Thursday, August 3, 2023


Nowadays, I often ask myself, “What is truth?” That’s because so many versions of the truth are shot like fiery darts into my mind all day long. It is not the conservative version of the truth, nor the liberal version of the truth, but the absolute truth that I seek.

“Truth” in science is dynamic. What is “truth” today may not be truth tomorrow. They discover new “truths” each day and send the old “truth” down the rabbit hole where it gets lost.

Those who believe the lie will follow it wherever it leads, even if it leads to death. Their hole is more the “gate to Hell” than a portal to eternal life, but they still go their own merry way… the wrong Way! 

Speaking of the “Day of the Lord” yet to come, Isaiah wrote about the tribulation preceding it: 

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! (Isa 5:20-21)

 He as well have said, You doubleminded, believe the science.

Now, recall Winston Smith in the book, 1984; his job was to correct policy errors as if they never happened. He would take the original copy of government papers and deposit them into a pneumatic tube to send the previous information to oblivion. In its place “Speakwrite,” a utility on which to rewrite truth, would write the new version of the truth.

Winston would remove the previous version of truth from one slot, rewrite it to reflect new truths, then deposit the former truth in a disposal and the new truth into the repository. With that simple task, a non-descript man changed history. What had been no longer was had now happened!

He would do the same with historical newspaper articles so that the Party always looked good in the eyes of the masses.

George Orwell was writing a novel of fiction, but as it turns out, he was just a little before his time. Now, each media and government outlet have their own “Speakwrite” and their own depository. No longer is a Winston hidden in a dungy office with bare necessities, but many “Winston’s” blare their misinformation, caring little who knows that they are bending reality.

Winston cared. He fought the façade. Our problem is that nowadays neither the government nor the media cares if we know they are lying. Repeat it often enough, and it becomes the truth. (Good examples of that are the Russian Hoax and the January 6th Insurrection.)

Orwell wrote, “Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connexion with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connexion that is contained in a direct lie” (Orwell 1949).

Winston understood that “62,400 repetitions make one truth” (ibid). New truths were repeated continually, and the masses accepted them because they were repeated so often.

It is not 1984 and life is not a novel of fiction. It is the “Great Reset” and even truth has been readjusted to fit the agenda. Today, the Ministry of Propaganda is called “The News” but according to some, “It does not matter what they are called, but that they exist.”

It is no longer called “propaganda.” Now it is the Party “narrative” that is repeated over 62,400 times a day by every lying mouth in the media. History is no longer history and reality is no longer reality. A person can be anything and naïve people accept their fantasy, even without questioning that it is not the science.

For instance, Facebook censors called this comment “hatred”:

“I bet there are no trannies asking for J & J ovarian cancer reparations.” (The exact quotation may differ slightly because who would have thought that Facebook would challenge biology?) That is biological truth but they defined the truth as “hatred.” Their fantasies must be acceptable as truth, or the science is “corrected.”

In this age, believe nothing. Sgt. Shultz, played by John Banner, in the sit-com Hogan’s Heroes, turned a blind eye to everything done by Hogan’s heroes. He repeated it often, “I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing!”

The Democrats depend on that; as the architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber said, “We depended on the stupidity of the American voter,” speaking of its passage.

Shultz was not stupid. He knew all that was going on but remained quiet. For what? Just to keep on living. American voters are not stupid! However, they are blind. So long as they are fed, housed, and entertained; voters around the world choose to see nothing, hear nothing, and know nothing.

Progressives, at one time, branched off into the “Know Nothing Party.” Its members were encouraged to say, “I know nothing,” when confronted with the evidence. At that time, Democrats were a viable party, but somehow, they have now adopted the “Know Nothing” approach to about everything. Biden knows nothing even about his own son and the Democrats know nothing about Biden’s finances and extracurricular business adventures. Now, the most powerful man in the world, so it is said, knows nothing even about his own household!

Because you know nothing does not exonerate you at all! Many of the Nazis at the Nuremburg Trials indicated that they were ignorant; ““I saw nothing! I heard nothing! I knew nothing!” Most of them knew of the holocaust but understood it was in their best interests to remain deaf and dumb to the truth. Democrats are not really a “Know Nothing Party” but a “Deaf and Dumb Party”! They know what is going on, but it is not in their best interests to side with those who might end up in prison and who fear that even they may be canceled.

Isaiah was revealed this age, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.” Woe to them that call abortion “care.” Woe to them that call dictatorships “democracy.” Woe to them that call boys “girls.” Woe to them that call truth “misinformation.” Woe to them that call sadistic child abuse “normal.” Woe to them that remain silent while our children are exploited. Woe to them that believe what they hear lying lips say all day long.

A good premise is, If the world is saying it, question the veracity of the saying. There are many “Winston’s” in the world who each day and night shove the truth down the chute to oblivion and to discover that few enter the “rabbit hole.” Unlike Winston Smith, few question their jobs. They must say what they say or be canceled.

What happened to Winston Smith in the book? He was canceled! He was reconditioned to nevermore have his own thoughts. He would think the thoughts of the Party. Thousands of repetitions, for Winston, became the truth.

What is truth? Plato asked that many times. So did Pontius Pilate. He asked that of Jesus who was about to die.

Jesus showed Pilate the truth; that He indeed was God in the flesh of a man. Pilate would have seen the Holy Ghost of Jesus in the darkness of the night. That was his “Allegory of the Cave” moment. He had an epiphany; that this man was who He said He was!  

Jesus did the miracle. He worked one last miracle before he passed on to another realm. He, as Isaiah revealed, “put darkness for light, and light for darkness.”

John wrote, “This is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). Men prefer darkness to light because for them it is easier, and often more entertaining!

They prefer the lie. That God did not die on the Cross is the Hitlerian “Big Lie.” Atheists say that it was not God who died but a confused man “beside himself” (Mark 3:21); that Jesus was not who he thought He was.

Muslims say that a phantasm died on the Cross. They believe in the Holy Ghost but not the manifestation of God in a man to the world.

Most at the crucifixion were oblivious to the activity around them; They saw nothing! They heard nothing! They knew nothing!”

Somebody took the history of that event and sent it down the pneumatic hole, the portal through which the Pneuma of Jesus escaped.

Like Winston, each made up their own “truths.” Soon, gnostics came up with new “truths” about Jesus. They were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945 — that Jesus was a mystical being who married the harlot. They put canon down the pneumatic hole and manufactured a new version of Christ; the one who sinned like them.

Unlike Pilate, they ignored the truth. They were not Platonian skeptics but “Big Brothers” who created their own “truths.” Now, for them, Jesus is like trans-people. He is whatever the world wants Him to be!

People do about everything to change who they are from gaudy dress and cosmetics, to tattoos and piercings, to trans-all things. They know nothing but can fantasize that they are whatever they want to be. So, you want to be Japanese. Voila; you are now Japanese.

So, you want Jesus to be like you? Voila, now Jesus is “Japanese” or whatever you want Him to be. Recently, a woman minister, who fantasized that she is a preacher, said that God is non- binary and that non-binaries are the images of God. She made Jesus out to be like them! Presto; change-o; it’s a miracle. Jesus is like whatever it is you want to be.

The progressive motto should be, “Vote Democrat and be whatever you want to be!” So, you want to be into eugenics? Presto! Now take a shot of CRISPR and you can be what you want to be!

So, you want to be a registered voter? That’s no problem… just die and that registers you in the Democrat Book of Life. Now, it’s a miracle, even the dead can vote!

What is it that I want? Why do I write about things that others cannot see nor hear? All that I seek is the truth!

Others seek science. Science made nothing. Scientists made the field of science.

In whom do you trust? Science. Even many Christians stood in line for hours to get stuck with a needle full of “eugenics.” Even while the needle was in their arms, they failed to realize in whom they trust. As it turned out, the government and the media lied; even the science lied!

 Most of the “guinea pigs” have had COVID. I have not because in God I trust.

You have been injected repeatedly, but still got COVID.

Vaccines are supposed to create immunity. Many repetitions of the jab did not make that truth. Even dull Winston could have seen that coming and sent it down the pneumatic hole. You, however, bought into it because you never questioned the truth about the science. You were like Shultz, “I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing,” just shoot me!

Why do I study the Creation repeatedly? I want to see it, hear it, and to know it! The more that I hear and read the Word, the more that I understand that Jesus is the “Pneuma” — the Spirit of God and that “pneumatic hole” is the “door,” or portal, to heaven.

So, seek the truth and it will make you free; free indeed.





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