Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Man with Two Brains

Steve Martin starred in The Man With Two Brains in 1983. It was about a doctor who fell in love with a disembodied brain, which was stored in a jar, and communicated with him by ESP. This is an unusual plot to be sure, but my point to make is that disturbed people act as if they have two brains!  Their thinking isn't contiguous and the gap between the stimulus and the response is humongous!

Two-brain thinking is as follows: One brain is for the protection of the "Self" at all costs and the other brain is for normal activity!  Let's call the former S-brain and the latter N-brain.

N-brain is rational and has knowledge which when applied becomes wisdom. It takes facts and actually makes decisions which are useful and tries to be just in its interaction with others. It's the brain which does homework, makes decisions at work and interacts with people who have a favorable rating with N-brain.

On the other hand, S-brain takes the same real input and applies it differently. It cares little about truth and facts, but twists logic and truth to keep S-brain from harm.  S-brain spins truth to keep itself from feeling inferior, immoral, inhumane, unloving or unaccepted. Imagine the times when S-brain feels guilt for something. To keep the emotional pain tolerable, S-brain starts the blame game!  How can truth be spun to keep the feelings of S-brain from being hurt? It is always the fault of another, or it's S-brains fault, but S-brain was misled. The truth is that S-brain cares little for truth and creates a new "truth" to allay unpleasant feelings.

There are victims when S-brain is in action. Other people get hurt! However, S-brain empathizes little with those who hurt inside because of S-brain's spin. As long as S-brain is secure in his or her myth, S-brain cares little that their security is at the expense of another's discomfort.

There is a biblical principle which, when applied, can make S-brain inferior to N-brain. Of course narcissistic people who read this care little about easing the pain of others as long as they feel no harm themselves! What is that principle?
Matthew 7:12  “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
What is it you wish that others would do to you? Let's look at a few:

  • Be fair to you.
  • Love you.
  • Treat you humanely.
  • Show an interest in you.
  • Give you the benefit of the doubt.
  • Realize that you make mistakes as well!
  • Forgive you. 
  • Help you.
  • Talk with you.
  • Be with you.
  • Laugh with you.
  • Empathize with you.
  • et al
What is it that you, then should do to others? Same list. Substitute "Joe" or "Sue" for "you"!

S-brain wants these things for the Self, but fails to do these things for Joe or Sue or whomever.

Remember that "S-brain" is the brain which protects it's Self? Well, S-brain also means selfish-brain!  It refuses to follow the Golden Rule which is Matthew 7:12.

For instance S-brain never gives "the benefit of the doubt" because by allowing that YOU may be wrong hurts YOUR pride. By allowing that YOU are not perfect makes YOU imperfect! S-brains don't listen to reason nor accept "reasons". It prefers to see everything offered as mere "excuses" because excuses can be ignored.  

S-brain has a defense mechanism. It dislikes, even hates, others they see as a threat!  If Joe can hurt Sue, then Sue's S-brain kicks in, ignores truth and defends Self (Sue) at all costs!

Let's take an example. Sue says " If you take my ball, it's all your fault!" Sue then displays the ball to tease Joe who in turn grabs the ball. Sue feels resentment toward Joe for taking her ball even though Sue provoked Joe. Joe gets the blame, and Sue, using her S-brain, seeks to protect herself by making Joe feel badly for taking her ball and then spinning truth so that others will see Joe as the instigator and bad guy. As such Sue is a martyr for standing up to bully Joe!

Psalm 52:2 (ESV) "Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit."
Those who stow away N-brains for a short time, while S-brain razor cuts truth, to protect the Self by destroying others, are workers of deceit. We are to build one another up, not put them down!
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV) "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

But if your S-brain is not encouraging others as the N-brain would do, then you're not doing this. N-brain knows to do it, but S-brain is just too plain independent and stubborn! Those two brains will best you yet!

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