Sunday, July 7, 2024


Brilliant people are as subject to ridicule as much as fools are. Many famous inventors were mocked because or their inventive insight. Brilliant people were often considered fools in times past; people were just too dull in mind to understand the possibilities.

Thomas Edison, one of the most enlightened people of all time, was considered, “creepy and dangerous,” according to Atlas Obscura. About Edison’s even more brilliant rival, “In his later years, Tesla was regarded as an eccentric scientist. Ridiculed by his contemporaries, his ideas frequently appeared in works of science fiction” (PBS).

Neither Edison nor Tesla were mere inventors but brilliant minds that understood science. As a child, Thomas Edison was thought of as troublesome to say the least, according to the Foundation of Economic Education, some said that Edison was “addled:” 

In 1854, Reverend G. B. Engle belittled one of his students, seven-year-old Thomas Alva Edison, as “addled.” This outraged the youngster, and he stormed out of the Port Huron, Michigan school, the first formal school he had ever attended. His mother, Nancy Edison, brought him back the next day to discuss the situation with Reverend Engle, but she became angry at his rigid ways. Everything was forced on the kids. She withdrew her son from the school where he had been for only three months and resolved to educate him at home. Although he seems to have briefly attended two more schools, nearly all his childhood learning took place at home.

 “Addled” is archaic for confused. Imagine the mind of Thomas Edison, and even Nikolai Tesla, whose minds were on deep, introspective ideas rather than gulping down the ignorance that was taught by their teachers.

For instance, bloodletting had been used to treat various illnesses since ancient Egyptian times for about 3000 years. All civilizations bled the patient nearly to death for his or her own good.

Unknown is Edison’s opinion about bloodletting, but an equally fascinating scientist, Dr. Pierre Louis in France revealed the truth. Imagine the consternation when that one man sought to end a tradition that had existed for so long! Bloodletting ended during the lifetime of both Edison and Tesla who were rival ‘idiots’ in the minds of many.

Why did the nonsensical science of bloodletting prevail for so long? Because it had always been done, even without any proof that it helped. “Bloodletting survived for so long is not an intellectual anomaly—it resulted from the dynamic interaction of social, economic, and intellectual pressures, a process that continues to determine medical practice,” according to the British Columbia Medical Journal.

Doctors bled patients because they were expected to do something.

In this day, many stood in line to take a faux vaccine that did not prevent contagion merely because science was expected to do some thing. Gullible people were even expected to wear masks that did not work because they were expected to do some thing.  The concept of “bloodletting” remains to this day, not using leeches, but requiring people to do stupid things in a “scientific comedy” that makes them feel better!

On the other hand, Jesus was the real thing. Jesus, whose DNA was of Yahweh, as “The Son of God” had supreme knowledge; even at the age of twelve He was considered brilliant by those who heard Him teach to the most knowledgeable in the Temple.

While in the city, it seems that His parents forgot about the young boy. As it turns out He was in the Temple teaching them His “Father’s Business” (Luke 2:49). The chief  priest’s vocations were to teach God’s Business, but here was a young man teaching what they should have taught. Imagine the envy of the chief priests when they heard that Jesus was teaching the people things that even they did not know. [1]

Who was likely addled there? Jesus or the chief priests?

It came to pass, that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard Him were astonished at his understanding and answers. And when they (his parents) saw Him, they were amazed. (Luke 2:46-48)

The chief priests, as it turned out, were not amazed! They thought Jesus was a drunk and demon possessed. Whenever He taught in the synagogues many marveled, but others condemned Him; they thought that Jesus was confused. Imagine how addled they became when they heard His admirers call Him not only “The Son of David,” but “The Son of God.”

In the ending, it was the chief priests that were addled. Jesus implied that they had the greater sin but was graceful enough that He said about them, “They know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

Jesus was as much a genius as Edison and Tesla, even more so, because He had the knowledge of God in His great mind. He never thought trivial thoughts but was on a mission; He was not out to improve the world, but to create a perfect world without hatred, violence, sickness, nor even death. Silly Him, the chief priests might have thought; they could not even do that!

The people mocked Jesus: some spit on Him, He was blindfolded and beaten, they dressed Him like a king in jest — a court jester, and the chief priests themselves mocked Him for His claim to be God, “"He saved others, but He can’t save himself!” (Mark 15:31). That is after people called Jesus a ‘drunk’ and even a ‘Devil,’ while failing to realize that the real ‘Devil’ was in Judas.

The greatest mockery was that they detested Jesus just because He was Jesus; that He was “Ya(hweh) saves.”

In modern times, people who think they are God or king are called ‘schizophrenic,’ having delusions of grandeur. They thought that about Jesus too!

When Jesus returns be not surprised that the world will call Him, ‘Crazy.’ We should not be looking for a brilliant scientist to save mankind but One the general public and the media think is beside Himself.

Jesus having the power to heal the sick and cast out devils was ridiculed; the multitude were so aside themselves that they could not even eat bread! “When his friends heard of it (the healing and such), they went out to lay hold on Him: for they said that “He is beside himself.” (Mark 3:21).

What they meant was that Jesus was confused, or ‘addled,’ as some would say. Jesus was out of His mind, perhaps schizophrenic, they thought. (Tesla was thought of that same way.)

Ironically, Jesus was indeed soon ‘beside Himself’!

“Soon after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God” (Mark 16:19). He was God. He sat down on the throne of God as Himself. What they said in mockery soon became real, and now we know that neither Edison nor Tesla were addled men but brilliant minds!

This brings me to the subject at hand. We have been taught since childhood that Jesus was a ‘mere carpenter.’ That probably was derived from the translation of Mark 6:3. Jesus was not a mere carpenter but a “tekton’ in the original Greek. He was not to be mocked, but the word ‘tekton’ could mean many things. Since the English translations were introduced in the dark ages, Jesus was thought to be a carpenter for that was a prevalent trade at the time.

However, it was written that Jesus was a ‘tekton.’  That is much more than any tradesman; Jesus was an ‘artificer’ — “a skilled or artistic worker” (Merriam-Webster 2023). That was His Father’s business that He was teaching in the temple at age twelve.

What was His Father’s business? “God created the heaven and the earth:” (Gen 1:1)… “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, ‘Let there be light:’ and there was light, and God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness” (Gen 1:2-4).  The Father could have been a carpenter or a mason to do those things, but God was a ‘Supreme Scientist” such as the world has never seen since!

Yahweh was the ultimate ‘Tekton,’ standing above everyone in His field. Because of envy, Lucifer was the ‘Edison’ that thought himself better than ‘Tesla’ (Isa 14:13-14).

Jesus had the genetics of His Father; and only John saw that: describing Jesus, John wrote:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men, and the light shined in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:1-5)

Gen 1:1-5 was His Father’s business, and the business of Jesus was the Father’s business as related in John 1:1-5.

What were their businesses? The same business. Jesus was sharing those things with the doctors at the Temple. Jesus would have been describing how He made all things. Can you imagine how much those doctors learned from that youngster?

Some theologians say that Joseph taught Jesus, not only carpentry while they were exiled in Egypt, but also His Father’s Business. Not so! His parents were amazed at His teachings (Luke 2:48). Apparently, they listened to what their son was saying and learned astro-physics from that twelve-year-old prodigy whose intelligence was all the knowledge of all things. Jesus was not taught; He existed and did it all, and as such, depend on Jesus to do it again!

Jesus is diminished as even Christians call Him a “mere carpenter.’ He was a Tekton! A ‘technician’ is anyone that practices technology, but Jesus was not practicing; He was performing in reality how to make all things good. He is the Universal Body of Knowledge, and all other things are from that Body.

The root noun for tekton is tetk, meaning to mold, carve, and other things. (Harper 2001-2023).

That Jesus was a carpenter surely was believed because He was thought of as a carver of wooden things that were common to that era. Of course, He could have been a mason, or even a molder of iron and bronze, the two ages of the time of Jesus. However, His Father’s business was all technical things, even creating life! Jesus was not just a carpenter but the Creator; He was the “Husbandman” that His Father was because He is the Father made flesh (John 15:1). As the ‘Vine’ in that passage, Jesus’s business was an offshoot of His Father’s business.

In modern terms, Jesus was much more than a carpenter, not to diminish their artisanship; He would be called the ‘Greatest Astro-physicist’ ever; not only knowing the workings of God but doing them. Jesus is ‘The Science.’ The science is Existence and when Jesus said, “I AM THAT I AM” (Exod 3:24), that means that only He is “The Science”! Jehovah or Yahweh is The Science and so is Jesus.

Great care must be taken to consider the times in which scripture was translated. That Jesus could only carve wooden images makes Him nothing more than the father of Abraham who made images of God. Jesus Himself, as the ‘Father,’ made Himself an Image made of flesh — life — and when it was finished Jesus cut down the Image and the Father Himself left Him in phantom.

Einstein and Kaku should be mocked. They understood what God made and even credited it to God, but it is them that gets the glory. They made a name for themselves, all the while ignoring the Tekton that did it all — Jesus.

Jesus was the greatest Mind ever. His Mind was the very Mind of God, yet people think of Jesus as merely a Son of God. “Son” in that passage means genetics and that Jesus had the very DNA of Yahweh in His Person; there is no Father and Son, but both in One. The Spirit is the ‘Tekton’ that has the Power to do all things. The Spirit is the Father’s ‘Business’ and He is still in the Business of regenerating what He had made in the beginning. Jesus is still beside Himself in Paradise all the while the Spirit is the Power of the Tekton.

picture credit; "Saved Souls;" good wiki - Fandom



[1] I am often ridiculed even by some in my church for teaching things that they had never heard before.  They may be afraid of the truth!

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