Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hebrew Letters in Human ID


 A blurb from my current manuscript about the alphabet in both us and the creation:


You may have missed it but 1999 it was finished — “The Human Genome Project.” 

On December 2, 1999, in the journal Nature, scientists announce that they have sequenced the DNA of a human chromosome for the first time. The genetic sequence of chromosome 22 is one of the first major findings of the Human Genome Project, an international scientific effort to decode the instructions for life hidden in our cells. (A&E Television Networks 2024)

Ironically, the month of December, 1999, was the dawning of the age of Aquarius, according to some; and it is the beginning of the Luciferin Age.

“Hidden” means encoded; human DNA is hidden in genetic sequence of chromosome 22. Is it merely coincidental that the Hebrew aleph-bet has twenty-two characters and that character 22 is the letter tav — the cross? Is it significant that chromosome-22 has the human experience sequenced in it? By now it should be evident that the aleph-bet is a way to divinely communicate with our genes and our very livelihood.


A black x on a white background

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The genetic sequence of God is the aleph to the tav called the “alpha and omega” in the Greek. 

The double-helix of the DNA consists of chemical bases, known by their initials A, C, T and G. Sequences of A, C, T and G create genes, which encode the instructions for making proteins, the building blocks of life.

Chromosome 22, researchers discovered, contains nearly 33.5 million chemical bases and at least 545 genes. Eleven gaps remained, which scientists could not fully decode with available technology. This (almost) complete sequence of a human chromosome was a major step towards unraveling the complete human genome. (ibid) 

ACTG in the Hebrew is aleph – gimmel – tav – zayin. The pictographs for each, respectively, are the ox, the footprint of the camel, the cross, and a plow (or weapon.)

An ox can represent either power or life itself since it too is an animal.

Of course, the camel is an animal too, but the pictograph is just the footprint of the camel whose print looks like the human mind with its two hemispheres. Not only that, but although the camel is not there, its footprint is. Perhaps it represents the phantom soul of man, selem in the Hebrew. It could also represent the human heart — the so-called “seat of emotion.”

Our kind has both the ox and the footprint of God for the letter gimmel represents the “ghost” of the missing camel.

One may recall the poem, “Footprints in the Sand,” wherein the footprints represent the times that God carried you through the hard times. Well, the gimmel is the footprint of the invisible Yod.

The camel represents many other qualities in scripture: as vessels for living water, as the Messiah, endurance, survival, servanthood and many other camel characteristics. An entire chapter could be written about that divine animal as a “picture” of the Holy Ghost. Indeed, for the ancients, the camel was their “comforter” as the Holy Ghost is to Christians. They serve humans and take a knee to us.

In Hebrew, a “blessing” is God taking a knee to mankind. A mockery is us taking a knee to God insincerely. Camels take a knee to us and carry our burdens just as the missing Messiah’s servanthood is assumed by the Holy Ghost of the Messiah (designated by the Hebrew letter Vav.).

The gimmel is always there, but a vav may be in sound only. In a manner, the gimmel is the placeholder for the vav. Indeed, the camel served man until the Messiah (the Vav) arrived on the scene.

The gimmel is the nature of the camel in mankind. We are to serve others as the camel serves us.

Camels are instinctive, knowing good and evil. They can be kind or vicious. Even when I was at my worst in life, a tame camel at the San Diego Zoo shadowed me and when I was least aware, the camel spat at me! The camel knew my spiritual condition and I realized that it did.

The “T” is the letter tav, representing the cross. Within the genetic code is the need for salvation, if my thoughts are correct. Instinctually, people know that they are lost and no more than the beasts. That indeed is humbling, but the potential and hope of salvation remains in everyone. The tav in DNA-22 may indicate that mankind is not totally depraved but mostly so. There is hope because there is a tav in our blood yearning to be beheld (hey).

Lastly comes the zayin (the “G”). Its number is seven, the number of God. There does remain some God in us, and for that reason, the grace of God (the “G”) is human potential.

Whereas the vav represents the straight light from God, the zayin represents reflected light. Mankind is a “reflection” of God, not the true vav — the straight light but the reflected light from God. Mankind was made in the Image of God. That “Image” is “Selem” in the Hebrew, characterized by the letters tsade – lamed  - mem.

The lamed represents the way of the Most High God, the tsade is a man crawling on a journey, and the mem waters, or the blood.

First came the tsade as a man crawling like a beast. The lamed is a raising up as if God breathed breath unto him, and that is exactly how God lifted man from the other animal kinds.

The letter mem represents separation and indeed God “crumbled” off Adam from Himself among all the other animals, as the word “dominion” implies (Gen 1:26).

The Hebrew aleph-bet reveals the construct of mankind, and that God encoded it into the genes of mankind; and now it is observed by the Human Genome Project that the aleph-bet, or alphabet, reveals the kind of creature we were meant to be and all in the 22nd chromosome.

Of course, anyone can say, “That is mere coincidence,” but a multitude of coincidences do point toward truth.

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