Monday, January 16, 2023


 I just finished writing a new book, thus far unnamed. To get an idea of its contents, herein I am publishing the postscript:


As a child, in rural Hazelwood, Indiana, I would lay on my back in the hot sun. As I laid there, my eyes would look into the sky and my mind would as well. Even then, I often asked myself, “Who did it? What is it all about?”

Of course, “it” was the Creation and the only answer Mom gave me was, “God did it.” She was a simple Appalachian woman and accepted without question that God did what scripture says He did. There was no science about it, but merely childlike faith. Jesus said that everyone should have faith such as that. I did not!

I always professed God because even the child me believed in God. However, I wanted to understand how God did it. That He did it was not enough for my young inquiring mind.

Paul spoke of the “Mystery of God” and all my life, my desire was the solve the mystery. I could have skipped all the study of science and philosophy because the answer was in the Book of Genesis of all places. John even pointed me there. The instructions were in the Book of John chapter one. John revealed the mystery and as such implied that to understand Jesus, all I needed to do is go back to the beginning.

I have spent more hours studying Genesis chapters one through three than the remainder of the Bible combined. As such, I discovered Jesus, and He was there in the beginning all the time just as John wrote.

There was a problem — one huge problem. God had confounded the languages for a reason; so that only those with bright eyes could understand that antiquated language. Nimrod had used understanding to stalk God, obviously to undermine Him  as he was the “Great Hunter.”

As hard as I could, I studied scripture in the English versions. They are versions of the events of the Creation. I wanted to know the best version, and that was the original script — Hebrew. Thanks to the works of James Strong, I could interpret the actual Words of God (Jesus Himself) in what I believe was His language.

Koine Greek was the common language of Jesus and the others in scripture. Theologians call the Greek “textus receptus” — the received text from Jesus, of course. Others may not, but I also accept the Hebrew as textus receptus; maybe not the exact language but as close to it as can be.

After studying the ontology of the cosmos for years, I am convinced that the Word of God is in the Hebrew language. No, Calvinistic Baptists, the King James Version is just another version; a good one but not perfect. Jesus never spoke in English, so the right thing to do is to believe the textus receptus.

The commentary that you hopefully just read are my words and my thoughts. However, none of those thoughts were from any person, but God truly inspired me! That sounds narcissistic and it is, but Paul thought the same thing about his inspiration.

I am humbled that God would groom me all my life to write this one book. As I type, my fingers did the “walking” as the popular saying goes. At times, my fingers just went where they seemed to want to go, and voila, even I was surprised. Whose “fingers” those were is ambiguous, but I believe that what I wrote was inspired. Of course, be careful in some places where I may have interfered with what God wanted me to say!

As light was revealed to me time and again, I was humbled. I did not know so many of those things, but God does. He showed me what I believe is truth.

Just as the Holy Ghost frightens Christians… maybe not Pentecostals… science frightens them as well. If science precludes the Word, that is frightening, but if it validates the Word that is emancipating.

What always created doubt in my mind, and does with others as well, is the “six-day creation.” Although God is Sovereign, omniscient, and  omnipotent, did He truly do the impossible in six days? He is God and He could have, but did He?

Then was when Hebrew became important. What were the Words God really said, or as close to them as anyone can expect?

What I found is that God described the process of baryogenesis perfectly, and it compares well with what science says, except for one thing — Who did it.  

Jesus said to “marvel not” but I marveled time and time again. God did create in six “days” but the Book of Enoch confirmed that those “days” are “ages.”

Even to this time, people say, “in that day,” meaning that period in time, age, or era. Enoch divided the processes in time as ages, and named them “I,” “Adoil,” and “Archas.” Science may have, but not precisely, named them “Boson,” “Hadron,” and “Fermion.”

Light in the form of energy fueled Higgs Boson, and from Higgs elementary particles, massive particles were divided out. Then Higgs gave way to matter, and matter to darkness — the unseen non-objective field.

Light and Higgs did not do the creating but perhaps God used those things, or things close to those processes, to fabricate all things.

Have I solved the old mystery of God? Probably not, but I have discovered that the mystery is true and have now confirmed my belief that God created it all! That was my doubt, and although, as a human, some doubt always remains, my faith has increased because now, for me, the things of God are reality.

That scares many Christians but brings comfort to my heart! The evidence of God is in the things we see. Add to that now, even the things individuals cannot see!

Now I am an old man. Perhaps God has revealed to me all that I need to know. Perhaps one day, some will reveal the apocalypse in the same way. When all that a person needs to understand is, Why me? then perhaps the only place to go is to go there.

Paul wrote, for him, death is gain. The gain may be experiencing what God had revealed to him. He knew a person who had gone there; in body or in spirit; he did not know. Perhaps he was speaking of Jesus, another person, or even himself. Maybe the gain is the same experience that Enoch had. He was so convinced that he need not die to go there!

The Book of Enoch is not canon, but it is valuable. It reveals science before the science! How else would the patriarchs of old reveal science unless they used scientific terms of their day. Welcome into the field of science… Adoil and Archas!

Now inquiring me can relax. I know the truth and it is comforting. My mind has been made free and now I can rest. Heaven is for real because God resides there, and science are discovering the reality of it all.

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