Tuesday, April 28, 2020


  Some people prefer not to talk politics and religion. Indeed, both arouse dissension. However, because people prefer not to hear political opinion does not make either less important. Today, I must speak of the “adversaries.”
  Civil governments are civilized. All types of governments have deficiencies. Civil governments are not bad, but corrupt governors make them bad. Like it or not, the era of the judges was a period of “just” governing. Because righteous Moses could not judge every case because he was only one man, Jethro, his father-in-law, suggested that Moses share that responsibly with hand-picked men. That suggestion years later resulted in judges when Israel was finally established. God Willed that judges decided the Law. The people wanted kings so they could be like the pagan nations. Hence, autocracies are institutions of the Devil. Here and there, Israel had righteous kings, and they were ruled with benevolence because their own “King” was God.
  Good government must always have God as King because God is the source of righteousness, love, charity, justice, and so forth. Only God is good; all men have some degree of fault and will fail. Only God never fails.
  God’s theocracy consisted of Himself as King and with some major patriarch as judge. In the beginning, Moses judged all cases using God’s Law as the metrics for justice. After Moses died, Joshua was the lead judge. Moses and Joshua were types of Jesus as they were hand-picked by God to lead the people. Many of the Mosaic judges who helped Moses are unknown, but the Bible lists most of the later judges. They were usually very righteous men. Those judges were the military leaders, the governors, and the judicial system all in one. Perhaps there were lesser judges but if so, they were not named. They, however, were not “kings,” but God was their King.
  Eventually, as Israel became unrighteous, there were no judges. Scripture says that everyone did “what was right in their own eyes” (Jud 17:6). A country without a governor is libertarian and a government without regulation is liberalism. Liberalism depends on people to judge for themselves what is right and what is wrong. Liberals often judge with different metrics; one for others and one for themselves. Liberalism is enticing because most people prefer liberty to regulation. However, the result of unfettered liberty is chaos because different people seeking different liberties infringe on the liberty of others. Israel had become chaotic because everyone did as they wished. That is Aleister Crowley’s (a Satanist) motto, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole law.” God’s Will of Love is the Divine Law.
  Crowley’s Satanic motto describes quite well the law of sin. It could as well be written, You are your own God; do as you please. TO BE as God is the root definition of sin (Gen 3:5). The metric for liberalism, is do what pleases yourself. When Christian people are “liberal” what pleases them is charity unto others because they are operationalizing God’s Will. What pleases non-Christians is doing for others for the common good. The “common good” is the hallmark of liberalism, but those who decide what is the common good makes the difference. Is it the good for them as they see it, or for the good of the common people? Liberalism does have good intentions! Jesus was the most generous, charitable, and gracious Man ever to live and is the ideal for Christian liberalism. His Doctrine is one of spiritual liberty.
  Spiritual liberty is freedom from Divine rule. Rather than perceiving God as a Divine Autocrat, He is perceived as a Generous Benefactor. The fact that He alone is the Ultimate Judge is secondary. Christians do what is right (or are supposed to) not because of justice but because of virtue. If worldly kings were righteous men, then autocratic theocracies would be the ideal, but unfortunately all men have sinned against God; all men purport to be God at some time.
  Likely, for the most part, David as a man after God’s own heart, was the best king ever, but he still failed. As a result, the Kingdom of David had its own “Deep State” — “a state within a state… made up of networks of power operating independently of a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals” (Wikipedia).
  The Deep State in David’s time was led by his own son. Note that Ishbosheth, Saul’s son, was the rightful heir to King Saul, but Abner, the general, chose Ishbosheth. God had chosen David and ordained him to be king. Ishbosheth was assassinated by his own army guards, Rachab and Baanah, thinking that they would please David. They did not because David was patient and became king God’s Way. Rachab and Baanah, therefore, were plotting insurrection against a legitimate government and because they held power, they were an early version of Israel’s Deep State.
  Governments always have a “Deep State.” Common to all of them is a disregard for God’s Will. Absalom, not even the legitimate heir to David’s throne, rebelled against him. He was David’s adversary, and his government resulted from pretention to the throne. Over the years, the Kingdom of David was split asunder because of intrigue on who would be king. Pretenders to the throne always have a shadow government within the legitimate government. David, a man of virtue, refused to do things as a shadow government would do. He was graceful to King Saul, and merciful to him on several occasions. He would eventually be king but on God’s terms.
  Never are their true conspiracies led by one chief conspirator. One man’s heart gone awry is not enough. Many need to conspire to achieve their goals. However, there is always one who is behind the scenes causing chaos. The Supreme King is Jesus, and the supreme conspirator is “the Adversary,” Satan. Lucifer is his name, and Satan his title of kingship in the “Deep State” of the world wherein Lucifer is “prince of the power of the air” (Ephes 2:2). He rules mankind from  deep dark state using the law of sin — everyone doing what is right in their own eyes; people thinking they are their own gods, rulers of their own domains, but the actual process is manipulation by deception.
  The Satanic Deep State is identified by Isaiah:

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isa 14:12-14)

  Satan is head of the true Deep State. His is the government within the legitimate government. Satan is even so presumptuous that he would offer the legitimate King Jesus what is already His. The True Government belongs to Jesus as King of kings. Lucifer is merely the main pretender to God’s throne and position. As such, all pretenders to thrones use Lucifer’s devices. One “personality” of Lucifer was the cunning Serpent, and another the deceptive Beast who in the end will seem benevolent but be tyrannical. When Satan ascends the throne, he will seem to be loving, charitable, and just but he will be the most tyrannical autocrat ever in existence. “Off with their heads” will be how the Antichrist Beast will judge. He will be THE Antichrist, but until then there will be many who use Lucifer’s techniques.
  Jesus respected authority and taught that mankind should be respectful followers of the True King. Like David, long before, Jesus knows that He will rule for a thousand years on Earth. Jesus is the legitimate Heir of God. He was the One who ascended above the heights of the clouds; not Lucifer. Lucifer, in the end will be thrown into the Bottomless Pit; “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit” (Isa 14:15).
  The Kingdom of God is not a state within a state. It is the True Kingdom whose Law is the Law of Love. Just as David respected Saul and Ishbosheth, Jesus respected Caesar with the Words, “Render… unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s” (Mat 22:21).
  Caesars had their own Deep States. Augustus Caesar had his Deep State led by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. Nearly ever “Caesar” thereafter had his “Deep State.” All the Russian caesars (tsars) had those who pretended to their thrones. Nicholas II of Russia was deposed by those who represented democracy, but soon democratic-socialists would by intrigue overthrow democratic rule. Vladimir Lenin portended to be a democratic-socialist but knew that only by violent revolution would socialism win out. To that end, Lenin’s heart was a revolutionary. Jesus had respect for Caesar but Lenin had no respect for the Tsar. He and his entire family were shot and destroyed by acid. Even little Anastasia who fainted, was shot in cold-blood. Socialism claims to be for the “common good” but the Tsar surely argued about that. After seventy-some years of the worst oligarchy ever, the autocrat Stalin finally died. Thereafter, Krushchev sought a more “humane” method of control. He built a virtual prison which the West called an “Iron Curtain.”
  Court intrigue has always existed. Most of the time, it has turned to violence. The Deep State could never gain power quickly unless somehow, they could impeach the legitimate government. Sometimes they “impeached” with some type of rigged process and at other times, they “impeached” with the sword or guillotine. Whoever overthrew the government always convinced stupid people that was for the common good, knowing full-well it was for their good. That’s the case with Lucifer, and the case for all adversaries. Satan wants adversaries to destroy institutions, especially the Church. Intrigue is not God’s Will.
  Autocracies have existed from the earliest of times. God disavowed their government but honored their existence. Most were run by tyrants, and tyranny is just a consequence of original sin. When Adam was expelled from the Garden he was to work by the “sweat of his face” (Gen 3:19). It didn’t take long for men to realize that it was easier to rule over men so that they could live by the sweat of others’ faces. Slavery was born, and with slavery, autocracy. Kings came into existence so that others would do their work for them.
  Europe, before the Age of Reason (The Enlightenment), was merely a group of autocracies with kings, princes, and nobles living off the sweat from others. The masses came to understand that subjugation was unreasonable, and that kings allied with the religious institutions, were cruel and unfair. The pursuit of democratic government with parliamentary representation was on fire in Europe. Democracy was thought to be for the common good, but it was usually for the common good of the most powerful since mostly the clergy and landowners could vote and hold office. “Democracy” is basically the majority doing what is right in their own eyes, and republics are to allow the masses to be represented since everyone could not be parliamentarians. Elected officials became crooks who represented their own interests rather than the people’s; thus, the modern “Deep State” was born. Crooked politicians, bureaucrats, and the hidden powerful elite have always been the Deep State. Shady elitists are always the government within the government.
  Throughout history, democratic-socialists have always used their version of Christian Utopia for the common good of the people. However, those from which things are taken, to give to others, notice that what is for the good of others is not for their own good. With that paradox, force is required to “persuade” people to relinquish what they worked hard to obtain. With that, “benevolent socialism” turns to repressive communism. It has always worked that way because people love their freedom!
  In Europe, the trend was always the same  — from well-meaning democratic-socialists in a quick transition to oligarchical socialism, and when one person becomes the new “king” the common good is transformed into the “Chairman’s” good, and a new Caesar comes into power with the same evil realm with new nobles and gentry. Karl Marx knew and wrote that all along; that socialism and communism are the same. Benevolent socialism must always end up totalitarianism because of human nature. Inherently, everyone wants to be their own ruler, but everyone can’t be. Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” theory is what the most powerful use to rationalize that they are the ordained because they are the most special. Inevitably, the transitions are always the same — autocracies to deep states to chaos — with democracy and the promise of benevolent republics which end with just another form of malevolent Roman Imperialism.
  Marx said in advance that the United States would be difficult. Why would he think that? Because we had much liberty, and were well-satisfied with capitalism. He knew that would be a slower process and that truly educated people would see the cunning required of socialism. Krushchev, too, understood that Soviet Russia would never defeat Americans, but we would be defeated by ourselves. It is happening with the US Deep State at the present.
  It is not really conspiratorial,  but based on the general hatred of capitalism, democracy, and Donald Trump. Who has organized the conspiracy” Was he George Soros? No; he is an antichrist, but not THE Antichrist. The chaos in the US and the world is led cunningly by Lucifer. This is the “Age of Aquarius” as the song goes. It is the Age of the Antichrist, and what we are seeing today is due to his behind the scenes maneuvers. God has allowed plagues, tornadoes, earthquakes, and such to create the serious crises that the socialists require for their initiatives. Lucifer, as “prince of the air of the world,” releases things that plague mankind.
  Soros may think that he is leading that revolution, or even Obama, but all the while it is Lucifer who is instilling chaos and rebellion in the hearts of men for his good. Socialist revolution has never been about the common good but Satan’s strategies for the end-of-time government. Read scripture about the Apocalypse; what will you see? A transition from benevolent socialism to tyrannical communism worldwide in just 3-1/2 years. And yet, you are afraid of covid19! How well the Serpent deceives.

(picture credit of Brutus: Biography.com) Note Adam Schiff's resemblance of him!

Marcus Junius Brutus - - Biography

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