Sunday, March 1, 2015

Entertainment: Secretly Poisoned by Wonder Woman

I was reading about Wonder Woman this morning. For some unknown reason I was fascinated by her; not really her, but by Linda Carter.  She was perfect! I'm not sure I saw anything other than Linda Carter the few times I watched this program. As such, I failed to pay attention to the plot, let alone any subliminal messages in the story. However, there is now a book written; an expose' on the author.

In the recent book, The Secret History of Wonder Woman, by Jill Lepore. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014. 410 pages the writer tells the story of the origins of Wonder Woman. The creator of Diana Prince (Aka Wonder Woman) was Harvard-trained psychologist William Moulton Marston. He was under the influence of Margaret Sanger through his cohabitation with her sister. Marston was an early radical feminist who created this comic strip in times before feminism was in vogue.

I've written (this blog) many times on feminism and its contradiction to God's plan. I've shown that in her assumption of Adam's role and her rebellion against God, that Eve was truly the first feminist! However, feminism takes on an even uglier face with Margaret Sanger. With her type of feminism, she wears an evil death's mask because fornication and its destructive consequences, initiated into the mainstream of American life. Millions of innocent babies are dead today because of Margaret Sanger, her sacrifice to her god Molech and Planned Parenthood, which became an organization from one she founded. Margaret, a lascivious adulterous, is largely responsible for what became known as "reproductive rights" which seems to have replaced the U.S. Declaration of Independence's protection of the right "to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

In short, Margaret Sanger is the ugly caricature of evil, and she hides behind Diana Prince, the heroine Wonder Woman!

By modern standards the feminism of Wonder Woman would hardly been noticed. However, for her day, her dominant role in a male society paved new paths. As with most entertainment, there is a message to be conveyed. Of course much entertainment is merely to entertain, but a large proportion is to remold malleable minds. Wonder Woman was created for the specific purpose of making feminism common-place. It helped achieve it's purpose, but what's worse, those who were entertained by Wonder Woman were vicariously remolded. It was by stealth that many were, but propaganda uses opaque messages to transform unsuspecting minds!

Wonder Woman is a mere example. The entire entertainment industry has assumed the role of culture micro-manager. "They" decide what is correct to believe and say by setting the standards for people to believe. Much of what they teach is in opposition to what God wills, but people become the pawns in a match between powers. Just as Eve was deceived by a slick-talking serpent, we all continue to be deceived by vipers disguised as woolly worms!

The most extreme case of irreligious propaganda comes from the music industry. Only a fool would not recognize that the entire milieu of most entertainment is lascivious, disrespectful to God and a tool of left-wing ungodly ideologues. Even average Americans attend concerts and listen to music videos which are a disgrace to what they claim to believe!

Most listeners to rock music would say "I'm my own person. I ignore what I disagree with." Any psychologist would say "You don't really believe that, do you?" for if that was the true case, advertisers would quit making commercials dedicating to swaying the listener toward their product! You are a pawn of entertainment. You are a fool if you don't know that you are!

Have you noticed that movies, music and commercials have made attempts to mold minds in regards to social values? In the past, it was less controversial issues, but today, the desire of social media is to influence the watcher that same-sex relationships are okay, drug use is not harmful, sex outside marriage is acceptable and people who believe in the sanctity of life are the evil ones! George Orwell described this mindset quite well. Entertainment uses "doublespeak" as a propaganda tool. That's where words which once meant one thing assumes the opposite meaning. For instance "pro-life" is now misconstrued as "against freedom" when it is really the epitome of liberty!

Why is this important? We are all in a war and we are slowly losing it. I know the outcome! At some time, the few who are steadfast in the faith will arise to meet Jesus in the air. They will get their reward then whether living or dead. Those remaining will face extreme and outright evil. It will no longer be by deceit. All the world will have a dictator who proclaims himself God, and Christians who become believers in this age will be beheaded for their lack of joining the crowd.

The world won't suddenly change from what is right to an evil dictatorship. Citizens will become acclimated to evil and change will be gradual.  Change will occur until it's too late. Most people will be caught up in evil, not even realizing that evil describes them too! Society will change one step at a time. Incrementally, all  but the discerning, will change. What principles they once believed in will be new. Good will become corrupt and good people will become evil... and not even realize that they are evil!

You're being remolded right now. Your belief system has changed exponentially since you became responsible. The entertainment you love now, years ago, you would have shirked. You believe that you can serve both God and mammon at the same time. You have been deceived, but you fail to realize it!

I taught my children all about this early on. They should be aware that they are mere pawns in this invisible war. However, some of them are deceived as well, thinking that they are straight with God. We have a relationship with God if we do as he says! People gradually become soldiers on the side of evil unless they re-enlist with God. Changing sides in this war is easy, but Satan will try the mutineer. It's not easy being a Christian because your fellow compatriots in arms, will ostracize you.

There is a way to be strong in the Lord and rejoin his army. It must be in sorrow and on bent knee that we change our allegiance back to God's army. We become soldiers who serve a new master. We tell Satan that we are tired of his tricks and want to be honorable in God's sight. Satan will step up the pressure, but it's what a believer must do!

I know who wins the war! It's God. There will be a new kingdom where evil is destroyed. It's your choice: winner or loser! For me, I'm going with the winner, God. My first step is ceasing to be entertained by those recruiting me for Satan's army. In what I see, hear and believe, I will be always alert. One hour of pleasure is not worth and eternity being tortured!

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