and the rest of the Bible is about preserving them. Intermingled among those things is saving, or regenerating, the things that were made. All that takes much thought and planning. The Big Bang was not God’s ‘First Thought’ but the ‘first order’ of His Plan for us.

Whether the Big Bang was Higgs Boson or not can never be proven beyond a doubt, but it indeed was God’s Glorious Thought that caused the heavens and the Earth, or things unseen and things seen. The Cosmos is the latter, but science ignores things beyond the Cosmos. It was revealed to Enoch that the Holy Thing beyond the Cosmos and the Tenth Heaven was God and that God is ‘Light’ (2 Enoch).

John wrote, “This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).

Phosphorus, of course, emits light, but that is a synonym for ‘Lucifer.’ In the Greek, the Light of God would be ‘Theophos,’ combining ‘God’ with ‘Light.”

The Greek word, ‘phos’ means different things; among them are, “that which is exposed to the view of all, openly, publicly;” and secondly, “reason, mind” (ibid). That God is ‘Light,” therefore means that He has a brilliant Mind; one with reason.

Reason is “the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially, in orderly rational ways — INTELLIGENCE” (Merriam-Webster 2023).

Therefore, mythology is thinking irrationally and theology rational thought because logically, “I think, therefore I am” (Rene’ Discartes).

Because there was a plan, or process, a grand one at that, by God, God is the ‘I AM’ (Exod 3-14) because He revealed His Thoughts, or Light (Gen 1:3) at the beginning of the Creation.

(If you have failed to notice, the first two chapters of Genesis reveal an orderly process that makes sense. It is a very rational account of generating all things from the Thoughts of God. It corresponds very well with quantum theory that can be studied in my book, Adoil Come Down: Arkhas Came Undone.)

Christians are most familiar with the material Substance of God, called ‘Jesus.’ He was not created but came To Be, another way of saying ‘I AM.’ John revealed Jesus as the ‘Word’ of scripture. The Hebrew root verb, ‘Dabar’ (the ‘Word’), means “to arrange.” (Strong 2006). Arranging knowledge is the thought process. In that Jesus is the ‘Word’ (John 1:1-14), makes the Thoughts of Jesus as the Light (John 8:12) and the Truth (John 14:6). ‘I AM’ — Jesus said those things!

The Word is what Jesus Thought before He was made flesh. Before Jesus came, He was the Mind of God and His Thoughts the plan that was operationalized, according to John 1.

God, the ‘Mind” said to mankind: 

7 “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. 8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” saith the Lord. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isa 55:7-9)

 Man was made in the Image of God. His Thoughts was the Image given to the first man. The image was altered with Eve’s encounter with the so-called, ‘Serpent.’

Because mankind is just a partial image of God, then we are not God, and our thoughts are much less than God’s. Our thoughts are just a shadow, or remnant, of God’s Thoughts, and is much of our thinking since sin entered into our minds.

That extraterrestrial thought is ‘darkness.’

What was Eve’s thought after sinning? She revealed it to Adam… “I have gotten a man” (Gen 4:1); not Adam had begotten, nor even God… she had! And it was not even an ‘Adam’ man, but a ‘whososever’ — an extant being, or another kind of existence (Strong 2006).

Its name was Cain (Quyan). It was another ‘people,’ (‘wanderer’), or kind, that Eve thought that she had made. She thought that she was a god and had the power to create. She thought wrongly! Eve used her faculty of thought to deceive Adam, making him think that the child was his from the Lord, failing to mention that she did the will of another being, and that ‘it’ was her new ‘lord.’

The point therein is that our thoughts are what betrays us being of Cain and of the Wicked One. We think differently than God planned for us to think.

Adam and his kind were to be homo sapiens, both upright and wise men. Rather, our image with sin — our natures — became cunning and creeping like the ‘Beast.’

Eve’s first act was conceiving a creature on her own, and rather than turning to God, she did so herself, with Adam watching; he ‘knew” her. He knew from whom Cain really came!

Cain was of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12) but Eve pretended that Cain was of Adam and God. Pretending did not change the truth. Adam had been deceived again, and like before, he was surely aware of it!

Us human beings now think of ourselves as humane and children of God. Many carelessly say, “We are all God’s children.” That is our thoughts, but it is a fantasy that has existed since the birth of Cain.

The ‘father’ of all is the ‘Devil’ (John 8:44); not that the Devil impregnated our mothers, but that the Devil ‘Serpent’ is our progenitor, and it is “the lusts of your father you will do.” We think like the Devil because our genes are his genes. The ‘Serpent’ is the archetype of everyone, the ‘first form.’

David admitted that he himself was “shapen in iniquity” (Psalm 51:5). He was born depraved and so is everyone else. Our thoughts are the lusts of our genetic father, the Devil.

In the Greek, ‘lusts’ are epithyma — cravings. (Strong 2006). 

14 Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. (Jas 1:14-15)

 James described a process, not a thermodynamic process, but a thought process. Whereas, if it was thermodynamic and could be measured, thinking is not work; it is in the Greek, katergazomai — to think out your salvation.

Hence, lust is to think out your damnation. Enticement is the cause and sin the effect. It is the law of Satan that we do if we think on things of the flesh (lusts).

Sinners think as the Serpent thinks rather than God. Our thoughts are not God’s Thoughts, but like the Wicked One’s. Since it is from that original process of degeneration (‘original sin’) our thoughts are genetic. Why can we not change our thoughts? Because lusts instinctual (genetic) like the beasts, and the image of mankind is brutish like the original ‘Beast.’

That is how our minds work, but how can they be fixed? Our thoughts must be the Thoughts of God, or as nearly so as possible.

Salvation is not of the water but of Thoughts. Our thoughts are the ‘waters’ that are soterial. Just as the Spirit of God can neither be seen nor measure, neither can His Thoughts. Paul referred to things seen as evidence of things unseen when he wrote to the Romans. The Thoughts of God are as unknown to lost men as His Spirit.

How to know the Thoughts of God. Know the ‘Word’ of God. Not only does the Word persuade the lost to become Christians, like Jesus did for Pilate, the centurion, and the repentant thief, but that works for us as well. How did God persuade them? He revealed Himself in all His Substances during the crucifixion.

They heard Jesus ask an unseen Being why He had forsaken Him, and then he showed them the Spirit of God that was leaving Him. He convinced them that He was who He said He was. There was no baptism, there was no work done by others, and there was no devil there to deceive them (He was away in Judas.) There, the thoughts of some of them became the Thoughts of God. God was challenging their minds. They did nothing but think.

Pilate was the first to think, being Platonian, and quickly his thoughts harmonized with who Jesus thought Himself TO BE.

The thief was nailed and could not move. The only thing that he could do was think — katergazomai. His mind became one with Jesus!

The centurion made sure that Jesus was dead. He, however, did not kill Jesus. He only saw Jesus at peace, as if only asleep, and he was persuaded that Jesus was who he said He was!

The point in this entire commentary is it is not what we do, but what we think. We must think things that harmonized with the Word in scripture.

I have noticed something that makes much sense — the more I am in the Word, the less lustful thoughts that I have.

If I study in the morning, during the day, I consider the things of God and all the while my mind is on Him, then it is not on me! Thereafter the less I think of the things of the flesh (lusts) the less I sin. Since my flesh is still of the Wicked One, it is still his will that my flesh desires to do. Our flesh is the weakness of man, as Paul wrote, but the Spirit is willing.

The human will is the basis, or faculty, of thought. We were endowed with ‘free will’ to do whatever it is that we want to do. Preservation is a change of nature; to consider the Will of God and harmonize with His Thoughts; to be like Jesus, and our genes like the Image of God — Jesus.

Now think on these things. If you come to understand that you cannot  save yourself, but Jesus can, and trust Him to do that; then you shall be saved.


Several hours have gone by. I could not shut off the thoughts of God, so now I am back!

Adam was made in the Image of God. His ‘Image’ was the Mind of God because it is presumed that the breath that He blew into Adam was His Spirit. Foremost, people are primarily mind; they are ‘sapiens.’

 Most people think all the time, even when asleep. When the mind shuts down, cognition (thinking) ceases. Death is when the mind stops,, but spiritually, when man’s mind ceases to be the Mind of God. That occurred with original sin. Both the male and the female of the species of Adam no longer thought the Thoughts of God, but the thoughts of the Serpent which they perceived as their own thoughts.

Thus, God’s Thoughts are higher than our thoughts, speaking of the lost.

Calvary is not ‘calvariae locus’ (Latin) for nothing. It is not the ‘place of the skull’ but literally the ‘the shield for the center of activity’ as Mr. Webster would have it. Calvary was the ‘Shield;’ no wonder the name Abraham means ‘The Shield.” It was the gens of Abraham, in his bosom, that was the Shield until Cavalry came along. That points toward the Mind as the center of activity, and its Power, the Holy Ghost.

The ‘virtue’ that left Jesus when he healed was dynamos in the Greek. It was the Power of the Mind of Jesus and when He thought, it happened. When Christians pray, their mind shares virtue and their Spirit is virtuous, or dynamic, as well.

Now for demons. Since our thoughts are not the Thoughts of God and the dynamics of God is Thought, then are soul has a Spirit within and a mind of one of two kinds: good or evil.

Since Yahweh is mind, and filled with the Spirit, is with the Thoughts of God, then ‘in Christ’ is with the Thoughts of God. Therefore, demon possession is not necessarily the spirit of demons in mankind but the thoughts of demons (i.e., demonic dynamics or evil thoughts.)

Angels are messengers that transmit thoughts from one being or another to mankind. Thoughts in the Greek is ‘dialogismos.’  That is merely having discussions with yourselves, not between people, necessarily, but inaudible self-talk.

Basically, thinking is an individual reasoning with himself! Our genetic disposition from original sin short-circuits rational thought, perhaps asking, Is this sin worth dying for? Then the mind argues, Yes it is, and voila, lust begets sin, meaning that it is the mind that sins, not the body which only complies with thought.

Since God is Mind, then so is Lucifer. His mind is evil, even serpent-like. How does Lucifer get into you? Through your mind.

How did Satan enter Judas? For the love of money. He got into Judas via his mind. Thereafter, the mind of Judas belonged to Satan and then the mind of Judas killed his person. Was it guilt, or was it demon possession? Scripture indicates that Judas was possessed.

So, when it is said, “That man has his demons,” it does not mean that there is an evil spirit in him, ala Satan in Judas, but the thoughts of demons transmitted unto his mind.

Demons are evil messengers from another realm. They can be only one place at a time. There are a limited number of dark angels, so how would they move about among so many sinners? By messages transmitted by their minds. Angels are not confined such as we are. Our tongue confines mankind but angels speak the language of God — Thoughts.

Just as God speaks to mankind in their thoughts, so do demons. Just as ‘in Christ’ is ‘in the Word,’ demon possession is thinking evil thoughts.

When God speaks, it is a Divine Spark. The ‘God Particle’ is transmitted from another realm to here. The particle is not a material particle but Light. Thoughts may be a continuous array of Virtue from God to mankind which can be received by all who would hear. To hear means listening, and God cannot be heard if the mind is shut off or pre-occupied.

The concept of a divine spark is not necessarily Gnosticism. Why do people think certain thoughts. Call it what you like, but God inspires people by accessing the mind. When God calls, or ‘knocks,’ as it says, that knocking is not a sound but a spark from God. That “Spark” is a convincing perception of the truth.

Pilate got the Divine Spark when he realized that Jesus was who He said He was. Immediately, Pilate sought baptism. Apparently not trusting the priests, like many 17th century Baptists, he baptized himself by pouring water onto his hands, representing the cleansing of his flesh. Yes, priests baptized; there was a molten sea in the Temple for ritual cleansing. That is baptism!

The Divine Spark is God calling. Our minds intercept the Thoughts of God that is relayed to all who would hear it.

The ‘Sublime Spark’ (my words) is a sudden evil inclination. She’s there and beautiful; why not lust? Then our mind has a discussion with itself and decides to go ahead and lust; then lust leads to sin because the body only obeys the mind. That is why the sin of adultery is in the heart (Mat 5:28), or better said, “the mind.”

Demon possession may or may not be how it is thought to be. Demons get into mankind through our minds. It is not that some evil substance gets unto us, but that the mind of Satan interferes with the transmissions of God. Of course, the ‘Transmitter’ is God Himself, but it is His Thoughts that are in the Word, Jesus — the ‘Angel of God’ and the Messenger of God’s Thoughts.

Thus, having demons is coexisting with good thoughts and evil thoughts (symbiosis). Our minds are not on evil all the time because, although depraved, sinners are not totally depraved like the hybrid beings of the days of Noah.

Paranoia is essentially constant self-discussion which alternates between, Are they out to get me? and, No they are not. That by itself kills the soul of the person because, as they perceive it, God cannot be trusted because they think that their demons are for real! 

Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell. (Mat 10:28) 

Demons can kill the soul. They destroy the mind, and the mind suffocates the soul to death. Those with demon possession cannot shut off destructive thoughts while those who are possessed by God cannot get Thoughts of God out of their minds. The best way to solve that inner conflict is to disregard the evil thoughts within the mind and focus on the truth and how the death of Jesus shielded it on Calvary from evil alien (to God) thoughts.

Christians feel safe because they trust God to come through. Trust is cognition. Given the choice of whether to doubt or believe, the mind dispels doubt and focuses on belief. Those of great faith have little doubt because they think rationally… those demons in their mind might destroy their flesh, but they are unable to destroy the soul.

Whereas most focus their thinking on their bodies, those with utmost fear focus on the destruction of the soul. Like it or not, the fear of God is greater than the fear of demons because God has the power to make you “die, die” as the words “surely die” mean literally.

Those out to get your mind can kill the body (die), but God can kill the body and soul (die, die). So, why are people so afraid to die? Because they do not trust the inspired Words of God. The solution to the demons in your mind is simply to trust God in all things.

Calvary was the ‘shield’ over the mind. Those who trust Jesus have a Divine Shield, called the ‘Shield of Faith’ (Ephes 6:16) which is part of the ‘whole armor of God.’ The ‘helmet’ of salvation is dependence on Jesus Himself who had no sin, however, he died on your behalf. He died, died for you; both His Flesh and Spirit were removed from the world for a time!

Your inner person — your mind — does not really fear its adversaries or even demons. It fears God. Those who are paranoid do not fear dying so much as being dead, dead in both body and spirit; so afraid that they will no longer exist but become only a soul lost in Hell.

My point is to get the mind right and fear will be allayed. Nobody will be out to get you, not even your own mind. Why? Because God protects the mind from the knowledge of evil.

Adam was not afraid of God until he knew evil. Never communicate with your demons; never listen to their thoughts or you’ll be gone with them.

How do demons appear in this realm? In your mind and in the mind of others. Some know they have demons within because of their evil thoughts, and they are not comfortable in the world until you share their demons, perhaps to take part of the load off their minds.

Demon possession is real, but science prefers to call it other things. They don’t want to be perceived as fools, so they just accept as truth that demons do not exist all the while facing people with demonic thoughts nearly every day. Is it really paranoia or schizophrenia or is it demons that are in people?

(picture credit; Acuity Coaching)




Tuesday, August 29, 2023


 Scotomas are failure to see things that are in plain view. For instance, the nuclear test for my heart could not see my heart because there was a cyst in the way. The cyst had always been there, but even I had not noticed it, although it was in front of my heart and became obvious once the machine could not see through it. The cyst was a ‘scotoma.’

The same goes for scripture. I could not see the ‘paralysis’ of Levi because the paralytic man was in front of him. He was the ‘scotoma’ that blocked my view of Matthew (Levi).

Now let’s analyze Matthew with the thoughts of the paralytic man in mind. We shall examine the paralytic to reveal the paralysis of Levi. They were both in invisible ‘chains’ that were alike yet much different as Jesus would soon expose.

When the multitudes saw the paralyzed man stand upright and walk rightly, they “marveled and glorified God” (Mat 9:8). The paralyzed man had been given a new life… a life of walking, indubitably following Jesus. That event seems to be the answer to the saying of Jesus, “Marvel not; you must be born again” (John 3:7).

The paralytic man had indeed been healed outwardly, and suffice it to say, he was healed inside as well! Jesus had made it clear when He questioned the multitudes, which is easier, “To say, ‘Your sins be forgiven you”’ or to say, ‘Arise, and walk?’” Jesus implied that the man had both been healed and his sins forgiven! Indeed the ‘old creature’ who laid straight arose and walked like the ‘new creature’ — an upright and righteous man.

Since Matthew wrote this account, he minimized his significance. He wrote one sentence about himself.

Matthew arose. He too had been sedentary, doing the business of Caesar; he was collecting taxes on contract to the Romans for profit. He was benefitting the Romans and himself at the expense of the Jews and their kin.

Again, it is implied; Matthew was as paralytic as the man before him, not outwardly, but inwardly. Outwardly Matthew was a Jew but inwardly a Roman. He worked harder for gain in this world than a reward in another. Matthew was also ‘paralyzed’ in a sense. He was just sitting there working day in and day out for the sin of usury.

Usury was one of the hundreds of commandments to avoid. God had Moses write a commandment against usury, “Unto a stranger thou may lend upon usury; but unto thy brother you shall not lend upon usury” (Deut 23:20).

That command applied to Matthew. Usury is lending money; to make a living off the misery of others. Matthew was paid royally to collect taxes from among his ‘brothers’ the Jews.

Just like the paralytic, Matthew arose from his mental paralysis, standing upright, and followed Jesus. No wonder Jesus had just question, “Is (it) easier, to say, ‘Your sins be forgiven you;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and walk’”?

For the first man, Jesus said the latter but for Matthew the former. Either way, both men were made new creatures and were born again; not born from their mother’s womb, but engendered from Jesus, the literal meaning of ‘born again’ (Strong 2006).

The change for both was more inside than outwardly, but for both men, it was reflected outwardly. The man was no longer paralyzed, and neither was Matthew any longer in chains to Caesar because he followed Jesus thereafter.

I have attended church for years. Never have I heard commentary such as this. When I sat down, I had already focused on Jesus eating with the publicans and sinners. I was about to gloss over the recruitment of Matthew to follow Jesus.

Then God gave me insight. What is scripture for? “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16). As I read this new scripture, what was my profit? It revealed to me that both the flesh of Matthew and the other man was in chains but with different symptoms, and that Jesus healed them both because before they were as dead, but Jesus made them both alive by His ‘quickening Spirit” (1 Cor 15:45).

The multitude marveled about the paralytic man, but they glossed over Matthew in the same manner that I was about to do again. Marvel not; both men were born again! Even Matthew glossed over his previous depravity as we all are in the manner of doing.

My bet is that you have glossed over the scriptures as well. ‘Scripture’ was in that day, what is now called the ‘Old Testament.’ Without knowing the Law of God from ancient scripture, you would not have understood from Deuteronomy that Matthew had been as dead and that God blessed him, according to the Law. Matthew, although he had been as dead, was made alive by the Presence of God!

The Law came with a curse but obedience to the Law with a blessing; Moses wrote at the inspiration of God: 

Unto a stranger you may lend upon usury; but unto your brother you shall not lend upon usury: that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you set your hand to in the land whither you go to possess it. (Deut 23:20)

 Matthew was in that land for by then it belonged to the Jews. The Jews were his ‘brothers’ there in a genetic sense. Matthew could have taxed the Romans — the ‘strangers’ but instead he was taxing his Jewish ‘brothers.’ His livelihood was from corrupt money, and his Jewish brothers would have despised him for giving to Caesar what did not belong to Caesar. (At one time, a previous Caesar had been gracious enough to not tax Jews for the Romans, according to Josephus, the historian.) Now, even Jews taxed the Jews on behalf of Caesar!

Matthew was a depraved person according to God’s Law — a ‘parasite’ on the bodies of his fellow Hebrews who were joined together by the Abrahamic Covenant and Mosaic Law.

When Matthew arose and walked with Jesus, he was made free of his invisible chains to Rome, money, and Satan.

It was not Matthew who did the walking for he was rooted to the profitability of it all — the love of money. Jesus vicariously removed the unseen chains that had bound him to the tax collector’s chair. Jesus changed the inner man of Matthew. It was not Matthew who removed the ‘paralysis’ of money but Jesus.

The LORD GOD — Jesus — blessed Matthew, according to the blessing of ceasing usury. He shared His blessings with the him — his virtue (dynamos) that made the old man, Levi, walk as the new man, Matthew.

Matthew said nothing about what he had done because Matthew did nothing. It was Jesus who called, even without saying a thing, for Matthew to follow him.

Matthew, before, had answered the call of Satan! “What?” you marvel!

Matthew was a changed man. When he was the ‘publican’ (tax collector), his name was Levi (Luke 5:27). (Matthew had failed to write that about himself, but Luke revealed him.)

The name ‘Levi’ means ‘joiner’ and is related to the Hebrew word ‘lawa’ (Leviathan) (Abarim Publications 2023). The tax collector, before he was reborn, was a follower of the Beast with many heads. He would follow whoever was evil, and as such, may have been constrained with a demon… one of the many ‘heads’ of Leviathan (Psalm 74:14). With that name, he was a follower of Lucifer, but Jesus changed his nature.

The Hebrew form of the name ‘Matthew” means ‘gift of Yah’ or literally ‘given by God’ (ibid). Leviathan provided Levi, but the gift to Levi was a new Image given to him by Jesus (God). Jesus made Levi — the old creature — into a new creature called ‘Matthew.’

In like manner, Jesus made the paralytic who “on his belly he shall go” like the Serpent (Gen 3:14) an upright man with a “coat of skin” (aka Adam) that would walk upright like Adam.

Both Levi and sinful Adam were made new creatures, but so was the paralytic man!

My bet is that you have never analyzed that chapter, nor have you made the connection between Matthew and the man who had been paralyzed. I had not either until the Word revealed it to me!

God removed the scotoma from my eye, according to scripture, (Mat 7:3), “Why behold you the mote that is in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye? That ‘beam’ is a scotoma — a ‘dokos’ in the Greek is something that is held up from preventing a clear view (i.e. a scotoma).

(picture credit; Christian Platonianism; "Beam in the Eye")

Monday, August 28, 2023


Jesus arrived at His own city, Capernaum, and there he was brought a paralyzed man on a bed. The man did nothing and neither did those who carried him. Jesus merely “saw their faith” (Mat 9:2) and in their silence, God Himself read their minds; they believed that Jesus could heal the man, and Jesus knew that without anyone saying a word!

Of course, that was obvious. Most people would assume that; however, Jesus knew that! Upon seeing their faith and knowing that it was faith, Jesus said, “Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.”  Jesus was not made the biological son of Jesus, but the recipient of his divine spark — His genetics.

Jesus could read the thoughts of the paralytic man and his escorts, and by the way, the scribes were whispering so that Jesus could not hear them. They were murmuring so as not to be heard, “This man blasphemes” (Mat 9:3).

Many before were guilty for saying aloud that Jesus was “beside Himself” (Mark 3:21), accusing Jesus, not being crazy, but possessed by the Devil, Beelzebub (Mark 3:22).

Blasphemy is slandering God, saying things about God that is not the truth and that is intended to undermine God.

Could Jesus, being God, slander Himself? No, Jesus spoke the truth. He was, in a sense, beside Himself! Jesus was the manifestation of God and within that human image was the very Image of God. Jesus was not beside Himself but was as God standing there with Him.

The writing of Josephus verifies the meaning of Jesus at the right hand of God; that the right hand is of equal power with another, to which Jesus’s own Words, verify, “Hereafter shall you see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Power” (Mat 26:64).

Jesus had not blasphemed at all, and was indeed beside Himself, Himself being God, and the Spirit of God was the Power within Jesus. Jesus had not blasphemed; the scribes had done that, and Jesus perceived their thoughts, even from a distance.

You may have glossed over this, but Jesus is all-knowing (omniscient); “Jesus knowing their thoughts said, ‘Wherefore think you evil in your hearts?’” (Mat 9:4).

Now for some clarification. Everyone says “hearts” because the heart is the innermost person just as the inner substance of anything is the “heart,” or most central part of any organism. Oftentimes the heart is the core of the organism — the central substance within all the superficial attributes.

For instance, the core of an apple is the seed within. That is principally the cotyledon — the cup shaped cavity — with the testa (the shell) containing it.

(picture credit; The Virtual Apple Parer Museum; "Apple Seed Anatomy')

The apple core is much like another organism within the “flesh,” or fruit, which itself has an outer shell, or peel. Of course, mankind are not vegetables, but God did use similar details in the generation of all the kinds.

The core of mankind is the inner organism that is called the “soul.” Compare that to the testa of the apple. What the scribes saw was the skin of the person, Jesus. They did not see inside of Him; that at His core, Jesus is God.

Within the “cup” of Jesus was the very “Seed” of God as “Son of God” was not that Jesus was sired by the Father, but was the very Seed, or Image, of Yahweh. Jesus was not a person beside himself, but a Divine Man with the very Identity of God at His core.

Jesus had one characteristic in taxonomy. He was the one God. In biology, that one characteristic is called a “monocot.” As the One True God, then Jesus was a “Monocot” and theology agrees with that assessment. Christians are ‘monotheistic’ because Jesus was indeed beside Himself with the Genome of God in His core.

Again, looking at an apple seed, the cotyledon with one characteristic that are in monocots are the leafy plants, or for Jesus, the singular ‘Tree of Life.”

Never mind learning botany; the point is that Jesus — the ‘Plant’ — is from the Seed of God and carries the genes of Yahweh. The Divine Organism of the Man has a core that is Divine. The scribes could not see that, but those with the paralyzed man could somehow see God within the “Cup” of Jesus.

Jesus did not hear the scribes speaking, but knowing their thoughts said, “Wherefore think you evil in your hearts?”

Jesus heard their hearts, not audibly, but perceived that within each of those men was an awful thing. For an apple, there is no mind, but there is a genetic ‘memory’ so to speak. Unless it is a hybrid, an apple is always an apple like the first of its kind. Within the core of an apple is a genetic memory, and there was with Jesus as well. Jesus was not only of the Genome of God and like Him, but He also had the memory of God.

Consider the long-term memory of Jesus for a moment.

In the same discourse, John was writing about the beginning and that Jesus was there. About that time Nathaniel entered the scenario, and the conversation went like this: 

47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” 48 Nathanael said unto Him, “When did you know me?” Jesus answered and said unto him, “Before that Philip called thee, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49 Nathanael answered and said unto Him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel. (John 1:47-49) 

First off, the dialogue began with the beginning of time. Israel itself was the middle of Eden, or the Garden of Eden, as it was called.

God identified it as such since the Jordan River is ‘Naral  Ha Yarden’ — the “River of the Garden,” and when Lot looked upon it, it was seen as the “Garden of the Lord” (Gen 13:10). Therefore, Nathanael saw Jesus as God and said so, but also indicated that he knew that Jesus was “King of Israel” or the LORD GOD of the Garden!

Jesus described the “core” of Nathanael — the ‘monocot’ within Nathanael’s seed; that it was without guile.

Recall that Eve was beguiled and that she was the mother of all living (Gen 3). The monocot within Nathanael was Yahweh. He had no guile in himself like Adam who was never beguiled. The guile in Eve was ‘original sin,’ implying that it was genetic and passed down through the generations. Nathanael had no guile in him, so somehow, he had escaped the mutation of sin. At his core was innocence just like the woman before she was beguiled.

Jesus had ancient memories, because as John just wrote, Jesus was there in the beginning. He remembered Nathanael from under the fig tree. Jesus did not say which fig tree, but Nathanael knew what Jesus was talking about. It was the Tree of Knowledge, not an apple tree, but a fig tree, that was in the middle of the Garden.

How was Nathanael seen under the fig tree thousands of years before, maybe even more? Jesus remembered him, not that Nathanael was there, but that his soul was planted there. He was surely of the Seed of God and had no guile in his core. Jesus remembered Nathanael because he was elected to be there before the foundation of the world (Ephes 1:4).

Just as Jesus was the Thought of God in the beginning, so was Nathanael. God had a plan and a future for him and that was to follow Jesus wherever He would go! Nathanael was not there by coincidence, but Yahweh chose him in the beginning, and Jesus remembered that it was under the fig tree way back when!

The name ‘Nathanael’ reveals the core — his heart. It means ‘God has given.’ Yahweh had elected him already to be there and be with Jesus. When Nathanael was created, it was for a purpose and that seed that was planted without guile beneath that olden fig tree bore fruit just at the right time, and voila, Nathanael appeared with Jesus right there in the ‘Garden of God’ where he was planted ages before.

Jesus proved to Nathanael that He was both God and King of the Garden; and because he knew that, Nathanael made the perfect plant to choose to grow alongside Jesus!

Although not for certain, Nathanael is believed to be the apostle, Bartholomew. That amazing names means, ‘son of the furrow,’ ostensibly a furrow in the ground that Nathanael was planted under the fig tree!

What is often missed is that the Garden of God was not a garden of vegetation, but a Garden of Living Souls of which each seed was to come from the side of Adam — the first being planted in the Garden (Gen 2:7-8). [1]

The point to that discourse is that God is omniscient end never even forgetful. He knew that the scribes had guile in them because he saw them under the fig tree with guile in them. Not only was Nathanael pre-ordained to follow Jesus but that knew the scribes from long ago and what was in their hearts. They were the ‘tares’ that were from the gens of the Tree of Knowledge.

Scribes were nothing more than that; they were the ‘photocopiers” that reproduced the Word on paper (the Bible) but they did so, so often that they were walking books of knowledge. Because of their unlimited knowledge of the scriptures, they were the ‘Wikipedia’ of their day; whatever they said was the truth and how dare anyone question them!

Those who heard the scribes whispering would believe them. They said that Jesus blasphemed God, so because they had said it — all of them — it just had to be the truth! However, because Jesus proved who He was inside, the truth made them free from the scribes’ delusions.

Jesus then proved that He did not blaspheme, but at His core, He was God. Jesus, as John said, was there in the Garden, and His ‘Plant’ was the Tree of Life. It stood beside the fig tree, and Jesus saw Nathanael planted in the Garden.

Now it was time to show Himself… who He was in heart, or at the core, and Jessu said, “Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house, and he arose, and departed to his house” (Mat 9:6-7).

Before, the body of the man was like a dying plant and then Jesus revived him; he then arose and walked. He, as blind Bartimaeus would say it; “I see men as trees walking” (Mat 8:24).

Jesus saw men as ‘trees’ walking because He was in the Garden of God when the souls of men were planted. He knew from way back that that man would become paralyzed and would need some divine spark to boost him again.

That man had guile in Him, but Jesus regenned the man, making him a newly renewed creature both on the outside and all the way to the heart, or core, of the man. The divine spark from Jesus had edited the seed within the core of the paralyzed man and he became a new walking upright creature again.

He went from mere vegetation that was rotting to alive again, because Jesus was the “quickening Spirit’ (1 Cor 15:45) that put the divine spark in the core of the man to and regenerate the original seed within his soul.

Perhaps now you may understand your own core, whether it is slowly decaying like an apple in an orchard or revived again for the new Garden of God in another realm.


[1] Chapter one of Genesis is perhaps the generation of souls in the Garden, and chapter two about the souls that were planted — the ‘cores’ — that grew to maturity in the Garden.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


One thing most often goes unnoticed; in scripture nearly everything has a ‘face’ as it is translated to the English. Of course, people have faces, the ‘face of the Earth’ is mentioned so many times, but also God has a ‘Face.’ For example, when Moses asked God to show him His Glory (Exod 33:18), God showed to him only His Glory. His ‘Glory’ was His Goodness (Exod 33:19) but missing was the ‘Face’ of God that Moses was not allowed to behold, to wit: 

23 And I will take away Mine Hand, and thou shalt see My back parts: but my Face shall not be seen. (Exod 33:23)

 Where am I going with this? I don’t know but while laying it bed, the thought came to me, ostensibly from God just What is the ‘Face’ of God?

That seems obvious but scripture mentions the face of the Earth, and obviously the Earth is without a face. Scripture mentions the face of the waters, and neither does the waters have a face. However, both have a backside and/or a bottom.

The face of the moon is seen, and its backside always remains unseen, or in the dark. The Earth turns and so does the moon and the waters. As such, it seems that God turned away, not only His Face, but His “Presence” as the Hebrew word, panim can be defined (Strong 2006).

God, hence, may have turned His visible side away from Moses and Moses saw only the Goodness of God.

So, what was it that Moses saw? In the Hebrew, it was tub that Moses saw. It was not the physical Presence of the LORD GOD but an invisible attribute. ‘Goodness” is the nature of God — the Invisible Image of Him. It was not the time for Moses to see the visible Presence of God, but His ‘soul’ would suffice.

“Soul?” you ask! The soul of a being is a vessel of sorts. Jesus referred to His own body with its soul as a ‘cup’ (Mat 26:39).

One should ask, “What was the content of the cup of Jesus?” His cup — or vessel — was filled with the Holy Spirit of the Father, “Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1).

Right there it is… the Body of Jesus was the ‘Presence’ of God, and the Holy Spirit was the ‘Goodness’ of God.

Moses had observed two of the three Substances of God: (1) His Voice or Thoughts and (2) His Holy Spirit. What Moses was not yet allowed to see was the physical Presence of God that is called, ‘Jesus.’ Of course, God is the ‘Presence’ as “Existence’ but the visible Presence of Him, although there, remained unseen.

Moses knew that it was Jesus who he saw, but was not allowed to see Him, thus partaking of the visible ‘Tree of Life’ from which He could not yet ‘eat’ for if he did so, Moses would have been the ‘god’… “the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live for ever” (Gen 3:22).

Eating of the Tree of Life is not actually chewing the fruit but enjoying the Body and Goodness of God, “Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, ‘Take, eat; this is my body’” (Mat 26:26).

Of course, they were to eat the bread in remembrance of Jesus, but not physical ‘bread;’ it was to remember His Presence, “Do this in remembrance of Me,” He said (Luke 22:19). Eating the Bread was as if eating of the Tree of Life, the Presence of which was Jesus (Rev 2:7).

So, the ‘Face of God’ is like the face of the Earth and the face of the waters. Both are what the observers can sense; both the surface of the Earth and water can be seen. Moses was allowed to see God beyond the surface, knowing all the while the surface is there. That ‘Surface’ was Jesus who was there all the time (John 1:1-14).

With that said, the ‘Word’ — the ‘Good News’ was the invisible God that Moses could see and was made radiant after looking at the Glory of God — His Perfect Goodness (Exod 34:35), “And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face shone.” Again, it was not literally the face of Moses, but panim, his presence.

For his time on Earth, Moses was the presence of God and where he would go, they would follow; not the golden calf, but Moses was the image of God that God chose to represent Himself! Moses, in his time, was the “face of God.”

Why was Moses at the transfiguration of Jesus? It was no longer himself that was the image of God who the Jews had followed until that time, but Jesus who was the True Image of God. Moses, on that mountain, saw both the “back parts” and bodily Presence of God: 

5 Behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. 6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. 7 And Jesus came and touched them, and said, “Arise, and be not afraid.” 8 And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. (Mat 17:5-8)

 Some believe the Mount of Transfiguration was the same mountain as Sinai, whereon Moses saw God long before. Whether it was or not is insignificant; the significance is that the time had finally come for Moses, whose body, was long dead to see the bodily Presence of the LORD GOD. If only the Jews had believed Moses, who they claimed as their image, then they would have known the God that Moses saw was pre-incarnate Jesus!

John the Baptist was not an Elijah, but a type of Moses. It was John, that when he baptized Jesus alone, the people saw something: 

21 Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, 22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, “Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.” (Luke 6:21-22)

 ‘Son’ in that context is not carnal in nature but genetic. Jesus was the seed of God that grew! He was a ‘quickening Spirit’ that became alive (1 Cor 15:45).

The people finally could ‘eat’ of the Tree of Life and still live because Jesus is Life! The Tree of Life was the visible Presence of God in the Garden of Eden. As blind Bartimaeus said to Jesus, “I see men as trees walking” (Mark 8:24). Bartimaeus could not see the Presence of Jesus but sensed His Spirit approaching, as if He was a tree walking.

When Jesus was baptized, “the Holy Ghost descended in bodily shape.” The shape of the Holy Ghost was not that of a dove, but its motion was described that way, just as Luke in the Book of Acts described it as a “rushing mighty wind” (Acts 2:2).

The people saw something beyond what Moses had seen on Sinai. They saw not only the ‘face’ of God but also His Spirit, or Goodness. They were not looking at the supposed son of Jospeh and Mary, but the actual seed of God that had grown in the world as a Man — the ‘Last Adam’ who was the last endeavor for God to provide His Image on Earth (1 Cor 15:45).

Moses was radiant because God had overcome his flesh. As such, Moses was imbued (engendered) with the seed, or gens, of God above. In English terminology, Moses was ‘born again’ on Sinai by the Spiritual Image of God just as Christians were born again in the likeness of Jesus to be in Christ, or in the Messiah. Jesus was the very Image of God as the ‘Last Adam’ and was what Adam was meant to be. He was the final Divine Impulse that was perfectly Good; compared to Moses, and even Noah and Abraham, who were not the ‘last adama” but still Divine Impulses.

So, just as the face of the Earth and the face of the waters are the outward surfaces that reflect light, Jesus is the face of God that reflects the Light of God, and which Light reveals the bodily surface of the Man. Indeed, the flesh that was sacrificed on the Cross was not human flesh, but the Divine Flesh of the otherwise Invisible God.

It was God Himself whose Image was Jesus, and within the Body of Christ were the Genome of God. As His Identity, it was the DNA of God that was nailed to the Cross… the very inner “Image” of Yahweh as was revealed by the Holy Ghost leaving the Face, or Flesh, of Jesus.

“Marvel not; you must be born again” (John 3:70 means that you must have the gens of God from Christ in you.

You may now understand; it was not just a ‘good man’ that was crucified but God Himself in Word, Spirit, and Flesh.

(picture credit; Steve's Bible Meditations)





Saturday, August 26, 2023


(Continued from yesterday)

After delivering the man of the Gaderenes from demons, Jesus was asked to depart the area, “And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city” (Mat 9:1). After performing miracles in His hometown, although some worshipped Him, the Pharisees maligned the Man: 

33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, “It was never so seen in Israel.” 34 But the Pharisees said, “He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils” (Mat 9:33-34)

 Jesus had been recognized as the “son of David,” not by the Pharisees, but by two men with a certain characteristic, “And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, “Thou son of David, have mercy on us.”

In their blindness, they saw that Jesus was the true heir to the then empty throne of Judea. He was of the gens of David, and as such, even paid taxes on property in Bethlehem, the city of David. “His city” was not Bethlehem, but Capernaum, where He had lived as a child.

Capernaum is the “village of comforts” (Abarim Publications 2023) and was the city that Jesus went to for comfort after the temptations of Satan. He, however, was not well received there by the majority, so he moved on, as it is written: 

And you, Capernaum, which is exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day” (Mat 11:23) 

As it turned out, just like Sodom, evil reigned in Capernaum. There as well, demons would have ruled. Jesus was no longer welcome in that once comfortable place, or as Jesus implied, once “exalted unto heaven,” it would be “brought down.” Obviously, when compared to the vision of Lucifer of Isaiah, it was much the same: 

14 I (Lucifer) will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isa 14:14-15)

 Jesus implied that Capernaum was the ‘city of Satan.’ It must have been full of demons! So, rather than the city of comfort, it was the city of despair!

Although the Synagogue of Satan was in Smyrna, just as the Church is an invisible institution, so is Satan’s assembly hall. Essentially any assembly of God that compromises itself with the world is a ‘Synagogue of Satan.’ Although that is usually applied to the Romanized Jews, it would still apply to the secular Christians who bring the world into the Church.

As it turned out, Jesus was recognized as the ‘King of the Jews’ but only by those two who could not see the world. How did they recognize Jesus? By His Spirit! They surely felt virtue emanating from His Person, just as the woman with the blood issue (Mat 9:20). The two blind man perceived Jesus’s virtue (Greek, dynamos) … The Dynamics that He is God.

The two blind men did not look at Jesus as the “man” but as rightful king! They cared little about His flesh but His inner Being.

Jesus had been with Satan when He was tempted, but that had not made Him a disciple of Satan! He was unwelcome in His own city because He was not a disciple of Satan, and the city could live more comfortably without Him there!

In sin is a comfortable way to live but only if Jesus is not there. The same goes in this age; take away God and life seems more comfortable, but in the end, just as Jesus said, you “shall be brought down to Hell.”

Trump said something to the effect, “They are not out to get me; they are out to get you. I am only in the way.” The same applies to Jesus; the Pharisees were not out to get Jesus, per se, they were out to get the multitude, in the sense that they wanted Capaenaum to remain the way it was — comfortable without the ‘Comforter’ there!

However, soon they would seek to kill Jesus. Why is that? Jesus said something really mean about them, to wit: Referring to both the Pharisees and Sadduccees at His Baptism, Jesus had asked, “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Mat 3:7). Soon after, Jesus asked the multitude, “O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things?” (Mat 12:34).

Jesus was not speaking of that age, but their genetics (gens). He was accusing them of being ‘sons of Satan’ in that the ‘viper’ was the ‘Devil’ Lucifer, the Prince of Devils. Jesus was revealing to them that they were depraved and had the same genetics as the Wicked One. As such, they were vessels for demonic seed.

However, they had accused Jesus of the same thing! That is a technique used by the guilty; they always accuse the innocent of being what they are themselves. (That is obvious with the criminal cases of President Trump who is accused of doing what the Democrats really did.)

Now consider President Trump. Even the blind, if they look closely at the evidence, would know that he is the legitimate heir to the presidency. He deserved to win because America at that time was quite a comfortable and fair place to live. It may have been ‘Capernaum’ outwardly but inwardly, the U.S. festered; it was just another ‘Synagogue of Satan.’

It was the same with Jesus. Then came Jesus and did wonders. Rather than welcome the man, the ‘den of vipers’ drove him out by nefarious means.

The U.S. had demons within, and President Trump exposed so many demons that he became unwelcome, mostly even in his home city.

Trump called it the ‘swamp’ but it was more so a synagogue — ‘a gathering’ — of vipers. Just as the Pharisees accused Jesus of doing their own doings, so it was with the viviparous devils of the Deep State. Just as Jesus did good and was called evil, so it goes with Trump.

What had Jesus done to the Pharisees? He had only said the truth; he said mean things to them! That was not a flaw; that was the truth!

What is Trump guilty of? Saying mean things in his tweets, but only speaking the truth! Since he said those mean things, the tweets have been revealed as truth.

So, it was with Jesus. He had called the Pharisees ‘vipers’ and everywhere he went, there they were, saying deceptive things about the Savior. They indeed were ‘sons of vipers’ because of the deception that they spread. They called Jesus the ‘Prince of Devils’ but it was the Pharisees who were the devils.

The Pharisees spread misinformation — lies that seemed truths. Jesus was indeed royalty; it however was not of the house of devils — the Synagogue of Satan — but the family of King David and of the LORD GOD. Jesus was a generation of both Yahweh and David although He was accused of being Satan Himself. The accusation was that Jesus was the priest of the Synagogue of Satan, or the Devil that He had just outwitted. (I believe that the chief priest Caiaphas was the vessel for Satan when Jesus was crucified. It would be him that was “Prince of Devils’ and the Pharisees ‘devils.’)

Jesus was tried many times for His so called ‘crimes.’ Just what was the crime of Jesus? The truth. He revealed to the world how decadent it had become and that He was the valiant man that God had called to do a good work.

So, it was with Trump. Like it or not, Trump was elected President of the United States because it was the Will of God! His mission was to expose sin and to share grace. Trump revealed, and is still revealing, all the crooked and wicked things that were once done in secret that can now be done in plain view. Even the blind should be able to see the evil in our government at the present time, but they turn their heads to it in a very pharisaical manner.

Why did people vote for Biden. It was the will of God, as well. God is revealing to the world just how wicked it has become. Biden is doing his job well! Unknown to Biden, he is a ‘puppet’ on God’s string. God is revealing the ‘den of vipers’ by the ‘prince of demons’ — Biden.

Most of the public in general are still quite comfortable living in sin. Again, in sin is a comfortable way to live but not unless Jesus is out of the way. Why else were the churches closed during the pandemic while bars and strip joints remained open? Because the churches made those in charge quite uncomfortable; some of us Christians were not so blind as the others. Some, however, even in the synagogues of Satan — churches of Christ in name only — became quite comfortable staying home with Jesus out of the way!

God has a plan and a future for us! (Jer 29:11). Just as only Smokey can prevent forest fires; only you can prevent the plan and the future. God is dynamic and quite versatile at that; where it goes from here depends on you!

Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare, said that they “depended on the stupidity of the American voter” for it to become law. In all manner of things, the wicked depend on the stupidity of the multitude, or even when they are comfortable doing things the Roman way rather than by God’s. That in a nutshell was specifically the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ that John saw in his Revelation.

Most places where Jesus went were the homes of the Synagogue of Satan. They were more comfortable with laws than they were with healing.

Jesus came for the “healing of the nations” (Rev 22:2). Not that Trump is a ‘Jesus’ for he is more of a ‘David,’ but like David and the “Son of David,” Trump came to heal the nations of what ails them.

As we have learned, the world as it was once, is withering away one law at a time. By the time of the end, the mark of God will be gone, and our government will be where everyone knows your name, your economics, your interests, and even your genetics. The entire modern Church will be the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ and even those who say they are ‘Christians’ will be comfortable in them.

We must not depend on Trump to heal the nation. That would be heresy. However, just as David was a man for the times for God, whoever it is that wins the election will be because it is the Will of God.

God does not depend on the stupidity of the voters but the wisdom of those who are motivated enough to vote. What is your role in the destiny of the nation and the world? To ask God for direction for whom you vote and to encourage others to do the same.

We may never know for sure, but since the outcome was for Biden, whether by ‘stupid voters’ or by deceptive tactics — like the dead voting — the battle was still between good and evil. Whatever happens is the plan of God for us whether it be for good or for the grand finality.

Ask yourselves, "Are you comfortable in sin; are you comfortable the way things are?

God was working in those days in the person of Jesus. Is He working to this day? Is now part of the plan and a future that He has for us? If not, then why would He leave His Comforter behind for us?

(picture credit; Reuters; Maui)

Friday, August 25, 2023


Jesus had performed many miracles culminating in Him driving demons out of two men unto a herd of swine. Rather than being afraid that the demons isolated by Jesus would end up in them, they feared Jesus:

And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts. (Mat 8:34) 

Could it be that they all had demons in them?

Jesus dispossessed the men of the Gadarenes, but one of them sat beside Jesus after his demons were driven from him. “They (the multitude) feared exceedingly, and said one to another, ‘What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’” (Mark 4:41). Why did they fear Jesus rather than the devils?   

And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. (Mat 8:34)

Get that? They were afraid of Jesus! They were afraid of the man with the right mind! They dispossessed Jesus rather than the demons amongst themselves.

Why would that be? The saw a perfectly normal man sitting beside Jesus, and they were afraid of both Jesus and the man rather than the legion of devils.

His adversaries, the Pharisees said, “He casts out devils through the prince of the devils” (Mat 9:34). The Pharisees had so much antipathy for Jesus that they would make unwarranted claims. They had no fear of the “crazy” man driven mad by demons but feared the righteous man who cast out the demons… you know, the One who “drained the swamp” of the ‘dark creatures’ rather than the dark creatures themselves.

You might know where this is heading in today’s crazy world. The political adversaries of Jesus made Jesus out to be the 'chief demon.'

The ‘Prince of Devils’ is Satan himself. Satan would indeed enter someone, but it would not be Jesus. He entered a person whose worst fault was the “root of all evil”… the “love of money” (1 Tim 6:10). It was Judas who loved the money and he was the one with Satan in him (Luke 22:3), not Jesus!

In the end, Judas hung himself and Satan had no place to go. I contend that he was cast into the bottomless pit for awhile by the Holy Ghost of Jesus. The death of Jesus defeated Satan. Jesus won that day!

Now, let us draw some analogies for modern times.

I believe that the tribulation period has begun; that the ‘Great Reset’ and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius — the Luciferin age — has arrived, but Christians are still here!

Jesus, explaining to His followers that He would soon be leaving them said, “In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). 

The tribulation would be by those who have good intentions, “They (those in charge) shall put you out of the synagogues: yes, the time comes, that whosoever kills you will think that he does God service” (John 16:2). Thinking they are doing good, perhaps saving democracy, they will do evil. They will kill in the pursuit of order, all the while promoting chaos. That is happening now, not just in the USA, but worldwide with the US as leaders of the tribulation.

The man in the office of president is the crazy one, and that is not said out of hatred! Who would have ever thought that a US President would favor late term abortion, homosexuality, transsexual behavior, transitioning children to an alien form, eugenics, racial division, and all such things. Those are unnatural acts; they are the demons within people, and there are legions of them, now that all the world is the ‘Gaderenes.’

The people of the city in Jesus’s time thought that He would bring order to the area, so they were afraid of Him and sought to drive Him out. Are you beginning why Democrats seek to drive Trump out? They fear that he will bring order to the Democrat ‘Girgashite’ disorder.

What is happening at this very time? Denison’s of evil — big cities — tolerate devils that disrupt their very lives, just as that city had with the nearby legion of demons. The Gadarenes was an area that tolerated demons and whatever city that was nearby was their ‘autonomous zone.’ The people there preferred to tolerate demons more so than orderly conduct and good ‘psychology’ from the man who drove out demons.

They accused Jesus of what they were doing themselves, in a sense, “He casts out devils through the prince of the devils” — Beelzebub. Feeding the fires of Moloch was their ‘baptisms of fire” that would appease the prince of demons; not that they were driving out devils but living peaceably by keeping the righteous away from their city. It was okay for devils to roam freely in their own zone, but they felt safe so long as Jesus kept away from their own demons.

For the citizenry of that big city, they meant well for themselves by sending Jesus away, but Jesus left them with demons seeking others to dwell in. Others were about to lose their freedoms but did not care so long as Jesus was not in their midst.

The ‘Gergesenes” were Girgashites — an alien people with unknown origin that had invaded Canaan centuries before. They were sons (gens) of Canaan who had gone their way and came back, some say from Africa. They were neither a favored race (Jewish) nor a servant race (Canaanites) but something else. The name means ‘clay dwellers’ in general but in Arabic, ‘black mud’ (Abarim Publications 2023). They may have been considered evil themselves since darkness represents evil, not that they were Negroes, but of different genetics. At any rate, they were pagans whose ‘father’ was the “devil” Ham.

God had commanded Moses to destroy seven tribes in Canaan, among them were the Girgashites. Rather than kill them, they were driven away to Africa, and came back to wreak havoc in all of Syria. “They made their sons and daughters to pass through the fires of Moloch, and they worshipped Baal and Ashtaroth, which included temple prostitution” (Bible History 2023).

Consider that; the very people who did late term abortions (infanticide) thought Jesus was possessed! Killing was the normal for the Girgashites, yet they feared the One who could save them, rather than the demons in their midst. Could it be that the demons went into the Girgashites as would be their natural recourse? Did they want to direct Jesus away from themselves to deter Him from driving out their demons?  

The god, Moloch, was an image in whose bosom would be a hot fire. The Girgashites would have thrown their youngest child into the belly of Moloch. That was their form of ‘abortion,” not being advanced enough to just cut them out of their temple prostitutes. They rested not in Abraham’s bosom but in Moloch belly.

Even housewives were prostitutes and their husbands honored them for it. Their religion celebrated sexual freedom in that they could sacrifice their unwanted children to their god, thinking all the while it was them that was doing good, just as Jesus would warn.

Abortion in the US is listed far down on the list of priorities. The proponents of abortion still say that the economy is the top priority. Likewise, so do the opponents of abortion. Indeed, the love of money is the root of all evil. About everyone ignores both Moloch and Jesus while they count their money!

Because the Girgashites had no qualms about killing their own, why would they object to the killing of Jesus, especially if they figured from the evidence that He must be the real God. For them, if the One True God was killed, or even left to stay, their hedonistic sexual freedoms would end, and their wives would no longer prostitute themselves for either Moloch or money.

On a personal note, an unmarried woman that I know, questioned Christianity. She said that of she had to give up sex, then she did not want to be a Christian. ‘Christians’ are Christians if they are willing to give up the lusts of the flesh for the satisfaction of the Holy Spirit.

The Girgashites were not willing to give up sex for Jesus. The nature of the beast within them must be satisfied and appeased.

The same goes for radical feminism and the main tenet of the Democrat Party — sexual freedom and abortion to guarantee it! Even some Christians ignore that Democrat candidates favor abortion because they see them as better on economics, all the while the economy is failing! The problem with that ideology is that their gods are neither Moloch nor Jesus, but themselves. As Paul revealed to the philosophers, it was themselves who they served.

Democrats are the party of self-servers; they treat themselves to free abortion, free support, free housing, free food, and now free ‘Christmas shopping’ at the major department stores. Their fake ‘god’ remain the Africans. They use them to drive out Christ. The rebellion and fires that you see in the big cities are Democrat ‘Girgashites’ still doing their thing.

The word, ‘Democratic” has become hallowed. It is the tenet that majority rules. As it turns out the most vocal are the majority that demands they rule. The majority had no problem sending Jesus out of their zone, nor even killing Jesus at the crucifixion. By voice vote of the loudest, Jesus was condemned to die. “Crucify him! Crucify him!” was the vote and those who shouted the loudest got their ‘democracy.’ The mob still rules to this day. Note that those the most civil and quiet are the very ones that are tried. We are undergoing tribulation right now, but it is so subtle that few recognize that ‘democracy’ is Nazism wherein the elite voices decide who deserves to live.

Josephus called the crucifixion a “holocaust.” He knew that that kind of ‘democracy’ was pagan. The Jews knew that when Jesus was crucified and when their own was ‘crucified;’ they both were ‘holocausts.’ The real burnt offering was Judas and those who died in the belly of Molech. (Judas was vicariously driven to Hell (Gehenna) and was the true ‘burnt offering’ to rid mankind of their sins.)

It is not really us they are after, as Trump might say, but Jesus. All this is happening because God allows it, just as He allowed the thieves of Judea to sack Jerusalem and tear down the Temple, all the while blaming it on the Romans, thus using a ‘false flag’ activity.

Just as the Jews destroyed their own nation and blamed it on the Romans, Americans are destroying America and blaming it on a non-existent race of people — the MAGA — a group that favors civility, order, God, and country. Although they are the ‘Girgashites,” they say that MAGA’s are!

The ‘Girgashites’ from all over the world have entered this country, ostensibly to make America a better place like the cosmopolitan world.

The proponents of open borders see it as a good thing for them, but ultimately it is a bad thing for everybody, just as Jesus foresaw.

This is getting lengthy; it will be continued.

(picture credit; ABC 33/40)