Thursday, January 16, 2025


The Book of Genesis is about the beginning of all things called the “cosmos,” which, according to Merriam-Webster, is “an orderly harmonious systematic universe.

One thing that is often missed is that the beginning never ended; it is ongoing, even to this day. In other words, the universe (cosmos or “world) is still being created. The majesty that can be seen from the Hubble and James Watt Space Telescopes (JWST) are recording the Creation in living color. Giant nebulae like the Eagle Nebula create stars and stars create planets.

Science, as exemplified in the link below, are calling the Creation by its right name — the “Creation.” When they even say “cosmos” that is an admission that order and harmony is displayed in the heavenly bodies compared to chaos and chance.

After seeing the recent photos, some taken with infrared filters to see the unseen, any rational person should understand that chance could not have done those things, let alone is still doing them in the same order as in the beginning.

Genesis is the “generations” of all things. Scripture, referring to the genesis of all things says, “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” (Gen 2:4). The word, “generations,” is not negligible; generations are “proceedings” from the Hebrew word, toldot. We can still see the processions of the stars from the nebulae where stars are born which the word “generations” denotes.

Father God did not complete His work; it is ongoing, and we can still see it happening! Indeed, for God, time does not exist, and now Michio Kaku parrots that.

Note the use of the English word “day” about the ongoing creation process — “the day that the Lord made the heaven and the earth.” Scripture says that God created all things in six days then rested. In the Hebrew each “day” is translated from “yom.” Is it really, though? Since the Creation is still ongoing, since the beginning is one day, age, eon, or even aeon (eternity).

Linguists say that when it is written yom, it means “one day” in the English. However, Genesis is about the generations (plural) as a “day.” When did the generating quit? It never has. Time is ongoing and never ends. Time is infinite and eternal. Time is incremented for the benefit of mankind. Kaku also said that “time is a construct of man.” Time is indeed eternal, but it is incremented for our use.

The generations from the genesis of the cosmos never ends. The cosmos is dynamic and as one star dies out others are born. Never will there be the annihilation of all things, and billions of years from now, the cosmos will still be forming, dying, and reforming.

God is not just the beginning — the genesis of all things but the workings seen in those telescopes is God’s handiwork. They show that God is not dead but is as dynamic and mighty as He was in the beginning. God said, “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Rev 22:13).

“I AM” indicates that God is THE EXISTENCE — JHWH; that He is the beginning and the end. Existence is eternal and there was a beginning and the generations remain ongoing. The end is not the end for there is no ending. God was implying that He is eternal. The JWST reveals that God still exists and doing what a god is noted for doing — He is creating right now, and the eyes of those telescopes see it.

The “day” (yom in the Hebrew) describes the ongoing procession of heavenly bodies. We think of “heaven” as beyond reality, but it includes all the lofty things (samayim in the Hebrew) both seen and the unseen. Because of the procession of the cosmos time does not exist. Time never began in the heaven. Things now are just as they were in the beginning and that is Dynamic — of the Good God.

There may be some confusion about God’s resting (sabat) on the seventh day (Gen 2:2). He “desisted from exertion,” according to Strong’s Dictionary. He did not end His work but accomplished His business. No wonder Jesus asked about His service to mankind, “I must be about my Father's business?” Yes, He must. That was one of the eleven “must be’s” about salvation.

The Father aspect of the Godhead is Virtue — His Good “Dynamic.” God accomplished His plan and set it all in motion. It was not that He sat still for awhile but removed His Dynamic and everything continued because He set all things in motion.

“In the beginning” was not time related. It was literally of the “first rank” (ibid). God created the heaven and the earth in one “day” or at zero instant in our time. Once started, all things kept going. God only intervened when new things were generated. All the cosmos was done not in time, but with one “Word”  coming undone” as Enoch wrote:

I (God — the Father) commanded in the very lowest parts, that visible things should come down from invisible, and Adoil came down very great, and I beheld him, and lo! he had a belly of great light. And I said to him: “Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of thee.” (2 Enoch 25:1-2) 

The link that I will provide demonstrates that the visible things come down from the invisible. 

And I summoned the very lowest a second time, and said: 'Let Archas come forth hard,' and he came forth hard from the invisible. And Archas came forth, hard, heavy, and very red. (2 Enoch 26:1-2) 

Hard things come forth from the invisible. In the video the “Pillars of Creation” are revealed that had been hidden in the cloud of the Eagle Nebulae. Coincidence? Really? 

You may not realize it but when you look at the stars and such, you only see some things that God made. However, the Hubble and James Watt space telescopes see the invisible things that He made as well, using infrared filtration.

The things we see, we now know, are the evidence of things that remain unseen. Does that sound familiar? It should; Paul said it: “The invisible things of him from the Creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead” (Rom 1:20). That has been proven now. Science thought that the Eagle Nebulae were the Pillars of Creation” and with infrared filters, they see the invisible things hidden in the dust of the clouds therein. (Watch the video in the link following to see God exposed by His handiwork. 

Hubble Telescope's Stunning View Of The 'Pillars Of Creation' Explained | Watch 

God is Dynamic unless He comes to rest, as a cloud by day or a pillar of fire by night (Exod 13:21). When God stops, then His other substances are revealed, just as in quantum theory. When God rested, that may not mean He sat down on His throne but that He appeared in a very different form. Resting implies that the Divine Cloud — the Holy Spirit of God — could be seen as a man-like figure in phantom — the Holy Ghost.

In Genesis chapter three that bodily-shaped image once a cloud or pillar of fire was revealed as a phantom existence (selem in the Hebrew) in the Image of a man walking (Gen 3:8).

God could be detected by His actions — walking and speaking — but He remained invisible, except to Adam and Eve who had bright eyes, according to the Books of Adam and Eve. They could see unseen things with the naked eye whereas we can only know things are there by the visible things we can see.

If we had had the ability to peer into the Garden, we would have “seen” God not in person but by the rustling of the grass and the audible sound waves. Dynamics are evidence of God and the best evidence now available are space telescopes that capture the Dynamic of God anytime and all the time.

When did time begin for mankind? With the original sin… “In process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord” (Gen 4:3). “Time” is also yom.

Time was for those outside the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24) on planet Earth. In the Creation that still continues, time does not exist. God kicked it off with His Divine Dynamic and it still spins and such as He planned. Hence, indeed, in the Creation, time does not exist. Things continue to go their way just as God revealed to Enoch long ago before the flood.

The dynamics of the cosmos is living proof that God is not dead. In the end, however, He will show His dissatisfaction with the annihilation of one-third of the things that He has made. 

And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. (Rev 8:12) 

If the JWST and Hubble Telescopes are not enough to persuade you that God is alive, then perhaps destroying a third part of the Creation might be! Unknown is how long the luminaries are altered, but after all, in the heavens, time does not exist.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Must be: dei  It is necessary for something to be. “To be” is understood in each instance. “To be” implies existence whereas “I am” means “I exist.” So, dei anything is the necessity in existing in some state or the other.

The states are underlined in each passage following: Each subject must exist in certain states.


·        New wine must be put into new bottles. (Mark 2:22) (Leathern bottled that must be exercised, or cleaned; a vessel in general). Our old vessels must die before new vessels are filled..With what? The “wine,” or blood, of Jesus.

·        Scripture must be fulfilled (Mark 14:49). How is scripture fulfilled? That Jesus would be born and die.

·        I must be about my Father's business? (Luke 2:49). What is His “Father’s” business. Father is “pater” meaning the souce of the genetics of Jesus. His Father’s business was engendering — “generating.” That’s what a God is noted for. Jesus came to generate as well. He would engender those who trusted Him.

·        The passover must be killed (Luke 22:7) Jesus must not be passed over — taken in vain — but killed. Costly Grace.

·        The Son of man must be delivered … and be crucified, (Luke 24:7). For us to exist, Jesus must be delivered rather than us. He must literally be staked or impaled. That is what happened. Jesus was both staked and impaled so that we need not be. He was the perfect sacrifice because we were not!

·        All things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, (Luke 24:44). All things about Jesus. “All things” are listed in Psalm 22 beginning with “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” He was nailed to be forsaken, or in my words, “disassembled” as it was finished, Him giving up the Ghost.

·        The Son of man must be lifted up? (John 12:34). Fot us to live again; Jesus must be raised. Raised from the Greek is “assembled.” Indeed, Jesus was re-assembled at the resurrection.

·        You must be circumcised. (Acts 14:25) Your flesh must be die, meaning that your heart must be renewed. The “heart” is what? Your inner being that exists beneath the flesh.

·        You must be born again. (John 3:7). Gennao (ghen-nah'-o). anothen. Gennao is generated. How was Adam generated? From God above. God began by generating Adam in His own Image (Selem, meaning a “shadow or phantom being.”. How we do not know, but rebirth is God generating us again as with Adam. The process id called “regeneration” and the product is God, or Christ in us.

·        There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Saved is sozo in the Greek, literally “made whole.” Our souls are re-assembled to our bodies very much like Jesus, “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a Voice (The Word that spoke with Adam) came (ginomai) from heaven, which said, “You are My beloved Son” (Luke 3:22). The genome of God came unto the genetics of Jesus. Somehow God made Jesus the “Last Adam” as scripture says, and His purpose was to quicken us who believe in Him, “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” (1 Cor 15:45) Jesus was the one that made Adam alive and the substance for the soul of Adam. Adam had Christ in him.


So, we must be born again! The Image of God must come into us. Rebirth is a start,a but we must be fully regenerated, going from babes in Christ (1 Cor 3:1) to those sanctified in Christ., “We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Heb 10:10.

Adam was sanctified; he was set apart in the Garden of God, ostensibly for safety from the wiles of the wicked one. When was Adam saved? When the Body of Christ was offered.

DNA Man credit Shutterstock

Thursday, January 9, 2025

LILITH: Introduction


 Who is Lilith and why should anyone care? I believe that Lilith is in the world even to this day. Many people with esoteric knowledge still see her in the same way that Christians “see” God and His invisible realm as scripture relates: “The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made” (Rom 1:20).

Just as God, the angels, and the otherworld can be seen by the things that are made, so it is with all the invisible creatures with dark natures. Those creatures are called “demons.”

The existence of Lilith is legendary, even mythology, but people still believe she existed; did she really? “Really” is reality.

What is reality? People accept things they can sense as reality: touch, feel, taste, hear, and smell. However, is reality limited to the sensory faculties, or are their other senses?


While the notion that people have five basic human senses is often considered a universal truth and can be traced back to Aristotle’s De Anima (On the Soul), many philosophers and neuroscientists are now debating whether we may have anywhere from 22 to 33 different senses.

Among these lesser-known senses are equilibrioception, which is associated with our sense of balance; proprioception, which enables us to know which parts of our bodies are where without looking; and chronoception, how we sense the passing of time. (Crable 2022)


Recently, it has been suggested that even the hair senses and transmits information. (Neporent, 2023). I wrote in my book about the Quantum God about the hair as an instrument of some type of invisible, or sensory, power, or both: 

There is something about the hairs of the head that is mysterious. Samuel got his strength from his long hair and when it was cut, his strength waned. With his long hair, his strength was the Power of God, but when Delilah sheared it, Samson lost his power. God was somehow entangled to Samson, meaning that his hairs were the “antennae.”

“She (Delilah) made (Samson) sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.” (Jud 16:19)  

Samson had his strength from God, and it was made dynamic through his hair. Within the hair of Samson was virtue leaving God unto Samson who should use it for good. When Delilah cut Samson’s hair, she stole his power and along with it the virtue coming from God, Of course, Delilah was a woman but what spirit was within her?

A Christian friend does not believe in demons. However, just as Satan was in Judas, there could be a female counterpart.

It is deduced from scripture that angels, even demons, are asexual (Mat 22:30) but while on Earth, in our reality, demonic angels, called “Grigori” from the fifth heaven are sexual creatures: 

The men (angels) took me (Enoch) on to the fifth heaven and placed me, and there I saw many and countless soldiers, called Grigori, of human appearance, and their size (was) greater than that of great giants and their faces withered, and the silence of their mouths perpetual, and there was no service on the fifth heaven, and I said to the men who were with me: Wherefore are these very withered and their faces melancholy, and their mouths silent, and (wherefore) is there no service on this heaven? And they said to me: These are the Grigori, who with their prince Satanail (Satan) rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven, and three of them went down on to earth from the Lords throne, to the place Ermon, and broke through their vows on the shoulder of the hill Ermon and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity. (2 Enoch 18:1-3) 

First off, for the Grigori, there was “no service in heaven,” in agreement with scripture about marriage (coupling) in heaven. However, Grigori angels could copulate on Earth with Earth women. Demons are unattractive and grim evil spirits that can take on human form to engage in sexual intercourse.

From the Book of Jasher, it is learned that those ugly demons can take on beautiful shapes as if they are women. In the Books of Adam and Eve and Their Conflicts with Satan, several times ugly demons came onto Adam as beautiful women.

With that background, angels, even good angels, can appear as men as they did to Lot in the Bible (Gen 19). Therefore, angels can morph into men or women, and from asexual to sexual. They can engage in sex with either men or women and are bisexual beings as the occasion arises to benefit Satan.

From Jasher, angel-men (Grigori) engaged in sex with women (Gen 6) and created a new kind with the features of giants. They surely looked the same outwardly except for height but inwardly, they were still those ugly creatures that were revealed to Enoch. Unless they morph, Grigori are invisible to earthlings. Their purpose is to entice both men and women to lust.

Many of you have encountered men posing as young beautiful girls on the sexual media. In the mind’s eye, wise men should see them for what they are rather than what they seem to be, The same applies to any encounter with provocative women and for women virile-looking men. None are what they seem to be.

When Samson lost his power was it a beautiful woman that cut his hair or Lilith?

When we lust after those grinning girls on the Meta® platform, are we lusting after them or some ugly Grigori like Enoch saw?

Although the visible world is taken to be reality, the invisible world is just as real. If anyone does not believe there is a similar but undetectable world, they are missing from whom Jesus came to save mankind.

The theme of this book is the search of the real Lilith… in search for the “Unholy Grail.”

Lilith was indeed of the first creation if the evidence is true. In the pages following, readers will search for the creations as well. Lilith may have been even before the creation of the world and will be there until the end.

The Babylonians believed in Lilith: 

The earliest iterations of Lilith appear to come from the Sumerian class of sexual demons known as the LilĂ» (feminine form: Lilitu). In Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story Gilgamesh and the Huluppu Tree (ca. 2000 BCE), Lilith appears as a "shrieking" vampiric demoness who destroys the Huluppu tree and flees to the desert after Gilgamesh slays the serpent-dragon:


“And the dark maid Lilith built her home in the [Huluppu] trunk…

Gilgamesh struck the serpent who could not be charmed.

The Anzu-bird flew with his young to the mountains;

And Lilith smashed her home and fled to the wild, uninhabited places. (North Arizona University n.d.) 

Figure 1: Lilith by John Collier

Lilith was mentioned by name as early as 2000 BCE but by nature in the beginning. She was surely in the Garden before time even began.

The Bible mentions Lilith only once by name as the “screech owl” at the end of time in the world, “(When) all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll… The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl (lilit; pronounced lee-leeth') also shall rest there and find for herself a place of rest” (Isa 34:4,14).

Lilit was there at the Creation and her destruction will come in the end, as such Lilith yet lives! Where do demons live? In men and women. Asexual creatures seem to imbue both men and women to have their way. Is that the way of Lilith? We shall see.



Wednesday, January 8, 2025





There is a divine relationship between planets and animate beings. Not to support any new age philosophy, there is both a scientific and theological explanation for that.

First things first: The Word said to Adam, “for dust you are, and unto dust shall you return” (Gen 3:19).

There was an affinity between the new kind of creature and the ground of the planet Earth: Not only was it the Lord’s Garden, but it was the “ground” (Hebrew; adam) on which the LORD GOD planted the Image of Himself, so to speak. It was His own “Divine Seed” that was planted, and since the person, Adam, was of God and the ground, he was called the “Ground” (Adam in the Hebrew), or more precisely the dust, or atoms, of the ground. Mankind to this day have the same composition and in the same proportion as the elements of the ground itself.


Scientists think planets, including the ones in our solar system, likely start off as grains of dust smaller than the width of a human hair. They emerge from the giant, donut-shaped disk of gas and dust that circles young stars. Gravity and other forces cause material within the disk to collide. If the collision is gentle enough, the material fuses, growing like rolling snowballs. Over time, dust particles combine to form pebbles, which evolve into mile-sized rocks. As these planetesimals orbit their star, they clear material from their path, leaving tracks of space empty but for fine dust. At the same time, the star gobbles up nearby gas and pushes more distant material farther away. After billions of years, the disk will have totally transformed, much of it now in the form of new worlds. Watch the video to see this process unfold. (NASA n.d.)


Figure 2: A Planet Forming (NASA) (ibid)


Now compare the formation of planets to the formation of Adam: 

There went up a mist from the Earth and watered the whole face of the ground (adam)and the Lord God formed man (Adam) of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (Adam) became a living soul. (Gen 2:6-7) 

In my own caricature art, God’s formation of Adam was much symbolized by my own imagination. Artificial intelligence from the Paint application somewhat re-created the formation of the first Adam (see the figure below).


Figure 3: Formation of Adam (by Herrin)


As you can see, the Earth was the “turntable” on which the clay of Adam was formed. God provide the dust and the water from the ground (adam) and Adam was the offshoot that was created, or literally from the Hebrew, he was “cut.”

Cutting was the formation of the man, Adam, from the material substances of the Earth, and the pattern for Adam was the invisible Image of God Himself (Selem in the Hebrew). God cut clay from the clay of Adam has he formed it by His divine Hand.

Then as you can see from the following scripture, God took the prototypical man and planted him in the Garden of the Lord to multiply. Multiplication was not meant to be sexual, but some type of asexual reproduction of the Image of God, perhaps like a spiritual “cloning” of sorts. (The woman was the first “cloned” from prototypical Adam.) 

And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Gen 2:6-8) 

“Eastward in Eden” was not directional but the antiquarian way of saying, “before time.” God planted Adam in the Garden before time, hence, all the Creation was before time began.

There were many characteristics shared by man and the planet Earth” (1) Their compositions are of the same elements, (2) and in the same proportions; (3) their creation processes were identical; (4) each were meant to be eternal, and (5) the same Divine “Hand” turned them both. The “spin” of both planet Earth and Adam were the same because the Earth, in a sense, was the “turntable” on which Adam was formed.

Many Jews have written that the “Foundation Stone” beneath the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the very stone on which Adam was founded and that, that stone is the very “navel of the Earth” as well as the celestial axis of the cosmos. Hence, Adam and the “world” have the same origin — the center of the Earth or “ground.” [1]

I tried to demonstrate in figure #3 that premise. Note that the “invisible hand” of God is invisible in both figures #1 and #2 and that the foundation in my image might represent the throne of God, or perhaps more so, His footstool as scripture indicates (Mat 5:35) with His throne in heaven in a like but different realm. (There is some type of “cord” between God in heaven and us on Earth. (That “cord” is telephonic and genetic!)

Solomon said about death, “Or ever the silver cord be loosed” (Ecc 12:6). Life, therefore, would be the silver cord be bound, or even converged.

Furthermore, that silver cord, from the Hebrew, is literally “a pale twisted thread” (Strong 2006). A pale twisted thread is chromosomal and perhaps in two carbon helix chains, or DNA as it is now called. DNA is carbon based and from the dust of the ground that began as star dust before the foundation of the cosmos wherein time did not exist.

The Phantom of God might very well be chromosomal and since it is in the shape of a body, our version of that could be the “ghost” of a human being, or the human “soul.” [2]

The original symbiosis between the two is called “quantum entanglement” because of the different but shared characteristics. Of course, entanglement is on a sub-atomic scale, but God may have used the same kind of process on macro-processes. Ironically the man Adam is made of atoms and within all his atoms lies sub-atomic particles. The man and the planet even share the same atomic processes!

So, what is quantum entanglement? 

A property of a set of subatomic particles whereby a quantum characteristic (such as spin or momentum) of one particle is directly and immediately correlated with the equivalent characteristic of the others regardless of separation in space. (Wikipedia 2024) 

The “spin” for the planet formation is by the divine hand of God as it was for the man, Adam. The momentum of the planets in space, without resistance, is constant motion. In the same manner, Adam was to be constant, or the world to have no effect, nor affect, on him.

Space separated both Adam and Jesus from the planets. No wonder the former is the “first Adam” and the latter, the “last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45) because they were both “entangled” with Father God. “Father” indicates genetics. They were both “sons of God,” meaning that they were of the same genetics as God. Jesus was the “quickening Spirit” around which the first Adam’s Image was formed, from the same passage.

The point to all that discussion is that creation was a “symbiotic” process, to wit: 

Relating to or marked by symbiosis: characterized by living in or being a close physical association between two or more dissimilar organisms. (Merriam-Webster 2024) 

The creation of Adam was very similar to the formation of planet Earth, but dissimilar at the same time. Adam was in “symbiosis” with the ground of the Earth, so hence his name. His soul was symbiotic with God because of the Image of God within Him. Pre-incarnate Jesus was that phantom Image that stood on the molding turntable that I fabricated in figure #3 to symbolize the molding process of God.

Because Venus is the “bringer of light” planet, then Jesus and Venus are symbiotic, not in substance, but energy. Because Mars is without an atmosphere, it is a phantom planet for its light is the reflection of the Sun from iron oxide on its surface.

Mars mirrors the elements on its surface, so the light from it is basically a shadow of the planet itself. (Remember that a shadow is just a darker frequency of light because photons of light are in space and flash on and off so frequently that they go unnoticed). Mars would represent the Phantom of God — the Holy Ghost.

That leaves Jupiter. How is Jupiter and God alike? Jupiter is the Dynamic planet that shed many moons (95 some say) and the first planet in the solar system to exist. It is the “Father” of them all — the first planet seeded in the solar system and at one time, science says, was all alone until others were created. Perhaps God created those three planets to symbolize the Godhead, and He would have done so before the foundation of the world (the cosmos).

The planets grew, in as sense, from the most supreme of the light — the Sun and from the Sun, Jupiter came first and the others followed. Planets multiplied just as God meant for earth creatures to multiply; not by sexual dynamics but Spiritual Dynamics and Himself the Dynamic (Virtuous) Existence in them all!

Mankind was meant to be one body and that applies to the planets of Mars, Venus, and Jupiter; they were meant to shine as one when a certain event came at the right time.

Mankind was to be constant like the planets, always returning with quantum entanglement to reveal the Substances of God entangled with each other in the Godhead.

That “Superstar” that came from the three sub-stars; that was God’s creative attempt for mankind on Earth to understand that they were seeing the Godhead in formation with Jesus at its “head” with the shining light of Venus the most prominent.

[1] Life as we know it is probably not on any other planet unless it is of the same elements of those planets. Perhaps they should not be looking for mankind on Mars but living stones of another kind. If there is animation on other planets, they would be far different that God’s creatures here on Earth.

[2] Sacred literature describes the soul as the exact shape of the person’s body down to the fingertips and toes. That implies that the bodily shape of the Holy Ghost, and our soul, is the shape of our bodies but of a different substance.

Sunday, January 5, 2025



Notes for my Facebook Live Commentary


 A new year a new OPPORTUNITY. 

The Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall you have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation” (Lev 23:23-24)

Rosh Hashanah (“head of the year”) celebrates the new year, and it is the Jewish seventh month Tishrei 1. 

God’s people are to have a Sabbath.

The Jews consider Nisan 1 as the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Nisan 1 is the beginning of the lunar new year. 

Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of Man. In Jewish practice, the months are numbered starting with the spring month of Nisan, making Tishrei the seventh month; Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the new calendar year, is also actually the first day of the seventh month. (Wikipedia)

Since Tishrei 1 celebrates the Sabbath when God rested and is the seventh month,working backwards Nisan 1 is the New Year or the a commemoration of the Creation of the first man when God rested, and Nisan 1 a celebration of the beginning of the Creation. 

In the seventh month God is honored for what He did from the first to the sixth day of creation, ending when He breathed life unto the first man, Adam. 

We are Adam, so Rosh Hashanah commemorates mankind in his glory. 

What is glory? Likeness to God. 

The western world uses the civil calendar once based on the position of the Sun to the Earth on various months of the year. In modern times most of the world uses the fixed date on the Gregorian Calendar set at January 1st. That is the Gentile version of Rosh Hashanah. 

Rather than celebrating a New Year, Christians celebrate the beginning of Creation on January 1st. 

Trumpets were blown to commemorate when God rested from His work of Creating. Rosh Hashanah celebrated God’s Creation and commemorated His new creatures after the angels fell. 

Although the dates are different, the celebration should be the same. On January 1st, to honor God is a time to commemorate ourselves new creatures in Christ. 

As such New Year’s Day is to commemorate our rebirth (born again; John 3:7).”If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor 5:17). 

New Year’s is a celebration of old things passing away and all things becoming new. It is the opportunity of the Christian to commemorate God by a renewal of your relationship with Christ. 

It includes taking a Sabbath from the workings of the world and an opportunity to restart a new beginning in Christ. 

To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of His calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power. So that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thes 1:11-12 RSV)


1.     God may make you worthy (by grace).

2.     Fulfill every resolve for Good.

a.      Resolve from the Latin resolvere: loosen, set free, etc.

b.     (John 8:31-2) “If you continue in My word, then are you my disciples indeed;

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

c.      New Years is a time of reflection and to make resolutions. What were you last year, and what is it that God desires for you that are good?

3.     By His Power… you are not alone.

4.     So that Jesus may be glorified in you and you in Him. (Glorification is goodness like God… in the Image of God just like Adam in the beginning.) You resolve to be the living Image of God! Will you come short? Willingness is the key.

5.     And by grace, as God intended, not of yourself but with the Power of God.


How to be resolute:


·        Pursue love (1 Cor 14:1)

·        Gentleness (kindness) (Prov 15:1,28)

·        Be careful with your words (words hurt) (Prov 12:18)

·        Reasonableness, impartiality and sincerity (Jas 3:17)

·        Resolve animosities with others (Mat 18:15-17)

·        Do what is honorable and peaceable ((Rom 12:17:21)

·        Through generosity and thanksgiving (1 Cor 19:11)

Saturday, December 28, 2024


Something unusual happened when Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary! Things in the heavens converged as the “Holy Thing” in the womb of Mary merged! 

Gabriel, the angel of God spoke to Mary about her future and God’s plans for her when he said:

The Holy Ghost shall come upon you (converge) and the Power of Highest shall overshadow you; therefore also that Holy Thing which shall be born (conjunction) of you shall be called, “The Son of God” (Jesus) (Luke 1:35)

While all this was happening in the womb of Mary much the same was happening in the “womb” of God, if my vision is true. Was the convergence of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus the “star” that the wise men followed. 

Stars do not seem to move in the cosmos, but planets reflect the light of the Sun as they converge into one planetary thing that resembles the brightness of a star as they first converge then and align. 

In like manner, conception is a convergence.; not just the convergence of a sperm onto an egg in the womb of a woman, but in the case of virgin Mary, the substances of God converged within its own little “cosmos” (the womb) and a “Star” was born — Jesus Christ “Superstar,” Just as the Abrahamic Covenant promised: 

(God) brought him (Abraham) forth abroad and said. “Look now toward the heaven and tell the stars, if you be able to number them”and He said to Him, “So shall your seed be.” (Gen 15:5)

The wise men did just that; they looked at the stars. In those ancient times all the planets were called “stars.” They looked at Jupiter, Venus, and Mars (Ares) and saw the Seed of Abraham which Matthew chapter one identifies as Jesus.

As there was a convergence of those three “suns” to form a “star,” the same convergence seemed to be happening in the womb of Mary as Pisces rose introducing the Christian Era on March 23, 6 BCE. That seems to be when the substances of God came together to form the “godhead” as all the substances of God came together in homeostasis in the manner of the three planets.

Now consider the following graphic: 


First off, Venus represents the “bright and morning star" as well as the evening star. Jesus is the bright and morning Star (Rev. 22:2). It is indeed bright yellow like a sun.

Next consider Jupiter… it is considered a “gas giant.” It was the first planet to be formed, so it was the sole existence before time began (beyond the Sun). It is the “father” of ninety-five moons. Surely, it is symbolic of God just as it was Zeus who the Greeks considered the “father of all gods.”

So, in Judeo-Christianity, let Jupiter represent “Father God” just as the Greeks did for years.

Mars is also a bright planet with a ghostly atmosphere attributed to its iron oxide surface. Without an atmosphere, it is a desert planet and pretty much a “ghost” of planet Earth. Allow it to represent the Holy Ghost.

In fact, Mars, in ancient times was Ares — the Ram. The ram was the alternate sacrifice of the son of Abraham which was a “shadow” of the real thing to come long after. Mars has a strong solar wind, so it is the ideal planet to represent the “Holy Spirit” as a wind (Acts 2) and in the shape of a heavenly body.

I am persuaded that when God formed those planets, He had Jesus in mind, and so it is written: “Father, I will they also, whom You have given Me, be where I AM; that they might behold My glory which You have given Me for You have loved Me before the foundation of the world” (John 17:24).

The wise men were beholding the glory of God when they saw the alignment of the three stars into one while God’s glory was working in the womb of Mary simultaneously.

The cosmos is the celestial body and the “womb” of God in a sense: “In the beginning, I created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1). That was the entire cosmos; the visible and the invisible. The world (kosmos in the Greek) was a “womb” in which He made things.

Convergence is dynamics, implying Virtue on behalf of God (Dynamos in the Greek; dynamics in the English), When God came to rest in the beginning, He was in alignment as all things came together.

The convergence of three heavenly substances into one bright star is much like the divine conception of Mary.

Whereas Jesus was the “Son of God,” He received the genes of God from the “Father” — the LORD GOD.

Mary supplied the human genetics to make Jesus. Again, God divided the waters from the waters (Gen 1:6), or figuratively, the semen from the semen, or the particles from the particles to make dry land; that being representative of Jesus — the “Last Adam” from the land (The ground is Adam in the Hebrew).

God separated and made into one “star” from the three planets within the many planets at the same time In like manner, He separated the many genetics of men and made them one with God.

The conception of Jesus was pictured in the creation. He was the “Holy Thing” that was made in the womb of Mary in symbiosis with the star thing made in the heaven.

The cosmos in the graphic represents the celestial dome with God above it beyond the tenth heaven as Enoch wrote. Adoil came down and Arkhas came undone, according to Enoch.

In the beginning, Adoil came down and Arkhas came undone. The planetary convergence reversed that; when Adoil converged, and the “Holy Thing” was finished when the Godhead was in alignment. The planetary convergence and alignment repeated the creation process, or so it seems. What might Adoil be? The Godhead. What is Arkhas? The divergence that would be reversed when Jesus was conceived.

Mary was not the mother of God but the host who provided a clean womb.

God was the LORD GOD and it was Him that provided the clean “womb” for the creation of all things.

With all those coincidences, it makes sense that the convergence of the three “suns” into one was symbolic of the conception of God’s three substances into one Godhead, and a Superstar was born that He called Jesus.









God created man in His own image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them. (Gen 1:27) 

That is not how we are, but how were! We were sons of God, but because of sin, mankind devolved. Now we are like the beasts even since birth: 

Like King David who wrote, “I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5). We are all born short of the glory, or Image, of God. (Rom 3:23). We are not the children of God bur are born beasts inwardly, so who are we more like” The Beast. 

This will humble you as it has me! My own narcissistic attitude faded when I learned how decadent, even depraved, that I was before I was born again; albeit it was a very slow and painful rebirth. 

Adam died just as God had warned; the male and female of God’s kind devolved. They were not what they once were. In the beginning they were glorious. 

First off, this commentary is not about the end of time, but the “Beast” within mankind.  However, to get an idea about the identity of the Beast, I turn to the vision of John: 

And the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. (Rev 13:2) 

Because we are of the Wicked One; that also describes us (mankind). 

The “Beast” (Therion in the Greek) is “a savage animal, in general a small animal” (Strong 2006). John described the characteristics of the Beast that he saw: like a leopard, would walk like a bear, and have the mouth like a lion; furthermore to have the power of the dragon. 

That does not mean that the Beast would be a hybrid animal at all, but its countenance would be like them. 

First off leopards are wild creatures that blend in with their surroundings. They are in camouflage so that they go undetected. However, when least expected those who walk in its territory become prey. The leopard has no mercy for killing for it is instinctual. 

So, to avoid the Beast, Christians are to be sober and vigilant because the Beast, like the lion above may devour us, is our adversary, the Devil (1 Pet 5:8). 

About the bear’s feet: bears have five toes just like humans. However, they are much larger. The Beast will not have feet like bears, but they symbolize tracks to be followed (according to In other words, Christians are to be wary of whom they follow. Indubitably, Christians are not to follow the world, or to be like the world. 

However, who do most follow? The other “beasts” in the world. 

The world is a place of danger, and for those in the world, the flesh is a great danger to them. 

They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. (Rom 8:5) 

There are two resources for our power: (1) The dragon — the beastly “Serpent” who is cunning in his ways, or (2) the Power of God which is truth and light. 

The flesh is not so much a protection but vulnerability to the things of the world. Our flesh makes us just like any of the other animals, except for one thing: we have a soul that can either be vacant, full of iniquity, or righteous. 

John was describing THE BEAST, but human beings are like the BEAST: 

You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of (the flesh) your father (genetically) you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44) 

Biologists have labeled mankind as the third kind of gorilla. 

Hanno, the Carthaginian explorer wrote about their findings in the fifth century B.C.: 

…we came to the end of the lake, overhung by some very high mountains crowded with savages clad in skins of wild beasts who stoned us and beat us off… (after sailing several more days, the expedition came to another island like the first, full of savages) …By far the greater number were women with shaggy bodies, whom our interpreters called Gorillas… We caught three women, who bit and mangled those who carried them off, being unwilling to follow them. (Hanno ca 425 B.C.) 

 Hanno discovered gorilla’s and mistook the females for “women.” They were another species who he thought were human beings. They were intelligent “being unwilling to follow them.” 

Before that, they had seen much the same thing, men and women who were “savages.” Hanno saw little difference between the beings in skins of wild beasts and the beasts themselves. Left to their own devices, those ancient savages of Morocco were hardly different from the apes! 

Gorilla’s look like men with few exceptions. Their DNA is 98.5% like ours. 

That was not always true; God created mankind in His Image, and sin mutated us to the point that we are much like beasts: with digestive tracts, pudenda, and now even with limited intelligence. 

(Adam and Eve) felt great trouble from the food they had eaten, and to which they were not used, they went about in the cave saying to each other:-- "What has happened to us through eating, that this pain should have come upon us? Woe be to us, we shall die! Better for us to have died than to have eaten; and to have kept our bodies pure, than to have defiled them with food."

Then Adam said to Eve, "This pain did not come to us in the garden, neither did we eat such bad food there. Thinkest thou, O Eve, that God will plague us through the food that is in us, or that our inwards will come out; or that God means to kill us with this pain before He has fulfilled His promise to us?"

Then Adam besought the Lord and said, "O Lord, let us not perish through the food we have eaten. O Lord, smite us not; but deal with us according to Thy great mercy, and forsake us not until the day of the promise Thou hast made us."

Then God looked upon them, and at once fitted them for eating food; as unto this day; so that they should not perish. ( 1 Adam & Eve LXV:2-6) 

The kinds: Adam-kind was dominant over all the beasts of the Garden. He named all the other kinds that were lower than himself. Then the woman sinned, was beguiled, and the male named her kind “Eve” (ḥaua; Pronunciation khav-vaw'). 

Eve was a new kind, no longer glorious and because she was the mother of all living, Eve is our kind, not the glorious Adam. She was “beguiled” — She looked the same, but the Wicked One put guile into her. 

John wrote about Eve’s offspring: “We should love one another; not as Cain, who was of that Wicked One, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. (1 John 3:11-12). 

Cain became like the other beasts that killed each other because they were instinctive. No longer was our kind dominant, but the Beast — the Wicked One — dominates us. 

We may look like glorious people from a distance but inwardly, mankind are born like the beasts and die without mercy as if we are beasts unless we are changed within. 

Speaking of our animalistic tendencies, James wrote, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up” (Jas 4:10). He will change our nature, and in the end, our fleshes. 

Jesus explained how: “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). 

What keeps people out of the Kingdom of God? Our beastly natures. In Paradise, we cannot behave how we do here. It will be a place without death or sorrow, so beastly humans would have no place there. 

(God) drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life. (Gen 3:24) 

To come back into the Garden Paradise must be born again — engendered from above, by God.