Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Why We're Hated

Christians are hated; they have always been. In fact, when Christians were most persecuted is when the Church grew the most. When the apostate church persecuted, it grew even more! Why are Christians despised so much? Why is Jesus hated so? Let is look at a few verses which explains it all:

John 14:6 (ESV) "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. '"
Acts 4:12 (ESV) "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” 
1 Timothy 2:5 (ESV) "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus..."
John 3:16 (ESV) “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:36 (ESV) "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. "
What is the common theme not only in these passages but many more? Jesus Christ is the Way and only way to salvation - eternal life! Why does the world reject that notion? Because it is exclusive; it does exclude everyone except those who firmly believe in and accept Jesus as the way to Heaven.

During apostolic times the Roman world was an inclusive place. Therein, all religions were welcome save two. Do you chance a guess what two they were? Judaism and Christianity. Jews and Christians were persecuted because of  their notion of One True God. Because of the persecution of Christianity, it became the official religion of the civilized world. (Thank you Rome for persecuting Christians - we exist today because of your hatred for us!)
Matthew 10:22 (NKJV) And you will be hated by all for My (Jesus's) name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.  24:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake."
Since Jesus's death on the cross to save the world was the greatest demonstration of love, those who deny Him as Savior are the epitome of hatred. Hatred is often disguised as love. For example, the mob in the big cities who boycott "hate" do so by hatred! In the U.S., the division is clear: the true Church, and I'm not speaking of the apostate liberal denominations, are on the side of truth, and the liberal mob utilizes deception!

Let me also point out that the "conservatives" of the KKK, the neo-Nazis and hate groups, although some speak Christian words, are not Christians in practice. Nowhere is hatred acceptable in Christianity! In fact, these hate groups are not even conservative, they are remnants of the progressive Democrat Party who admitted to being the Party of White Supremacy up until modern times! In fact, only by the mid-1960's had "White Supremacy" been removed from all the seals of all the states' Democrat Parties! The notion that the Nazis are right-wing is a label bestowed upon them by left-wing intellectuals out of fear that their form of Marxism would hurt the progressives. (Compare the Nazis to the original left-wing, the Jacobians of France's first republic).

Why do I write about the hatred against Christians at this point in time? Because it is near what it was in Roman times. Hating Christianity is in vogue because, ironically, inclusiveness is in vogue. Anything not righteous is the new correctness. Indeed, political correctness is more about spiritual correctness in that truth is obliterated so as to appease the feelings of those who are not biblical Christians. Ironically, the liberal church excludes orthodox Christians from their number. By orthodox, I mean those who adhere to the original Christian doctrine as taught in Holy Scripture.

Inclusiveness is the mantra of the world even though they hate those who exclude of Jesus's truths. For instance, Christians who oppose open borders and mass immigration are labeled haters. Trump is a "hater" in the mode of Paul since he was the most notorious evangelist for Christ in spite of his past, and likewise Trump is today. Of course, Trump is not an evangelist but does propagate truth and is truly inclusive, including Christians as those who deserve including.

Inclusiveness was originally aimed mostly at the races. Gradually, it came to include ideas, and now encompasses behaviors as well. It includes any who do what is right in their own eyes, as scripture says people did back in the days of anarchy when there were no king (Judges 17:6). In other words, that means we Christian are forced to accept the sins of the people. That is PC gone wild!

Social inclusiveness is the  "affirmative action to change the circumstances and habits that lead to (or have led to) social exclusion." (Wikipedia). Since Christianity is the institution which represents the past of most western nations, Christianity has become the anti-thesis of inclusion. Hence, "social inclusiveness" has become religious inclusiveness as well, and ironically, Christian have been excluded by the political correctness policeman! Christianity is the epitome of religious exclusiveness by the so-called "inclusive".

At a seminar, a progressive from Canada who was a disciple of the New Age Movement, told me face-to-face, that because of their exclusiveness that Christians will have to be killed! He was serious, and he directed that at me! Of course, his proposal is biblical prophecy: we will be killed for our beliefs during the New Age World at the end-of-time tribulation period:
Revelation 20:4  "I (John) saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands."
The masses will gladly accept the mark of the beast. Even the elect (many Christians) will be deceived, and they too will be marked. The rest of us will die. The marked are those who accept the ideas of the world: the global government with an ant-Christ as leader and self-proclaimed god, and the religion of the world - an ecumenical group of those called Christians, many Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and even animists and Satanists. This inclusive new world will be just as the Roman world was in the time of the Caesars, and in the same way the so-called tolerant will, as always, exclude Christians.

Ironically, Islam has been included into this elite inclusiveness revolution. (It is a spiritual revolution and is already in progress. It is to free the world from "intolerant" Christianity).  It's paradoxical that the most exclusive religion on earth is included with the ridiculous notion of inclusiveness. Islam's aim is to destroy infidels - Christians and Jews, and to have a one-world government under Sharia Law. Their god will be a vengeful Isa, which name is Jesus in "English". For the undiscerning, their Isa's vengefulness aligns well with the anti-Christ who rules in the apocalypse!

We are hated by the world for Jesus's name sake although read John 3:16 above: Jesus so loved the world! How much did he love everyone? That he gave his only Son! Why did he sacrifice His only Son? That whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Now that is truly inclusive! The world includes everybody, but the terms are specific: No one comes to the Father except through me (Jesus). The world excludes itself from salvation by excluding Jesus from those they love! How ironic that those who are into inclusiveness exclude themselves from heaven! They kill their own gods - themselves because they have been deceived!

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